7 Interesting Facts About Ruby POWERED BY SHUBH GEMS WWW.SHUBHGEMS.IN PHONE: - +91 8010-555-111

7 Interesting Facts About Ruby

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7 Interesting Facts About Ruby


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Page 2: 7 Interesting Facts About Ruby

The word Ruby is taken from Latin "Ruber" which means Red. In

Sanskrit, Ruby is called ratnaraj, or "king of precious stones"

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Rubies are found in shades of red, from pure red hue to pinkish red. The red hue comes from the presence of

trace element chromium.

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In ancient times, Rubies were kept under a building's foundation to

strengthen its structure.

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Known as the symbol of love and passion, Ruby makes an ideal romantic gift. Earlier, women

wearing ruby were thought to have been transformed into an aura of

beauty.Phone: +91 8010-555-111 www.shubhgems.in

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The ruling planet of Ruby is Sun, which represents leadership, energy, success and

confidence. It represents the aura of Sun and brings energy, good luck and motivation in a person's life. High ranking chinese mandarins

were given rubies as they were thought to provide guidance and teaching.

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Originally, the finest rubies were mined in Myanmar(formerly Burma)

and it is from there that word Burmese began to be used to

describe the finest rubies.

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Page 8: 7 Interesting Facts About Ruby

Rubies belong to the gem species Corundum. Sapphires also belong to the same species, the

only difference between to two is of color caused by different trace elements. The finest ruby has a

pure, vibrant red to slightly purplish red color. Historically, the term “pigeon’s blood” was used

to describe the color of the finest rubies.Phone: +91 8010-555-111 www.shubhgems.in

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