Break the Black Magic!! Wear Amethyst Stone! Here is an eye opener for you, to understand what are the conditions which get formed in a person’s birth chart which can make him or her “haunted” by some evil spirits.

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Break the Black Magic!! Wear Amethyst Stone!

Here is an eye opener for you, to understand

what are the conditions which get formed in a

person’s birth chart which can make him or

her “haunted” by some evil spirits.

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1) If Moon is conjunct, Rahu in Ascendant and Saturn is in the 5th House and Mars in the 9th House in birth chart then native will definitely has the reverence or devotion for the evil spirits/Ghosts etc.

2) If Mars in his ascendant and 6th lord is in ascendant, 7th House or 10th House then the native definitely suffers due to black magic.

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2) If ascendant’s lord, MARS are in ascendant or in any angles and 6th lord is in ascendant then native definitely gets haunted or suffers from black magic.

4) If Jupiter is in ascendant 4th or 10th house then native suffers from realization of a Devtaa (God)

5) If Saturn is in 7th and any benefic is in ascendant which is movable and moon is afflicted then the native suffers from evil spirits.

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6) If Rahu and Saturn are in ascendant then native suffers from black magic/ghosts/evil spirits.

7) When there is moon conjunct Rahu and evil planets occupy trines then this yoga is formed.

Now the one main question that many people usually ask is when the incident will happen?

The answer is the time when the native will pass through the dasa of the planets making the yoga of being haunted for a person, there will definitely be the time when the native will suffer from these problems. The most important thing is one should have a strong moon in his chart so he can handle all the negative vibes otherwise it becomes very difficult to prevent one from being haunted.

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What should you do?

Wear Amethyst Stone to seek the blessing of

the powerful Saturn to help you to guard off

all the evil spirits.

The regular practice of yoga, daily worshiping

the lord of your religion will certainly generate a positive aura which these spirits will find

very hard to break through and one will have protection from these ill deeds.

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Key benefits of wearing Amethyst


Its a gemstone of saturn (shani), which is considered to be a planet of law and humanity. Wearing or adopting this stone bestows wealth, respect and mental peace to its wearer. One can wear amethyst to discard the malefic effects caused by the unfavourable positions of Shani (saturn) .i.e. Shani dhaiya, Shani Sadhe Saati and Shani mahadasha( favourable position). Wearing Amethyst ensures progress in work, as it enhances the thought process of a person and hence enables them to harness the opportunities in their lives in a better way. This gem makes the wearer hardworking and he/she attains more dedication towards work & realizes his/her ethical responsibility in a better way.

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Who should wear Amethyst Stone?

According to the Indian astrology, this purple colored beautiful stone is related with Saturn (shani) and is one of the most suitable sub stone (upratna) for Blue Sapphire. Like Blue Sapphire Gemstone, it is also recommended to the people with the sunsign of Aquarius & Capricorn. Wearing Amethyst helps in removing the malefic effects of Saturn (shani) and endows money, respect and good health. This stone is also recommended for the people with the sun sign of Aries, cancer, Leo and Scorpio.

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