A Summer Internship Project Report On “Mutual Funds Simplified - An Investor Awareness InitiativeIn the partial fulfillment of the Degree of Master of Management Studies under the University of Mumbai By Mr. Ashtikar Shubham Vilas [Roll No: A - 02] Specialization: Marketing Batch: 2014-16 Under the Guidance of Mr. Siddharth Vaidya (Branch Manager, ICICI Securities, Nagpur) Prof. Projit De (Internal Guide) SASMIRA’s Institute of Management Studies and Research Worli, Mumbai-400030. 2015

summer internship project on ICICI MF

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Summer Internship Project Report


“Mutual Funds Simplified

- An Investor Awareness Initiative”

In the partial fulfillment of the Degree of

Master of Management Studies

under the University of Mumbai


Mr. Ashtikar Shubham Vilas

[Roll No: A - 02]

Specialization: Marketing

Batch: 2014-16

Under the Guidance of

Mr. Siddharth Vaidya (Branch Manager, ICICI Securities, Nagpur)

Prof. Projit De

(Internal Guide)

SASMIRA’s Institute of Management Studies and Research

Worli, Mumbai-400030.



Summer Internship Project Report


“Mutual Funds Simplified

-An Investor Awareness Initiative”

In the partial fulfillment of the Degree of

Master of Management Studies

Under the University of Mumbai


Mr. Ashtikar Shubham Vilas

[ Roll No: A - 02]

Specialization: Marketing

Batch: 2014-16

Under the Guidance of

Mr. Siddharth Rajvaidya (Branch Manager, ICICI Securities, Nagpur)

Prof. Projit De

(Internal Guide)

SASMIRA’s Institute of Management Studies and

Research Worli, Mumbai-400030.











Shubham Vilas Ashtikar

Roll No-02

Batch - 2014-2016




JULY, 2015


I, Mr. Shubham Vilas Ashtikar hereby declare that this

project report is the record of authentic work carried out by me

during the period from 12 May to 11 July and has not been

submitted to any other University or Institute for the award of

any degree / diploma etc.


Name of the student: Shubham Vilas Ashtikar




Certified that the summer internship project report on

“Mutual fund simplified” is the bonafide work of Mr.

Shubham Ashtikar Roll No. 02, MMS Batch 2014-16 in

ICICI SECURITIES carried out under my supervision

during MAY 12 2015 to JULY 11 2015.

Place: Signature of the Supervisor



This is to certify that Mr. Shubham Vilas Ashtikar of

Sasmira’s Institute of Management Studies & Research has

successfully completed the project work titled “Mutual fund

simplified” in partial fulfillment of requirement for the

completion MMS as prescribed by the University of Mumbai.

This project report is the record of authentic work carried out

by him / her during the period from MAY 11 2015 to JULY

10 2015.

He has worked under my guidance.

Signature :

Name :

Project Guide (Internal): Prof. Projit De

Date : 31st July, 2015


I take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and

deep regards to my Company guide Sidhrath Rajvaidya for

his exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant

encouragement throughout the course of this project. The

help & guidance given by him time to time shall carry me a

long way in the journey of life on which I am about to


I would like to thank our Director Amit Oak for his

encouragement and Niyat shetty for his cordial support,

valuable information and guidance, which helped me in

completing this task through various stages report.

Table of Content:-

Sr No. Chapter Pg. No.

1 Executive Summary 1

2 Introduction 3

3 Research Methodology 32

4 Data Processing And Analysis 36

5 Finding 44

6 Conclusion 48


Recommendation 50

8 Bibliography


9 Data Sheet 54

Mutual Fund Simplified

- An Investor Awareness initiative



The project have made on mutual fund awareness among customer. The main

purpose of the project is to create awareness into common people regarding mutual fund.

ICICI has taken an initiative awareness mutual fund for the common people. Scope of this

project is to know what common people think about mutual fund. Mutual fund is one of the

best investment options available in the market. It is also known as good financial product

which is offer by any financial company to the customer. We also compare mutual fund

with other investment option like fixed deposit. The sampling unit during this research was

the retail investors. Categories of Retail investors are Govt. Employees, private Employees,

Businessmen, Retired people and professionals. Data collected through interview schedule

and statistical tools used such as percentage analysis, weighted ranking analysis and Chi-

square analysis. The study concludes that debt scheme are suitable for genuine investors as

there exists a variety of investors needs depending on objective, expectations and risk

taking abilities etc. It is good channel investing and turning it into an investment

opportunity as well as for availing tax relief. There is no doubt that the determinant for

investing in a mutual fund. In that project I met more than hundred clients of ICICI and

give them presentation about mutual fund and take their feedback about that presentation.

There are mainly three type customer young, middle age and old age people. Young people

are looking for the investing option mostly they invest in long term. On the other hand

middle age people having their investment already and the last old age people want early

retunes. We study this type of investors and mention their feedback report. In that repot we

study mutual fund investing option. Main problem of research is that mostly people are not

interested or some time they are not aware about that respected topic. Those who are know

about mutual fund they are good with interaction and get more information about topic.

With theory have some live experience which collect from are customer. Mainly project

design on the basis of two level of data collection one is primary data and secondary data.

Source of primary data is physical discussion with customer and getting data from them and

secondary data is search from internet and company profile on search engine on internet.

On the basis of that project report can make a target market for mutual fund product from

many customers. Get to know what type of mutual fund people mostly like. This project


makes a clear image in front of customer as well distributer how and which mutual fund is

good for buying and selling. With the help of discussion which did with customer we can

also know what people think about company. It makes clear what is image of the company

in market. How much people trust on organization and company care for its customer.


Chapter – 1



Background of the topic:-

Mutual fund is one of the best options for the

investor available into market. A mutual fund is the trust that pools the savings of

a number of investors who share a common financial goal. Anybody with an

investible surplus of as little as a few hundred rupees can invest in Mutual Funds.

The money thus collected is then invested by the fund manager in different types

of securities. These could range from shares to debenture, from Government Bond

to money market instruments, depending upon the scheme’s stated objective. It

gives the market returns and not assured returns. In the long term market returns

have the potential to perform better than other assured return products. Investment

in Mutual Fund is the most cost efficient as it offers the lowest charge to the


The mutual fund is made up of money pooled

together by a large number of investors who give their money to fund manager to

invest in a large portfolio of stocks and/or bond. There are various funds available

in the market for investments offering different risk and return profile. The

investor has to decide as to which fund he should select for investment that will

minimize his risk and maximize returns to the largest extent. The project

compares and analyses the performance of top rated fund, which will look at the

reason of why the top rated fund is performing better than the other fund. The

project will help the common man to evaluate the performance of the fund and to

select the best fund for investment. The investment proceeds are then passed along

to individual investor .the value of a share of a mutual fund, known as the net

asset value per share (NAV), is calculated daily based on the total value of the

fund dividend by the number of the shares currently issued and outstanding . A

mutual fund is a trust that pools the saving of the number a investor who share a

common financial goal. The money thus collected is them invested in capital

market instrument such as share, debenture and other securities. We can make

trust on the mutual fund but it cannot predictable term which are only depend

upon the market fluctuation. The mutual fund industry in India Started in 1963

with the formation of Unit Trust of India, at the initiative of the Government of

India and Reserve Bank. The history of mutual funds in India can be broadly

divided into four distinct phases. First part is started 1963 on ward It was set of


reserve bank of India and functioned under the Regulatory and administrative

control of the Reserve Bank of India. After that introduce second phase is started

in 1987 in that first time introduce non-UTI public sector mutual fund set up by

public sector bank and life insurance. SBI was first non-UTI public sector bank.

With the entry of privet sector in 1993 the new era started in the Indian mutual

fund industry.

The 1993 SEBI (Mutual Fund) Regulations were substituted by a more comprehensive

and revised Mutual Fund Regulations in 1996. The industry now functions under the

SEBI (Mutual Fund) Regulations 1996. The forth and the last phase is continue since

2003 February this was end of UTI.

History of Mutual Funds in India

The first Indian mutual fund was set up in 1963,

when the Government of India created the Unit Trust of India (UTI). Until 1987,

UTI enjoyed a monopoly in the Indian mutual fund market and sold a range of

mutual funds through a network of financial intermediaries. At the end of 1988

UTI had Rs. 6,700 cores of assets under management. In 1987, the Government of

India permitted public sector banks and the Life Insurance Corporation of

India (LIC) and General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC) to enter the mutual

fund industry. The State Bank of India's SBI Mutual Fund was the first such

mutual fund to be established in 1987. Canara Bank set up Canbank Mutual Fund

shortly after in the same year, followed by funds from Punjab National

Bank and Indian Bank in 1989, Bank of India in 1990 and Bank of Baroda in

1992. The LIC established its mutual fund in 1989 and the GIC in 1990. At the

end of 1993, the mutual fund industry had assets under management of Rs.

47,004 corers. In 1993, with the creation of SEBI and better regulation,

transparency and liberalization of capital markets (which included the creation of

the NSE and the NSDL), the private sector was allowed to enter the mutual fund

industry. Kothari Pioneer Mutual Fund (now merged into Franklin Templeton

Investments) was the first private sector mutual fund to be registered in July 1993.

In the following years, international giants in the industry as well as Indian

corporate and industrial families setting up their own mutual funds, purchasing

existing fund companies or merging with them. At the end of January 2003, there


were 33 mutual funds with assets totaling Rs. 1, 21,805 corers. The UTI still led

the pack with Rs. 44,541 corers worth of assets. In February 2003, faced with

financial mismanagement, opaque bookkeeping and huge, growing liabilities at

the UTI, the Government of India suspended redemptions, guaranteed the assets,

unveiled a comprehensive suite of reforms and repealed the Unit Trust of India

Act 1963. The UTI was split into two parts. One was called the "Specified

Undertaking of the Unit Trust of India" with Rs. 29,835 corers of assets largely

belonging to the UTI's Unit 64 fund. The fund was rumored to own property,

commodities and a whole range of unconventional and often undocumented

assets. The fund would attract millions of investors by promising generous annual

dividends that were far in excess of the returns on its actual portfolio. This

Specified Undertaking of Unit Trust of India functioned under an administrator

appointed by Government of India, outside of SEBI's purview, until it was

eventually liquidated in 2008. The Government asked

the SBI, PNB, BOB and LIC to step in as sponsors of the second part, now

called UTI Mutual Fund (in addition to being sponsors of their own mutual funds)

under SEBI's regulation. As of 30 June 2013, the Indian mutual fund industry

manages assets worth approximately Rs.847, 000 corers.



A Mutual Fund is a trust that pools the savings of a number of investors

who share a common financial goal. The money thus collected is then invested in

capital market instruments such as shares, debentures and other securities. The

income earned through these investments and the capital appreciation realized is

shared by its unit holders in proportion to the number of units owned by them.

Thus, a Mutual Fund is the most suitable investment for the common man as it

offers an opportunity to invest in a diversified, professionally managed basket of

securities at a relatively low cost. The flow chart below describes broadly the

working of a mutual fund:



The advantages of investing in a Mutual Fund are:

Professional Management


Convenient Administration

Return Potential

Low Costs




Choice of schemes

Tax benefits

Well regulated



Different types of mutual fund schemes:

There are a wide variety of Mutual Fund schemes that cater to your needs, whatever your age,

financial position, risk tolerance and return expectation. Whether as the foundation of your

investment programmers or as a supplement. Mutual fund schemes can help you to meet tour

financial goal.

(A) By Structure

Open-Ended Schemes

These do not have a fixed maturity. You deal directly with the Mutual Fund for your investments

and redemptions. The key feature is liquidity. You can conveniently buy and sell your units at

net asset value ("NAV") related prices.

Close-Ended Schemes

Schemes that have a stipulated maturity period (ranging from 2 to 15 years) are called close-

ended schemes. You can invest directly in the scheme at the time of the initial issue and

thereafter you can buy or sell the units of the scheme on the stock exchanges where they are

listed. The market price at the stock exchange could vary from the scheme's NAV on account of

demand and supply situation, unitholders' expectations and other market factors. One of the

characteristics of the close-ended schemes is that they are generally traded at a discount to NAV;

but closer to maturity, the discount narrows.

Some close-ended schemes give you an additional option of selling your units directly to the

Mutual Fund through periodic repurchase at NAV related prices. SEBI Regulations ensure that at

least one of the two exit routes are provided to the investor.

Interval Schemes

These combine the features of open-ended and close- ended schemes. They may be traded on the

stock exchange or may be open for sale or redemption during pre-determined intervals at NAV

related prices.

(B) By Investment Objective


Growth Schemes

Aim to provide capital appreciation over the medium to long term. These schemes normally

invest a majority of their funds in equities and are willing to bear short- term decline in value for

possible future appreciation.

These schemes are not for investors seeking regular income or needing their money back in the


Ideal for:

Income Schemes

Aim to provide regular and steady income to investors. These schemes generally invest in fixed

income securities such as bonds and corporate debentures. Capital appreciation in such schemes

may be limited.

Ideal for:

* Retired people and others with a need for capital stability and regular income.

* Investors who need some income to supplement their earnings.

Balanced Schemes

Aim to provide both growth and income by periodically distributing a part of the income and

capital gains they earn. They invest in both shares and fixed income securities in the proportion

indicated in their offer documents. In a rising stock market, the NAV of these schemes may not

normally keep pace, or fall equally when the market falls.

Ideal for:

What is Net Asset Value (NAV)

Net Asset Value is the market value of the assets of the scheme minus its liabilities. Per unit

NAV is the net asset value of the scheme divided by the number of units outstanding on the

Valuation Date.


Sale Price

Is the price you pay when you invest in a scheme. Also called Offer Price. It may include a sales


Repurchase Price

Is the price at which a close-ended scheme repurchases its units and it may include a back-end

load. This is also called Bid Price.

Redemption Price

Is the price at which open-ended schemes repurchase their units and close-ended schemes

redeem their units on maturity. Such prices are NAV related.

Sales Load

Is a charge collected by a scheme when it sells the units. Also called, 'Front-end' load. Schemes

that do not charge a load are called 'No Load' schemes.

Repurchase or 'Back-end' Load

Is a charge collected by a scheme when it buys back the units from the unit holders.


•Under Indexation, you are allowed by law to inflate the cost of your asset by a government

notified inflation factor.

•This factor is called the ‘Cost Inflation Index’, from which the word ‘Indexation’ has been


•This inflation index is used to artificially inflate your asset price.

•This helps to counter erosion of value in the price of an asset and brings the value of an asset at

par with prevailing market price.



In finance and economics, a financial institution is an institution that provides

financial services for its clients or members. One of the most important financial

services provided by a financial institution is acting as a financial intermediary.

Most financial institutions are regulated by the government.

An establishment that focuses on dealing with financial transactions, such as

investments, loans and deposits. Conventionally, financial institutions are

composed of organizations such as banks, trust companies, insurance companies

and investment dealers. Almost everyone has deal with a financial institution on a

regular basis. Everything from depositing money to taking out loans and exchange

currencies must be done through financial institutions.


Financial institutions provide services as intermediaries of financial markets.

Broadly speaking, there are three major types of financial institutions:

Depositary institutions – deposit-taking institutions that accept and manage

deposits and make loans, including banks, building societies, credit unions, trust

companies, and mortgage loan companies;

1. Contractual institutions – insurance companies and pension funds; and

2. Investment institutions – investment banks, underwriters, brokerage firms.

Some experts see a trend toward homogenisation of financial institutions, meaning

a tendency to invest in similar areas and have similar business strategies. A

consequence of this might be fewer banks serving specific target groups, for

example small-scale producers could be under served.



Standard Settlement Instructions (SSIs) are the agreements between two financial

institutions which fix the receiving agents of each counterparty in ordinary trades

of some type. These agreements allow traders to make faster trades since the time

used to settle the receiving agents is conserved. Limiting the trader to an SSI also

lowers the likelihood of a fraud. SSIs are used by financial institutions to facilitate

fast and accurate cross-border payments

India‟s financial sector is diversified and expanding rapidly. It comprises

commercial banks, insurance companies, non-banking financial companies,

cooperatives, pensions funds, mutual funds and other smaller financial entities.


The regulation and supervision of the financial system in India is carried out by

different regulatory authorities. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) regulates and

supervises the major part of the financial system. The supervisory role of the RBI

covers commercial banks, urban cooperative banks (UCBs), some financial

institutions and non-banking finance companies (NBFCs). Some of the financial

institutions, in turn, regulate or supervise other institutions in the financial sector,

for instance, Regional Rural Banks and the Co-operative banks are supervised by

National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD); and housing

finance companies by National Housing Bank(NHB).


The financial system of a country has a great impact on the economy with

financial services companies responsible for the robust economic growth. There

has to be a direct link between the regulatory institutions and the intermediary

institutions while determining the financial system of a country.

Financial services provided by finance companies include insurance, housing


financing, mutual funds, credit reporting, debt collection, stock broking, portfolio

management, and investment advisory.

1. SBI Capital Markets Limited

2. Bajaj Capital Limited

3. DSP Merrill Lynch Limited

4. Birla Global Finance Limited

5. Housing Development Finance Corporation

6. PNB Housing Finance Limited

7. ICICI Group

8. LIC Finance Limited

9. L & T Finance Limited

10. Karvy Group


Background of the topic:-

The systematic investment is most important part for any

person. In that how we can give direction about investment through repot it was issue. We know

there are so many so many financial products in the market. It is better to choose any of them and

giving brief information about that which is more beneficial to common people to get know about it.

With the so many options we choose mutual fund as investment option. It is most popular in financial

product available in market. Actually mutual fund creates for those people who do not have

knowledge about market don’t have time to keep track of it and also lack of money. It is a facility to

this people from any financial institution in which their fund manger pull their investor money in to

market they invested money behalf of them



ICICI ( Industrial credit and investment

corporation of India) is an Indian multinational banking and financial services company headquartered

in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. As of 2014, it is the second largest bank in India in terms of assets

and market capitalization. It offers a wide range of banking products and financial services for corporate

and retail customers through a variety of delivery channels and specialized subsidiaries in the areas

of investment banking, life, non-life insurance, venture capital and asset management. The Bank has a

network of 4,050 branches and 12,642 ATMs in India, and has a presence in 17 countries including India.

ICICI Bank is one of the Big Four banks of India, along with State Bank of India, Punjab National

Bank and Bank of Baroda. The bank has subsidiaries in the United Kingdom and Canada; branches in

United States, Singapore, Bahrain, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Qatar, Dubai International Finance Centre and

China; and representative offices in United Arab Emirates, South Africa, Bangladesh, Malaysia and

Indonesia. The company's UK

Mr. M. K. Sharma

Chairman, ICICI Bank Limited Ms. Chanda Kochhar

Managing Director and Chief Executive

Officer, ICICI Bank Limited


ICICI Bank was established by the Industrial Credit and

Investment Corporation of India (ICICI) , an Indian financial institution, as a wholly owned

subsidiary in 1994. The parent company was formed in 1955 as a joint-venture of the World

Bank, India's public-sector banks and public-sector insurance companies to provide project

financing to Indian industry. The bank was initially known as the Industrial Credit and

Investment Corporation of India Bank , before it changed its name to the abbreviated ICICI Bank.

The parent company was later merged with the bank. ICICI Bank launched internet banking

operations in 1998. ICICI's shareholding in ICICI Bank was reduced to 46 percent, through a

public offering of shares in India in 1998, followed by an equity offering in the form

of American Depositary Receipts on the NYSE in 2000. [16] ICICI Bank acquired the Bank of

Madura Limited in an all-stock deal in 2001 and sold additional stakes to institutional investors

during 2001-02. In the 1990s, ICICI transformed its business from a development financial

institution offering only project finance to a diversified financial services group, offering a wide

variety of products and services, both directly and through a number of subsidiaries and affiliates

like ICICI Bank. In 1999, ICICI become the first Indian company and the first bank or financial

institution from non-Japan Asia to be listed on the NYSE. In 2000, ICICI Bank became the first

Indian bank to list on the New York Stock Exchange with its five million American depository

shares issue generating a demand book 13 times the offer s ize. In October 2001, the Boards of

Directors of ICICI and ICICI Bank approved the merger of ICICI and two of its wholly owned

retail finance subsidiaries, ICICI Personal Financial Services Limited and ICICI Capital Services

Limited, with ICICI Bank. The merger was approved by shareholders of ICICI and ICICI Bank

in January 2002, by the High Court of Gujarat at Ahmedabad in March 2002 and by the High

Court of Judicature at Mumbai and the Reserve Bank of India in April 2002. In 2008, following

the 2008 financial crisis, customers rushed to ICICI ATMs and branches in some locations due to

rumors of adverse financial position of ICICI Bank. The Reserve Bank of India issued a

clarification on the financial strength of ICICI Bank to dispel the rumors.


Role in Indian financial infrastructure

The bank has contributed to the set-up of a number of Indian institutions to establish financial

infrastructure in the country over the years:

National Stock Exchange - The National Stock Exchange was promoted by India's leading

financial institutions (including ICICI Ltd.) in 1992 on behalf of the Government of India

with the objective of establishing a nationwide trading facility for equities, debt instruments

and hybrids, by ensuring equal access to investors all over the country through an

appropriate communication network.[30]

Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited (CRISIL) - In 1987, ICICI Ltd along

with UTI set up CRISIL as India's first professional credit rating agency. CRISIL offers a

comprehensive range of integrated products and service offerings which include credit

ratings, capital market information, industry analysis and detailed reports.[31]

National Commodities and Derivatives Exchange Limited - NCDEX is an online multi-

commodity exchange, set up in 2003, by ICICI Bank Ltd, LIC, NABARD, NSE, Canara

Bank, CRISIL, Goldman Sachs, Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited (IFFCO)

and Punjab National Bank.[32]

Financial Innovation Network and Operations Pvt Ltd. - ICICI Bank has facilitated setting up

of "FINO Cross Link to Case Link Study" in 2006, as a company that would provide

technology solutions and services to reach the underserved and under banked population of

the country. Using technologies like smart cards, biometrics and a basket of support services,

FINO enables financial institutions to conceptualize, develop and operationalise projects to

support sector initiatives in microfinance and livelihoods.

Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India - Entrepreneurship Development Institute

of India (EDII), an autonomous body and not- for-profit society, was set up in 1983, by the

erstwhile apex financial institutions like IDBI, ICICI, IFCI and SBI with the support of

the Government of Gujarat as a national resource organization committed to

entrepreneurship development, education, training and research.

North Eastern Development Finance Corporation - North Eastern Development Finance

Corporation (NEDFI) was promoted by national level financial institutions like ICICI Ltd in

1995 at Guwahati, Assam for the development of industries, infrastructure, animal


husbandry, agric-horticulture plantation, medicinal plants, sericulture, aquaculture, poultry

and dairy in the North Eastern states of India. NEDFI is the premier financial and

development institution for the North East region.

Asset Reconstruction Company India Limited - Following the enactment of the

Securitization Act in 2002, ICICI Bank, together with other institutions, set up Asset

Reconstruction Company India Limited (ARCIL) in 2003, to create a facilitative

environment for the resolution of distressed debt in India. ARCIL was established to acquire

non-performing assets (NPAs) from financial institutions and banks with a view to enhance

the management of these assets and help in the maximization of recovery. This would relieve

institutions and banks from the burden of pursuing NPAs, and allow them to focus on core

banking activities.

Credit Information Bureau of India Limited - ICICI Bank has also helped in setting up Credit

Information Bureau of India Limited (CIBIL), India's first national credit bureau in 2000.

CIBIL provides a repository of information (which contains the credit history of commercial

and consumer borrowers) to its members in the form of credit information reports. The

members of CIBIL include banks, financial institutions, state financial corporations, non-

banking financial companies, housing finance companies and credit card companies.

Institutional Investor Advisory Services India Limited (IiAS) – ICICI Bank has indirectly

invested in Institutional Investor Advisory Services, through ICICI Prudential Life Insurance

Company, in IiAS. IiAS is a voting advisory firm aka proxy firm, dedicated to providing

participants in the Indian market with data, research and commentary. It provides

recommendations on resolutions placed before shareholders of over 300 companies.




ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited

ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited

ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company Limited

ICICI Prudential Trust Limited

ICICI Securities Limited

ICICI Securities Primary Dealership Limited

ICICI Venture Funds Management Company Limited

ICICI Home Finance Company Limited

ICICI Investment Management Company Limited

ICICI Trusteeship Services Limited

ICICI Prudential Pension Funds Management Company Limited




ICICI Bank Canada

ICICI Bank Eurasia Limited Liability Company

ICICI Securities Holdings Inc.

ICICI Securities Inc.

ICICI International Limited

Awards and Achievements



"The Asian Banker Excellence in Retail Financial Services Program" by The Asian Banker


Best Bank in India Award presented by Euro money Magazine


Bank of the Year 2006 India by the Banker


ICICI Bank has been conferred the Euro money Award 2007 for the Best Bank in the Asia-

Pacific Region

ICICI Bank wins the Excellence in Remittance Business award by The Asian Banker[56]

ICICI Bank was got the awards for 'Best Transaction Bank' in India, 'Best Domestic Bank' in

India, 'Best follow-on offering'(US$4.94 billion), 'Best Investment Grade Bond'(US$2

billion, three-tranche bonds), Best Syndicated Loan Managers by Asset.


ICICI Bank bags the "Best bank in SME financing (Private Sector)" at the Dun & Bradstreet

Banking awards

ICICI Bank won the Best Banking Security Systems Project Award and Best E-Banking

Project Implementation Award by The Asian Banker.


ICICI Bank won the Best Banking Security System by The Asian Banker.


ICICI Bank is the only Indian brand to figure in the Brands Top 100 Most Valuable Global

Brands Report, second year in a row

ICICI Bank won the 'Best CRM Project' and 'Best Banking Security Systems' by The Asian




Airtel, ICICI among 'top 100 global brands

ICICI Bank received the Golden Peacock Innovative Product / Service Award.

ICICI Bank received the Dataquest Technology Innovation Awards 2012 for Data center

migration by Dataquest.]

ICICI Bank was conferred the Best Performance Award for Self Help Group (SHG) Bank

Linkage Programmed in NABARD's State Level Awards announced by their Maharashtra

Regional Office. The Bank received the first prize for the year 2010–11 in the Private Sector

Bank category and 2nd runner up for the year 2011–12 in the Commercial Bank category.


ICICI Bank has been adjudged winner at the Express IT Innovation Award under the Large

Enterprise category

ICICI Bank won the RMAI received the "Gram Samvad", Service for Low cost/Small budget

marketing initiative Award by Rural Marketing Association of India (RMAI).

ICICI bank won the 'Next Generation Banking solution' award by talent.

ICICI bank won the Best Domestic Trade Finance Bank and Best Financial Supply Chain

Project Award in India by The Asian Banker

ICICI Bank won the honors of the Medici Innovation Hall of Fame Award, instituted by The

Medici Institute in collaboration with the Medici Group, USA.


According to the Brand Trust Report 2014, ICICI Bank was ranked 28th among India's most

trusted brands, a research conducted by Trust Research Advisory

ICICI Bank was ranked second at the 'National Energy Conservation Award 2014' under the

office buildings (less than 10 lakh kWh/year consumption) category.

ICICI Bank was fifth in the world and second in India on the 'Top Companies for Leaders' in

a study conducted by Aon Hewitt

ICICI bank won the Best Private Sector Bank - Global Business Development by Polaris

Financial Technology Banking Awards 2014.


IDBRT awarded ICICI for 'Best Bank Award for Business Intelligence Initiatives among

Large Banks' and 'Best Bank Award for Social Media and Mobile Banking Among Large


ICICI bank was awarded the Certificate of Recognition as one of the Top 5 Companies in

Corporate Governance in the 14th The Institute of Company Secretaries of India National

Awards for Corporate Governance. They were honored by Arun Jaitley.

ICICI Bank has been honored as The Best Service Provider - Risk Management, India at The

Asset Triple A Transaction Banking, Treasury, Trade and Risk Management Awards 2014.

ICICI Bank was awarded the 'Best Retail Bank in India', 'Best Microfinance Business' and

'Best Retail Banking Branch Innovation' under the 'Excellence in Retail Financial Services

awards 2014' and Technology Implementation Award for Lending Platform Implementation

by The Asian Banker.


ICICI Bank won an award in the BFSI Leadership Summit & Awards in the 'Best Phone

Banking for End-users’ category

ICICI Bank won in six categories and was the first runner-up in one category among Private

Sector Banks at IBA Banking Technology Awards, 2015. The bank was declared winner in

the six categories of Best Technology Bank of the Year, Best use of Data, Best Risk

Management Initiatives, Best use of Technology in Training, Human Resources and e-

Learning initiatives, Best Financial Inclusion Initiative and Best use of Digital and Channels

Technology. ICICI Bank was the first runner-up in Best use of Technology to Enhance

Customer Experience

ICICI Bank has been declared as the first runner up at Outlook Money Awards 2015 in the

category of ‘Best Bank’

ICICI Bank has been adjudged the ‘Best Retail Bank in India’ by The Asian Banker. It has

also emerged winners in the categories of ‘Best Internet Banking Initiative’ and ‘Best

Customer Risk Management Initiative’ awards given by The Asian Banker.


Social responsibility programmes for elementary Education

Read to Lead Phase I: Read to Lead is an initiative of ICICI Bank to facilitate access to

elementary education for underprivileged children in the age group of 3–14 years including

girls and tribal children from the remote rural areas. The Read to Lead initiative supports

partner NGOs to design and implement programmers that mobilize parent and community

involvement in education, strengthen schools and enable children to enter and complete

formal elementary education. Read to lead has reached out to 100,000 children across 14

states of Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Jharkhand, Karnataka,

Maharashtra, Orissa, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.

Read to Lead Phase II: In Phase II of the Read to Lead programmed, ICICI Bank has

supported the establishment of 63 libraries that will reach out to approximately 7,200

children in the rural areas of Jagdalpur block of Bestir district in Chhattisgarh. The

programmed includes building libraries, sourcing books and conducting various interactive

activities to make the library a dynamic centre for learning.


Literature Review:-



The Indian mutual fund industry is one of the fastest

growing sectors in the Indian capital and financial markets. The mutual fund industry in

India has seen dramatic improvements in quantity as well as quality of product and service

offerings in recent years. The concept of mutual funds was introduced in India with the

formation of Unit Trust of India in 1963. The first scheme launched by UTI was the now

infamous Unit Scheme 64 in 1964. UTI continued to be the sole mutual fund until 1987,

when some public sector banks and Life Insurance Corporation of India and General

Insurance Corporation of India set up mutual funds. It was only in 1993 that private players

were allowed to open shops in the country. Today, 32 mutual funds collectively manage Rs

6713575.19 cr under hundreds of schemes. The industry has steadily grown over the decade.

For example, before the public sector mutual funds entry, UTI was managing around Rs

6,700 crore on its own. Public sector mutual funds also helped accelerate the growth of

Assets Under Management. UTI and its public sector counterparts were managing around Rs

47,000 crore when Kothari Pioneer, the first private sector mutual fund, set up shop in 1993.

Before the US 64 fiasco, there were 33 mutual funds with total assets of Rs 1, 21,805 crore

as on January 2003. The UTI was way ahead of other mutual funds with Rs 44,541 crore

assets under management. The industry overall has performed well over the years. Of course,

there were a few funds houses, which disappointed investors. However, overall performance

has been good. However, lack of awareness still impedes the growth of the mutual fund

industry. Unlike developed countries, most of the household savings still go to bank deposits

in India. In the year 2004, the mutual fund industry in India was worth Rs 1,50,537 crores.

The mutual fund industry is expected to grow at a rate of 13.4% over the next 10 years.

Mutual funds assets under management grew by 96% between the end of 1997 and June

2003 and as a result it rose from 8% of GDP to 15%. The industry has grown in size and


manages total assets of more than $30351 million. Of the various sectors, the private sector

accounts for nearly 91% of the resources mobilized showing their overwhelming dominance.

in the market. Individuals constitute 98.04% of the total number of investors and contribute

US $12062 million, which is 55.16% of the net assets under management.


There is a huge scope in the future for the expansion of the mutual funds industry.

A number of foreign based assets management companies are venturing into Indian


The Securities Exchange Board of India has allowed the introduction of commodity mutual


The emphasis is being given on the effective corporate governance of Mutual Funds.

The Mutual funds in India has the scope of penetrating into the rural and semi urban areas.

Financial planners are introduced into the market, which would provide the people with

better financial planning.


In any industry, innovation and improvements happen when the rules are changed. Lar ge-

scale environmental changes such as those that have taken place in the last three years must

lead to innovation and evolution.

Newer leaner operating structures will have to evolve which will entail the use of

technology that helps an AMC (Asset Management Company) reach the retail end user with

solutions that enable transactions via platforms such as mobile or online platforms. This will

not only give greater direct access but will also help AMCs to better understand investor

behavior and create the appropriate environment and products to move towards long and

healthy relationships with the investors.


As the industry evolves, outsourcing an increasing number of functions to reduce the head-

count and increase efficiency might be the norm. All aspects of operating costs must be

examined for efficiencies.

A rational look at schemes of an AMC by their management teams is needed to better

understand the mix, the cost and the benefits – to the investors as well as to the AMCs.













Problems are nothing but challenges faced by me while doing research. These are

the challenges faced by me to arrive at final solution.

These problems/challenges kept me moving ahead in order to arrive at my desired


Following are few challenges faced by me during my project. They are:

1. Validity of the numbers provided by ICICI Securities: many numbers were wrong

numbers or used by third party or invalid, which restricted me to reach to those


2. Getting appointments: This was one of the great challenges faced by me. Making

people understand the purpose of my call and convincing them to give

appointment was great challenge for me.

3. Adjusting the time: after getting 2 or more appointments for the same day, the

next challenge was to adjust the timings of meetings that it should not clash.

Need of the study:-

The need of study arises for learning the variables available that distinguish the mutual

fund and customers mind set towards mutual funds.

To know the risk & return associated with mutual fund.

To choose best mutual investment of ICICI.

To know psychology of common people about mutual.

Finding out risk factor and return potential of the mutual fund.


To know what is market image of ICICI Company in market.

Scope of the study:-

To make people aware about concept of mutual fund.

Understanding client’s reasons behind not making any transactions through ICICI


Understanding the fundamentals of mutual fund and how does it operate, which can

help in improving knowledge in terms of finance sector.

To provide information regarding advantages and demerits of mutual fund.

To provide information regarding types of mutual fund which is beneficial for whom?

Objectives of the study:-

The objective of the research is to study and analyze the awareness level of investors of

mutual funds.

To measure the satisfaction level of investors regarding mutual funds.

An attempt has been made to measure various variables playing in the minds of investors

in terms of safety, liquidity, service, returns, and tax saving

To get insight knowledge about mutual funds

To know the mutual funds performance levels in the present market.

To analyze the concept and parameters of mutual fund.

To study and analyze the awareness level regarding mutual fund among clients

To understand the current market scenario regarding mutual fund.

To know how many people are satisfied by their investment?

To know people behavior regarding risk factor involved in mutual fund.


Our job had a limitation of only meeting clients and

making them aware about mutual fund by showing presentation. However, some clients


were interested in knowing more about different schemes/ options available regarding

mutual fund, but we had no authority to suggest anything. Reason being we did not have in

depth knowledge about the same. According to me this was disadvantage, as we used to

inform our relationship managers and used to give them contact details of the client. But

time between informing RM and getting connected to the client used to take little time

which can change client’s decision and may affect the business of the company.


Chapter – 3




Research Methodology:-

Search refers to search for knowledge. One can also define research as a scientific and

systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. It is an art of scientific

investigation. It is the way to systematically solve a problem. The methodology adopted in this

study is explained below:-

Research Design

Problem Defining:

In a competitive situation with multiple mutual funds operating in Indian market, it is necessary

to know about the performance of different mutual funds as the performance of mutual fund

decides about the future of Mutual Fund Company. In this study my focus is upon the customers

mind set and create awareness on mutual funds of ICICI. This is my problem to be studied for


Literature Survey:

I have used newspapers, magazines related to business & finance & apart from websites.

Type of research:

The research is qualitative & descriptive in nature. Qualitative research is that talk about the

quality of the subject to be researched and Descriptive research is one that describes things as

exists in present.

Data collection Design:

1. Sources of data =

Primary Sources – I have used questionnaire as primary source for collecting data for my study.

Secondary sources – I had collected my secondary data from websites &



II. Sampling =

It represents whole population. It is the processes of choosing a sample from whole population .I

have choose a sample of high class & middle class people who have invested in mutual funds as

a sample.

III. Tools =

I have used some charts (Pie chart, column chart, cylinder chart, cone chart) and hypothesis tests

(chi-square one sample T- test etc.)

IV. Sampling Size =

It represents that how many candidates you’ve chosen to be filled up your questionnaire or

candidates upon whom you can study. I had chosen sample of 130 customers.


Research Methodology:-

Primary data: This method was adopted because it helps to procuring data and detail information from

the respondents. The collection of data by filling questionnaires, directly talking to the


Secondary data: The secondary data also used in this project, which include various written documents

and other related information about the customer details in their pivotal document-software used by ICICI DIRECT.


Chapter – 4





The objective of this project was to make ICICI

Securities existing clients aware about Mutual Funds and make them aware about

the new happenings taking place in the company where they have their own

Demit/Trading account.

ICICI Securities mapped clients to us were those clients who have not made any

transactions for many years. So to attract these inactive customers and to make

them understand new changes in the online portal of the company, ICICI

Securities took this initiative of creating awareness among these clients.

Basic profile of the client- Account in ICICI Securities but Inactive.

Here we can state that the need of the client was to have an in depth knowledge

of Mutual Fund and alterations took place in the online portal of ICICI Securities.

It explained how to trade online without visiting the branch.

Behavioral Characteristic of the client- Willingness to help students,

understanding the changes took place and improving knowledge.

I have visited 130 clients in my summer internship. So entire customer profile is based on

these 130 clients only.

Now let’s go through the customer profile to which I personally met and let’s analyze it on the

basis of following



From above data, we can clearly assume that males are more interested in such

kind of financial dealings compared to females.

In India most of the family men use to earn. That is reason male are more involve

in that.

Buying decision of the client is majorly taken by males.

The 8% female are all working. They earn and invest their money.

92% clients are males and 8% are females.






From above graph, it is clear that people from age group 30-40 and 40-50 are

more interested in investments.

While survey I come to know that up to 30 age people are looking for the long

tram investment. 30 to till 50 people are already did their investment in their

respective scheme and last old age people all most of them are not able to do any


People up to 30 are taking initiative and they should start investing more.




30-40 40-50 More than 50




As per data given above, most of the client’s financial position is stable and they

come under the category of 2 lac to lac and 5 lac to 10 lac they are main target

market for the company.

Every scheme is differentiate on basis of finance. Every scheme having their

different target market.

Investment depends on client’s income.

More the income, more the investment.

up to 2 lac2 lac to 5 lac

5 lac to 10 lac

more than 10 lac








What is your DESIGNATION?

From the above pie chart, we can say that people who are interested in financial

securities and investments are employed people who want to invest their hard

earned money in right options.

Most of the business man’s money are fluctuate they have not any fixed

investment planning. They prefer invest their money in equity or in their own


It is good to see that even housewife is taking interest in understanding the

fundamentals of financial market.

Business men, 30

Employee, 62

House wife, 12

Retired , 26


In which Investment scheme do you prefer to invest?

This is some investment option available in the market. people prefer their

investment on basis of finance.

Most of the people prefer FD because they want safe investment. That is

why they also invest in insurance.

Equity is only for those who know very well market and able to invest and

have time to keep track of it.

Bond is not that much famous investment plan.








Are you satisfied with service of ICICI?

It very important to make consumer satisfy because if they are not satisfy specially when

you sell your financial product people will not trust you.

ICICI is one of the top privet sector organizations in market. it have very good brand

image we can see more than 50% people are satisfy with ICICI

Few clients, I met with them they was dissatisfy because of poor service and bad


Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly








Chapter – 5



1. Rate the demo on the scale of 1 to 5. (5 being highest)

Out of 130 clients, 30 clients gave rating 5 to the demo showed by me to them. It covered basic

things related to mutual fund. Again they made it easy for the client to trade online through

ICICI direct.com so to direct client how to trade online, they explained each and every step of

using the site effectively. (From selection of fund till generation of tax statement) 47 clients rated

the demo 4. So overall, this initiative of ICICI Securities was liked by many people

1 2 3 4 5









1. Are you planning to invest in Mutual Fund?

People have started focusing on investment options. They

have started taking interest in financial securities. Though there are many options

available in the market related to investment, 53% of surveyed clients are

interested in in investing in mutual funds. Rest 47% is little scared to invest in

mutual fund thinking of losing their money. However, it is possible to make them

more aware about mutual fund and make them invest in the same to secure their





Any other feedback/suggestion?

It was a nice explanation, I will surely invest in mutual fund in coming days.

Nice details provided by the executive since i already suffered loss in MF so

currently not planning to invest in MF. But nice job done and i will suggest my

friends to invest in MF.

The presentation good. and more getting know about MF

I have already invested in MF

The demit account for the long term customers should be made free as the customer is holding the account with icici for a longer time. Regards

The language is good, flow is good, tuning is good.

It’s very primitive level presentation

Small pamphlets with wide circulation could be more effective than demo since

demo cannot reach all the people

Rather than explaining basic things to the client, make changes in the

presentation and make it more informative so that clients can feel that

there is some value addition which will in turn add the value to their


Information regarding client stock holding should be provided adequately.

Up gradation of site ICICIdirect.com should be done.

It is good strategy to finding out the target for the company but for the

customer in the presentation there nothing good to get.

The service provided by ICICI Securities is inconsistent and inadequate.

Follow ups taken by relationship managers are very inconsistent.

Sometime they don’t call for months and sometimes they call repeatedly,

whenever client get call from RM then that RM is new every time.



Chapter – 6



To conclude we can say that mutual fund is a very much profitable tool for investment

because of its low cost of acquiring fund, tax benefit, and diversification of profits &

reduction of risk. Many investors who have invested in mutual fund have invested with

ICICI .There is also an affect of age on mutual fund investors like; old people & widows

want regular returns than capital appreciation. Companies can adopt new techniques to

attract more & more investors. In my study the objective of the research is to study and

analyze the awareness level of investors of mutual funds.

Mutual fund is a strong investment tool where in fund manager manages our money and

puts it in right stock which in future can give us high returns on investment.

To conclude we can say mutual fund is a best investment vehicle for old & widow, as

well as to those who want regular returns on their investment.

Mutual fund has various options which have its own different characteristic which

makes investor to invest his money in those options as per his need.

Coming to ICICIdirect.com, it is one of the best user friendly website which makes

client to invest in it without any difficulty.

It directs client in all areas of trading right from fund selection till generation of tax


To measure the satisfaction level of investors regarding mutual funds.

An attempt has been made to measure various variables playing in the minds of investors

in terms of safety, liquidity, service, returns, and tax saving

To get insight knowledge about mutual funds

To know the mutual funds performance levels in the present market

It directs client in all areas of trading right from fund selection till generation of tax



Chapter – 7



More young people are likely to involved in financial activities. This is an opportunity for mutual funds houses to attract these people.

Knowledge regarding Mutual Fund through various sources, because many people have

heard about it but don’t know how it works!?

Posters, banners or other promotional activities are rarely seen in this market

The company should organize Free seminars to give information about Mutual Fund and

should distribute brochures having detail of schemes of Mutual Fund

ICICI Securities should charge minimum amount for services provided which can

help in retaining the existing clients.

As clients have complaint that company’s follow ups are inconsistent. Hence, ICICI

Securities should schedule follow ups with proper intervals.

These pamphlets should not only be restricted to clients but to as many people they



Chapter – 8













List of the customer.

Name No. Address Date

Ruchir nandanwar 9970150073 168 shreenagar the empress mill

co po socity


Harish shrawane 9823530906 12,13 shri complex narendra nagar 12-05-15

Ganga Sondawle 9890494082 Road no 9L chandramani nagar 13-05-15

Rohit dhoke 9422805982 G F 001 vyankatesh appt nelco

socity subhash nagar east


Jayant Bijvar 9890258981 office shankar nagar 13-05-15

Vijay Janlal 9822396461 175 trust colony near somalwar

school khamla


Umesh Kulkarni 9850302116 pt. no 4 dindayal nagar behind CCD 19-05-15

Ravindra Wasekar 9423629943 PN 37 HN 126 HUD layout HUD 14-05-15

Sujata pandy 9823134148 plt no. 192 shankar nagar Nagpur 14-05-15

Nilesh sevaiwar 9970287280 8 gopal nagar 3th bus stop

swavlambi nagar




Dasra Road Mahal 18-05-15

Anurodh Ora 9860728833 Pecistant IT park 15-05-15

shrikant Gajbe 15-05-15

Sanjay Choudhari 9423403852 manish nagar 16-05-15

Manoj Gupta 9823023029 Trimurti nagar ring road 18-05-15

Manish Bhagat 9371457079 Zasi rani sq 26 no shop 18-05-15

Balvindar khurana 9819797477 ICICI lombard 18-05-15

Kailash Takote 9420418983 Sanjiv gandhi nagar plt no 263 uday

nagar sqr.


Amit Giripunje 9730292068 cottan market opp. Hyundai showroom

vimal complex


Snadeep Akre 9823013413 Electronic square hingna 19-05-15

Krishna Patterkine 9881309096 64 Abhyankar nagar 20-05-15

Kapil Sharma 9422102287 Novelty statinery near shankar nagar



Ashok Charde 9371171941 Nav nath ITI dighori nagpur 21-05-15

kuldeep Sukhdev 9822088275 Orenge city hospital OPT 21-05-15


Harsh Wandre 8600047425 near atharv jweller chandra nagar pt no



Sanjay Supe 9326785672 Beltarodi somalwada 21-05-15

Laxmikant Burde 9970267112 30 Kotwal nagar 22-05-15

Rajesh Kumbhare 9423407788 manish nagar railway crossing 1st L 2nd



Rajesh ijanaikar 9422139432 shop no 12 Rajlakshmi appt. dev nagar 23-05-15

Sanjay Patel 9310122777 70 chandra nagar 23-05-15

Saunak Gadge 9766911606 Trimurti nagar ring road 23-05-15

Yadav Rasekar 9960477265 Padole mangal karayalay hudkeshwar 23-05-15

Omprakash Lakhade 9923389977 pt no 43 A Ulhasnagar Sq 25-05-15

Antariksh Varma 9822231106 Jaika motors VCA 25-05-15

Mohommad ali 9370335621 SBI Life insurance 25-05-15

Shailendra Gabhe 9970011215 HDFC house 26-05-15

Arvind Kulkarni 9822226882 pande layout 26-05-15

Rudraksh kulkarni 9881713171 Fidavi tower dhantoli 26-05-15

Manoj chintawar 9822203898 Ardhaswar product laxminagar



Rajesh Gurmule 9823082097 NMC (axi plant) 29-05-15



9860776041 29-05-15



7774099594 TATA Motors Akash wani 29-05-15

Anil thakre 9.8909E+10 Sahakar nagar thakre fabrication 30-05-15

Prashant Sarode 9822718163 86 Kannamwar nagar 30-05-15

Sumit Makkad 9423063244 HDFC bank shankar nagar 01-06-15

Nitin chaturkar 9860724428 02-06-15

Devendra singh 9822200858 SS computers narendra nagar 02-06-15

S Kumar 9822691956 Meghdoot 49B H B estate sonegao 02-06-15

Manda Tahvare 9423685377 ICICI bank Ramdaspeth 04-06-15

Prashant Haldule 9561087251 ICICI bank akshvani sqr 04-06-15

Sanjay Mankar 9860240665 05-06-15

Rjesh Mahule 9822200087 Idea Selluler J. P. chamber mate



Yogesh Sharma 9373286521 gaurav ppr mill law college sq 05-05-15




9370662599 opp. Tahasil office akashwani sq 06-06-15

Vivek Godbole 9373111822 17/3 HDFC bank IT park 08-06-15

Suraj Agrawal 9890891957 Noway Enterprises opp children

treffic park


Swapnil Malvi 9890891957 Diwan plaza Ramdaspeth 09-06-15

Jitesh Meheta 9823233899 Manomay Plaza kachipura square 09-06-15

Amit Akhuj 9766607734 OPP. Musals gym Somalwar school 10-06-15

Sanjeev Gandhi 9423100312 Behind SBI Ambazari branch 10-06-15

Amol Ambore 9970027944 Behind patvardhan school 11-06-15

Ajit Pendharkar 9890140055 43 somalwar school 11-06-15

Mohan Joshi 9527183099 113A ram nagar 11-06-15

Bhushan Shinde 9422108638 34 pragati coliny chatrapati nagar 12-06-15

Manish Jain 9422123600 opp. Batuk bhai suprabhat sankul 13-06-15

Praneet Singh 9373100294 Shyam takij Dharampeth 15-06-15

Pundalik Nimje 9595576941 shyam nagar manish nagar 16-06-15

Bharat Jog 9373283833 287 Shivaji ngar 16-06-15

Surendra Dudhane 9372303626 Opp. Pandav clg besa 17-06-15

Vilas Paranjpe 9922750701 Poonam pride pande layout 17-06-15

Sunil Manekar 9373105151 Opp. Childran traffic park 17-06-15



9422804332 IT park Infosys 17-06-15

Mita jogvikar 9373102544 175 Shradhanandpeth 18-06-15

Tushar Gajapure 9011071324 Airport sonegao 18-06-15

Tushar Darda 9423104549 second right from central mall

paradise 3rd fl.




9922650123 Mahindra hingna 19-06-15

Moharir 9561085977 26 A jaiprakash nagar 19-06-15

Shankar Falke 9822941973 behind saraf plaza sadar 19-06-15

Sunil Agrawal 9422113535 opp. Pratap police station above





9422306308 shree aprt. Behind khare town post



Vinod Athvale 9225210002 Behind Khandelwar jweller Amrut 20-06-15

Ashok Kumar 9823132815 Pt. no 23 behind Bank of 23-06-15


Maharashtra Narendra nagar

Vilas Wankhede 9850489771 19 Bhujbal layout trimurti nagar 23-06-15

Bhalchandra 9923016435 Pt. no 66 behind ram mandir

swawlambi nagr


Vaibhav Golhar 9890040600 Behind kims hospital Ashtlaxmi



Mukund Kulkarni 9823835964 Jain mandir ramdaspeth 24-06-15

Prajkta Karve 9503326411 opp. Kamla neheru Shaskiy



Yogini Rajurkar 9373700831 R 12 lakxmi nagar 25-06-15

Jagat Bhakne 9823118701 Road no. 6 vishwkarma nagar 25-06-15

Bhaurao Kaikad 9423628711 Pt no. 30 pannase layout 26-06-15

Ranjit Dani 9850302250 behind natural Ice cream laxkmi



Anil Parvarkar 9890790909 O. G. services Imamvada 27-06-15

Amrut Nandeshwr 9850555021 55 ambazari layout NIT 27-06-15

Rajiv Yelwarkar 9823326946 94 nelko socity near subhash nagar 28-06-15



9823326946 94 nelko socity near subhash nagar 28-06-15

Vijay Parate 9923158509 Angle broking beside food



Sachin Deshpande 9890614374 behind central bank seva complex 29-06-15

Sndeep Thakre 9822203522 Rgen softwere IT park 29-06-15

Mangesh Haridas 9325308412 67 sundarvan layout narendra



Vinod Jawarkar 9673046378 Airport sonegao 30-06-15

Indu Wasnik 9850249562 30-06-15

Utkarsh Khopkar 9423686051 pratap nagar opp. Musalse gym 01-07-15

Keshavprasad 9422183083 U 9 laxmi nagar 01-07-15

Ravi Jain 8275282526 175 Shradhanandpeth 01-07-15

Shivaji Bhosale 9657768770 12,13 shri complex narendra nagar 01-07-15



8149771404 ratan palace Ganesh peth 01-07-15

Reetwsh Kukekar 8087337337 chawla travls lohapool 02-07-15



9422158861 Shivaji nagar gurdan 02-07-15




9422101002 Utkarsh mrugh Ram nagar 02-07-15

Asim Opai 9960530538 Airport sonegao 02-07-15

Arvind Anasane 8237731002 cottan market opp. Hyundai

showroom vimal complex


Prakash Bellure 9822574678 ICICI 6th floor Akashwani sq. 03-07-15



9960540222 Yashodham Enclave Ajni 03-07-15

Shiram Pathak 9545288111 Bside Arogyam hospital Sita nagar 03-07-15

Dilip Diwan 9970613388 shop no 12 Rajlakshmi appt. dev nagar 03-07-15

Neeraj Kalkotwar 9373226060 Laxmi sada app. Chatrapati square 04-07-15




9970179837 Beside trimurti nagar police station



Denesh Satpute 9850730016 Rameshwari square 04-07-15

Sunil Pophali 9820356382 52 devnagar khamla 04-07-15

Kishor Katole 9595994854 Behind gulmohar hallpamdy layout 04-07-15

Atul Kedar 7755907207 HDFC life insurance CA Road 06-07-15

Meera Milind


9822225802 law college sq, opp. Airtel office 07-07-15

Ashwini Avinash


9423400371 31, Vikas nagar behind Sai mandir 07-07-15

Sumitra Jamankar 9373124137 84 Rahul nagar beside Narendra



Narayan Bhongle 9422864606 140 Jai durga 1 Narendra nagar 07-07-15

Mukesh Sahare 9225223105 Pt. no 4 A Gandhi nagar 08-07-15

Vasant Kakilwar 9823022247 between petrol pump and post

office shankar nagar sqr.


Madhvi Deshmukh 9730010267 Kalsh complex app. Beside

gulmohar hall pandy layout


Sneha Deshpande 9860843336 behind rajendra mulak house pandy

