Blue River Stack Key points: -Gain shallow vision topside to either gain Kill pressure / summoners, counter jungle Red Or to divert resources topside to enable bot side invasion and counter jungle blue -Does not commit Does not require dedicated team comp to utilize

Blue riverstack

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Page 1: Blue riverstack

Blue River Stack

Key points:

-Gain shallow vision topside to either gain Kill pressure / summoners, counter jungle RedOr to divert resources topside to enable bot side invasion and counter jungle blue

-Does not commit fully, retains enough resources and time to backtrack to standard starts

Does not require dedicated team comp to utilize

Page 2: Blue riverstack


-rush to indicated locations-jungle will trinket location 1, accompanied by top, retreat to river, top will trinket location 2 upon retreat-support will trinket location 3 after 5 second delay upon arrival------------------------------------------

Proceed to Required Routes from this setup

No Relevant Conditions

Page 3: Blue riverstack

Route 5

-rush to indicated locations-jungle will trinket location 1, accompanied by top, retreat to river, top will trinket location 2 upon retreat-support will trinket location 3 after 5 second delay upon arrival------------------------------------------

Proceed to Required Routes from this setup

Enemy player pushing out to ward river, HARD CC is Available

*pinks will represent enemy wards

Page 4: Blue riverstack

Route 1

-Mid, Top and jungle will take paths indicated as soon as trinket 1 is about to fade,-meanwhile Duo will recall and proceed to adc trinket location 4 at 1:40 before heading to lane as indicated-Counter jungle enemy red, top heads to lane through tri alone only if enemy top is visible, otherwise wait for jungle escort (share exp if desired)

Mid @ turret - no other locations known

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Route 2

-Jungle and top will collapse first behind ledge, rest will follow up once top and jungle have gotten behind enemy mid-try to burn flash or kill, DO NOT chase beyond boundary X

-all recall,-If jungler starting gromp, adc will trinket location 4 at 1:45 before heading to lane as indicated-if jungler starting krugs, adc trinket location 5 at 1:40, leash, head to lane as indicated

Mid @ extended – top at position 1 or unknown

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Route 3

-top and jungle will push to top tri bush, wait until told, before pushing down towards position 2 while the rest push up towards position 2-attempt to burn flash or kill, But Do Not chase beyond boundaries y or x

-all recall,-If jungler starting gromp, adc will trinket location 4 at 1:45 before heading to lane as indicated-if jungler starting krugs, adc trinket location 5 at 1:40, leash, head to lane as indicated

Top at position 2 – mid unknown or at turret – jungle unknown

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Route 4

Bot duo and top recall, proceed along indicated route, stopping at turret-Mid will trinket position 4 before recalling while jungler intentionally walks forward into enemy vision briefly before retreating and recalling where indicated-team will group and follow path indicated from outer turret towards river brush,-AT 1:52 team will push up into blue with whoever has cc leading, If enemy encountered force flash or kill, do not chase beyond boundaries x or y-steal buff quickly before retreating, top teleport to lane from river brush

2 or more enemy topside, Clear topside start

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-mid and bot duo retreat followed by jungle and top as indicated-mid will trinket position 6 during retreat-bot duo recall

-If jungler starting gromp, adc will trinket location 4 at 1:45 before heading to lane as indicated-if jungler starting krugs, adc trinket location 5 at 1:40, leash, head to lane as indicated

Enemy team Collapsing or other complication results in abort call