Certified Loose Diamonds - Why Buy Certified Loose Diamonds? What is Certified Loose Diamonds ? Diamonds accompanied by a grading report are known as certified loose diamonds. The certificate describes the cut, clarity, weight, measurements and other quality and characteristics details of the diamond stone. This certificate provides the basis on which an appraisal can be done however a certificate is not the same as the appraisal. An appraisal estimates the market vale of the diamond. Who provides certifications? There are many diamond certification labs however the two of the most reputable labs are Gemological Institute of America (GIA) and the American Gem Society Labs (AGSL). For example, GIA has developed the S13 Clarity Scale with "FL" representing "flawless" clarity to "I3" representing "imperfect" clarity with cracks and occlusions easily seen by the unaided eye. Jewelers use these standards across the world to grade different diamonds. Advantages to buying Certified Diamonds: One advantage of purchasing these diamonds is that it is easier to verify if there are any flaws within stone. Often, once a diamond is positioned in a setting, it covers the flaws that the diamond might have. A loose diamond gives the chance to view the diamond from different angles to verify if there are any flaws.

Certified Loose Diamonds Why Buy Certified Loose Diamonds

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Certified Loose Diamonds - Why Buy Certified Loose Diamonds?

What is Certified Loose Diamonds? Diamonds accompanied by a grading report are known as certified loose diamonds. The certificate describes the cut, clarity, weight, measurements and other quality and characteristics details of the diamond stone. This certificate provides the basis on which an appraisal can be done however a certificate is not the same as the appraisal. An appraisal estimates the market vale of the diamond.

Who provides certifications? There are many diamond certification labs however the two of the most reputable labs are Gemological Institute of America (GIA) and the American Gem Society Labs (AGSL). For example, GIA has developed the S13 Clarity Scale with "FL" representing "flawless" clarity to "I3" representing "imperfect" clarity with cracks and occlusions easily seen by the unaided eye. Jewelers use these standards across the world to grade different diamonds.

Advantages to buying Certified Diamonds: One advantage of purchasing these diamonds is that it is easier to verify if there are any flaws within stone. Often, once a diamond is positioned in a setting, it covers the flaws that the diamond might have. A loose diamond gives the chance to view the diamond from different angles to verify if there are any flaws.

The loose diamond can be set in the desired setting. The advantage of this approach is that the customer control's the look & feel and the final price of the jewelry. Purchasing certified loose diamonds will actually save buyer's money in many instances because they will not have to pay to have the setting replaced. You can find out such diamonds in every leading online diamond stores.

For more information about diamond jewelry visit http://www.netcarats.com