CRUELTY TO ANIMALS By Natasha Kadam Roll no 76 D batch

Cruelty to animals

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Page 1: Cruelty to animals

CRUELTY TO ANIMALS By Natasha KadamRoll no 76D batch

Page 2: Cruelty to animals

CONTENTS Introduction Animals killed for food –KFC and Mc

Donalds torture. Animals in Entertainment Clothing Experimentation How can we help? Bibliography

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CRUELTY TO ANIMALS Cruelty to animals, also

called animal abuse is the crime of inflicting suffering or harm upon animals, for purposes other than self- defence.

Today humans have become selfish enough to kill other living beings i.e. animals for their own pleasure and needs. But people do not realize that animals too have the right to live on this planet as much as we humans do.

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ANIMALS AS FOOD As Paul Mc Cartney has said- “If

slaughterhouses had glass walls we would all be vegetarian” is so true.

Over 10 billion animals are slaughtered for human consumption each year such as Cattle,chickens,pigs etc. Laying hens are kept in tiny cages, and many of the hens die from stress or disease.

These animals will never raise their families, root around in the soil, build nests, or do anything that is natural and important to them. Most won't even feel the sun on their backs or breathe fresh air until the day they are loaded onto trucks bound for slaughter.

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KFC AND MC DONALDS Not many of us know the truth

behind the “HAPPY MEAL” served in mc donalds or the chicken bucket served in KFC.

KFC and Mc. Donalds are two leading fast food ventures involved in bird torture.

Activities: hanging the birds upside-down by their legs and running their heads through an electrified bath that often doesn't shock them sufficiently to be knocked unconscious as their throats are slit and their bodies are dunked in tanks of scalding-hot water for feather removal.

Their beaks are chopped off by hot blades.

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elephants have killed 43 people. That proves that Elephants are peaceful animals and do not harm unless for their own defence.

Cruel sports such as Bullfights still exist in today's world, being incredibly gruesome and cruel, with animals being tortured and having spears thrown into their backs until they finally succumb to a slow death.

Circuses,zoos,marine parks,advertisements,tv shows,movies,horse racing.

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CLOTHING Not many of us know that

more than 50 million animals are violently killed for use in fashion every year.

Bold fashion statements are a result of death of numerous exotic animals like leopards,snakes,zebras etc. We can instead use artificial or synthetic fur and leather.

Minks,foxes,rabbits are killed for fur to make beautiful fur coats.

Cows for leather to make jackets,belts, bags etc.

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EXPERIMENTATION Nowadays, many animals are

being used in scientific and medical research.

They often undergo cruel methods of testing and suffer greatly as a result.

The Draize eye test is an example -it is used to test shampoos, weed killers, pesticides etc. The substances are applied to the eyes of conscious rabbits in order to test irritancy.this is the heights of cruelty.

Body shop a cosmetic brand is strictly is against animal testing.

Nivea and Revlon also do not test on animals.

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The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act,1960 is a federal law of India enacted to prevent the unnecessary pain or suffering on animals.

Which forbids people from hunting,poaching,illegal trades of musk,rhino horns,fur etc

PETA is an american based organisation which is against cruelty to animals.

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HOW CAN WE HELP? We can help by not using

musk perfumes. By donating to organizations

like PETA. By becoming a vegetarian. By using cosmetics of brands

which do not use animals for testing.

We can include the topic of animal rights in the syllabus of schools for awareness.

I have taken a pledge to not wear fur and animal skin.

I have done my bit. Have you..?

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www.PETA.org www.google.com www.wikipedia.com