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2015Designing a Competency Map

Certified Performance & Competency Developer (CPCD)

Project Report

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Table of Contents

Abstract 4

Objective 4

Scope of the Project in terms of Department/Positions and Industry 4

Methodology 4

Brief overview of Findings 5

Conclusions 5

Gyaan about Competency Mapping 6

What is Competency 6

Definitions 6

Fundamental Characteristics 6

Steps involved in Competency Mapping 7

Methodology and Model used 7

Design of Competency Mapping ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………8

About the Organization (Bafna Multispecialty Hospital) 8

Competency Mapping for Various Job Roles 9

Position: Head (VP/EVP Level)-Human Capital and Organizational Development 9

Objective of the Role 9

Roles and Responsibilities 9

Job Element Analysis 10

Identification of Competencies (Functional & Behavioral) 14

Creation of Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) 14

Position: Chief Executive officer 21

Objective of the Role 21

Roles and Responsibilities 21

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Job Element Analysis 23

Identification of Competencies (Functional & Behavioral) 26

Creation of Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) 26

Position: Manager-Quality and Patient Safety 30

Objective of the Role 30

Key Responsibilities and Deliverables 31

Job Element Analysis 32

Identification of Competencies (Functional & Behavioral) 34

Creation of Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) 34

Position: Staff Nurse 38


Key Responsibilities and Deliverables 38

Job Element Analysis 39

Identification of Competencies (Functional & Behavioral) 40

Creation of Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) 40

References 43

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For the purpose of this project, I have taken a dummy organization in healthcare sector called Bafna Multispecialty Hospital. I have attempted the competency mapping of four positions giving a flavor of Managerial as well as Clinical positions namely Head-

Human Capital &OD; Chief Executive; Manager –Quality and Patient Services &Staff Nurse. It is needless to mention that I have taken source materials from Internet as well as from the available books. It has been a great learning experience for me. I thank my instructor Mr. Tomy, my dearest Husband and my other Colleagues for their insightfulness. I sincerely hope that I have done

justice with the subject of competency mapping, however still miles to go…


The Competency approach began as a specialized and narrow application, but in the last 40 years has grown into a leading logic for diagnosing, framing and improving many aspects of Management. It’s importance has expanded with the following observations-

Competencies enable the specification of what people need to know and do to perform better Competencies can be communicated-and therefore can be taught and learned Performance against competencies can be measured and monitored Competencies are ultimately expressed in what people do rather then what people are

(predispositions and the like)

As a result of these benefits and many more, competencies continue to gain momentum.


To learn about competency mapping and complete the certification process To design the competency map for some of vital roles in a functioning of hospital To have a deeper introspection, in order to farther my learnings about self To produce a piece of work which can be used as a reference material Building an inventory of skills/competencies

Scope of the Project in terms of Department/Positions and Industry

To bring a detailed map of competencies and their assessments (anchors) for Managerial as well as Clinical positions

An attempt to benchmark with some of the best works available in healthcare industry This map can be further be used for performance monitoring as well as for running an assessment

centre etc.

Methodology Identify the roles/Jobs. Writing the Job description for each identified role/positions. For each role/positions., Doing the Job element analysis and writing a complete job element

analysis table, specifying the threshold and differentiator skills and knowledge For each role/positions., List the competencies as selected from the JEA table or company values Write the BARS table for each competency, for each role.

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Brief overview of Findings

A deep understanding of various factions of a particular job and how competencies becomes critical for superior performance in each of them

Competency map clarifies the criteria for a position and thus helps recruiters to reach a consensus on a candidate which takes out the ambiguities and selection becomes clear. A regular practice can attain towards the perfection of this art.


In the past decade, the use of competencies has become a common practice in many organizations. Competency profiling, gap analysis, competency-based assessment and selection based on competencies have been gaining international importance.

The most basic objective of Competency Based Management (CBM) is to provide the tools that will enable HR and the Organization to be more proactive in planning and responding to new, strategic job requirements and improve day-to-day service delivery to operations. CBM provides the road map to accomplish this objective by acting as a common language for all HR activities. The focus of CBM is on qualifications and the identification of knowledge, skills, abilities, and personal characteristics (competencies) necessary for job success. CBM includes two components:

A business planning component that allows managers to assess their resources and needs, and to link employees’ competencies and training needs with organizational objectives; and

A career management component that provides employees with information they need to progress in the organization and their careers

Competency-based HR management is integral to the Organization vision. It builds the foundation for a more flexible workforce based on the diverse job requirements across the Force. It supports the development of a career / employment strategy by recognizing the competencies.

Therefore it has become all the more important for me to attend the workshop and understand the basics of the subject and following are some of my observations while mapping for the position-

Once we understand the organization via its value system, areas of focus and future priorities, it clarifies to an extend what is going to be our role and contribution , which becomes the x factor for our growth in the company and can be as a first lesson in the orientation programs

HR can play a leading role in ensuring the leadership, culture and talent required for success of the organization, provided roles and competencies & expectations are clearly laid out as a bible. However the irony of the current situation is that most of us work without any job description even

The Chief Executive is leading face of an organization, but undoubtedly his job has complex layers of dealing with financials, people, board relations so and so forth and by attempting competency map for his positions, things becomes more clearer. Thus these maps are crucial while navigating in the complex waters of talent build up for the company

It so interesting to note that even research based aptitude of a nurse can be stepping stone for building up superior standards for patient safety in a hospital, because her documentation gives the floor level data for research. Her empathetic attitude, care for children , maintaining confidentiality can be an important dynamics for a hi quality service

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What is Competency?

Competency: A person related concept that refers to the dimension of behavior lying behind competent performer.


Arya Chanakya, a well-known royal advisor and prime minister from Vedic India, penned a famous book known as the Arthashastra, which is probably the first book on competency mapping. The book contains competency mapping models, the thesis and theories of human aptitude, intelligence quotient, emotional quotient and in general everything that is related to human behavior regarding work, logic and emotions. This book is an excellent leader and management book and is more than 3000years old.

HAYES (1979): Competencies are generic knowledge, motive, trait, social role or a skill of a person linked to superior performance on the job

According to Boyatzis (1982) :―A capacity that exists in a person that leads to behavior that meets the job demands within parameters of organizational environment, and that, in turn brings about desired results

ALBANESE (1989): Competencies are personal characteristic that contribute to effective managerial performance

WOODRUFEE (1991): Competency: A person related concept that refers to the dimension of behavior lying behind competent performer; A Work related concept that refers to area of work at which a person is competent; Often referred as the combination of the above two

ANSFIELD (1997):―Underlying Characteristics of a person that results in effective superior performance

According to UNIDO (2002):―A Competency is a set of Skills, related knowledge and attributes that allow an individual to successfully performs task or an activity within a specific function or a job

According to RANKIN (2002): Competencies are definition of skills and behaviors that organization expects their staff to practice in work”

Fundamental Characteristics

Note: Knowledge, skill are surface competencies, which can be easily developed. Attitude, motives, and traits are core competencies which are most difficult to develop.

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Steps Involved In Competency Mapping:

The Steps involved in competency mapping is to identify the key competencies for an organization and the job within the function:

1. Identify the department for mapping2. Identify the Structure of the organization and select the grades & levels.3. Job Description from individuals and departments.4. Conducting Semi-Structured interviews.5. Collecting interview data’s.6. Classify the required Skill list.7. Identify the skill levels.8. Evaluate identified competencies and skill levels with immediate superiors and other heads of concerned departments.9. Preparation of Competency calendar.10. Mapping of Competencies

What Methodology Is Used?

The following methods are used in combination for competency mapping: Interviews, Group work, Task Forces, Task Analysis workshops, Questionnaire, Use of Job descriptions, Performance Appraisal Formats etc.

Model Used:The board approach followed by Arthur Andersen while mapping the competencies is represented as follows:

(Source: Excerpts from Article by Competency Mapping –A drive for Indian Industries-by R Yuvaraj, 2011)

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About the Organization

1. Bafna Multispecialty hospital

Our vision is to provide high quality healthcare, with care and compassion, at an affordable cost, on a large scale and aim towards being the trend-setters for healthcare services in India.

Our mission is to deliver world class health care by creating institutes of excellence in integrated medical care. We aspire to create an ethical & safe environment to treat all with respect and dignity.

1.1 Core values:

Innovation and efficiency – to continuously reduce cost of delivery of high quality health care and improve reach

Compassionate Care – in providing accessible care that makes a difference to our patients Accountability – to honour our commitments with integrity and transparency to our patients, employees and

investors Respect for all – recognize the contribution of every employee & respect rights , dignity of every patient and

employee Excellence – create a culture of individually excelling to collectively ensuring highest quality of consistent,

reliable service to our patients and sustainable value to all our stakeholders

1.2 Strategic areas of focus:

300 bed tertiary care hospital houses 17 dedicated departments for high-end super specialty care that includes -cardiology, cardiac & vascular

surgery, brain & spine surgery, neurological sciences, gastroenterology, urology, pulmonology, trauma & critical care, nephrology, gynecology, plastic surgery, pediatrics & neonatology, orthopedics & joint replacement, general medicine and dentistry

hospital has Centre for trauma & accident emergency team consisting of 50 consultants including surgeons and 500 paramedical staff work round the clock 9 operating theatres of which 2 are dedicated to cardiac care and the remaining for other surgeries. There are

14 beds in dialysis unit that is operational 24 hours a modern and well equipped laboratory comparable with the best full range of equipment that are part of the

centre for Radio Diagnosis & Advanced Imaging include - 1.5 tesla MRI, 64 slice CT, Doppler X ray and many other critical instruments

1.3 Strategic priorities:

Attract, Engage, Develop and Retain the Best People Be the Leader in the Safety, Science, Teaching and Provision of Patient- and Family-Centered Care To provide Education and Training of Medical and Non-medical Staff for continuous improvement Create Sustainable Financial Success and Implement Continuous Performance Improvement To be accredited for High quality of care and patient safety

Competency Mapping for Various Job Roles

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Position:1. Head (VP/EVP Level))-Human Capital & Organizational Development

1.1 Objective of the role:

To interpret environmental events and trends, co-create a strategic agenda that informs the human capital implications of business strategies & priorities and play a leading role in ensuring the leadership, culture and talent required for success

Plan, develop, organize, implement, direct and evaluate the organization's human resource function and performance

1.2 Roles and Responsibilities:

Administrative framework- Optimizing human capital through work force planning and analytics Driving effective people practices through effective hiring strategy, rewarding, motivating & retention

strategy and talent differentiation for high performance Develop, promote and monitor the implementation of HR policies and practices that will enable the

business to attract, retain and motivate talent at all levels and comply with relevant employment laws and regulations

Design, update and share SOPs of all HR processes Have an updated repository of job descriptions for all roles in the organization along with the

measurable performance indicators for each role Design, evaluate and modify compensation policies & benefits in order to ensure that they are

competitive & compliance with the legal requirements Devise framework for administration of contracts, employee discipline and grievance procedures Drive an effective learning and development agenda that impacts the employee and the business To develop and implement a performance management system that translates a company’s vision

and strategy into a coherent system of performance measures. Also to drive a performance management culture which continually seeks to raise the bar; differentiates pay for performance; rewards and recognizes key performers with upper quartile pay for upper quartile performance; and addresses those with performance shortfalls

Strategic Planning- Leveraging social media tools for recruiting, employee education, showcase culture, training &

leadership development Developing talent, helping organization to invest in future talent Shaping organization and communication practices for achieving work and organizational

effectiveness Building leadership brand to address tomorrow’s challenge of leaders at all levels, who reinforce

external and internal confidence in the future Improving utility of HR operations through technology, digitization of employee information etc. Connecting people through technology

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To foster a culture of high quality of a care &patient safety, employee safety, welfare, wellness and health

Aligning strategy, culture practices and behavior Drive development opportunities at all leadership levels Design learning opportunities for high potential people To understand customers and decode their expectations to drive organization actions Plan and implement an effective HR Plan that is aligned to business plan and overall organizational

people agenda Coaching business partners to create and maintain a work environment with high morale and

productivity Creating and developing a high performing HR team

1.3 Job Elements:

Workforce planning and analytics Talent Acquisition HR Policies & Benefits Learning & Development Performance Management System

Employee Engagement &Communication Legal Compliance Organization Development Health & Safety Human Resource Information System

1.4 Job Elements Analysis:

Job Element Threshold DifferentiatorKnowledge Skills Knowledge Skills

Talent Acquisition

a. Knowledge of various types of interviewing techniques

b. Expert level of knowledge in full cycle of recruitment process

c. Sound Knowledge of employment policies, govt. laws& regulations pertaining to recruitment, selection & placement

d. Knowledge about compensation policies of the competitors, their strengths & weaknesses

a. Ability to create and execute effective sourcing & recruitment strategies at all levels

b. Excellent communication skills

c. Trouble shooting Skills

d. External/Internal client management

e. Effective Negotiation skills

f. Strong project management skills

g. Ability to interact comfortably with all

a. Knowledge of applicant tracking systems &other recruitments tools, database management.

b. Knowledge of antecedent verification tools, various vendors.

c. Various recruitment analytics, MIS reports, demand forecasting

a. Strong innovative research skills levels-Internet research & social media skills

b. Assessment of the right candidate for the right job

c. Ability to coach , mentor & develop a team of talent acquisition professionals and driving individual as well as team results

d. Adept at building competitive market intelligence & pool of potential candidates

e. Ability to understand business strategies and convert into effective recruitment strategies for future needs

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levels of mgmt.

h. Good interpersonal skills

i. Ability to network with diverse geographical location for tapping of the talent pool


d. Knowledge of budgeting for TQ

HR Policies & Benefits

a. Expert knowledge of labour law framework-Industrial & labour laws, general laws, sexual harassment of women at workplace Act,2013

b. Knowledge of principles, methods, techniques of HR administration related to the area of compensation

a. Management of Personnel Resources

b. Persuasion skills

c. Time Management skills

d. Written and Oralcommunication

e. Fluency of Ideas

f. Originality

g. Memorization

h. Ability to conduct policy training sessions

a. Knowledge and experience in establishing appropriate pay structure, grades, classifications, career ladders, other compensation programs based on market data and internal philosophies

b. Knowledge of technology platforms to communicate the policies –ERP software, HR Software etc.

a. Ability to understand the needs of the workforce and incorporate those special needs in the policies, making it attractive for talent retention

b. Ability to interpret, explain & apply applicable laws, codes &regulations to internal policies &procedures

c. Ability to consult the stakeholders, management, staff & board members

Learning & Development

a. Knowledge and experience in instructional /curriculum design for a corporate as well as field environment

b. Knowledge of performance management, talent planning & succession, learning & management systems

c. Knowledge of technical as well non -technical training conducted/available in the market

a. Influential, collaborates effectively with others to identify & resolve issues

b. Pragmatic and Resourceful

c. Ability to manage multiple tasks, demonstrate teamwork, spirit of collaboration with project team, business partners

d. Talent for diplomatic, unbiased

a. Knowledge of database and internet based software’s related to T&D

b. Knowledge of formulating training proposals

a. Demonstrated ability to think strategically and translate business performance gaps into learning and development initiatives and activities

b. Advanced proficiency with learning technology, including e-learning and mobile applications, delivery.

c. Ability to define metric which will be impacted & measure the effectiveness of training/ROI &Kirkpatrick methodologies

d. Demonstrated ability to make recommendations and

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d. Knowledge of formulating training budget

e. Knowledge of key processes in the training development lifecycle

communication , both written & verbal

e. Facilitation, analysis and problem solving skills

consider both effectiveness & efficiency in selecting delivery method and or design materials (internally/externally designed)

e. Coaching. leadership development

Performance Management System

a. Strong knowledge of processes & practices pertaining to performance management &rewards in ERP environment

a. High levels of interpersonal skills to establish and maintain positive rapport at all levels

b. Multi-tasking, persuasive, good with number crunching skills, analytical, good negotiator, critical thinker with good problem solving skills

c. Excellent communication skills (both written and spoken)

d. Ability to manage , monitor & support the annual implementation of PM process at Organization level

a. Knowledge and Expertise in designing and launching reward programs

a. Ability to understand and implement Balance Score Card based performance planning

b. Expertise in designing and launching reward programs

c. Highly strategic ,consultative and solution oriented to manage multiple stakeholders

d. Ability to manage communications regarding operational issues related to PMS to ensure that the senior management are aware of priority issues

Employee Engagement &Communication

a. Demonstrated understanding of internal communications and employee engagement processes

b. Demonstrating good knowledge and awareness of print, event and audio visual techniques

a. Strong project management and collaboration skills

b. Progressive and innovative

c. Excellent interpersonal and networking skills

d. Strong writing, editing & proof reading skills

a. Strong understanding &application of social media in the internal communication environment

a. Strategic thinker who can translate complex concepts to actionable, understandable plans & programs

b. Ability to implement diverse & high impact HR initiatives to support organizational objectives

c. Ability to identify opportunities for continuous improvement based on feedback, stakeholder engagement, trend analysis

Legal Compliance a. Solid working knowledge and understanding of Human Resources legislation/employment law principles, policies, and

a. Excellent verbal, written, and interpersonal communication skills

b. Solid influencing skills

a. Knowledge and Experience in labor negotiations, contract administratio

a. Ability to exercise judgment and independently determine and take appropriate action within defined HR policies and procedures

b. Ability to plan, execute and

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procedures n and/or positive employee relations strategy

constructively deliver in times of intense pressure

c. Ability to manage multiple obligations simultaneously in a fast-paced, complex and intense environment

Organization Development

a. Expert knowledge of organizational development, change management, leadership, organizational and group dynamics, motivation theory and organization design, strategies and business planning

a. Excellent oral and written communication skills

a. Knowledge of full range of organization development interventions and change management frameworks and applications

a. Ability to build strong internal partnerships

b. Ability to influence professional relationships

c. Strong interpersonal skills – including demonstrated facilitation skills

Health & Safety a. Knowledge of employment laws and regulations and the ability to clearly articulate and apply human resources principles and practices to broad and complex issues

a. Excellent tact, judgment, discretion and diplomacy

b. Excellent communication and negotiation skills

a. Knowledge of Occupational Safety and Health

a. Ability to work with employees, supervisors, managers and directors at all levels to identify problems and develop creative solutions, both independently and in cooperation with others on sensitive and confidential matter

Human Resource Information System

a. Knowledge & exposure in HR modules –SAP, Oracle HRMS

a. Highly proficient in MS Office

a. Knowledge of implementing/ operating cloud based HR technology

a. Mature and discreet in handling confidential information

b. Delivering ppts., & trainings to business partners at all organizational levels

Workforce planningand analytics

a. Knowledge and experience in Workforce Planning and headcount forecasting/financial budgets

b. Good knowledge of applicable employment laws and regulations

a. Customer service orientation

a. Exposure in leveraging HR Systems/technology to create workforce analytics and metrics

b. Expertise in developing and utilizing predictive analytics and statistical modeling

a. Ability to understand complex business plans/requirements and translate into a Strategic Workforce Plan

b. Ability to develop and sustain strong partnerships across Business and HR Leadership

c. Ability to influence and drive objectives through others

1.5 List of Competencies:

Functional Competencies Behavioral Competencies

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Capability Builder Credible Activist Strategic Positioner Technology Proponent Flawless administration

of transactions HR innovator & Integrator Change Champion Analytical Ability

Communication Motivation Self-Regulation Ethics Creativity and Innovation Self-Awareness Resilience Flexibility Conflict Management Leveraging Diversity Team Building Influencing/Negotiating Interpersonal skills Continual learning

1.6 BARS for Functional Competencies:

Capability BuilderCan help to create an effective and engaging organization that does what is needed.Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a

less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a

best Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Encourage employees to have fun at work

a. Bring team members together to solve problems and make decisions

a. Encourage employees to use their signature strengths at work to strengthen others

b. Craft a culture that encourages work/life balance

a. Communicate its social purpose and organization direction with clarity and consistency

b. Design and deliver integrated HR practices (eg., staffing, training,rewards, performance management etc.)

Credible ActivistHR to focus their time and attention on the issues that matter to the business, meet their obligations &commitments, demonstrate a willingness to take professional & personal risks to create value for the business.Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a

less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a

best Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a more Effective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Communicates Effectively

a. Demonstrates personal integrity and ethics

a. Seeks to learn from both successes and failures

b. Works well with management team

a. Plays an active role in professional bodies

b. Invests in developing the HR functionc. Takes appropriate risks

Strategic PositionerThe ability to position your organization to anticipate and match external implications.

Average (Level1) Good (Level 2) Very Good (Level 3) Excellent (Level 4)

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Applies the competency in a

less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Applies the competency in a

best Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Be an active participant in business reviews

a. Understands the external markets, business expectation, recruits the candidates as per required skills and competencies

a. Translate business strategy into a talent (workforce) and culture (workplace )set of initiatives

a. Understand industry dynamics and competitive forces

b. Understand expectations of external customers

Technology ProponentTechnology as a learning and knowledge platform to connect with internal talent assets and to collaborate with external stakeholders including customers and other partners.Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a

less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most

Effective manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Train new joiners in using HRIS

b. Determines specifications for a new technology system

a. Supporting IT in automation of HR processes

b. Manages the implementation of a new electronic processing system in the agency

a. Provide alternate/flexible policies to motivate different generations of employees

b. Identifies IT system shortcomings, researches options, and advocates a redesign and restructure of the process to implement new system

a. Leveraging social media for business purposes

b. Formulating a comprehensive communication strategy

c. Reforms infrastructure and develops innovative IT business systems by leveraging expert IT knowledge and sharing information with staff

Flawless administration of transactionsHR to consistently and cost-efficiently delivered the basics-salary administration, attendance, recruitment and selection, pension etc.

Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a less

Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most

Effective manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Taking suggestions from team members for improvements in the process

a. The transaction and administration work to be error free

a. Participating in HR excellence awards

c. Recognizes and addresses deficiencies of human resources processes or tools

a. Benchmarking the process and systems as per best practices

HR innovator & IntegratorEmphasizing the need for innovation in designing HR practices that drives the talent agenda of the organization. Ensuring good analytics on the current state of talent and competitive talent needs.

Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a less

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a more

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most

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Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Effective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Effective manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Provides positive feedback to high-performing staff and rewards exceptional performance

a. Identifies mission critical occupations and associated competencies needed to perform organizational functions

b. Deal with non-performance in a fair and timely manner

a. Assess key talentb. Invest in future leadersc. Develops rewards system to

recognize the impact of employee contributions to the organization

a. Design meaningful developmental experiences of talent

b. Measure and track leadership effectiveness

Change ChampionEffective HR professionals develop their organization’s capacity for change and then translate that capacity into effective change processes and structures. They sustain change by ensuring the availability of necessary resources including time, people, capital etc. They build the case for change based on market and business reality and overcome resistance by engaging key stakeholders in key decisions and building their commitment to full implementation.Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a less

Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most

Effective manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Conducts surveys to gauge employees reaction to change and their fears, anxiety and responses

a. Help people understand as to why change is important

a. Identify and overcome sources of resistance to change

b. Monitor and communicate progress of change processes

a. Ensure the availability of resources to stick with the change (eg., people, capital, information, technology)

Analytical AbilityReviews & analyzes a wide variety of information and recommends a specific course of action.Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a less

Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most

Effective manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Grasps new concepts, approaches and systems.

a. Develops results-oriented conclusions.

a. Examines & interprets a wide variety of data/information and makes recommendations

a. Organizes ideas and information in unique ways

1.7 BARS for Behavioral Competencies:

CommunicationCommunication is about managing relationships and needs to be built into the fabric of organizational life. In the current economic climate, it is the only way, to move beyond superficial engagement into trust and into creating the authentic organization employees, clients, customers. Communication is about behaviour and is not an output; it will only build trust if it is consistent.Average (Level1)Applies the competency in

a less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a

most Effective manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

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a.Not editing emails before sending to end users

b.Delivering bad news by email

c. Avoiding difficult conversations

d.Not being assertive

e.Reacting , not responding

f. Use a one-size fits-all approach to communication

g.Not keeping an open mind when meeting new people

h. Has some difficulty keeping up with the discussion and arguing an opinion. Limited turn-taking and use of communication strategies.

a. Keeps up with the discussion and can justify an opinion. Responds and interacts adequately with other speakers. Uses communication strategies well when unsure about e.g. idiomatic use

b. Can communicate with reasonable accuracy and can correct mistakes if they have led to misunderstanding

c. Some inaccuracy in pronunciation and intonation

d. Can communicate with reasonable accuracy and can correct mistakes if they have led to misunderstanding

a. While writing a memo, email, give all the background information &details to make sure that messages are understood clearly

b. Able to produce summaries of complex documents for a specific audience

c. Using diagrams and charts to express ideas

d. Trying to help people understand the underlying concepts behind the point in discussion , thus reducing misconceptions, increasing understanding

e. Ability to use humour in adapting to social situations, ease tensions

f. Has a good command of professional vocabulary

g. Can maintain a good degree of grammatical accuracy; occasional errors do not impede communication. Largely correct use of idiomatic expressions and collocations.

a. Can present ideas articulately and persuasively in a complex discussion, sophisticated arguing and turn taking strategies. Has no difficulty in understanding idiomatic language use

b. Able to create an open communication environment

c. Use non- verbal communication

d. Listen to understand the underlying feelings

e. Recognizes own prejudices

f. Restate what the other person has said. Empathize ,validate, clarify & summarize to make sure that all issues are clearly understood

g. Considering cultural barriers when planning to communications

Motivation It is the process of stimulating people to actions to accomplish the goals. Most important functions of management are to create willingness amongst the employees to perform in the best of their abilities.Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a less

Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in

a best Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a

most Effective manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Using positional power as a manager in a way that shows that she don’t fully respect her employees as individuals

b. Take credit for a project one of her employees actually did most of the work on

c. Lose her temperd. Don’t stand up for

employees when under personal or organizational attack

e. Be emotionally stingy about praising people

a. acts decisively and makes quick decisions

b. Take a genuine interest in the employees work-life balance

c. Listen to employees thoughtfully

a. adjusts their leadership style according to the situation and people they are leading

b. has a high level of specialist technical competence and shares this knowledge with you

c. focuses on achieving performance outcomes

d. Is good at networking and have a large number of industry contacts

e. provide general guidelines on what to do and allow people to carry out work their own way

a. Align individual economic interests with company performance

b. Involves others in determining what needs to be done and how to do it

c. focuses on supporting and developing people

d. motivates and engages people with a charismatic style

e. provides high levels of responsibility and autonomy to team members

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about their good work

Ethics“Ethics” can be defined as the critical, structured examination of how we should behave — in particular, how we should constrain the pursuit of self-interest when our actions affect others.Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a less

Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a

best Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a mostEffective manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Seldom show cares about other people’s feelings

b. Wants to achieve things by any means

c. May not follow on promises and agreements depends on suitability

d. Disrespects people who are different or from different cultures

e. Ignored a problem or conflict

a. Tries to follow the rules

b. Focuses talents and energy on good ends

a. Tries to fix problems or conflicts without hurting other people or things

b. Tries to be good and do the right thing even when it is easier to not be good

c. Does not give up on solving a problem or conflict when it is hard

a. Demonstrate that ethics is a priority

b. communicate expectations for ethical practice and make sure those expectations are realistic and achievable

c. Practice ethical decision making

Creativity and InnovationDevelops new insights into situations; questions conventional approaches; encourages new ideas and innovations; designs and implements new or cutting edge programs/processes.Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a less

Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a

best Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a mostEffective manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Considers innovative ideas generated by others

a. Displays creativity by deviating from traditional methods in developing new procedures

a. Organizes and leads cross-divisional work group in developing creative solutions to address problems

a. Devises new methods, procedures, and approaches having organization-wide impact

ResilienceDeals effectively with pressure; remains optimistic and persistent, even under adversity. Recovers quickly from setbacks.Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a

less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a mostEffective manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Maintains composure and direction in high pressure situations

a. Perseveres on project despite changing objectives,deliverables, and deadlines

a. Recognizes conflict and takes steps to addressissues by meeting with the involved parties

a. Demonstrates persistence when providing rationale to staff during times of significant organizational change

FlexibilityIs open to change and new information; rapidly adapts to new information, changing conditions, or unexpected obstacles.Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a

less Effective manner, requires

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a mostEffective manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

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frequent guidance occasional guidancea. Uses staff feedback to

streamline processes in order to meet deadlines

a. Realigns resources to meet changing customer needs

a. Adjusts organizational priorities quickly as situations change

a. Prioritizes, considers alternatives, and responds quickly and effectively to unexpected and rapidly changing conditions

Conflict ManagementEncourages creative tension and differences of opinions. Anticipates and takes steps to prevent counter-productive confrontations. Manages and resolves conflicts and disagreements in a constructive manner.Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a

less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a

best Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a mostEffective manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Takes action to address employee grievances

a. Takes action to address behavior issues to ensureemployees treat each other with respect

a. Recognizes conflict and takes steps to addressissues by meeting with the involved parties

a. Resolves conflicts arising at the Organization level due to competing objectives, limited resources, ordiffering perspectives

Leveraging DiversityFosters an inclusive workplace where diversity and individual differences are valued and leveraged to achieve the vision and mission of the organization.Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a

less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a

best Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a mostEffective manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Adheres to EEO policies, goals, objectives, and philosophies of valuing diversity in performing everyday duties and responsibilities

a. Recognizes and utilizes skills of staff with diverse backgrounds to benefit the organization, clients, and coworkers

a. Builds a diverse staff with a variety of skills who function effectively to accomplish the mission of the organization

a. Identifies creative approaches for targeted recruiting to develop a representative workforce that benefits from diverse strengths

Team BuildingInspires and fosters team commitment, spirit, pride, and trust. Facilitates cooperation and motivates team members to accomplish group goals.Average (Level1)Applies the competency in

a less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a mostEffective manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Informs team members of issues requiring resolution and considers input

a. Includes entire team in decision-making process when developing mission and goals for the division

a. Promotes cohesiveness of a dysfunctional team by defining roles and responsibilities of each team member and establishing overall objectives

a. Inspires team to accomplish long-term strategic goals

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Influencing/NegotiatingPersuades others; builds consensus through give and take; gains cooperation from others to obtain information and accomplish goals.

Average (Level1)Applies the competency in

a less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a mostEffective manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Explains to staff the importance of their involvement on high stakes projects

a. Develops trust among various parties involved in a negotiation process

a. Develops plan and convinces high-level agency officials to adopt approach by meeting with officials to explain points

a. Convinces colleagues and management to accept recommendations involving changes in established practice

Interpersonal SkillsTreats others with courtesy, sensitivity, and respect. Considers and responds appropriately to the needs and feelings of different people in different situations.

Average (Level1)Applies the competency in

a less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a mostEffective manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Interacts with co-workers in a tactful manner

a. Shows employees empathy and respect

a. Treats individuals from all levels of the Organization with courtesy and sensitivity

a. Is consistently open and approachable when resolving highly sensitive and complex issues

Continual LearningAssesses and recognizes own strengths and weaknesses; pursues self-development.

Average (Level1)Applies the competency in

a less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a more Effective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a mostEffective manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Attends professional conferences to maintaintechnical knowledge

a. Recognizes areas needing improvement and takestraining to increase skills

a. Arranges and completes rotational assignmentmeeting own developmental goals and aligningwith organizational strategies

a. Engages in systematic, self-directed training anddevelopment activities aligned with the strategicneeds of the agency

Self-RegulationSelf-regulation is the ability to develop, implement, and flexibly maintain planned behavior in order to achieve one's goals.Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a

less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a mostEffective manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Sometimes may lose anger in emotional situations

b. Non adaptive to working with different people in different situations

a. Comfortable of working with diverse teams

b. taking action when it is necessary

a. being honest and taking action that is in line with your values

b. Takes initiativec. Comfortable with

ambiguityd. Openness to change

a. controlling impulsive emotions

b. being able to adapt and work with different people in different situations

c. the ability to see opportunities in situations and the good in other

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peopled. developing own

performance to meet own standards of excellence

Self-AwarenessSelf-Awareness is having a clear perception of your personality, including strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, beliefs, motivation, and emotions.Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a

less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a

best Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a mostEffective manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Overconfident about self

a. aware of strength and weaknesses of self

a. open to candid feedback, new perspectives, continuous learning, and self-development

a. recognize how feelings can affect performance

b. decisive, and able to make sound decisions despiteuncertainties and pressures


1.8 Chief Executive officer

1.9 Objective of the role:

a. To establish the hospital as the low cost, high quality healthcare service provider in the countryb. Optimal utilization of the facilities, development of successful physician relationships, and the

achievement of established financial objectives of the hospitalc. Aspire to create an ethical and safe environment to treat all with respect and dignity

1.10 Roles and Responsibilities:

Strategic Leadership- In collaboration with the top management, creates and communicates the annual Management

Action Plan to the hospital board and, upon board approval of that Plan, implements it accordingly, providing regular feedback to the board on progress being made

Direct effort towards making Bafna Multispecialty hospital (BMH), the safest hospital in the country by leading high-quality, service-oriented & safe patient care

Evokes respect from the hospital board, peers, medical staff, employees and the community Sets high standards, establishes a clear focus and direction, implements company policies, utilizes in-

house resources, and tackles tough issues; thinks strategically, possesses vision, builds advantageous coalitions and fosters team spirit in the facility

Translate corporate vision into company-wide common processes, systems, metrics and tools; Encourage use of benchmarking and best-practice sharing to accelerate improvements across the company

Strategize to attract the best physicians, consultants to work for the hospital

Financial Responsibility- Displays leadership in CEO-level oversight of financial management from conceptual strategies

through recommending policy, executing fiscal procedures for control and effective utilization of physical and financial resources of the hospital

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Develop and execute an operating plan to grow sales and grow the business to meet the Board of Directors’ financial objectives and lead the company in consistently achieving these objectives through rigorous planning grounded in fact-based market intelligence

People Management- In conjunction with the hospital’s human resources (HR) department provides CEO-level oversight to

define roles and responsibilities; Motivate and challenge hospital employees, delegates effectively, communicates effectively, rewards contributions and manages collaboratively

Regularly schedules and facilitates employee and departmental meetings In conjunction with the hospital HR department provides CEO-level oversight in an effort to ensure

that the hospital applies clear, consistent performance standards and handles performance problems decisively and objectively

Is direct but tactful and provides guidance and assistant to improve performance Establishes formal means of accountability for direct reports’ assigned duties Promotes a work environment that reflects a positive atmosphere, high employee satisfaction and

competence and strong evidence of teamwork With the hospital HR department and hospital compliance officer attempts to ensure that all forms of

harassment by employees, physicians, patients and others inside and outside the hospital are not tolerated and that any and all instances of harassment are dealt with promptly and in accordance with law

Create an environment of continuous improvement that fosters physician and staff collaboration, enhance revenues, controls costs, and improves overall performance

Participate as required in hiring of senior medical professionals/Consultants

Board Relations- Work closely with the Board and investors to ensure long-term success of the company; Keep the

Board fully informed on all aspects of growth, profitability and development of the company and seek to utilize the expertise within the Board to address business issues faced by the company

Achieves cooperation with the board by distributing clear-cut and precise meeting agendas in advance, with appropriate background information and recommendations, to the board and BMH officials, by preparing management recommendations in advance so they may be acted upon by the policy-making body, guarding against "surprises" occurring during the meeting, anticipating key questions and achieving a smooth working relationship with the board president or chair

Responsible for communication of the management action plan to the hospital board, medical staff and employees

Keeps the President, and legal department, as applicable, aware of all key developments in the hospital, including political, fiscal, legal, compliance, quality, risk management, and policy matters

Physician Relations- Develops an effective working relationship with the medical staff to maintain communication and

positive relationships Meets routinely with physicians individually and at appropriate committee meetings Develops an understanding of the physician needs, attitudes, and objectives to blend those with the

functions and strategic objectives of the hospital

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Customer Service- Understands that the hospital, board, medical staff, employees and local community are customers

and they must be satisfied with our performance; Ensures customer expectations are met or exceeded

Corporate Social Responsibility & Integrity- Develop and maintain a corporate culture that promotes integrity and ethical values throughout the

organization, fostering a culture of ethical business conduct Promote and protect the Corporation’s reputation in its markets and with all customers,

communities, and government and regulatory bodies To develop bio waste management policy and ensure that the healthcare workers are trained to

handle biological waste To initiate community health care programs

Corporate Governance- Oversee the development and implementation of, and compliance with, key corporate policies,

including policies regarding corporate governance, social responsibility, risk management and financial reporting, as well as compliance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements

Improve throughput through standard quality systems that focus on improving quality of care with standards of excellence for a consistent patient experience

Continue to support the information technology strategic plan which moves toward a more fully electronic clinical environment

Together with the Disclosure and Compliance Committee and the Chief Financial Officer, ensure appropriate and timely disclosure of material information

Together with the Chief Financial Officer:a. establish and maintain the Corporation’s disclosure controls and procedures through appropriate

policies and processesb. establish and maintain the Corporation’s internal controls over financial reporting through

appropriate policies and proceduresc. develop the process for, and comply with, the certifications to be provided in the Corporation’s

public disclosure documents

Supervisory Responsibilities- Direct CEO-level supervision of the hospital senior staff members, which may include the Chief

Financial Officer, Chief Human Resources, Chief Nursing Officer, and other department heads, as well as administrative staff; Indirect supervision of all hospital employees, through subordinate supervisors employed by hospital

1.11 Job elements:

Strategic Leadership People Management Physician Relations Customer Service Corporate Social responsibility


Financial Responsibility Board Relations Corporate Governance Supervisory Responsibilities

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1.12 Job Elements Analysis:

Job Element Threshold DifferentiatorKnowledge Skills Knowledge Skills

Strategic Leadership

a. Right networks who help to see through opportunities before competitors do

a. Ability to have the courage of conviction-formed by a robust decision process

b. Relationship building skills

c. Interpersonal skills

a. strong understanding of the complex relationships between organization and its environment

a. adept at finding common grounds and achieving buy-in among stakeholders who have disparate views and agendas

b. Ability to interpret complex and conflicting information

c. Ability to take decision action that is consistent with strategic direction of the organization

People Management

a. Knowledge about the education and background of employees

b. Able to memorize their names will command respect of employees

a. Ability to motivate every member of team—even if they don’t share common values

b. Conflict resolution skills

c. active listening skills to gain information and understand employees’ perspectives

d. Relationship building skills

e. Articulate in communication

f. Charismatic personality

a. Knowledge about different departments and able to guide them what all to do in order to value add to the company

a. Delegation skillsb. Ability to be

accountable for success/failure of team members

c. Be transparent in dealing with people

d. Ability to motivate people to do their best

Physician Relations

a. Knowledge about the best physicians and other medical professionals in the market

a. Ability to confidently network with physician fraternity

b. Able to articulate their needs and address them with speed

c. Relationship building with physicians

a. Extensive knowledge about the physicians problems and their solutions practiced in this industry

a. Encourage and motivate doctors to efficiently handle their high pressure schedules

b. Consistent communication with them

c. Ability to develop medical leadership/CMO

Financial Responsibility

a. Comfortability in understanding financial side of the business

a. Financial acumen a. Knowledge of how to read key financial documents

b. Identify the right numbers/key indicators to watch

c. Ensure that the company has timely and accurate accounting and reporting systems

a. Ability to manage cash flow of the company

b. Ability to use financial information to forecast the future

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d. Developing financial intelligence

Board Relations a. Full knowledge about board members and their importance

a. Informally builds relationships with board members

b. Communicates openly, proactively and transparently

c. Demonstrates humility, self-awareness and a “low-ego approach

d. Demonstrates honesty, trust, respect and transparency

e. Ability to influence board

a. Knowledge about issues and their strategic alternatives

b. Ability to explain financial implications with aptness

c. Ability to explain technical imperatives

a. Proactively seeks board input outside of board meetings

b. Balances strong points of view with open-mindedness and flexibility

c. Recognizes the power of complementary skills on the board

Customer Service a. Solid understanding of the customers

a. Customer Service skills-Empathy, positivity, patience, clarity in communication and continuous improvement

b. Dignity and respect to honor patient andfamily perspectives and choices in delivery of care

a. Know Which Customer Service Metrics Matter, and Track Them Closely-for eg., customer satisfaction

a. Culture of unbiased information sharing

b. Ability to involve customers in quality improvement, planning, and policy andProgrammatic development

c. Ability to involve all stakeholders (including managers, medical staff, nurses, and other frontline staff) should be engaged in creating effective, responsive systems of care

Corporate Social responsibility &Integrity

a. Knowledge of various CSR potential areas

a. To create a culture of ethical performance

b. Motivating Staff for engaging themselves in CSR activities

a. Knowledge of stakeholders perception

a. Ability to maintain a sense of proper behavioramid the heat of competition

b. Becoming an effective and aggressive advocate of ethical performance to the external world

c. Commitment of top management towards CSR

Corporate Governance

a. Knowledge of compliance, regulatory framework and legal consequences

a. To establish an effective whistleblower program

b. Ability to update inform employees about the compliance program

c. To build consensus, should have skills - Open-ended questioning;

a. Pay attention to legal compliance disasters in the corporation’s industry

b. To Understand the dynamics of corporate governancedisputes

a. Ability to motivate a values-based system of “governance, culture and leadership”

b. To set examples as a responsible corporate officer

c. Ability to effectively build up relationship with Board for effective corporate governance

d. Become aware of one’s

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Respectful, effective communications; Active listening; Bringing issues to the surface; Analyzing to deepen understanding and find patterns for organizing the information; Describing common concerns; Generating alternative solutions

personal conflict managementstyle

Supervisory Responsibilities

a. Knowledge about team members about their education, skills ,and competencies and abilities

a. the ability to achieve success through others

b. able to effectively communicate with fellow team members and explore ideas and suggestions put forward by the team

c. Ability to inspire team members to deliver their best

a. Knowledge of performance of key members

a. Ability to encourage top performers by giving them challenging assignments

b. Ability to involve others in decision making but also is an independent decision maker

c. Comfortable with variety of people but is not too trusting

d. Displays emotion /intensity but maintains control

e. Seeks to understand different perspectives but does not overanalyze

f. Mentoring key future leaders for succession planning

g. Effective delegation skillsh. Managing Smart-Ability

to change under performers to achievers

1.13 List of Competencies:

Functional Competencies Mission Stewardship Board Relations Inner strength Persuading: Being a Good “Visionator” Business Acumen Risk taking Critical Thinking

Behavioral Competencies Strategic thinking Developing others Entrepreneurial drive Socially responsible business excellence Work-life balance Interpersonal understanding Collaboration

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1.14 BARS for Functional Competencies:

Mission StewardshipWork with the board and staff to define the Organization’s mission, communicate it effectively within theOrganization, ensure that it serves continuously as an inspiration and guide, and execute it.Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a

less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best Effective

manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a more effective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Relate well to all key stakeholders

a. Motivate staff and the board around the mission of the organization

a. Incorporate the foundation’s culture and history in exploring the existing organizational mission and vision, and how these relate to the current work of the foundation

a. Detect and overcome weaknesses in the alignment of the Organization’s vision and mission to its current context and future trends

b. Motivate staff and the board around the mission of the foundation

Board RelationsWork with the board to help ensure that it is properly constituted and trained to conduct effective governance.Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a

less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best Effective

manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a more effective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Support and encourage appropriateboard functioning and involvement

a. Work with the board to develop effective written bylaws and processes

a. Facilitate the board’s development of board terms of service andtransition policies

a. Work with the board to create asupportive environment thatencourages staff to take appropriate risks in service to the Organization’s mission

b. Facilitate the board’s awareness of its development needs and identification of appropriate orientation and training

Inner strengthIt is the leader’s moral compass, guiding in most difficult decisions.Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a

less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best Effective

manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a more effective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Addresses concerns with employee behavior in a confidential and respectful manner

b. Investigates indiscipline and takes corrective action, as appropriate

c. Communicates honestly with employees regarding potential changes affecting the organization to ensure staff are treated fairly

a. Promotes a climate of openness and honesty and does not penalize responsible dissent

b. Displays fortitude to support ethical actions that may negatively impact self or stakeholders

Persuading: Being a Good “Visionator”Ability to articulate vision or strategy and the direction in which organization is going.

Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a

less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a more effective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Meets with staff to a. Communicates vision and a. Conducts workshop a. Develops an approach to improve

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address concerns about new organizational structure

mission of new office to employees while incorporating employee feedback for ideas on accomplishing new goals and objectives

with employees, human resources staff, and customers to build a vision, strategy, and goals for the unit

efficiency and effectiveness of the organizational structure by using creative reorganizing concepts

Business AcumenAbility to manage human, financial, legal and information resources strategically.Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a

less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a more effective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Setting up a system to Monitor income and expenditures for projects

b. Recognizes employee contributions by rewarding employees publicly

a. Ensures inventory accounting is accurate and complete

b. Identifies mission critical occupations and associated competencies needed to perform organizational functions

c. Works with contractors to implement an IT system change to meet requirements of a new legislative mandate

a. Ensures financial commitments and deadlines are met by facilitating and assessing processes, situations, and issues and takes corrective action, as needed

b. Leads task force to analyze agency-wide staffing needs and develops strategy to address recruitment needs

a. Designs and implements an agency-wide financial management system to meet organizational objectives

b. Develops a culture of collection from the clients

c. Develops new agency-wide incentive program to retain employees with technical expertise

d. Prioritizes and approves agency investment in information technology (IT) applications and systems

Risk TakingTo be able to take calculated risks after conducting an in-depth evaluation of the probabilities associated with the profit and loss outcomes of the decision.Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a

less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a more effective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Speaks up to ensurepeople are properlyinformed, to clarifyinaccurateinformation.

a. Proposes new or modifiedapproaches, practices, and processes and defends them effectively if challenged.

a. Takes on extremely challenging,i.e., very risky personally, butjustified, positions willingly.

a. Challenges management orclients honestly, sometimes at the risk of triggering a conflict.

Critical ThinkingIdentifies and analyzes problems; weighs relevance and accuracy of information; generates and evaluates alternative solutions; makes recommendations.

Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a

less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a more effective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Proposes solution to improve customer satisfaction

a. Addresses routine organizational problems by leading a team to

a. Addresses systemic barriers inhibiting the achievement of results by forming

a. Develops and implements a remediation plan restoring stakeholder confidence in a critical program

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brainstorm solutions teams to conduct focus groups and develop solutions

b. Reconciles conflicting and/or incomplete information to develop solutions

1.15 BARS for Behavioural Competencies:

CollaborationDeveloping relationships with medical and nursing schools, governmental authorities, and key organizations and businesses in the community will be increasingly important. These partnerships may be the best way to provide services to the greatest number of people in the community.Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a

less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a more effective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Meets with staff to discuss plans to implement strategic goals

a. Considers stakeholder input when developing strategies to ensure mutually agreeable initiatives

a. Partners with various parties by sharing information and resources across multiple levels to establish new programs

a. Develops, publicizes, and garners support for programs and policies by meeting with key officials, executives, unions, employees, and other interested parties

Strategic ThinkingIdentifies trends, patterns or connections between organizational issues, and identifies key or underlying factorsin complex situations; Identifies priorities and opportunities for the organization, and aligns daily work with long-range visions and directions of the companyAverage (Level1)Applies the competency in a less

Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a

best Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a more effective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Conducts anenvironmental scan(e.g., organizationalreadiness, externalfactors, trends, etc.)when determiningcurrent organizationalpriorities

a. Actively researchescurrent developmentsand trends

a. Ensures that initiativesacross the organization arealigned with theorganization’s mission

a. Recognizes opportunitiesand risks associated withdifferent long termorganizational and inter-organizationalapproaches to emergingissues

Developing othersDevelops the ability of others to perform and contribute to the organization by providing ongoing feedback and by providing opportunities to learn through formal and informal methods

Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a

less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a more effective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Provides orientation b. Provides constructive c. Recommends details a. Directs working group to design

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to new employees feedback, guidance, and reinforcement to employees regarding job performance

and developmental assignments to staff based on career interests and work unit needs

training programs focused on skills necessary for meeting strategic goals

Entrepreneurial drivePositions the organization for future success by identifying new opportunities; builds the organization by developing or improving products or services. Takes calculated risks to accomplish organizational objectivesAverage (Level1)Applies the competency in a

less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a more effective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Considers feedback when developing a new service

a. Considers current guidelines when developing a new product

a. Conducts research and develops business proposals resulting in a high return on investment

a. Assesses customer needs and develops innovative products and services to address recommendations

Socially Responsible business excellenceShows a commitment to serve the public. Ensures that actions meet public needs; aligns organizational objectives and practices with public interestsAverage (Level1)Applies the competency in a

less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a more effective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Motivates employees and their families to participate in various social initiatives

a. Understands the community needs and ensures they are addressed with the available resources

a. Partners with community leaders to develop neighborhood action plans

a. to devise parameters for successful implementation of various programs

b. To compile the reports of corporate sustainability index

c. Various incentive schemes for successful completion of desired goals for individuals/teams

Work-Life balanceProper prioritizing between "work" (career and ambition) and "lifestyle" (health, pleasure, leisure, family and spiritual development/meditation)Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a

less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a more effective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most

Effective manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Encourage a culture of prioritization of work

a. Introduces flexi hours for employees

a. Work places are designed ergonomically, optimizing human well-being and overall system performance

a. Developing policies for encouragement of recreation and sports

b. Strategically planning various health related programs to increase the participation of staff

Interpersonal UnderstandingTreats others with courtesy, sensitivity, and respect. Considers and responds appropriately to the needs and feelings of different people in different situationsAverage (Level1)Applies the competency in a

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a more

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most

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less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

a best Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

effective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Effective manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Interacts with co-workers in a tactful manner

b. Shows employees empathy and respect

a. Meets with staff and listens to their perspective on organizational policies and procedures

a. Is consistently open and approachable when resolving highly sensitive and complex issues


1.16 Manager –Quality and Patient Safety

1.17 Objective of the role:

a. The focus of the role is to support the hospital’s mission “to deliver exceptional patient care in an environment where quality, respect, caring and compassion is the core of our practice”.

b. This position is responsible for contributing to hospital-wide and departmental quality initiatives. This involves performing the assessment and analysis of operations and processes.

c. Additionally, he/she works collaboratively with staff and managers to promote design and implement improvements and innovations at Hospital.

d. In order to achieve defined outcomes, he/she engenders commitment, encourages cultural changes, disseminates information, and provides support for behavioral safety process changes.

e. The purpose of the position is patient-centeredness, staff vitality, process efficiency and waste reduction, and safe and reliable patient care.

1.18 Key Responsibilities and Deliverables:

Assists staff and management in the determination of reliable, valid, and measurable quality and patient safety indicators

Clinical & Non-Clinical Process Improvement w.r.t., NABH Standards Implement a score card based metrics to assess clinical quality resulting in standardized and

measurable clinical scorecards Identifies regulatory obligations for QA and QC activities and assures that the organization is

addressing regulatory requirements related to quality and patient safety. Serves as the liaison between quality and patient safety activities and the associated data sources to

assure the best data collected in the simplest, most efficient manner. Uses key tools to focus on process review rather than people review including process flow charting,

priority matrices, FMEA, run charts, SPC charts, and affinity diagrams Works to ensure that quality improvement and innovation work remains focused on one or more of

the following goals: patient-centeredness, staff vitality, process efficiency and waste reduction, and safe and reliable patient care.

Effectively communicates improvements that are made to work teams, staff, managers, and administrators throughout the organization.

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Works with medical and clinical leadership to organize, design, and present reports on quality and patient safety initiatives.

To assist and facilitate units for applying Healthcare Awards / Excellence / Quality Improvement Projects

Use clinical expertise to identify and evaluate activities or events occurring within the Health Center that have the potential to lead to patient injury and/or which represents opportunities to improve the safety of services offered by the Health Center

Provides effective leadership for conducting patient safety/clinical risk assessments and adverse event investigations, including root cause analyses and implementation of effective corrective action plans

Educate and train medical center staff and physicians in the organization on the system based causes for medical errors and other issues related to patient safety and clinical risk management

Enhances professional growth and development and maintains skills and knowledge through participation in educational programs, current literature, in-services, workshops and professionalAffiliations

Facilitates Risk Management meetings, maintains minutes of meeting, tracks process improvements, maintains Performance Improvement files, ensuring compliance

1.19 Job elements:

Clinical Excellence Quality Management Developing SOPs Risk Management

Audits Knowledge Enhancement Training and Development Accreditation

1.20 Job Elements Analysis:

Job Element Threshold DifferentiatorKnowledge Skills Knowledge Skills

Clinical Excellence

a. Knowledge and experience working with accreditation standards, health care regulations

b. Comprehensive understanding of Healthcare industry

a. Excellent organizational, communication, and negotiation skills

a. In-depth understanding of project management and process improvement, comprehensive understanding of clinical processes

b. Demonstrates substantial knowledge of NABH and other regulating agency/accrediting body requirements

a. Ability to work with variety of disciplines and levels of staff across service lines and corporation

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Quality Management

a. Knowledge of performance improvement, quality, and/or patient safety

a. Ability to work with and meet multiple deadlines

b. Must be able to write; create both simple and complex correspondence to multiple internal and external audiences

a. Knowledge of data abstraction and analysis techniques

a. Excellent computer skills to include all Microsoft Office suite applications as well as Clinical Information System, internal database creation/use; external databases

Risk Management

a. Knowledge of the harm caused by health-care errors and system failures

b. Knowledge of risk management principles and methods related to patient safety.

a. skills in data collection, analysis, and display

b. Excellent verbal and written communication skills.

a. the lessons about error and system failurefrom other industries

b. Knowledge of healthcare rules and regulations

a. skills in root cause analysis, robust system design

Audits a. Knowledge about various audits in hospitals

a. Ability to be demandingb. Be Diligent

a. Knowledge about the vendors /agency conducting successful audits

b. Knowledge about the benchmarking practices in the industry

a. Ability to insist on timely and appropriate briefings and responses

Accreditation a. Experience and knowledge of conducting the entire accreditation process from beginning to end

a. Ability to Orient management, staff and other stakeholders on the accreditation program

b. Good time management skills

c. Excellent organizational skills and strong attention to detail

d. Ability to develop, organize, motivate and coordinate groups across the organization

e. Ability to collect and organize data

a. Knowledge and familiarity with the Standards, measures and domains

b. Knowledge of the jurisdiction the health department serves

a. Ability to develop and implement a communications plan to ensure that all relevant parties (e.g., staff, health director, and local governing entity) are kept apprised of the progress

b. Ability to develop and maintain database of documents that demonstrate conformity to accreditation standards and measures

c. Ability to collaborate effectively with staff members, public officials, representatives and otherstakeholders

Knowledge Enhancement

a. Knowledge about the latest quality tools in the market

a. Aptitude for continuous learning

a. Knowledge about the various trainings and quality

a. Ability to Consolidate and transfer the new knowledge

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certification agencies

Training and Development

a. Knowledge of various skill gaps in the accreditation process, new technologies etc.

a. Ability to work out training modules for clinical as well non clinical staffs

a. Knowledge of various agencies conducting such programs

a. Ability to convince management about the utility of these programs

b. Ability to roll out these programs in a short span of time

Developing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

a. Knowledge of various formats used for developing SOPs- Hierarchical steps, Flowcharts etc.

b. Good writing skills

a. Ability to educate the employees about the new SOPs

a. Knowledge and experience of launching it on a suitable platform-IT software’s etc.

a. Ability to adopt suggestion for changes and implement it

1.21 List of Competencies:

Functional Competencies Analysis Project Management Advance Computing skills Subject Expertise Professional Development

1.22 BARS for Functional Competencies:

Behavioral Competencies Communication Change Management Coalition Building Accountability for Results Service Orientation Interpersonal understanding Teamwork

AnalysisThe ability to visualize, articulate and solve problems and concepts. Applies critical thinking to gather and analyze information, design and test solutions to problems and formulate plans.Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a less Effective

manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Uses multiple sources of information to identify patient safety problems

a. Uses data collection and analysis tools, (e.g., run charts, control charts, Pareto charts, flow charts, cause-and-effect diagrams, root cause analysis, failure mode and effects analysis) to improve patient

a. Translates data into actionable information, identifying patterns or problem areas and presenting results

a. Uses measurement and evaluation to engage all stakeholders

b. Considers a broad range of internal and external factors when making recommendations

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b. Makes sound and timely decisions involving simple or routine situations


b. Fosters cooperation among colleagues in problem-solving

c. Identifies human factors (e.g., fatigue, stress, human limitations, task saturation, workload, communication failures) that can contribute to error

to support decision-making among senior leadership

b. Anticipates potential threats or opportunities when formulating approaches for solving problems

c. Explains rationale for decisions

d. Develops processes or programs to support the smooth flow of information to ensure system issues are consistently identified, prioritized, and addressed

Project ManagementOrganizes work for self or others, sets priorities and determines resource requirements; determines short or long-term goals and strategies to achieve themAverage (Level1)Applies the competency in a less Effective

manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Identifies potential risks to the project

a. Identifies items that need to be included and accounted for in the project budget

a. Prioritizes work assignments of other individuals

a. Ensures an efficient and effective use of resources (e.g., monetary resources, human resources, etc.).

Advance Computing skillsEffectively uses and leverages technology, tools and equipment to achieve results and maximize efficiency and communications; uses computer hardware/ software, standard (e.g., database, word processing, presentation, virtual meeting and social media software)Average (Level1)Applies the competency in

a less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Uses basic functions of computer software (e.g., word processing, Internet searches, email)

a. Communicates via email, blogs, threaded discussions, webinars

a. Uses the patient safety reporting system to manage incident reports, generate customized reports and inform leadership

a. Uses advanced functions of computer software (e.g., statistical manipulation and analysis)

Subject ExpertiseMaintains a current understanding of the subject, best practices and regulatory requirements that are aimed at achieving a culture of quality and safetyAverage (Level1)Applies the competency in a

less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Keeps up-to-date on changes/revisions to policies, regulations, guidelines, best practices and standards pertaining to patient safety

a. Actively participates in the accreditation process and periodic performance reviews

a. In collaboration with health care professionals, implements educational activities to promote patient engagement

a. Contributes to changes/revisions to Service and facility-level policies and guidelines

b. Collaborates across ranks and departments to seek solutions to safe culture vulnerabilities

Professional Development

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Identifies and participates in opportunities for continued professional development throughout a career including formal (e.g., courses, conferences, etc.) and informal learning (e.g., mentorships, communities of practice, reading, networking, etc.).

Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a less Effective

manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Identifies and uses learning resources to stay up-to-date

a. Develops, coordinates and presents ongoing patient safety education programs on topics such as safety culture, transparency, disclosure, patient-centered care, cultural literacy, systems thinking, culture assessment and patient engagement

a. Contributes to the education of peers by sharing lessons learned

b. Both seeks and provides constructive feedback

a. Develops and expands advanced competencies through various means to include observation, case studies, participation in communities of practice, research, collaboration and participation in formal learning events/programs

1.23 BARS for Behavioural Competencies:

CommunicationAbility to use words effectively to impart information or ideas (e.g., sharing thoughts, messages, or information by speech, signals, writing or behavior) and transmit information through presentations, Includes the ability to listen and interpret other people’s verbal or nonverbal messagesAverage (Level1)Applies the competency in a

less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Expresses ideas and information effectively and clearly; articulates ideas in non-judgmental and non-confrontational ways; uses culturally sensitive language

a. Ensures that staff and leadership are provided with clear, timely, and accurate information

a. Facilitates group conversations in order to clarify issues and establish direction

a. Develops templates for reports required by supervisor to ensure these reports are written to specifications and provide appropriate level of detail (e.g., event reports, status reports, action plans)

Change ManagementPersuades others to accept recommendations, cooperate or change their behavior to focus on patient safety; works with others towards an agreementAverage (Level1)Applies the competency in a

less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Persuades peers to accept recommendations for change

a. Encourages voluntary practitioner reporting of adverse events and disclosure

a. Communicates that patient safety is a vital responsibility that must be promoted by the entire

a. Promotes a work environment that emphasizes learning and focuses on system performance rather than on individual blame

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facilityCoalition BuildingAbility to form and promote partnerships with individuals or organizations to support or advance the cause of quality and patient safetyAverage (Level1)Applies the competency in a

less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Establishes internal relationships with clinical and administrative staff to ensure patient safety is a top priority

a. Negotiates issues with others

a. Identifies information and facilitates an open flow of information exchange

a. Utilized by colleagues as a key trusted advisor with a reputation for results

Accountability for ResultsDemonstrates a proactive approach to completing tasks to ensure thoroughness and qualityAverage (Level1)Applies the competency in a

less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Takes ownership of work completed, accepting and incorporating constructive feedback

a. Completes assigned tasks even during times of uncertainty or ambiguity, while maintaining flexibility and a positive work attitude

a. Demonstrates the ability to quickly become acclimated and productive and helps others acclimate to new or changing priorities or environments

a. Holds responsibility for multiple, simultaneous assignments

Service OrientationAbility to create and sustain an organizational culture that encourages others to provide quality patient careAverage (Level1)Applies the competency in a

less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Communicates the need and importance for patient-centered care to others

a. Identifies resources (e.g., tools, support) needed to provide patient-centered care

a. Demonstrates willingness to take on responsibilities and challenges and do what is needed without being asked

a. Acts as a model to demonstrate excellence in public-service

Interpersonal understandingExemplifies professionalism by displaying courtesy, tact, empathy, compassion, respect and concern in dealing with co-workers and others; develops and maintains relationships; deals effectively with people who are difficult, hostile, distressed; and relates well to people from varied backgrounds and situations, and is sensitive to individual differences

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Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a

less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Interacts, cooperates, and works well with management, colleagues, patients, and general public under guidance and supervision

a. Establishes rapport during attendance at meetings by sharing information.

a. Listens to and interprets others’ verbal and non-verbal communications

a. Seeks to understand the perspective of others (e.g., Patients and families, Administrators, Clinicians, etc.)

TeamworkEncourages and facilitates cooperation, pride and group identity; fosters team commitment and spirit ; seeks input from team members in achieving goals; and embraces a collaborative work environment in which teams can cross multiple disciplines and levelAverage (Level1)Applies the competency in a

less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Cooperates with others to complete routine tasks

a. Identifies and defines team member roles

a. Solicits input from others in an inter-disciplinary team to consider different perspectives

a. Presents controversial findings tactfully to management officials regarding sensitive topics


1.24 Staff Nurse

1.25 Objective of the role:

The Staff nurse is responsible for the complete nursing care of the patient assigned to her/him.

1.26 Key Responsibilities and Deliverables:

General Care of the Patients Bed side nursing care to assigned stable patients in CCU unit based on basic assessment and

evaluating the outcomes Provide routine care for all patients admitted in CCU Make intake and output chart after monitoring the fluid and electrolyte balance Monitoring vital signs and report any deviation from normal to the concerned team leader Carry out various procedures like tracheostomy, intubation etc.

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Administer medications and treatments to the patient as prescribed by the physician Cardio pulmonary resuscitation in case of emergency situation Adhere to the hospital policies to prevent infection and to ensure standard healthcare to the patients Work as an effective member of the team to provide quality and safe patient care

Ward Management Handing over and taking charge of shift Keeping the ward clean and tidy Preparation of surgical supplies, bandage, splint Routine care and cleaning of dressing trolleys, cupboards, apparatus, mackintosh etc. Care of clean and soiled linens Disinfections of linen, beds, floor and bed pans

Professional Development and Education Demonstration and guidance to student nurses and domestic staff Supervision of domestic staff Assistance in orientation of new staff nurses Participation in staff education and staff meeting Participation in professional activities

Research and Development To assist in promoting nursing practice in line with relevant research To maintain an awareness of evidence-based practice

Audit, Quality and Risk Management To participate in the audit process for monitoring and reviewing nursing quality Identify own training needs, to ensure individual is informed and competent in the use of all

equipment provided for use

1.27 Job elements:

Patient Care with empathy Ward Management Professional Development and Education

Resource Management Audit, Quality and Risk Management

1.28 Job Elements Analysis:

Job Element Threshold DifferentiatorKnowledge Skills Knowledge Skills

Patient Care a. Knowledge of programs of care

a. Effective communication skills

a. Knowledge of all protocols

a. Ability to ensure patient confidentiality

Ward Management

a. Knowledge of nursing procedures

b. Floor management skills

a. Knowledge of biomedical waste

a. Empathy with Patientsb. Health and Safety

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b. Knowledge of documentation process

disposal c. Safeguarding children

Professional Development and Education

a. knowledge of nursing theoryand best practice at the level ofa newly qualified nurse

a. Teaching skills a. Knowledge of codes of practice

a. Demonstrates evidence ofability to educate others

Resource Management

a. awareness of budgeting, exercising care and economy inthe ordering and use of equipment

a. reducing waste a. Knowledge of materials ordered and maintaining their proper records

a. Ability to guide other staff to use materials with discretion

Audit, Quality and Risk Management

a. Awareness of the national, professional and local quality issues relevant tothe delivery of nursing services, e.g. Clinical Governance

a. Ability to uphold quality initiatives that improve ‘customer care’ and enhance the interfacebetween staff, patients and visitors

a. Aware of personal responsibilities in relation to the maintenance of a safe environment and identification of potential risks for all personnel, patients and visitors

a. Ability to handle complaints

1.29 List of Competencies:

Functional Competencies Clinical Audit Clinical Research Basic Computing skills Documentation Physical Skills and Effort Stress management

1.30 BARS for Functional Competencies:

Behavioral Competencies Communication Teamwork Maintaining Confidentiality Empathy and Caring approach Emotional Stability

Clinical AuditThat seeks to improve patient care and outcomes through systematic review of care against explicit criteria and the implementation of change

Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a less Effective

manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. To participate in the audit process for monitoring and

a. To provide all the necessary report for the successful audit process

a. To participate in maintaining a clean environment

a. To contribute to the setting and monitoring of measurable standards of care and be accountable for maintaining standards

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reviewing nursing quality

Clinical researchScience that determines the safety and effectiveness of medications, devices, diagnostic products and treatment regimens intended for human use

Average (Level1)Applies the competency in

a less Effective manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. To understand the research based programs and support them

a. To maintain an awareness of evidence-based practice

a. promoting nursing practice in line with relevant research

a. To contribute to research and development programs within the ward

Basic Computing skillsUses basic functions of computer software (e.g., word processing, Internet searches, email)

Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a less Effective

manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Understanding of basic computers

a. Documentation through computers

a. Preparation of various teaching modules

a. Generation of monthly clinical reports

Documentation It is the creation of a digital or analog record detailing a medical treatment, medical trial or clinical test

Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a less Effective

manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. To be aware about the correct documentation procedures

a. To complete patient documentation correctly

a. Teaching staff members about documentation

a. document professional nursing care utilizing the nursing process for patients in accordance with physician orders and established policies and procedures

Physical Skills and EffortRequires physical strength to execute the tasks

Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a less Effective

manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Assisting in rehabilitation

a. No inhibition in handling patients manually

a. handling appropriatelifting aids to maintain patientcomfort

a. Undertake specific nursingprocedures involving physicalskills for example intravenousinjections

Stress Management

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Management of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstance

Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a less Effective

manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Maintaining a balance between work and play

a. Be aware of unhelpful thinking when stressed

a. Taking a counselling sessions about to manage things in a better way

a. Attending stress management trainings

1.31 BARS for Behavioral Competencies:

CommunicationAbility to use words effectively to impart information or ideas

Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a less Effective

manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Uses effective listening skills to identify important information in conversations and to engage people

a. Encourages robust reporting of all medication and non-medication related PS events/incidents to include near miss events

a. Responds with confidence and credibility when faced with on-the-spot questions or challenges

a. Mentors or teaches others to write reports

TeamworkAchieves common goals by working cooperatively with others and developing a positive work climate

Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a less Effective

manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Works withinthe team anddoes his/herspecific shareof the work

a. Openly andactively shares allrelevant or usefulinformation andresources

a. Promotes harmony and consensus across thegroup

a. Promotes sharingof expertise amongteams to achievesuperior service

Maintaining ConfidentialityEssential to maintain patients ‘privacy and confidentialityAverage (Level1)Applies the competency in a less Effective

manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. To understand the governance and data

a. To comply with information governance and data protection policies

a. Encourage fellow colleagues to maintain

a. Commitment towards maintaining confidentiality of information

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protection policies

confidentiality of information

Empathy and Caring approachClinical empathy involves an ability to: (a) understand the patient’s situation, perspective, and feelings (and their attached meanings); (b) to communicate that understanding and check its accuracy; and (c) to act on that understanding with the patient in a helpful (therapeutic)wayAverage (Level1)Applies the competency in a less Effective

manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Practicing active listening to understand patient

a. Learning from senior nursing staff about handling patients with empathy

a. Demonstrates an empatheticand caring approach to patientsand relatives

a. Role model for being the best in nursing practice

Emotional StabilityIt is the capacity to maintain ones emotional balance under stressful circumstances

Average (Level1)Applies the competency in a less Effective

manner, requires frequent guidance

Good (Level 2)Applies the competency in a best

Effective manner, requires occasional guidance

Very Good (Level 3)Applies the competency in a moreEffective manner, generally requires little or no guidance

Excellent (Level 4)Applies the competency in a most Effective

manner, serves as a key resource and advises others

a. Exhibiting self-confidence at work

a. Practicing prioritization of work

a. Taking regular breaks between work and leisure

a. Demonstrated ability to deal with exposure to bereavement and ‘difficult’ patients & relatives.

1.32 References

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