Actors, costumes, locations and props

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Page 1: Actors, costumes, locations and props
Page 2: Actors, costumes, locations and props


• The only actor we needed for the opening sequence of our film was Niyi. His character was of a boy who had been in the wrong place in the wrong time and is now worried that he will be accused of murdering his ex girlfriend’s boyfriend.

• We did, initially, plan to have the murdered boyfriend in the scene at the beginning however we decided not to, in the end, as we wanted to keep the opening suspenseful and keep the audience raising questions as to what has happened for the boy to be saying ‘It wasn’t me’ and ‘I hope he saw what really happened’ in the narration, spoken by Niyi himself.

• We aimed for three emotions for Niyi to portray and they are; anxiety, anger and frustration.

Anxiety- Where Niyi is worried about everyone thinking that he killed the boy. Also, he portrays this emotion in the opening when he hears the sound of police sirens coming his way provoking him to run.Anger- When Niyi throws the knife in the grass. He is angry because all of the anxiety is building up and he doesn’t know what to do.Frustration- Leading on from the anger emotion, he does not know what to do therefore this is the reason why he can be seen putting his hands behind his head often in the opening. The jump cuts at the end are also intended to represent his frustration.

Page 3: Actors, costumes, locations and props


• As mentioned in the previous post about costumes, we intended to use casual clothes for the accused murderer (Niyi) as the opening scene actually shows him after a party. It wouldn’t feel as realistic if he still remained in his school clothes.

• The idea of a hoodie helped to create a ‘thug’ or a ‘gangster’ impression as some of the audience are bound to rely on the stereotypes of gangsters in order to presume that Niyi was the boy who killed someone.

• We made a re-creation of the outfit on polyvore since it may not look as clear in the final cut of the opening to the film since it was filmed at night.

Page 4: Actors, costumes, locations and props
Page 5: Actors, costumes, locations and props


• We never really considered an idea of a location to film which would have a lot of meaning behind it and instead thought of which was the most convenient place to film out considering some of us live further way.

• We then decided to film at Sophie’s house since she lived closest to the school which made it easier for us to go straight to there after school to film.

• Although we were mainly looking for the most convenient place to film, we did like the idea of the scenery shots used at the beginning of the area to portray a normal day atmosphere. This allowed us to foreshadow Niyi’s situation which was completely opposite to a normal day.

• Since it was only a short film opening, we did not need any more than one location although we did film in different parts of the area such as when Niyi is running round the corner.

Page 6: Actors, costumes, locations and props


• We required a knife in the film opening as it was the prop we needed to hint to the audience that Niyi may of killed someone.

• Obviously, we needed to put knife on the blood to make it look a little more realistic that someone was perhaps killed. We used ketchup as fake blood since we are filming at night therefore people would not be able to see that clearly of what it is.

• We also used Niyi’s phone as a prop during the film opening as it helps to portray a variety of jump cuts during the end. This is what contributes to the portrayal of Niyi’s frustration as he feels that he has to call someone to let it all out and to hope that someone might actually believe it wasn’t him that killed the boy.