Chinese Fortune Year of Goat 2015 Zodiac Forecast

Chinese Fortune Year of Goat 2015 Zodiac Forecast

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Chinese Fortune Year of Goat 2015 Zodiac Forecast

Chinese Horoscope 2015 Year Of GOAT Predictions

Rat 1900,1912,1924,1936,1948,1960,1972,1984,1996,2008

Since, 2015 is year of Goat , it is going to bring no more delight, as Goat and Rat are not very

compatible with each other. As per Chinese astrology predictions of 2015, metal Rats with a

weak birth element need to be cautious in 2015 Year of the Goat, as this is not a very favorable

year for them. Hence, you need to think twice before taking a step. Although, it’s not a very

happening year for you in Year of the Sheep 2015, you should have belief in yourself to combat

the hurdles. Throughout this year, Chinese astrology 2015 predicts that you will be involved in

maintaining your established status. Although, it will be a challenge for you to do so in Year of

the Sheep 2015. Moreover, you need to deal things with a firm heart and balance the line

between reel and real.

Predictions for Rat in 2015

Love: Both married couples and people in love may have quarrels with each other, but

fortunately their relationships won't be hurt. Young couples should show more care and tolerance

for their lovers, or the romantic relationship will not last very long.

Fortune: People who were born in a year of the rat should be very cautious when investing

venture capital. The greater the chance to make money, the calmer they should stay.

They should only make a move after finding out how the wind blows to avoid suffering

unexpected financial losses and, therefore, never act without thought.

In addition, they should watch out for thieves and take care of their valuable possessions. They

will earn more income due to good luck with increased opportunities to make money in 2015.

Career: As for their career, they will have more opportunities than ever and their relationships

with their bosses will also improve due to their excellent performance at work. However, they will

be prone to getting sick in 2015; therefore, they should prevent their health from being harmed

due to overwork.

Health: They should be careful in work, or they will easily get hurt by others, and they should do

more exercise in order to prevent diseases resulting from the urinary system and feet.

Ox 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

You are not very compatible with Goat . Generally, Ox has a good relation with a Rabbit, Rat,

and Monkey. As per the Chinese horoscopes of 2015, you might have a few opportunities of

being gifted with wealth. But, overall, the Year of the Goat 2015 will remain to be average. You

are strongly suggested to not to be stubborn and be open minded toward new proposals . If you

are mentally adorned to face hurdles this year, nothing will prove to be difficult. The Chinese

horoscopes in 2015 also suggest you to express solidarity through your actions. This will help

you in retaining a matured personality of yours. Sometimes, an Ox may feel to be in dilemma to

choose the right path in life, we suggest you to get involved in a process of self-analysis soul

searching in Year of the Goat 2015. As predicted by Chinese astrology 2015 predictions, you

should face things with a practical approach.

Predictions for Ox in 2015

Love: The romantic life for people who were born in a year of the ox will be bittersweet in 2015.

Young lovers may often quarrel with each other, however, their relationships won't be hurt due to

the mediation of their closest friends.

Married couples should make allowances for each other to keep a smooth marriage. Single

people will spend most of their time feeling lonely due to their indifference to a social life.

Fortune: People who were born in a year of the ox should carefully control their financial

spending in 2015 because they are at risk of suffering a monetary setback at the beginning of the

year. As a result, they should try hard to keep expenses down, or they will be in trouble due to

excessive spending.

Career: As for their career, they will be under great pressure at work and, what's more, their

bosses will be too picky for them to bear. Their work efficiency shall be greatly reduced owing to

these points; however, it is not a good idea for them to change jobs, so they must just be patient.

Health: They will be vulnerable to slight illnesses this year; therefore, they should be more careful

to have a nutritious diet and do more exercise to reduce the chance of getting sick.

Tiger 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

There is no special bonding between a Tiger and a Goat . Hence, 2015 Year of the Goat does

not bring any delight for you. Chinese horoscopes in 2015 predict some good opportunities for

you in the field of financial matters. You are likely to get good academic opportunities this year.

Horoscopes of 2015 suggests chances of an upcoming competition in your career. A tiger should

be tough and resolute in Year of the Goat 2015. Be advise to stay calm, and control situation

with a brainy approach in the Year of Goat 2015. Overall, 2015, as the year is going to be a

mixed bag year for you. Hence, you need to act in a cautious manner in this 2015 Year of Goat.

If you are trying to delve into something new and innovative, we must tell you to step behind and

act cautiously, as per Chinese horoscope 2015. To avoid being deceived, you must be fair

tempered, as suggested by Chinese astrology 2015 horoscope.

2015 Predictions for the Tiger

Love: The romantic life for them will be smooth in 2015. Single people will find their life partners if

they care enough for the people around them. People in love will be suitable to get married in

2015. Married couples will have happy events at home.

Fortune: People who were born in a year of the tiger will have a mixed harvest in 2015. They

should purchase something valuable at the beginning of a year in order to retain its value at the

end of the year. Despite this,possible slight luck in lottery game in 2015.

Career: As for their career, they will have numerous difficulties in their jobs and will have to strive

very hard to deal with them all. However, they will make great achievements despite these

difficulties, and will also readily get help from magnates.

Health: They will often feel tired and be vulnerable to illness; however, they will recover quickly

under the advice of good doctors, and it is advisable for them to do moderate exercise each day

Rabbit 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

If we go by the Chinese horoscope predictions 2015, this year is going to be your cup of tea. You

are likely to perform well in every aspect and things will turn in the desired direction in the Year of

the Goat 2015. Although, a Rabbit is expected to do really well this year, you should be self-

confident. As suggested by Chinese astrology 2015, a new venture shows signs of things turning

benefic for you. If we go by Chinese 2015 horoscope, wedding bells are also foreseen for you.

You need to act with maturity to deal with the situations of stress in personal relationships during

2015 Year of the Goat . Overall, Year of the Goat 2015 is predicted to be a pleasing year for

you, as per Chinese horoscope 2015. Chinese horoscope 2015 strongly suggests that you will

go on pleasure trips with your family over the weekend. This is not all, as you will be able to

charm your beloved with romantic surprises, as per predictions of Year of the Goat 2015. So, be

prepared for the bright times and all you need is to believe your instincts. Good luck for 2015

Year of the Sheep

Predictions for Rabbit in 2015

Love: The romantic life for them will be rather smooth in 2015. It will be a good time for young

people in love to get married, and also for single people to confess love to their true loves.

Fortune: People who were born in a year of the rabbit will have poor prospects and lose money

at first; however, great fortune will find its way to them at the end of the year. It is really a

blessing in disguise for them in 2015.

Career: Fortune will fall upon people who were born in a year of the rabbit in 2015. They shall get

unexpected help at work and have a good financial fortune, however, they should guard against


Health: They often disagree with their bosses and colleagues which prevents them from taking

concerted action and causes harm to their health in some aspects.

As a result, they should communicate more with their bosses to enhance mutual understanding,

which will help a lot in improving their health psychologically

Dragon 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 2012

The year of the Goat 2015 will be of top intensity for Dragons. As stated by Chinese horoscopes

in 2015, intense social life might put a Dragon in danger of neglecting deep and simple bonds.

Almost without realizing it, you will be diverging away from both intimate and family moments in

2015 Year of the Goat . Even if you are shown this, maybe the pride and impatience will not let

you gain awareness of this situation in time. You will be just too involved in a competitive world,

where public image is a priority. Moreover, Chinese astrology 2015 foresees this year as an

energetic year for you, but controlling your energy and utilizing it for the right cause is more

important. Talking of romance, you may find yourself in a phase of sensual extremity as per

Chinese horoscope 2015; although, love should be trusted as the most important part in an affair

in this Year of the Sheep 2015

2015 Predictions for the Dragon

Love: The romantic life for males will be rather smooth in 2015, especially for those who are still

single, and they will have more chances to find lovers around them. However, the romantic life

for females will not be very smooth; therefore, they will have a better chance to make friends with

males in 2015.

Fortune: People who were born in a year of the dragon can increase their fortune through their

weariness of their their surrounding friends and environment

Career: . As for their career, they will have an opportunity to fully display their talents if they work

hard enough. After all, no pain, no gain.

Health: They should balance work and play well together, and should not play outside

excessively so as to avoid harming their health. It will be extremely inadvisable for them to be

influenced by emotions when handling people and things

Snake 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001 2013

According to Chinese 2015 horoscope predictions, this year is going to be very challenging for

the Snakes. A Snake can be associated with vigor and energy. Hence, 2015 will be testing your

capability as per the Chinese astrology 2015 predictions. However, it will need to be a team work

for achieving success, as you alone cannot beat the odds down. If we go by predictions of

Chinese 2015 horoscope, Snakes would like to run away from the glitz and glamour of this

world. Hence, one should be able to find a safe cave to hide themselves. For students, one

should keep on assessing himself/herself on a regular basis, as suggested by predictions of Year

of the Goat 2015, so that he/she does not get distracted. Love should be a palette of emotions

and feelings. Chinese astrology 2015 advises you to stay aloof from material pleasures. You may

talk to your partner and figure out what stands to be the most important part in your relationship

in 2015 Year .Snakes are advised to stay calm throughout the year .

2015 Predictions for the Snake

Love: The romantic life for them will not be very smooth in 2015, especially for single people.

Married couples should care more about each other in order to keep a good marriage.

Fortune: People who were born in a year of the snake have to be careful with money and in

spending in 2015, as snake even spend more money than they earn.

As a result, they should purchase some valuable things at the beginning of a year in order to

increase the value at the end of the year. They should also make money legally, and then good

fortune will find its way to them.

Career: Fortune never falls upon them in 2015, and should not venture into new investment

They must try their best to save their jobs by upgrading themselves

Health: The tendency for good health will not be very good, so they should avoid risky sports,

such as diving and riding, in order to prevent accidents. As for their daily life, they should slow

down when doing something so as to reduce the chance of injury.

Horse 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002 2014

As suggested by Chinese 2015 horoscope prediction, you will relish a harmonious love

relationship and friends’ circle will also be supportive in Year of the Goat 2015. If we talk about

your career, you are likely to experience a transformation in job in Year of the Sheep 2015.

Chinese astrology 2015 suggests you to welcome new changes in life, as they would arrive for

the betterment of your life during Year of Goat 2015. According to Chinese 2015 astrology,

familial life is also likely to be pleasant for you in 2015 Year of the Sheep. Now, if we talk about

health, it is likely to remain a bit unfavorable for Horses, as predicted by Chinese horoscope

2015. Hence, you are suggested to think twice before delving into a task that might involve some

physical efforts in 2015 Year of the Goat . In such cases, you are advised to adopt a healthy

lifestyle, which will help you in the long run. Overall, Year of the Goat 2015 will be hard to get

tempted of; all you need is to be cautious.

2015 Predictions for the Horse

Love: Single people will meet their ideal partners by participating in more social activities. For

people in love, it will be auspicious for them to get married in 2015.

Fortune: People who were born in a year of the horse will have good fortune in 2015, with their

income increasing steadily and increased chances to earn extra income. However, they should

avoid investing in the stock market.Career: It will be fairly easy for them to get more contracts

and profit from them, and will also be an excellent chance for them to carry out new projects due

to the support from bosses and colleagues.

Health: The health tendency for them will be rather good on the whole; however, they should pay

more attention to their blood pressure, especially elderly people. At the same time, those who are

fond of wine should drink less.

Goat 1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003 2015

If we go by Chinese 2015 horoscope predictions, 2015 Year of the Sheep will be a satisfactory

and promising period of your life. As suggested by Chinese astrology 2015, you should not exert

your dominance in personal relationships and a two-way communication should be encouraged.

This also foretells that you will be gifted in any xyz task you pursue. Talking of career, you are

likely to achieve desired results during 2015 Year of the Goat, as foreseen by Chinese astrology

2015. If we talk of students, they are likely to achieve huge applause in Year of Goat 2015, as

per Chinese astrology 2015. That’s not all, students are expected to get international acclamation

as well, predicts the Year of the Goat 2015. Health will be satisfactory in Year and you will be

able to sustain high work pressures. Fruitful results are around the corner for you during Year of

the Goat 2015. Sheeps will be at their best in Year of the Goat 2015, as per the predictions of

Chinese horoscope 2015

Love and relationships: Married Goats will get along well with their spouses and will enhance thir

relationships through daily quarrel . Single Goats will find their lifelong love under the guidance of

elders, however they should show more care for their partners in order to avoid family disputes.

Beware of Financial Loss

Financial fortune will not be very good for those born in a year of the Goat, and they will easily

become involved in financial difficulties. Therefore, they should adopt conservative strategies

when dealing with investments. They should try their best to increase their income, decrease

their expenditure, and live within their means. Lottery fans should restrain themselves from

gambling too much in order to avoid big losses.

How to Make Your Career Path Smoother in 2015?

People born in a year of the Goat generally have a smooth career, and will readily get help from

wealthy beneficiaries. They usually be able to avoid adverse situations. Many opportunities for

promotion, cooperation, and investment await them. However, they should deal with problems

concerning their partners properly to avoid acrimony.

How Can Goats Have Good Health in 2015?

In 2015 Goats will tend to have good health, although they will suffer from slight illnesses

occasionally, such as headaches. They should prepare some medicine before traveling very far,

especially at a turn of the seasons. They should watch their diets, get sufficient rest, and do more

exercise in order to boost their body's resistance against diseases.

Monkey 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004 2016

Big changes are coming for the Monkeys in 2015 Year of the Goat , as per the Chinese

Horoscopes in 2015. Monkeys have always been considered as energetic being; although this

year, you might find it hard to keep a check on your energy, as per Chinese horoscopes 2015.

Throughout the Year of the Sheep 2015, you might feel at unease; same will take place in your

relationship, as suggested by Chinese astrology 2015 predictions. You should trust your partner

completely, as without trust situations are likely to deteriorate. As per Chinese astrology 2015,

this will be a challenging year for you, when you need to strike a balance between confidence

and ego. Health is going to be fine during 2015 Year of Goat , although you should avoid

straining yourself. Hence, Chinese astrology advises you to maintain a work routine in your life

and act accordingly.

In the year of 2015, the overall trend is increase in all aspects of fortune for people born in a year

of the Monkey. Compared with 2014, there will be more breakthroughs in 2015, and it will be an

easier year for them.

Money Making Opportunities

People who were born in a year of the Monkey will have good fortune in 2015. There will be

endless money-making opportunities for Monkeys, and they can get rich quickly. However, they

should not pocket all the profits and destroy their source of income; they should share the profits

with their business partners or customers. They should not make any investment that entails a

high risk.

How to Make Your Career Path Smoother in 2015?

The year of the Goat 2015 will provide the stage for Monkeys to show off their talent. They will be

the favorite workers in the company. Many people will give them a hand when they get in trouble

in work. However Monkeys’ work efficiency may be influenced by poor health, so they should do

exercises that enhance their strength for work.

How Can Monkeys Have Good Health in 2015?

Monkeys’ health will tend not to be very good and, as a result, they should get sufficient sleep and

do moderate exercise to overcome risks of poor health.

Monkey people should pay more attention to safety during outdoor activities. For example, they

should drive carefully, and avoid taking part in dangerous sports, such as hang gliding, bungee

jumping, and skiing.

Rooster 1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005 2017

As per Chinese Horoscope 2015, you will pass through a testing year ahead in 2015 Year of the

Goat. If we go by predictions of Chinese astrology 2015, you will not experience very favorable

times in Year of the Goat 2015. However, it is foreseen by Chinese 2015 horoscope that your

conditions will improve by the second half of Year of the Sheep 2015. Chinese astrology 2015

suggests you to be self-confident, in order to combat difficult situations. You are also likely to

face testing times at your workplace; hence, you need to be patient in Year of the Sheep 2015.

Now, it’s time to talk about your love-life. A Rooster should be extremely careful, while talking to

partner in Year of Goat 2015. In order to revive the lost magic in your marriage, one can pamper

his/her darling with pleasant surprises.

2015 Predictions for the Rooster

Love: Their romantic life will not be very good in 2015; therefore, single people should not get

their hopes up. Married couples will barely have time to get along with their partners, resulting in

an alienation of affections amongst couples.

Fortune: People who were born in a year of the rooster will have a neutral fortune. They will lose

money when investing in real estate in 2015 and it will also be inadvisable for them to lend

money to friends and relatives as harmonious relationships will be hurt due to money.

Career: Great pain and little gain will soon make them weary in 2015; therefore, it will make them

feel better to perform their own jobs well.

Dog 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006 2018

Dogs will understand the importance of teamwork in 2015 Year of the Sheep, as stated by

Chinese horoscope 2015 predictions. . Even in romance, a two-way consent is needed for any

kind of initiation in Year of the Sheep 2015. As per Chinese horoscope 2015, a Dog is likely to

conduct pleasure trips and meet new people in Year of the Sheep 2015. However, Chinese

horoscope 2015 warns you from taking any impulsive decision in life during 2015 Year of the

Goat. Your professional life will be decided by your capability to form connections within the

team, your behavior within a team is likely to be friendly; although, you should be critical about

everyone during the days of Year of the Goat 2015. You are likely to be given the responsibility

of a task of wider horizon; as foreseen by Chinese horoscope 2015 .Dogs are suggested to take

care of health in 2015 Year of the Sheep, as a sound health is required to proceed in life.

2015 Predictions for the Dog

Love: Their romantic life will not be very good in 2015; however, it will be an ideal time for

devoted lovers to get married.

Fortune: People who were born in a year of the dog will benefit from having great chances of a

salary increase in 2015, and it is recommended that they purchase immovable properties instead

of making high-risk investments.

Career: They will have a steady career in 2015 although numerous problems will emerge at work.

They will always get help from magnates when they are in trouble.

Health: They should pay special attention to their health issues and should see a doctor as soon

as possible when they become ill. It is also advisable for them to do moderate exercises each day.

Boar 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007 2019

The 2015 Year of the Goat will bring in many opportunities for Pigs in 2015, as per Chinese

astrology 2015 predictions. This will be a contentful year careerwise and education, as predicted

by Chinese horoscope 2015. However, proper channels are needed to reach influential persons

in Year of Goat 2015. If we go by Chinese astrology 2015, you should keep a sound

understanding of things around you. A Pig should maintain a balance of sentiments and

practicality in love life in the coming 2015 Year of Goat .Career is likely to be fruitful for the Boars

in Year of the Goat 2015. If you have had thoughts of changing your job in the recent past, 2015

Year of the Sheep can be the right time for you, a possible promotion is there on the cards in

Year of the Sheep 2015. However, you should not start exercising any kind of authority over

others. You should take care of your image while working in a corporate sector, as it can be a

decisive factor in your career. In a relationship, you are suggested to follow your heart rather

than acting brainy in Year of the Goat 2015. A Pig is also advised to dedicate his/her time to the

special person in life, as one should always respect the significance of love.

2015 Predictions for the Pig

Love: Romantic aspects will be very good for people in love in 2015, and it will be an ideal time to

get married. Single people should actively pursue their romantic interests.

Fortune: Treat with care dealing with investment in 2015 due to unexpected financial losses.

However, they will get help from magnates and quickly recover from the losses.

Career: They will always play to the score and head off danger at critical moments due to being

able to handle affairs neatly and maturely, although they will often have quarrels with bosses and

colleagues. They should build barriers against opposition in order to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Health: They should pay special attention to their health and avoid any strenuous exercises.

They will quickly recover from illnesses due to help from good doctors.
