Testosterone Testing: Be Careful What You Wish For Early on, in this new age of testosterone replacement therapy, the attitude towards testosterone testing was much different than today. Men avoided the topic of low testosterone like the plague, most likely due to ego. Who would want to admit to having low levels of the hormone that makes men who they are? Low testosterone, or "Low-T", in aging men is diagnosed quite frequently at this day in age mostly from advancements in the science of medicine. As well as many went for Testosterone Treatment Lawsuit because if being misdiagnosed. https://www.facebook.com/TestosteroneTreatmentLawsuit The recent popularity over replacement therapy is astounding. It seems as if every male on the other side of "the hill" has an interest in being prescribed testosterone to relive the glory days of their younger, more physically fit selves. With treatment options as simple as a gel, patch or even injections, prescription testosterone is being taken like candy. There is still not much known about the long-term side effects of taking additional testosterone, but early warning signs are not looking very promising. Of all men taking testosterone, roughly 20% truly rely on the use of prescription hormone therapy. These therapy patients suffer from the testosterone deficiency hypogonadism, generally a condition found in patients with tumors, genital surgery, groin injuries as well as individuals taking chemotherapy. In regards to the other 80% of testosterone patients, is it an absolute necessity that they receive the so-called benefits of unnaturally increasing testosterone levels? Individuals who have decreased levels of testosterone may argue yes, even though aging causes a natural loss of this hormone. The three guarantees in life which are death, taxes and lower testosterone levels in aging males. Unfortunately, there is a small proportion of patients who ignore the natural process completely. These are the individuals who are ridiculed in the public spotlight when they are caught for abusing testosterone to optimize physical and/or athletic performance. Are patients even concerned with the potential health risks associated with affecting a naturally occurring chemical change in the body? Based on the immense popularity of replacement therapy, most likely not. Reality, in the form of dangerous side-effects, is beginning to take hold in this fantasy of testosterone being the key to making a man young again. Concern over the potential draw backs of using testosterone therapy is finally drawing attention and there are testosterone lawsuit been filled. With recent lawsuits being filed against the creators of different drugs for replacement therapy, the potential health hazards are now coming to light. There were claims the pharmaceutical companies failed to protect patients from serious injury. Additionally, claims of negligence were made pertaining to informing patients of possible side-effects including an increased risk for cardiovascular problems.

Testosterone Testing: Be Careful What You Wish For

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Testosterone Testing: Be Careful What You Wish For

Early on, in this new age of testosterone replacement therapy, the attitude towards testosterone testing

was much different than today. Men avoided the topic of low testosterone like the plague, most likely

due to ego. Who would want to admit to having low levels of the hormone that makes men who they

are? Low testosterone, or "Low-T", in aging men is diagnosed quite frequently at this day in age mostly

from advancements in the science of medicine. As well as many went for Testosterone Treatment Lawsuit

because if being misdiagnosed.


The recent popularity over replacement therapy is astounding. It seems as if every male on the other side

of "the hill" has an interest in being prescribed testosterone to relive the glory days of their younger, more

physically fit selves. With treatment options as simple as a gel, patch or even injections, prescription

testosterone is being taken like candy. There is still not much known about the long-term side effects of

taking additional testosterone, but early warning signs are not looking very promising.

Of all men taking testosterone, roughly 20% truly rely on the use of prescription hormone therapy. These

therapy patients suffer from the testosterone deficiency hypogonadism, generally a condition found in

patients with tumors, genital surgery, groin injuries as well as individuals taking chemotherapy. In regards

to the other 80% of testosterone patients, is it an absolute necessity that they receive the so-called

benefits of unnaturally increasing testosterone levels?

Individuals who have decreased levels of testosterone may argue yes, even though aging causes a natural

loss of this hormone. The three guarantees in life which are death, taxes and lower testosterone levels in

aging males. Unfortunately, there is a small proportion of patients who ignore the natural process

completely. These are the individuals who are ridiculed in the public spotlight when they are caught for

abusing testosterone to optimize physical and/or athletic performance.

Are patients even concerned with the potential health risks associated with affecting a naturally occurring

chemical change in the body? Based on the immense popularity of replacement therapy, most likely not.

Reality, in the form of dangerous side-effects, is beginning to take hold in this fantasy of testosterone

being the key to making a man young again. Concern over the potential draw backs of using testosterone

therapy is finally drawing attention and there are testosterone lawsuit been filled.

With recent lawsuits being filed against the creators of different drugs for replacement therapy, the

potential health hazards are now coming to light. There were claims the pharmaceutical companies failed

to protect patients from serious injury. Additionally, claims of negligence were made pertaining to

informing patients of possible side-effects including an increased risk for cardiovascular problems.

Can there be anything more harmful for an aging male than cardiovascular problems? Heart attacks,

blood clots, strokes and even death happens far too frequently in society today. Avoiding such potentially

life-threatening events should be top priority for older males, not increasing the likelihood of them

occurring. As problematic as side-effects like these can be, they are not the only symptoms being

uncovered from use of testosterone. Cases in which males have grown female breasts have begun to


One thing is for certain, be careful what you wish for. Testing testosterone levels and receiving

replacement treatments may help build levels to what they should be. Is that strive to revive versions of

our younger selves worth the potential devastation side-effects bring upon us?