http://www.howtoteachdog.com How to Train a Yorkie - 4 Easy Tips To Train A Yorkshire Puppy

How to Train a Yorkie - 4 Easy Tips To Train A Yorkshire Puppy

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How to train a Yorkie is a question that new Yorkie owners ask all the time. Yorkies are small in body but have huge personalities. Training a Yorkie when it’s still a puppy will give you the best chance of success, so it’s is advisable not to leave it too late. If you are looking for information on how to train a Yorkie, then we have pulled together 4 simple tips which will help you.

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How to Train a Yorkie - 4 Easy Tips To Train A Yorkshire Puppy

Page 2: How to Train a Yorkie - 4 Easy Tips To Train A Yorkshire  Puppy

How to train a Yorkie is a question that new Yorkie owners ask all the time. Yorkies are small in body but have huge personalities. Training a Yorkie when it’s still a puppy will give you the best chance of success, so it’s is advisable not to leave it too late. If you are looking for information on how to train a Yorkie, then we have pulled together 4 simple tips which will help you.


How to train a Yorkie

Page 3: How to Train a Yorkie - 4 Easy Tips To Train A Yorkshire  Puppy

1. Get the Yorkie to learn its name. Yorkies are very intelligent small dogs and are quick to learn. When addressing your dog say its name in a high voice as dogs tune in to higher pitches better than lower. Have some treats in your hand and call the dog. To begin with, the dog will probably just sit looking elsewhere, but eventually it will look toward you. When it does it, say its name again and reward it with a treat. Do this again and again and it will eventually turn its head when you say its name. When giving the Yorkie treats, try small pieces of chopped carrot. Don’t start a puppy off on sweet treats at a young age. Carrots help strengthen teeth and are very nutritional.


How to train a Yorkie

Page 4: How to Train a Yorkie - 4 Easy Tips To Train A Yorkshire  Puppy

2. Potty training a Yorkie. With any puppy, it is very important to have patience when potty training. Yorkies in particular take time for their kidneys to fully develop so potty training is not something that will happen over night. When the puppy piddles on the floor or carpet don’t smack it or rub its nose in the mess. This is cruel and will have a negative effect. Instead gently lift the puppy towards the door of your house and set it down outside. Say the words ‘busy, busy’ (or ‘potty, potty’). You can also lay out a newspaper near the door and when you see the puppy crouch or preparing to pee, just gently lift it to the newspaper and say the magic words again. ‘Busy, busy’. Pretty soon, it will start to associate going for a pee with the newspaper and the words ‘busy, busy’ and you will be able to take it out a few times a day and it will do its business in your yard or out in the street


How to train a Yorkie

Page 5: How to Train a Yorkie - 4 Easy Tips To Train A Yorkshire  Puppy

3. How to train a Yorkie to sit on command. Yorkies are very active and run around a lot. Getting them to stop and sit when you tell them is difficult, but can be done with some patience. Have some treats in your hand and wait for your dog to sit all by itself. This might take a while, but when it eventually sits, just say ‘Sit’ and reward it with a treat. Repeat this many times and it will soon associate the word Sit with sitting down


How to train a Yorkie

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4. Getting a Yorkie to stay. Try this in your house at first where there is less distraction. Get the dog to sit first and then back away from it whilst maintaining eye contact. Go about 5 or 6 paces and then stop. As you are backing away from the dog, repeat the word ‘Stay’. For the first few times the dog will probably follow you because it will think you want to play. Repeat the exercise over and over, rewarding it on the times it does stay with a treat and plenty of ‘Good Boys’, or ‘Good Girls’.


How to train a Yorkie

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Those are 4 basic tips on how to train a Yorkie and once you master these the rest will come with time. Want to know more about important dog commands and solutions on Yorkie’s behavioral problems ? Click here to find the right methods from professional dog trainer.


How to train a Yorkie