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Mongolia Business Owner and CFO Survey Result

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Mongolia Business Owner and CFO Survey Result Mongoliabusinessandcfosurveyresults

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Mongolia Business Owner and CFO Survey Result

We are publishing the results of a survey where we look to gauge the overall health of the local economy and what role credit is playing in hir-ing and business decisions. While much is written about Mongolia in a macro sense, little if anything is known about the challenges and oppor-WXQLWLHV�IDFLQJ�GRPHVWLF�FRPSDQLHV��:KLOH�WKH�UHVXOWV�JHQHUDOO\�UHÀHFW�D�robust economic climate, it is clear to us that a lack of available credit is affecting long term planning and future growth.

Our survey focused on medium and large sized companies with 100% of their assets in Mongolia. We had a total of 42 respondents, both public and private and include some of the largest companies in Mongolia.

As a preface to the results of the survey, we also called the Top 5 local banks to obtain stated deposit and loan rates.

The questions and answers are as follows:

MNT USD1 Year Savings Rate (average) 15.3% 7.2%1 Year Loan Rate (average) 18.4% 15.3%

1. Compared to 2011, this year (2012) your company’s business is…?





The same


Sales and Research Team, BDSec Joint Stock Company at www.bdsec.mn

October 30, 2012


Nick Cousyn&KLHI�2SHUDWLQJ�2I¿FHU�[email protected]

Undram Soyolkhuu Research [email protected]

Page 2: Mongolia Business Owner  and CFO Survey Result

3. Do you plan on hiring new people in 2013?

4. Is credit from local banks more available now compared to 2011

5. If you could borrow money for a longer period of time, would that help you grow your business and hire more people?

6. How much debt does your company have?





A lot

A moderate amount

A small amount


2. Have you been hiring new people in 2012?

Institutional Sales & Research Department


















Page 3: Mongolia Business Owner  and CFO Survey Result

7. Is your company planning on raising capital in the near future?

8. If you do plan to raise capital, which instrument would you prefer?





A credit from an international bank

A credit from local bank

Stock issuance

Corporate bond

9. When raising capital using staed instrument, what is the biggest GLI¿FXOW\�WKDW�\RX�IDFH"�





Regulatory situation

High requirements for getting credit

General market outlook


Institutional Sales & Research Department






Respondent Comments:

“Banks require large collateral and undervalue them.”“The biggest hurdle is that we do not know many ways to raise capital.”³:H�DUH�SODQQLQJ�WR�UDLVH�FDSLWDO�E\�¿QGLQJ�LQYHVWRUV�´“We can’t afford the rates the banks charge, I borrow money from relatives when I need it.”

Page 4: Mongolia Business Owner  and CFO Survey Result

Institutional Sales & Research Department

Biggest takeaway’s in our view:

Local companies appear to be bullish about 2013 prospects, as 83% plan on hiring in 2013 and 76% plan on raising capital, presumably to fund growth and hire more people. We have been saying for some time that Mongolian DVVHWV�DUH�ODUJHO\�XQHQFXPEHUHG��ZKLFK�LV�UHÀHFWHG�LQ�WKLV�VXUYH\��DV�RQO\�7% of respondents indicate they have “a lot” of debt, with 55% saying they have “little” or “no” debt. Despite high demand for capital and low levels of indebtedness, 81% said credit from local banks is less available in 2012 vs. 2011. So we think this presents an opportunity, as business conditions re-main favorable and debt levels are mostly low or non-existent. Since 76% of respondents say they intend to raise capital in 2013 and 8/10 indicate credit LV�OHVV�DYDLODEOH��WKLV�FRXOG�EH�D�FDWDO\VW�IRU�D�FRUSRUDWH�ERQG�PDUNHW�WR�¿QDOO\�emerge in Mongolia.In summary, we feel the results are generally supportive of a robust local economy, which is beginning to react to an environment of tighter credit and liquidity. Given the disparity of the availability and cost of credit relative to their foreign peers, we fear local companies will be increasingly at a compet-itive disadvantage. Given the 1 year risk free rate of return in Mongolia is ap-proximately 15%, companies need to maintain high margins to justify putting capital to risk. We think the answer to this problem is the use of convertible bonds in the local market, whereby borrowing rates could in some cases be cut in half, duration extended and debt repayments made in equity. This way ¿[HG� LQFRPH� LQYHVWRUV�JHW� HTXLW\�OLNH� UHWXUQV��ZLWKRXW� WDNLQJ�RQ�DGGLWLRQDO�credit risk. For equity investors, they keep equity-like returns, get downside protection from a ~10% coupon and move up in the capital structure. It is noteworthy that many companies we talk to are willing to allow the conver-sion of equity at or near current share prices.

Page 5: Mongolia Business Owner  and CFO Survey Result

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BDSec Headquarter BDSec Express BranchZaluuchuud Avenue 27-18th Khoroo, Sukhbaatar DistrictUlaanbaatar, MongoliaPhone/Fax: 976-11313108Website: www.bdsec.mn

Express TowerPeace AvenueUlaanbaatar, MongoliaPhone/Fax: 976-11311128Email: [email protected]

Institutional Sales & Research Departmentphone/fax: 976-11323411 mail: [email protected] [email protected]

Dagiijanchiv ChuluunbaatarResearchemail: [email protected]

Odbayar OyunbaatarResearchemail: [email protected]

Sainbayar JadambaInstitutional Salesemail: [email protected]

Undram Soyolkhuu Research email: [email protected]

Munkhtulga GanboldHead of Institutional Salesemail: [email protected]

Nick Cousyn&KLHI�2SHUDWLQJ�2I¿FHU�email: [email protected]