Honey Bees By JacKson Bowman

Bee power point

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Page 1: Bee power point

Honey BeesBy JacKson Bowman

Page 2: Bee power point

How do they make honey?

They make honey by drinking nectar and storing it in their crop.They take it back the hive and give it to a processor bee. Who stores it in a honey comb. They then add types of sugar into the honey comb and mix it. Then then fan it with their wings so no water will be in there so fungus cant grow there.Then they seal it with an airtight cap.

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Types of bees.

Worker bee

Queen bee

Drone bee

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What are their importance?

Bees pollinate our plants which grow to food which we eat and use for animal feed. Without bees plants will die then animals will die then we will die.

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All female honey bees work.

Stingers are barbed to grip into prey.

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