Resumes and Interview Mudaser Ahmed Awan 13 July 2015 Please learn and SHARE

How to crush an interview & resume mudaser

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Resumes and InterviewMudaser Ahmed Awan

13 July 2015

Please learn and SHARE

Why am I doing this?

My Goal is to create 10x value addition in everyone's lives.

Its your life: you are responsible for

it….. Its only a ONE time

event….CRUSH it.

No lethargy….No Excuses…

Companies Downsize all the time(International


• Projectized organization vs Functional Organization

• Rexona….Dalda…

• You will do the same in your company (Akhbar Waala)

• Business is business and a cup of tea is a cup of tea

• Hard FACTS

• Bullet on Head or Cut the Arm (TOUGH Choice)

• Boss knows who passes time and who does real work (HALWAI)

• Business Goals and Objectives change all the time


• How to become indispensable at work.

• Why learn this skillset?

• Purpose of Resume

• Purpose of Interview

• Resume Tips

• Interview Tips

How to become indispensable at work?

• Right Niyat….Right Attitude (Role)

• Stand for Quality and Perfection.

• Go out of the way to get things done.

• Go beyond job/task description.

• Sell yourself, communicate.

• Do the work that matters, not the work that’s easy.

• Find some task that needs to get done by the organization and make sure that you are the

only person who knows how to do it.

• Most employees just execute, but if you’re one of the few who are constantly

coming up with new ideas and are taking on new responsibilities that aren’t

required of you, this will go a long way in making you indispensable.

How to become indispensable at work?

How to become indispensable at work.

• When you work for a man, work for him.

• Managers need help and support to do their jobs well and having a reliable team member makes a big impact.

• Remember that your job is to make your supervisor’s job easier.

• Make your boss successful (Tandoor: Mujhe kamiyab karne ke liye 20 naan or bhejiye…)

• How much value do you add at work?

• Give your absolute best.

• Give more than your salary. [Over Deliver]

• Be Thorough in whatever you do. (Lock the room)

• Go beyond Duty.

(Stop the attitude: Ye tu mere kam nahin hai)

How it can be done VS Why it cannot be done

Always propose solution with the problem

Manage your own monkeys (The one minute manager meets the monkey)

Commanders Intent (Hazrat Umar rz)

How to become indispensable at work?

How to become indispensable at work…

• Be at the top of your field. (ODESK Profiles, You should know who are the TOP 5 in what you do)>>Connect with them.

• Stand for Quality

• STOP Cribbing (I Love my JOB)

• Have alternate source of Income. [respect office timing, Hilal Rozi]

• Learn to take mental fatigue

• Take on challenges with a SMILE and do your best to get them resolved.

• Invest in YOU. [set a %age of salary]

• Master a language that’s not required of your position.

How to become indispensable at work….

• Be a thought leader. Come up with unique valuable ideas that benefit your company, dare to disagree with the team.

• Be a team player.

• When completing your work, you should always ask yourself: Have I taken the extra step? Has my report/response truly added value to the bottom line of this company?

• Be committed. Commitment to quality

• “If you are the best at what you do, you are likely to be the last one to go.” Firedman

• Stay current with technology and trends.

• Learn to appreciate

• Continually improve your oral and written communication skills.

How to become indispensable at work….

• Always try to offer solutions.

• Be consistently reliable and trustworthy

• Hold the mindset that change provides opportunity.

• Do not over focus on the next job position but rather on the skills to be developed.

• I like to say it like this: “You have to do the job before you get the title.”

• Exhibit the ability to get ‘stuff ’ done. (Jawad Parracha)

• Treat everyone with genuine respect.


Part 2

Difference between Resume and CV

• A resume is a one or two page summary of your skills, experience, and education.

• While a resume is brief and concise -- no more than a page or two -- a curriculum

vitae is longer (at least two pages) and provides a more detailed synopsis.

• A curriculum vitae includes a summary of your educational and academic

backgrounds as well as teaching and research experience, publications, presentations,

awards, honors, affiliations, and other details.

• In Europe, the Middle East, Africa, or Asia, employers may expect to receive a curriculum


Resume Tips

• Always include a cover letter

• Include a QR code linked with your website/linked in account.

• Keep linked-in profile updated.

• Be Different to stand out of the crowd

• Focus on specific results and achievements.

• Use Action Words like “Managed” coordinated.

• Describe details of each position that you list.

• Ask friends to proof read your resume.

Resume Tips ..

• Make sure that your resume is tailored to the specific position that you are

applying for.

• If HR > Match Job Description (first, same words)

• IF Tech Manager> Go Extra

• Select a clear, easy to read font and an organized layout.

Resume Delivery

• Presentation

• Good quality printout (colored preferred)

• File it neatly

• Cover Page

• Cover Letter

• Resume

• CV

• Experience/ Work Profile

• Certificates (Optional)

Resume Don’ts

• Don’t use standard templates.

• Don’t add page border

• Don’t add your image

• Don’t add references unless asked for

• Don’t share your family details

• Don’t clutter the page (CV with small fonts is not a Resume)

Interview Tips

Part 3

Connect with the real power

• Before Interview

• Give Sadaqa

• Ask your parents to make dua for you

• Read Sura yaseen

• Recite: 3rd Ayat of Sura Yaseen

• Recite the dua

• Have Faith that whatever Allah does is best for you.



• There’s too much competition. You need to network, communicate, and

engage with people as the “you” you want to be, and you won’t get there by


• Not lie, deceive or cheat but be smart and proactive.

• Use Facebook, Twitter, Linked in the right way.

• Be Original

Interview Tips

• Know yourself and know that you want to do.

• Shame on you, for not googling and know who you are going to talk to and the company!!!

• Match the job description with Cover Letter and Resume.

• Reflect someone who they want to hire,...More is not better, bigger is not better....Better is Better. Have the good stuff on ONE page..

• Always need to practice before the interview. Practice and prepare. Record and see how you look like...actually physically do it.

• Look Good: Dress conservatively....go there before and see what people wear and put on something like that or better. Brag book... informal>photo album...awards and accolades...Be cleaver about it.

• I will take out you to lunch. You got to do what you got to do.

More interview Tips

• Bring Brag Book: Letter of recommendations.. .anything that you can use to set yourself apart...

• Always visualize a successful interview.

• Be on Time. One wrong thing you can do is show up late. There is always traffic. Do not showup late. Worst way to make up first impression.

• Use proper language.

• Send a Thankyou note. Stamp...mail it ... actually receive it.

• Evaluate the interview.. What did you do right ...What did you do wrong....

More interview Tips

• Talk about successes in terms of how you helped make other people's jobs easier.

• You should discuss your achievements in terms of measurable successes like an increase in productivity, but you also need to be able to explain how you helped your co-workers.

• Identify the type of person they are looking for and think of concrete examples of times that you have solved problems at your workplace in the past.

• Talk about what you learned from others in your past jobs, not just about what skills you brought to your past positions.

• Show that you can adapt and learn.

• Answering difficult questions….intelligent guess…loud thinking. (Raja Asad)

Bottom Line: Preparing, be creative, going an extra


Most important 5 Questions

Practice your responses beforehand.

1. Tell me about yourself ?

• Who you are is different from who you are as a product?

• Be SuperYou

2. Why do you want to work here?

• what you are going to do for the employer. Explain why they should Hire you because you are going to do X,Y,Z for the company.

3. What are your strengths?

4. What are your weaknesses?

5. Do you have any questions?

What Questions should I ask?

• What are your plans for growth in the company?

• What value can I add to your company?

• What areas of growth is your company having problems in , that I could

perhaps help in?

How to End interview

• Say Thanks… for…it was a good experience…

• Try to develop some relationship with the interviewer and let him know that

you would like to stay in touch…

• Send Letter in mail.

Failing an interview is not end of the

world…learn and grow continuously.

….Push Yourself

Request for Prayers

Mudaser Ahmed Awan

[email protected]
