22/06/2015, Nairobi, Kenya Monitoring of Project Activities: The building stones Enos Omondi

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22/06/2015, Nairobi, Kenya

Monitoring of Project Activities: The building stones

Enos Omondi

Project Monitoring

• Regular systematic collection and

analysis of information to track the

progress of program implementation

against pre-set targets and


• The process of collecting and

analyzing information to track project

implementation progress

• Clarifies program objectives• Links activities and their resources to

objectives• Translates objectives into performance

indicators and sets targets• Routinely collects data on these

indicators, compares actual results with targets

• Reports progress to managers and alerts them to problems

Steps in Monitoring

Step I• Collecting data (facts, observation and

measurement) and documenting them – Indicators for objectives at all levels– Quality and appropriateness of

Activities and use of resources (performance)

– Project environment (Indicators for Assumptions)

– Project impact – Co-operation with target groups and


Steps in Monitoring


Step II • Analyzing and drawing conclusions then


– Comparison of planned & actual achievements (planned and unforeseen) & identification of deviations (review) and conclusions

– Changes in project environment & consequences for project; drawing conclusions

– Comparison of planned & actual mechanisms and procedures of project organization & co-operation with target groups; identification of deviations and conclusions

Steps in Monitoring

Step III• Making recommendations (judgement) &

taking corrective action

• Adjustment of timing of Activities and resources

• Adjustment of objectives • Adjustment of procedures and co-operation


The Place of Monitoring in the logic model

Monitoring of Activities and Means

• Compares time planned for and finally required to carry

out an individual activity

• Major tool is the Annual Work Plan that should be

sufficiently detailed to allow for such a judgement

– DEADLINES are defined as the point time until which a

specific ACTIVITY has to be completed;

– MILESTONES are key events in the implementation of

ACTIVITIES that provide a measure of progress and a

target for the project team to aim at

– MILESTONES and DEADLINES provide the basis on which

project implementation is monitored and managed

Monitoring of Activities and Means • Whenever individual Activities deviate from the

schedule, the consequences on other Activities

and resources must be considered

• Causes of these deviations need to be analyzed

and timing may have to be adjusted.

• If deadlines for Activities that are on the “critical

path” or influence the timing of other Activities

cannot be respected, project management is

also required to react by adjusting plans, shifting

resources, etc.

Monitoring of Activities and Resources• Usually human & physical, need to be available at the

right time in sufficient quantities and quality

– Utilization of the required resources is monitored on the

basis of the Activity and Resource Schedules

– Monitoring the use of resources mainly concerns analyzing

the resources used as to the Results they achieved

(estimates project efficiency)

– Properly managing the use of resources means identifying

deviations from the scheduling, and taking corrective

action if required

– Control of funds requires regular budget reviews and


Monitoring of Results

• Based on the Indicators for the


• Indicators rep-resent the desired

situation at a specific time or at the

end of the planning period

• Progress is assessed by comparing an

initial situation with the current


Monitoring of Assumptions

• Adequate monitoring of Assumptions

and Risks is rarely done

• Assumptions can also tagged with

Indicators and Sources of Verification

Monitoring of Impacts

• Impact monitoring looks at: – Project effectiveness (“doing

the right things”) and

beyond, i.e. the positive and

intended impacts;

– The side effects not

included in the logframe;

– The negative impacts.

Thank You…


Ashe Oleng’!