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  1. 1. Birds
  2. 2.
  3. 3. Characteristics
    -warm blooded
    -breathe using lungs
    -an outer covering of feathers - this feature is not shared with any other vertebrate group
    -reproduce by laying eggs
  4. 4. How to know its a bird
    • All birds have wings, but not all birds fly: generally, there is reduction of skeletal weight
    • 5. -Birds have beaks or bills, and do not have teeth
    • 6. -Birds have two legs
    • 7. - Birds have a cloaca, a cavity into which the intestinal, urinary, and genital canals empty
    • 8. -Birds have nucleated red blood cells, unlike mammals
    • 9. -Chambered heart
  5. Functions
    -Digestive can eat20 % of its body weight. And does about the same routine as a human.
    -Respitory it differs from actual mammals because birds lack a diaphragm and they dont breath as we do.
    -Reproduction- girls 1 functionalovary (left one)
    Boystestes grow larger to produce sperm duringbreading season.
  6. 10. Adaptations
    They adapt with their
    -beaks depends what they are
    -feet depends on what bird
  7. 11.
  8. 12. Videooooo
  9. 13. QUIZZ TIMEEE !!!!
  10. 14. what are the birds?
    A) mammals
    C) dinasours
    D ) apples
  11. 15. What do they use for adaptation?
    A) their feathers
    B) Gills
    C) feet and beak
    D) houses
  12. 16. What do the humans have that the birds dont.
    B) eyes
    D) diaphragm
  13. 17. Where do they live ?
    A) in a pineapple under the sea
    B ) dinas house
    C) on land
    D ) under the ground
  14. 18. The End !!!
  15. 19. Resources