HOW TO SPOT A PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE PARTNER (The Complete Guide to Passive Aggression) This book helps you manage the confusion induced by a passive aggressive marriage and find your way around it. In this book, we look at your marriage from your own perspective. You’re trying to make sense of one of the most contradictory situations you can find: at the same time your husband says that he is in love with you, he is actively discouraging you, his so-called “loved object,” from getting too near. Understanding and detecting this ambivalent behavior is quite an art. It can drive someone who has no idea and expects a straightforward behavior crazy. It takes several years to get to know the sneaky ways in which this behavior manipulates a spouse into believing that if only she puts more attention, more love or more patience, things will change. It is useful, then, to get to know the main aspects of this

How to spot a passive aggressive partner

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(The Complete Guide to Passive Aggression) This book helps you manage the confusion induced by a passive aggressive marriage and find your way around it. In this book, we look at your marriage from your own perspective. You’re trying to make sense of one of the most contradictory situations you can find: at the same time your husband says that he is in love with you, he is actively discouraging you, his so-called “loved object,” from getting too near.

Understanding and detecting this ambivalent behavior is quite an art. It can drive someone who has no idea and expects a straightforward behavior crazy. It takes several years to get to know the sneaky ways in which this behavior manipulates a spouse into believing that if only she puts more attention, more love or more patience, things will change. It is useful, then, to get to know the main aspects of this behavior, and when recognizing them, apply a strategy that can protect the spouse (and save the marriage).

A letter from our reader, Louise:

“What is so inspirational about this book by Neil Warner is that rather than putting the blame firmly on the passive aggressive partner’s shoulders, he

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looks at the passive aggressive traits as almost a separate entity to the person themselves. From an outsider’s point of view it would seem hard, if not impossible, to have a loving and solid relationship with someone who is constantly demeaning you and not able to show their innermost emotions but learned traits such as these aren't necessarily anyone's fault. Learning to live with this behavior is a key feature to having a solid marriage and this book gives great advice on how your relationship can be altered slightly to take into consideration both partner's feelings. Forcing a passive aggressive person into a corner by forcing them to confront their emotions will eventually drive a wedge between you and the inappropriate behavior will just get worse. I think this book is a great help” -- Louise

Highlights from Readers of: How to Spot a Passive Aggressive Partner1. He is now frozen in time, dealing with you and every other person in the

same way he did as a child, because emotionally, he is still a child.By 80 Highlighters

1. They have a deep fear of expressing anger directly to whoever is aggravating them, thus having to resort to covert abuse to express their frustration and anger.

By 79 Highlighters1. Marriage is a shared endeavor, and we need talk to share opinions, ask

questions, and decide issues. If your silent partner bails out from this task, and leaves you alone to decide things for the two of you, you don’t have a husband. You have a dependent child. It’s now the time for you to make that distinction.

By 74 Highlighters1. A passive aggressive husband can drive his wife into a crazy and confused

state, but he seems sincerely dismayed when confronted with his behavior. Due to their own lack of insight into their feelings, the passive aggressive person often feels that other people misunderstands them or are holding them to unreasonable standards when confronting him about his behavior.

By 73 Highlighters1. Passive aggressive people have an ax to grind concerning past situations

where their anger was not allowed to surface. Probably in their family of origin, there were threats of abandonment or other punishment preventing them from being honest with their feelings, and thus they never learned how to be able to express them in the most appropriate way.

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By 73 Highlighters