The Need to Make Changes in Labor Law Posters by Employers

The Need to Make Changes in Labor Law Posters by Employers

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The Need to Make Changes in

Labor Law Posters by


Labor laws are important for both employers as well as

employees. Labor laws furnish the framework of the

law that employers need to comply with and bring

clarity on employees' rights and obligations. The goal is

to equalize the bargaining power between employers

and employees. Thus, these laws are aimed to serve for

the welfare of employers as well as employees.

In this article, we'll discuss the need to make changes in

labor law posters by employers as mandated by the


Specific poster requirements

Employers need to comply with specific requirements

concerning the posters such as dimension, size, etc.


The size of labor law posters varies depending upon the

specific Act. For example, OSHA posters need to have a

minimum size of 8.5 inches by 14 inches (with 10 point

type); and for the Executive Order 13496 i.e.

Notification of Employee Rights Under Federal Labor

Laws, the posters must be 11 inches by 17 inches.

On the other hand, there is no specific size requirement

for some posters like the EEO poster, the EPPA poster,

Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection

Act (MSPA) poster, etc.

Font style and size

With respect to style and size of font in labor law

posters, there are certain norms to be adhered to by


The text of the message displayed in the poster should

be large enough to enable employees as well as job

applicants to read it easily.

The posters must contain the laws, rules, etc. in full and

not in part or an abridged version.

Need of labor law posters

Mandate by the government

Unless specified, employers must comply with labor

laws. Displaying labor law posters is part of being in

compliance with these laws.


Labor law posters serve the purpose of informing

employees of their rights and obligations. For

employers, these posters are the tools that help them

ensure optimal compliance by properly informing

employers about the labor laws.

Reasons to make changes in labor law posters

Changes in labor laws

Governments can bring amendments in labor laws as

and when required. This could be because of changing

business situations and consequent demands for new

rules and regulations. Employers must have labor law

posters displayed at the workplace as required under the

new rules.

Creating awareness

Making changes in the existing laws is helpful for all

employers, employees and job applicants. This will

ensure timely and accurate compliance from employers,

and create awareness among employees of the laws

applicable to them. This ensures clarity with regard to

the new rules.

Consequences of not making changes

Imprisonment and fines

Employers not making the changes regardless of

whether it's willful or inadvertent are likely to attract

risks of heavy fines, penalties and in some cases


Need for third parties in making labor law posters

Considering the possible timely changes in the labor

law posters, a third-party vendor is a sensible option for

overcoming the multiple challenges that business

owners face. Choosing accredited third-party service

providers bring benefits such as:

Saves time, money and manpower

As an employer, you are preoccupied with business

affairs and you can seldom focus on compliance with

labor laws. Accredited third-parties could play an

important role in this case.

Third-party service providers take care of ordering,

procuring and making changes to labor law posters as

per requirement. Employers do not have to devote any

of their employees for this purpose.

Prices of third-party labor law poster providers are

affordable as well. Thus, they help you save money and


Intimation regarding change in laws by the government

In the event of any change in the laws made by the

government, third-party service providers make sure

appropriate changes are made in the labor law posters.

Services offered by third parties

Poster designing

Accredited third-party service providers design labor

law posters as per government rules-with respect to

size, text, language and appearance.

Regularly updating the changes

Third-party service providers make sure that you

comply with the Federal and State labor laws. They

keep a track of the changes in labor laws brought out

by governments (Federal and State) and find which

laws would apply to your company.

Poster placement services

Service providers can determine which labor law

posters apply to your business and provide them in a

timely manner. Third-party sellers make sure that labor

law posters are displayed in the correct places at the


Making changes in labor law posters according to

ammendments to the law is mandatory for employers.

Not doing so can be tantamount to noncompliance, and

could attract fines, penalties or imprisonment.

Labor Law Center provides compliance labor law

poster solutions across US since 1999 to all stake

holders. We provide wide selection of Federal, State

and OSHA labor law posters, safety products and

employment related kits. If you're looking for our

services using the keywords PA labor law posters or NJ

labor law posters, Laborlawcenter.com is the right
