http://ruby.org.in How To Check A Real Pearl Stone (7 Steps) Have you recently purchased a ruby gemstone and concerned about that whether it is natural ruby gemstone or fake ruby gemstone? It is relevant to get anxious since, we know that ruby is an expensive gemstone to afford and it costs an arm and leg to purchase this gemstone. So, it is required to investigate properly from your end before making a decision to buy this ruby precious gemstone. Nonetheless, if you don't know how to check that whether ruby is real or fake; so don't worry go through the below given instructions which will aid you in buying a natural ruby gemstone. Also Read Ruby- The Birthstone Of Month July And Its Benefits Check the color of this gemstone. Since ruby gemstone are of deep red color. Thus, before purchasing this gemstone pay an utter attention on color characteristics of the ruby stone. while examine the color of the stone, if you find color of the ruby gemstone dull, light red or pink in color; then avoid those stone as they must be fake ruby stone. Moreover, even if the stone is profoundly dark though it should be avoided because it may be garnet.

How to check a real ruby stone in 7 steps

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Page 1: How to check a real ruby stone in 7 steps


How To Check A Real Pearl Stone (7 Steps)

Have you recently purchased a ruby gemstone and concerned about

that whether it is natural ruby gemstone or fake ruby gemstone? It is

relevant to get anxious since, we know that ruby is an expensive

gemstone to afford and it costs an arm and leg to purchase this

gemstone. So, it is required to investigate properly from your end

before making a decision to buy this ruby precious gemstone.

Nonetheless, if you don't know how to check that whether ruby is

real or fake; so don't worry go through the below given instructions

which will aid you in buying a natural ruby gemstone.

Also Read Ruby- The Birthstone Of Month July And Its Benefits

Check the color of this gemstone. Since ruby gemstone are of deep

red color. Thus, before purchasing this gemstone pay an utter

attention on color characteristics of the ruby stone. while examine

the color of the stone, if you find color of the ruby gemstone dull,

light red or pink in color; then avoid those stone as they must be

fake ruby stone. Moreover, even if the stone is profoundly dark

though it should be avoided because it may be garnet.

Page 2: How to check a real ruby stone in 7 steps


1. Check the cut of the stone; a natural or certified ruby gemstone

could be symmetrical facets from all the sides. Moreover, the

facets of the real ruby stone would be crisp and smoother; on

the other hand a fake ruby stone will have dull facets which are

easily recognized. However, the shape of the stone should not

be perfectly rounded or square. If the shape of the stone is

perfectly rounded or squared; it is a clear indication that the

stone is fake.

2. Examine the stone closely, if you see any bubbles or gas streak

then it is a fake gemstone. Moreover, if you spot a ruby

gemstone without any tiny flaws; so it is clear indication that

the stone is fake.it is very rare to find a natural ruby gemstone

without even a single inclusion. A small or few inclusions in

the ruby stone is acceptable.

3. Don't buy ruby gemstone with fancy names as such "cultured

ruby gemstone" "pure ruby gemstone". As these could be fake

ruby stones.

Page 3: How to check a real ruby stone in 7 steps


4. To find the best quality ruby gemstone compare it with the

piece of glass. If in case it appears difficult to distinguish

between a glass and ruby. Then it is a fake ruby stone.

5. To know whether the gemstone is original or not try to scratch

the stone with a hard material or against tiles. If you get to see

any scratches on the ruby gemstone;then it is a fake ruby stone.

Since, ruby is hard material; on the hardness scale it is just

second to the diamond. Thus, it is impossible to spot a scratch

mark on the certified ruby gemstone.

6. However, in case if you are not satisfied with the above

mentioned ways to check whether the ruby gemstone is

original or fake. In that particular case, you may seek advice of

the gemologist, who will examine the authenticity of the stone

by some specific tests such as light absorption, synthetic

inclusions, x-ray test of the stone etc.


