Dealing With Overwhelming Emotions As A Parent

Dealing WIth Overwhelming Emotions As A Parent

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Dealing With Overwhelming

Emotions As A Parent

Page 2: Dealing WIth Overwhelming Emotions As A Parent

Super Parent Syndrome

Many parents feel like they aren’t doing a good enough job. Being a parent is very hard, and nothing can prepare you for it. Don’t worry. There is no such thing as a perfect parent.

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Get Off Facebook

People love to show off how great of parents they are on social media, and this can make struggling parents feel bad. However, what they post doesn’t paint a full picture.Everyone has hard moments, despite how it may seem. Disconnect from social media for a little bit - don’t worry, it will still be there when you get back.

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Family And Friends Are Trying To Help You

People love to comment on every aspect of other’s parenting styles, despite the fact that no two situations are ever the same for different people.Remember that they are trying to help, even if they seem judgemental or are lacking empathy.

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Guilt - A Tough Emotion To Tackle

Guilt is another common emotion that is challenging to deal with.Many situations can cause guilt, like not being able to do everything you want for your children, or having to spend time away for work.Some tips to manage guilt as a parent include:

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Talk About It

Never keep guilt bottled up inside. Talk about your feelings with other parents you know, or anonymously on online forums if that’s more comfortable for you. You will undoubtedly run into many other people who have felt the exact same way.

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Be Kind To Yourself

Guilt appears when we become disappointed in ourselves, something that often happens when we fail to meet our expectations. Don’t set them unrealistically high. You are only human, and nobody is perfect - nor can anyone ever do it all. Everyone makes mistakes, and that’s fine.

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About Starlight Baby:Starlight Baby is the world’s #1 up-and-coming brand for baby and toddler products. It is our goal to provide products that are not only a great value, but are the highest quality and safest products available on the market. Because let’s face it – our children are worth it.On our website, you’ll find free articles that will make your job as a parent easier, providing answers to all of the questions you’ll face going through the wonderful joy of parenthood. We’d love to have you visit us over at http://Starlight-Baby.com

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