Digital Education Innovation Challenges Workshop Dr Endrit Kromidha Lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Innovation [email protected]

Digital education innovation challenges

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Digital Education Innovation Challenges

WorkshopDr Endrit Kromidha

Lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

[email protected]


Gain experience of designing and leading e-education innovation reforms.


The workshop is designed to support JTEL2015 participants engage in policy-making and implementation for technology enhanced learning innovation challenges as future leaders in the field.


The activity was adapted from a similar one during the Maghreb Digital Learning and Education Innovation Conference 2014 organised by the British Council. Dr Endrit Kromidha was one of the members of the team that won the Maghreb Digital Learning and Education Innovation Award 2014 in this conference.

Organisation of the workshop

During the workshop teams will be formed to discuss real e-learning innovation challenges.

The challenges are mainly targeted for emerging and developing economics.

Groups will have about 10 min to present their suggested solutions to the other teams and take questions.

Learning outcomes and skills to be acquired from this workshop

• Application of theoretical and innovative solutions to practice.

• Policy development and analysis.

• Group work and collaboration.

• Project planning and management.

• Presentation, critical thinking and debate.

The challenges

1. A plan to accelerate the adoption of blended learning.

2. A student-powered solution to ensure online availability of course content.

3. A mobile solution for parents to improve children’s school performance.

4. An online tool for employability skills outside university settings.

5. A roadmap and solution for raising ICT competency of university staff.

6. Continuous Professional Development (CPD) from local suppliers

Some help for consideration:The e-learning and pedagogical innovation strategic framework

Salmon, G. 2005. Flying not flapping: A strategic framework for e-learning and pedagogical innovation in higher education institutions. Research in Learning Technology, 13(3): 201-218.

A possible presentation structure

1. Introduction of the challenge and summary of solution

2. Stakeholder analysis and engagement

3. Description of the solution and its implementation

4. Timeline for implementation

5. Budged and resource requirements

6. Risk analysis

7. Dissemination and possible future developments

Challenge 1:Accelerated adoption of blended learning in Higher Education

A planned mix of online and face- ‐to- ‐face learning (“blend”) balances benefits to learners with scale and effectiveness for institutions. However, the change to this mode brings costs and challenges.

Your team challenge:

Write the plan to accelerate the adoption of blended learning. Make sure that the accelerated programme can work for top- ‐rank and also lower- ‐ ranking universities: it must be applicable across all institutions in a developing country.

Challenge 2:A student-powered solution to ensure online availability of course content.

Learners in universities and colleges want their professors to post online class notes, internet readings and web versions of lecture slides. However, it doesn’t happen and most professors are unwilling to change their practice.

Your team challenge:

Create an interim “quick fix” solution powered by students, which will ensure course content is findable and organised online even when professors are failing or refusing to help. Make sure you resolve copyright and permission problems.

Challenge 3A mobile solution for parents to improve children’s school performance.

Parents wish to support their children in primary education, but often do not know how to do help them, especially where the parents themselves have low educational attainment.

Your team challenge:

Invent a phone- ‐based solution for a developing country’s setting, involving appropriate technology, for enabling all parents to improve children’s school performance.

Challenge 4An online tool for employability skills outside university settings.

Employers in developing countries, especially those in dynamic international sectors such as offshoring, energy, technology and tourism, say graduates leave University and arrive at work without the skills for 21st Century workplaces.

Your team challenge:

Develop an online tool called ‘Skills for 21st century’ which will offer a digital solution direct to students while at University, but will operate outside and beyond their university settings. What will this look like and how could it be used with students?

Challenge 5A roadmap and solution for raising ICT competency of university staff.

University staff IT competency is an essential element of implementing digital learning reforms.

Your team challenge:

Devise a roadmap and solution for raising the ICT competency of all university staff in the Maghreb to UNESCO ICT COMPETENCY FOR TEACHERS FRAMEWORK (http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0021/002134/213475e.pdf)

Challenge 6Continuous Professional Development (CPD) from local suppliers

Employers say they wish to have better localised online and e ‐learning Continuous Professional Development for employees, both for in ‐service training and job-‐ readiness training for jobseekers.

Your team challenge:

Design a scalable regional solution in a developing country that stimulates an online CPD industry. Understand why regional software and content companies are not very engaged in making online CPD products to supply this need.

Assessing our learning from this workshop

• Application of theoretical and innovative solutions to practice?

• Policy development and analysis?

• Group work and collaboration?

• Project planning and management?

• Presentation, critical thinking and debate?

Any question?


To follow up:[email protected]