Generous with our Time How do we be generous with our time in a life that has so many demands? Sunnyside Wesleyan Church January 10, 2016 Teaching Series: Generous matthewlaker.com @Matthew_Laker

How to do we be generous with our time in a life with so many demands?

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Page 1: How to do we be generous with our time in a life with so many demands?

Generous with our Time

How do we be generous with our time in a life that has so many


Sunnyside Wesleyan Church

January 10, 2016

Teaching Series: Generous



Page 2: How to do we be generous with our time in a life with so many demands?

Do you feel like this?



Page 3: How to do we be generous with our time in a life with so many demands?
Page 4: How to do we be generous with our time in a life with so many demands?

What Values are driving

how you use your time?



Page 5: How to do we be generous with our time in a life with so many demands?

Scarcity Mindset

• Pastor Brent Sermon Scarcity Mindset -


• God is not concerned about our perceived speed of time, but how we use

that time.



Page 6: How to do we be generous with our time in a life with so many demands?

• To foster our faith, we need to be both generous and focused with our time.



Page 7: How to do we be generous with our time in a life with so many demands?

How do we be generous with our time in a life

that has so many demands?

1. Perspective

Page 8: How to do we be generous with our time in a life with so many demands?

How do we be generous with our time in a life

that has so many demands?

1. Perspective

Philippians 3:20 But our citizenship is in heaven.

Page 9: How to do we be generous with our time in a life with so many demands?

How do we be generous with our time in a life

that has so many demands?

1. Perspective

Philippians 3:20 But our citizenship is in heaven.

How does the message and life of Jesus change how we view and use our




Page 10: How to do we be generous with our time in a life with so many demands?

How do we be generous with our time in a life

that has so many demands?

1. Perspective

2. We remember we are Stewards of time.

Page 11: How to do we be generous with our time in a life with so many demands?

How do we be generous with our time in a life

that has so many demands?

1. Perspective

2. We remember we are Stewards of time.

"Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because of the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is." Eph 5:15-17 (ESV )



Page 12: How to do we be generous with our time in a life with so many demands?

How do we be generous with our time in a life

that has so many demands?

1. Perspective

2. We remember we are Stewards of time.

3. We remember we are called to serve. In Serving we are like Christ.



Page 13: How to do we be generous with our time in a life with so many demands?

How do we be generous with our time in a life

that has so many demands?

1. Perspective

2. We remember we are Stewards of time.

3. We remember we are called to serve. In Serving we are like Christ.

“just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." (Matthew 20:28- NIV)

Ephesians 4:1 The apostle Paul writes "Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God."

Page 14: How to do we be generous with our time in a life with so many demands?

How do we be generous with our time in a life

that has so many demands?

1. Perspective

2. We remember we are Stewards of time.

3. We remember we are called to serve. In Serving we are like Christ.

4. Principles from the life of Jesus on time.



Page 15: How to do we be generous with our time in a life with so many demands?

Principles from the life of Jesus on time-

Observation from the life of Jesus

• Jesus is not rushed.

• Jesus gives time for people and sometimes just one person.

• Accepting interruptions.

• Season of time

• Focused - New his calling


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Page 16: How to do we be generous with our time in a life with so many demands?

What about you?

• Check your expectations.

• Time management.

• Season of life.

• Prayer –

“Jesus, how do you want me

you to my time.”

Jesus, how do you want Sunnyside to use our time”

To be generous with our time and Christ focused with our time will lead to a fruitful life.

Page 17: How to do we be generous with our time in a life with so many demands?

May we be a community that is generous with our time, focused with our time,

filled with continued grace.

