Ri theme promotion

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The start of a new Rotary year is always an exciting time. We have a new inspirational theme, new club officers, and exciting new projects to work on. In 2016-17, we also have a very special occasion to celebrate: the 100th anniversary of our Rotary Foundation. RI President John Germ's theme, #RotaryServingHumanity, speaks directly to the work of our Foundation, which for years has enabled Rotarians to embrace humanity and serve those in need. This year, let's commit to sharing those inspirational stories, just as we continue to write more and more of them.

Rotary International is a service organization community focused, male and female fellow members, united worldwide, we conduct humanitarian projects, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, we work towards world understanding and peace, encourage fun, personal development and fellowship in local communities and around the world.

The 5 core values of Rotary are Fellowship, Integrity, Leadership, Diversity and Service. In short, use the acronym "FIELDS", where the extra "E" represents the extraordinary you are The Rotarians... helping fellow citizens of the world by developing more green fields. #Note: Order as found in all Rotary literature is as follows, namely, Fellowship, Integrity, Diversity, Service, Leadership. However, none takes precedence over the others.

Rotary International is an international service organization whose stated human rights purpose is to bring together business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian services, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and to advance goodwill and peace around the world. It is a secular organization open to all people regardless of race, color, creed, religion, gender, or political preference. There are 34,282 member clubs worldwide. 1.2 million individuals called Rotarians have joined these clubs

Rotarians first guiding principle to develop friendships as an opportunity for service. "It is the duty of all Rotarians,"

The Rotarian's primary motto is "Service Above Self“ its secondary motto is "One profits most who serves best."

The first Rotary Club The first Rotary Club was formed when attorney Paul P. Harris called together a meeting of three business acquaintances in downtown Chicago, United States, at Harris's friend Gustave Loehr's office in the Unity Building on Dearborn Street on February 23, 1905. In addition to Harris and Loehr (a mining engineer and freemason), Silvester Schiele (a coal merchant), and Hiram E. Shorey (a tailor) were the other two who attended this first meeting. The members chose the name Rotary because initially they rotated subsequent weekly club meetings to each other's offices, although within a year, the Chicago club became so large it became necessary to adopt the now-common practice of a regular meeting place.

The next four Rotary Clubs were organized in cities in the western United States, beginning with San Francisco,then Oakland, Los Angeles, and Seattle.

The National Association of Rotary Clubs in America was formed in 1910. On November 3, 1910, a Rotary club began meeting in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, the beginning of the organization's internationality.

On 22 February 1911, the first meeting of the Rotary Club Dublin was held in Dublin, Ireland. This was the first club established outside of North America. In April 1912, Rotary chartered the Winnipeg club marking the first establishment of an American-style service club outside the United States. To reflect the addition of a club outside of the United States, the name was changed to the International Association of Rotary Clubs in 1912.

In August 1912, the Rotary Club of London received its charter from the Association, marking the first acknowledged Rotary club outside North America. It later became known that the Dublin club in Ireland was organized before the London club, but the Dublin club did not receive its charter until after the London club was chartered. During World War I, Rotary in Britain increased from 9 to 22 clubs, and other early clubs in other nations included those in Cuba in 1916, Philippines in 1919 and India in 1920. In 1922, the name was changed to Rotary International. By 1925, Rotary had grown to 200 clubs with more than 20,000 members. The first Rotary Clubs in Asia were Manila in the Philippines and Shanghai in China, each in July 1919

The Rotary Club of Calcutta became the first Rotary club chartered in India on 1 January,1920.

In Madras, which organized a club on 10 May. (It received its charter on 19 July,1920).

Sergio Mulitsch di Palmenberg Governor of RI District 204 (1984–1985), founder of the RC of Treviglio and Pianura Bergamasca (Italy), was the man who inspired and promoted the RI PolioPlus vaccination campaign.

Mulitsch made it possible shipping the first 500,000 doses of antipolio vaccine to the Philippines at the beginning of 1980. This project later gave rise to the NGO “Nuovi Spazi al Servire” co-ordinated by Luciano Ravaglia (RC Forlì, Italy). Since beginning the project in 1985, Rotarians have contributed over US$850 million and hundreds of thousands of volunteer-hours, leading to the inoculation of more than two billion of the world's children. Inspired by Rotary's commitment, the World Health Organization (WHO) passed a resolution in 1988 to eradicate polio by 2000. Now a partner in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) with WHO, UNICEF and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Rotary is recognized by the United Nations as the key private partner in the eradication effort.

The most notable current global project, PolioPlus, is contributing to the global eradication of polio

The presidents of Rotary International are elected for one-year terms and must have served as a club president, district governor, and member of the RI Board of Directors. In addition to leadership experience, RI presidents bring a commitment to Service Above Self as well as the culture and pride of their home club and region.

In August 1910, Rotarians gathered in Chicago for their first national convention. The existing 16 clubs unified as the National Association of Rotary Clubs and elected Rotary founder Paul P. Harris as the organization's first president. Harris served two terms the only president to do so. Other notable presidents include Canadian E. Leslie Pidgeon (1917-18, the first from outside the United States Sydney W. Pascall (1931-32), the first from Great Britain Maurice Duperrey (1937-38), the first from continental Europe. In July 1940, the first president from South America, Armando de Arruda Pereira, took office.

RI President’s from INDIA Nithish Laharry 1962-63, Rajendra K. Saboo 1991 -92 and Kalyan Banerjee 2011-12

•1962 Nitish C. Laharry Kindle – The Spark

Within Nitish Chandra Laharry (1892–1964) was an Indian lawyer, social worker and film producer from Kolkata. He was the first person of Asian origin to be elected as the president of Rotary International and was the producer of the first motion picture of Bengal. It was during his presidency that Rotary International started its Youth wing, Interact Club. The Government of India awarded him the third highest civilian honor of the Padma Bhushan, in 1963, for his contributions to society.

•1991 Rajendra K. Saboo – Look Beyond Yourself

During his year as R.I. President, he had given to the world the R.I. Theme “Look Beyond Yourself” and his focused programmes were functional literacy and combating hunger.

Kaylan Banerjee – Reach Within to Embrace Humanity – 2011-12

RI President Kalyan Banerjee will ask Rotarians to Reach Within to Embrace Humanity during the 2011-12 Rotary year.

"In order to achieve anything in this world, a person has to use all the resources he can draw on. And the only place to start is with ourselves and within ourselves," Banerjee said

RI President John F. Germ chose Rotary Serving Humanity as his theme for 2016-17. Noting Rotary’s unique ability to bring together committed professionals to achieve remarkable goals, Germ believes that “now is the time to capitalize on our success: as we complete the eradication of polio, and catapult Rotary forward to be an even greater force for good in the world.” Rotary founder, Paul Harris believed that serving humanity was "the most worthwhile thing a person can do". In revealing this theme John F Germ stated that being part of Rotary is a great opportunity to make this happen.

"The communities we live in are not built of individual people but of families -- families living in homes together, sharing their lives and their resources and their common destinies. Good families lead to good neighborhoods, and good neighborhoods build good communities."

In Rotary’s work, including polio eradication, is also important "There are so many things we are indeed good at: working for clean, safe water; spreading literacy; working in so many ways with the New Generations, our youth, in our newest Avenue of Service and assisting them to become the leaders of tomorrow."

"If we wish for peace, we start by living in peace ourselves, in our homes and in our communities," he explained. "If we wish environmental degradation to stop, if we wish to reduce child mortality or to prevent hunger, we must be the instrument of that change -- and recognize that it must start within us, with each of us."

“Being a Rotarian means serving your community, networking, making friends, and building international relationships.”

“The theme is very concentrated. It’s easy to say and easy to understand. We have many complex challenges ahead, so it’s good that our theme is simple.”

“People who want to do good will see that Rotary is a place where they can change the world.

It cost $0.00 To Be A Decent Human Being

“The Simple Path..Silence is Prayer.. Prayer is Faith..Faith is Love ..Love is Service ...The Fruit of Service is Peace” ― Mother Teresa "Everything you do matters, especially to the people you help and the people you love, in this generation and the next and the next,". Rotary International President John Germ.

Paul Harris wrote: “Individual effort may be turned to individual needs, but combined effort should be dedicated to the service of mankind. The power of combined effort knows no limitation.” He could hardly have imagined then that one day, more than 1.2 million Rotarians would be combining their efforts, and, through our Rotary Foundation, their resources, to serve humanity together. And we can only imagine what great deeds Paul Harris would have expected of such a Rotary! It is our responsibility to achieve those deeds; as it is our privilege to carry forth the tradition of #RotaryServingHumanity.

We know that if we want to see Rotary Serving Humanity even better in the years ahead, we’ll need more willing hands, more caring hearts and more bright minds to move our work forward.

Every day that you serve in Rotary, you have the opportunity to change lives. Everything you do matters; every good work makes the world better for us all. In this new Rotary year, we all have a new chance to change the world for the better, through Rotary Serving Humanity.

The Mission of Rotary International is to provide Service to others, Promote Integrity, and advance World Understanding, Goodwill and Peace through its Fellowship of Business , Professional and Community Leaders. Yes , Rotary makes us know that It Cares, it teaches us to look beyond our selves. Rotary also makes us know that Real Happiness Is In Helping Others and #RotaryServingHumanity. The Motto of every Rotarian is SERVICE ABOVE SELF.

Germ unveiled the 2016-17 presidential theme, Rotary Serving Humanity, to incoming district governors on 18 January at the International Assembly in San Diego, California, USA. “I believe everyone recognizes the opportunity to serve Rotary for what it truly is: not a small opportunity, but a great one; an opportunity of a lifetime to change the world for the better, forever through Rotary’s service to humanity,” said Germ. Rotary members around the globe are serving humanity by providing clean water to underdeveloped communities, promoting peace in conflict areas, and strengthening communities through basic education and literacy. But none more important than our work to eradicate polio worldwide, he said.

The RI Theme sets the tone for what Rotary Clubs around the world will work towards once the Rotary International President-elect (RIPE), the 534 District governors-elect (DGEs) and the 35,000 Rotary Club Presidents-elect begin their new year on July 1st.

Rotary has been many things, to many people, in the last 111 years. Through Rotary, our members have found friends, community, and a sense of purpose. we’ve forged connections, advanced our careers, and had incredible experiences we couldn’t have had anywhere else. Every week, in more than 34,000 clubs around the world, Rotarians come together to talk, laugh, and share ideas. But above all, we come together for one, overriding goal: service.

ரரோடட்ரி, கடந்த 111 வருடங்களோக பல சமுதோயத்திற்கு பல தளங்களில் ரசவவயோற்றி வருகிறது.நமது உறுப்பினரக்ள், ரரோடட்ரியின் வழியோக நடப்ு ,சமூகம் மற்றும் அதன் உணரவ்ுத் தூண்டவலயும் கண்டறிந்துள்ளனர.் நோம் பபற்றுள்ள பதோடரப்ுகள், ரமம்படட் வோழ்வு மற்றும் நம்பமுடியோத அனுபவங்கவள ரவபறங்கும் பபற்றிருக்க வோய்ப்பில்வல.ஒவ்பவோரு வோரமும், உலகம் முழுவதுமுள்ள 34,000 சங்கங்களில் ரரோடட்ரியின் உறுப்பினரக்ள் கலந்துவரயோடி சிரித்து மகிழ்ந்து, தமது கருத்துக்கவளப் பகிரந்்து பகோள்ள ஒன்றிவணகிறோரக்ள்.அவனத்துக்கும் ரமலோக, நோம் ரசவவ எனும் உயரந்்த இலக்குக்கோக ஒன்றிவணகிரறோம்.

Rotary Serving Humanity - மானுடம் ப ாற்றும் பராட்டரி

Service to humanity has been the cornerstone of Rotary since its earliest days, and has been its main purpose ever since. I believe that there is no better path to meaningful service today than Rotary membership; and no organization better placed t make a reaol and positive difference in our world. No other organization so effectively brings together committed, capable professionals in a wide variety of fields, and enables them to achieve ambitious goals. Through Rotary, we have the capacity, the network, and the knowledge to change the world: the only limits are the ones we place on ourselves.

பதோடக்க கோலம் முதல் மனித இனத்துக்கான பேவை என் பத பராட்டரியின் வமல் கல்லோக இருந்துவருகிறது, ரமலும் இதுரவ (ரசவவரய) இதன் (ரரோட்டரியின்) ரநோக்கமோக எப்ரபோதும் இருந்து வருகிறது. அரத்த்முள்ள ரசவவக்கு ரரோட்டரியின் உறுப்பினரோவவதக் கோட்டிலும் ரவறு சிறந்தவழி எதுவுமில்வல என்ரற நோன் நம்புகிரறன்; ரமலும், இவ்வுலகில், உண்வம மற்றும் ரநரம்வறயோன மோற்றத்வத ஏற்படுத்த, ரவபறந்த அவமப்பும் இல்வல.லட்சிய இலக்குகவள அவடய பல்ரவறு துவறகளில் இருந்து, உறுதியோன,திறன்மிக்க பதோழில் முவனரவோவர, ரவபறந்த அவமப்பும் திறம்பட ஒருங்கிவணப்பதில்வல. ரரோட்டரியின் வழியோக திறன், பிவணப்பு மற்றும் உலவக மோற்றுவதற்கோன அறிவிவன நோம் பபற்றுள்ரளோம்; நமக்கோன ஒரரவரம்பு, நம்வம நோரம நமக்கோன தகுந்த இடத்தில் நிவல நிறுத்திக் பகோள்வதுதோன்.

Rotary Serving Humanity - மானுடம் ப ாற்றும் பராட்டரி

Today, our organization is at a critical point a historic juncture that will determine, in so many ways, what comes next. Together, we have provided extraordinary service to our world. Tomorrow, our world will depend on us to do even more. Now is the time to capitalize on our success as we complete the eradication of polio, and catapult Rotary forward, with determination and enthusiasm, to be an even greater force for good in the world. இன்று, நமதுஅவமப்பு ஒரு முக்கியப் புள்ளிவயத் பதோடட்ு பதோடரக்ிறது. அடுத்து என்ன என்பவத வரலோறு அதன்ரபோக்கில் முதன்வமயோனத்வத தீரம்ோனிக்கிறது. நம்உலகிற்கு, நோம் அவனவரும் ஒருங்கிவணந்து அசோதோரணமோன ரசவவவய வழங்கியுள்ரளோம். நோவள, ரமலும் அதிகமோனவற்வறச ்பசய்வதற்கோக நமது உலகம் நம்வமசச்ோரந்்து இருக்கும். நமது பவற்றிக்கோன மூலதனமிட இதுரவ சரியோன ரநரம் ஆகும். ரபோலிரயோவவ நோம் முழுவமயோக ஒழித்து, ரரோடட்ரிவய முன்ரனோக்கிக்பகோண்டு பசன்றவதப்ரபோல ரமலும் உறுதியுடனும், உற்சோகத்துடனும் இன்னும் சிறந்த முவறயில் இந்த உலகின் நலனுக்கோக பசயல்படரவண்டும்.

Rotary Serving Humanity - மானுடம் ப ாற்றும் பராட்டரி

Rotary Serving Humanity - மானுடம் ப ாற்றும் பராட்டரி

Of the many lessons polio eradication has taught us, one of the most important is also one of the simplest: that if we want to bring all of Rotary forward, we’ve all got to be moving in the same direction. Continuity of leadership, at the club, district, and RI level, is the only way we will flourish, and achieve our full potential. It is not enough simply to bring in new members and form new clubs: our goal is not more Rotarians, but more Rotarians who can achieve more good Rotary work, and will become the Rotary leaders of tomorrow.

ரபோலிரயோ ஒழிப்போனது நமக்குக் கற்றுத் தந்த பல போடங்களில் ஒன்றோனதும், மிகமுக்கியமோனதும்,எளிவமயோனதும் என்னபவன்றோல், ரரோடட்ரிவய நோம் முன்ரனோக்கி பகோண்டு பசல்ல, நோம் அவனவரும் ஒரர திவசயில் பயணிக்க ரவண்டும் என்பதோகும். சங்க, மோவடட் மற்றும் பன்னோடட்ு நிவலகளில் பதோடரச்ச்ியோன தவலவமத்துவரம நமக்கு சோத்தியமோனவற்வற அவடந்து வளம்பபற ஒரரவழியோகும். புதியஉறுப்பினரக்வளச ்ரசரத்்து புதிய சங்கங்கவள அவமப்பது மடட்ுரம ரபோதுமோனதன்று. அதிகப்படியோன ரரோட்ரடரியன்கள் என்பது நமது இலக்கு அல்ல; ஆனோல், ரரோடட்ரியின் சிறந்தபணிகவள பமன்ரமலும் சோதித்து நோவள ரரோடட்ரியின் தவலவரக்ளகும் பரோட்ரடரியன்கரள நமது இலக்கோகும்

Near the end of his life, reflecting on the path that brought him to Rotary, Paul Harris wrote: “Individual effort may be turned to individual needs, but combined effort should

be dedicated to the service of mankind. The power of combined effort knows no limitation.”

He could hardly have imagined then that one day, more than 1.2 million Rotarians would be combining their efforts, and, through our Rotary Foundation, their resources, to serve humanity together. And we can only imagine what great deeds Paul Harris would have expected of such a Rotary! It is our responsibility to achieve those deeds; as it is our privilege to carry forth the tradition of Rotary Serving Humanity.

Rotary Serving Humanity - மானுடம் ப ாற்றும் பராட்டரி

தனது இறுதி வோழ்வின் அருகில், தன்வன ரரோட்டரிக்குக் பகோண்டுவந்த போவதவயப் பிரதிபலிக்கும் வவகயில் போல்ஹோரிஸ்எழுதியுள்ளோர ்:

"தனிப்பட்ட முயற்சியோனது தனிப்பட்ட ரதவவகளுக்கோனதோரவ இருக்கும்,

ஆனோல் கூடட்ுமுயற்சி என்பது மனிதகுலத்தின் ரசவவக்கோகரவ அரப்்பணிக்கப்பட

ரவண்டும். கூடட்ு முயற்சியின் சக்தியோனது தவடகவள அறியோதது".

ரரோட்டரி அறக்கட்டவளயின்மூலமோக, தமது வளங்கவளக் பகோண்டு ஒருநோள்,

1.2 மில்லியனுக்கும் அதிகமோன பரோட்ரடரியன்கள் தங்களின் கூடட்ுமுயற்சியோல்

ஒன்றிவணந்து மனித இனதத்ுக்கு ரசவவ புரிவோரக்ள் என்று அவர ்அரிதோகரவ கற்பவன


அப்படியோனபதோரு ரரோட்டரியின் மூலம் எத்தவகய சிறந்த பசயல்கவள போல்ஹோரிஸ்

எதிரப்ோரத்்திருப்போர ்என நம்மோல் ஊகிக்கமடட்ுரம முடியும்.அத்தவகய சிறந்த

பசயல்கவள அவடவரத நமது பபோறுப்போகும்.

"மானுடே ்பேவையில் பராட்டரி" என்பவத, முன்பனடுதத்ுச ்பசல்வரத நமது கூரிய


மோனுடச ்ரசவவயில் தங்கரளோடு, ஜோன்பஜரம்் தவலவர,் பன்னோடட்ு ரரோடட்ரி சங்கம்.RY 2016-17

தமிழோக்கம் Rtn.சுகுமோர ்மனிரதத்ினம், பசன்வன

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” - Mahatma Gandhi

"When we really engage Rotary, that’s when lives change. And, at the end of the day, no matter how many lives you reach out to change, the life that will change the most will be your own.”- RIP Ron Burton.

Time For Some New Rotary Year Resolutions

President Germ is challenging Rotarians to continue changing lives and improving communities all over the world. Here are just a few ways you can do that: - Share your professional talents through a Vocational Training Team. - Create lasting change by supporting club and district initiatives on Rotary Ideas. - Join a discussion group to exchange ideas with fellow members. - Leverage subject-matter expertise by collaborating with a Rotarian Action Group on a service project. - Sponsor a Rotary Community Corps to enhance community engagement and ensure project sustainability. - Collaborate with Rotary’s service partners on a project. (Inner Wheel,Interact & Rotaract) - Foster international understanding and meet prospective partners at a Project Fair. - Discover new cultures by participating in a Rotary Friendship Exchange. -Share your passions with Rotarians around the world by joining a Rotary Fellowship. The 2016-17 Rotary year is a time for Rotary members to celebrate 100 years of Doing Good in the World. Throughout the year showcase your 100 acts of good by posting photos of the impact you are making in your community, along with a brief description onto Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using the #100ActsofGood hashtag. Be sure to list all your efforts on Rotary Showcase.

Rotary Serving Humanity, captures the essence of Rotary and is a message that every Rotarian can enthusiastically endorse. The logo for next year's theme however, features a globe that is focused on North America which naturally reflects the energy of Rotarians from that part of the world.At the same time, the global reach of Rotary encompasses Rotarians from every continent. So an alternative version of the 2016-17 theme has been designed by David Campbell, a member of D9930.