ASIA COUNSEL INSIGHTS 24 April 2017 Asia Counsel Insights provide an overview of the key trending legal and business issues in Vietnam and how they may impact your business. Please enjoy your read. Key Dates: 30 April (Victory Day) and 1 May (International Labour Day) are public holidays in Vietnam, and as 30 April 2017 falls on Sunday, the public holiday period will be extended to Tuesday, 2 May 2017. Employment New Social Insurance Premium Contribution Under Decree 44/2017/ND-CP dated 14 April 2017 of the Government on compulsory social insurance contribution to the occupational health and safety fund, the rate of contribution by the employer to the fund is reduced from 1% to 0.5% of the salary fund used as basis for calculation of social insurance contributions. Accordingly, the total contribution rate of the employer shall be reduced from 22% to 21.5% (including 3% to sickness and paternity fund, 0.5% to occupational health and safety, 14% to a pension fund, 3% for health insurance and 1% for unemployment insurance). Decree 44 will take effect from 1 June 2017. For employees working under a labour contract with a term of 1-3 months, the above new contribution rate shall be applicable from 1 January 2018. Dispute Resolution Commercial Mediation On 20 February 2017, the Government issued Decree 22/2017/ND-CP on commercial mediation, which will take effect from 15 April 2017. Commercial disputes are resolved by mediation if the relevant parties have a written mediation agreement before, after or during the dispute settlement process. Mediation is conducted by one or more registered ad-hoc mediators or mediators from a licensed mediation center. Mediation centers are non-profit entities. Parties to a commercial dispute may agree on the mediation procedures or follow the mediation rules of the mediation center or a procedure proposed by the mediators. The disputing parties may pursue court proceedings if they cannot settle the dispute via mediation. An agreed mediated outcome can be submitted to courts for recognition and is enforceable. Agribusiness Animal and aquaculture feeds On 4 April 2017, the Government issued Decree 39/2017/ND-CP on management of animal and aquaculture feeds. Under Decree 39, feed manufacturers must meet regulatory conditions on manufacture location, environment, equipment, personnel and technical testing facilities. New feeds are subject to assessment by qualified institutions, except where the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (“MARD”) have been recognised the technical research of such fee or have been tested in a foreign country having agreement with Vietnam on recognition of new feeds. Feeds must have a list of applicable standards and declarations of confirmation with technical regulations to be registered and published on MARD’s website before product circulation into the market. About Asia Counsel Asia Counsel is a dynamic international corporate and commercial law firm dedicated to serving clients in Vietnam. Our partners have over nine years of experience in working on complex and challenging matters in Vietnam. We are committed to helping clients achieve their business strategies and providing outstanding legal services. If you have any questions on any of the items discussed above, please do not hesitate to contact us. Christian Schaefer Managing Partner E [email protected] Minh Duong Partner E [email protected] Asia Counsel Vietnam Law Company Limited, Level 5, 18 HBT Building, 16-18 Hai Ba Trung Street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City

Asia Counsel Insights 24 April 2017

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24 April 2017

Asia Counsel Insights provide an

overview of the key trending legal

and business issues in Vietnam and

how they may impact your

business. Please enjoy your read.

Key Dates:

30 April (Victory Day) and 1 May

(International Labour Day) are

public holidays in Vietnam, and as

30 April 2017 falls on Sunday, the

public holiday period will be

extended to Tuesday, 2 May 2017.

Employment New Social Insurance Premium


Under Decree 44/2017/ND-CP dated

14 April 2017 of the Government on

compulsory social insurance

contribution to the occupational

health and safety fund, the rate of

contribution by the employer to the

fund is reduced from 1% to 0.5% of

the salary fund used as basis for

calculation of social insurance

contributions. Accordingly, the total

contribution rate of the employer

shall be reduced from 22% to 21.5%

(including 3% to sickness and

paternity fund, 0.5% to occupational

health and safety, 14% to a pension

fund, 3% for health insurance and 1%

for unemployment insurance).

Decree 44 will take effect from 1

June 2017. For employees working

under a labour contract with a term

of 1-3 months, the above new

contribution rate shall be applicable

from 1 January 2018.

Dispute Resolution Commercial Mediation

On 20 February 2017, the

Government issued Decree

22/2017/ND-CP on commercial

mediation, which will take effect

from 15 April 2017. Commercial

disputes are resolved by mediation if

the relevant parties have a written

mediation agreement before, after

or during the dispute settlement

process. Mediation is conducted by

one or more registered ad-hoc

mediators or mediators from a

licensed mediation center.

Mediation centers are non-profit

entities. Parties to a commercial

dispute may agree on the mediation

procedures or follow the mediation

rules of the mediation center or a

procedure proposed by the

mediators. The disputing parties may

pursue court proceedings if they

cannot settle the dispute via

mediation. An agreed mediated

outcome can be submitted to courts

for recognition and is enforceable.

Agribusiness Animal and aquaculture feeds

On 4 April 2017, the Government

issued Decree 39/2017/ND-CP on

management of animal and

aquaculture feeds. Under Decree 39,

feed manufacturers must meet

regulatory conditions on

manufacture location, environment,

equipment, personnel and technical

testing facilities. New feeds are

subject to assessment by qualified

institutions, except where the Ministry

of Agriculture and Rural Development

(“MARD”) have been recognised the

technical research of such fee or

have been tested in a foreign country

having agreement with Vietnam on

recognition of new feeds. Feeds must

have a list of applicable standards

and declarations of confirmation with

technical regulations to be registered

and published on MARD’s website

before product circulation into the


About Asia Counsel Asia Counsel is a dynamic international corporate and commercial law firm dedicated to serving clients in Vietnam. Our partners have over nine years of

experience in working on complex and challenging matters in Vietnam. We are committed to helping clients achieve their business strategies and providing

outstanding legal services.

If you have any questions on any of the items discussed above, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Christian Schaefer

Managing Partner

E [email protected]

Minh Duong


E [email protected]

Asia Counsel Vietnam Law Company Limited, Level 5, 18 HBT Building, 16-18 Hai Ba Trung Street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City


24 April 2017

Vietnam Fact Box According to the 2016 report

published by Topica Founder

Institute, the Vietnam start-up

ecosystem saw deal value of

USD 205 million, a significant

rise in value from 2015.

2016 saw a noticeable trend

in the number of deals in

Fintech – accounting for over

half of the reported deal

value of USD 129 million – with

e-commerce coming second

at USD 35 million.

While the report doesn’t

account for all startup deals,

it reveals a trend of Vietnam’s

growing position as a start-up

hub and a technology

market with significant


Commercial Labelling

On 14 April 2017, the Government

issued Decree 43/2017/ND-CP on

labelling of goods, which takes

effect from 01 June 2017 and

replaces Decree 89/2006/ND-CP.

The new provisions include:

• Expiry date means the date

after which goods no longer

retain their existing quality

features. Under Decree 98,

expiry date means the date

beyond which goods are not

allowed to be circulated.

• For goods which are divided,

transferred, extracted, or re-

packaged, labels must show

the date of division, transfer,

extraction or re-packaging.

• Labels of a number of goods

must have additional

compulsory contents, such as

date of expiry, lot identification

code (if any) and warnings of

alcohol; date of expiry, code

and bar code of cigarettes;

number of registration or import

license and manufacture lot

number of medicines for

human use.

Business Seaports

The Government issued Decree no.

37/2017/ND-CP dated 4 April 2017

on business conditions for

operations of seaports.

Under Decree 37, seaport

operators (seaport enterprises)

must obtain a certificate of

satisfaction of conditions for

seaport operations business. To

obtain this certificate, seaport

enterprises must satisfy the

conditions on organisational

structure and manpower, facilities

and equipment, labour safety and

hygiene, fire and explosion

prevention and fighting and

environmental protection as

specified in Decree 37. The

Vietnam Maritime Administration

shall issue the certificate within 10

days from the date of receipt of

the valid application dossier.

Decree 37 shall take effect from 1

July 2017. Seaport enterprises which

have operated seaports before 01

July 2017 are permitted to continue

their operations, but must satisfy the

conditions prescribed in Decree 37

as of 01 July 2020.

Tourism Administrative penalties

On 20 March 2017, the Government

issued Decree 28/2017/NĐ-CP

amending decrees on administrative

penalties for breaches of intellectual

property and breaches in culture,

sport, tourism and advertisement

sectors. Decree 28 prescribes a

number of new penalties in tourism

sector such as:

• A fine of VND5-10 million shall apply

in the following cases:

▪ There is no written travel

contract with the tourists or their


▪ There is no written travel agency

contract with the travel


▪ Contracts with tourists do not

contain full compulsory details as

prescribed by law.

▪ There is no travel program in

writing for tourists.

• A fine of VND40-50 million will apply

to persons providing domestic travel

services without establishing an


• A fine of VND3-5 million will be

apply in case there is no signboard

for inland waterway tourist

transportation means.

Litigation Judgement Publication

Under Resolution No. 03/2017/NQ-HĐTP dated 16 March 2017 of the Supreme Court

on publication of court judgements and decisions on courts’ portals, the following

judgements and decisions are published:

• Un-appealed or un-protested first-instance judgment; judgments of appellate

courts; decisions on judicial review and retrial of criminal, administrative, civil,

marriage and family, business, commercial and labor cases;

• Valid decisions on resolution of civil matters, decision on judicial review and retrial

of civil matters;

• Decisions on declaration of enterprises’ bankruptcy; decisions on resolution of the

petition for or protest against decisions on declaration of enterprises’ bankruptcy;

valid decision on administrative sentences applied at courts.

The above judgements and decisions must be published within 30 days from the

date of becoming effective.