MAGUNJE IRRIGATION SCHEME Conventional & Organic Farming Potential Prepared by: T. Matenga (Zamlim) Date: 24 Jan 2010 www.zamlim.co.zw Research/Consultancy/Investment Promotion

Magunje Irrigation Scheme Organic Farming Potential (2)

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Smal-holder irrigation scheme 32 hectares in size available for conventional farming of vegetables, herbs & spices for export. 8 Hectares available for organic farming.

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Page 1: Magunje Irrigation Scheme  Organic Farming Potential (2)

MAGUNJE IRRIGATION SCHEMEConventional & Organic Farming PotentialPrepared by: T. Matenga (Zamlim)

Date: 24 Jan 2010

www.zamlim.co.zw Research/Consultancy/Investment Promotion

Page 2: Magunje Irrigation Scheme  Organic Farming Potential (2)



2.1 Land available for conventional and organic farming2.2 Desirability of the scheme2.3 Key Stakeholders


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Terms of reference:Zamlim was approached by small-holder farmers on an

irrigation scheme in Magunje, Zimbabwe to find markets for both conventionally farmed and organic products. Zamlim sought to establish the following concerning the scheme: Land 3 years without application of fertilizers and chemicals Availability of Labour Availability of irrigation Management skills Internationally certifiable (human rights respected, no

change of land ownership between 2000 and 2010 etc.)

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Page 4: Magunje Irrigation Scheme  Organic Farming Potential (2)

1. Introduction…

Methodology We conducted a field visit to physically inspect the area to

familiarize ourselves with the scheme. We also performed interviews with a former chairman of the

scheme Mr. Mafukidze*, and a current member of the Executive Committee Mr. Bhibhi in order to obtain information on the set-up and operations of the scheme.

We also managed to interview some plot-holders on the Irrigation Scheme.

NB. * Recording of interview with the former chairman being sent in a separate email.

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1. Introduction…


We would like to express our gratitude to the following people who provided information for this presentation:

Left to right- Ms. Makore (beneficiary), Mr. Bhibhi (Exec. Committee Member), Mr. Mafukidze (ex. Chairman), and a youth from the scheme [Magunje Irrigation Scheme, Saturday, 23 January 2010].

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Page 6: Magunje Irrigation Scheme  Organic Farming Potential (2)

1. Introduction…

Magunje growth point is located 265kms North West of Harare, 20km from the town of Karoi along the Harare-Kariba Road in Mashonaland West Province.

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Page 7: Magunje Irrigation Scheme  Organic Farming Potential (2)

1. Introduction…

The Magunje Irrigation Scheme Phase 1 was funded by the Government and was designed by the Department of Irrigation in partnership with the Chinese Metallurgy & Engineering company.

The scheme was formally commissioned in 2005, with 64 farmers on 32 Hectares of land.

Each plot-holder is entitled to 0.5 Hectares of land.

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Location: 16˚52’08.14”S 29˚25’49.77”E

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1. Introduction…

Beneficiaries of the Irrigation Scheme The Scheme’s beneficiaries are drawn from

Magunje various geographic and demographic backgrounds.

Beneficiaries include single mothers, youths, retired people, women’s groups and church organizations.

Each district surrounding Magunje was allocated two (2) plots.

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Page 9: Magunje Irrigation Scheme  Organic Farming Potential (2)

1. Introduction…

Management of the Scheme The Magunje Irrigation Scheme is managed by a seven

(7) member Executive Committee chaired by Mr. Kachingamire.

All the committee members are plot holders voted into office.

Plot holders pay water charges for the scheme to the Zimbabwe National Water Authority (ZINWA), and electricity to ZESA.

There is strong sense of ownership amongst the plot holders.

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Page 10: Magunje Irrigation Scheme  Organic Farming Potential (2)

1. Introduction

Crops currently grown & challenges Interviews with the plot-holders indicated that the irrigation scheme

has traditionally been dominated by maize due to food-security reasons.

Farmers also ventured into other crops such as tomatoes, garlic, pepper, onions, butternuts, sweet-potatoes and rape.

However, most farmers did not realize the economic benefits of their labour due to the harsh macro-economic conditions that existed in the country, and could not find suitable markets for their produce.

Other challenges include inadequate know-how, insufficient working capital funding (to buy inputs, to control pests, and to facilitate logistical issues such as transport, etc.) but the biggest constraint is the market.

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All the plots on 32 Hectares qualify on the previously mentioned criteria except on the issue of application of fertilizer & chemicals for a minimum of three (3) years going back. The 32 Hectares therefore is suitable for conventional farming methods.

2.1Land suitable for conventional farming

Part of a 0.5 HA plot of land at Magunje Irrigation Scheme. According to the former chairman, and a member of the current executive, fertilizer application has been consistent on all the plots.

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Notwithstanding, there are patches of virgin land within the scheme in-between plots that could provide a total of 8-10 Hectares.

The patches of land as shown in the picture slant at an angle of about 20 ˚ East-West and are not subject to fertilizers &chemicals leaching through their soils.

These patches of land are collectively owned by members of the scheme.

Apart from land available on the irrigation scheme, some farmers who had already have invested in electricity programs were willing to invest in boreholes and fencing on their communal pieces of land to grow required crops provided they were assured of a market for their produce.

Strips of suitable virgin land ranging from 0.5 Acres- 1.5 Acres within the scheme, ideal for organic farming [Magunje, 23 Jan 2010]

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Land suitable for organic farming

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2. Findings..

2.2 Desirability of the SchemeThe following factors make the scheme desirable: The existence of farmers already trained in organic farming methods.

The existence of good roads (tarred all the way from Harare), electricity and telecommunications infrastructure + fencing.

Wide representation from the community in terms of beneficiaries.

Autonomy of the Executive Committee enabling swifter decision-making with minimal interference.

Availability of extension services support through AREX.

Employment creation up and down the value-chain bringing significant transformation to an economically challenged community.

Potential to expand scheme under Irrigation Phase II with 22 HA.

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2. Findings..

2.3 Stakeholders

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Our recommendation is that your organization should dispatch a team to Magunje at the earliest convenience with the objective of considering enlisting plot-holders at the Magunje Irrigation Scheme and communal farmers in the area for the vegetables, herbs & spices program for export. The Scheme already enjoys readily available infrastructure, organizational framework, manpower, utilities and would thus take a shorter time to initiate. The program would instantly boost the morale of the farmers and the local community.

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The Magunje Irrigation Scheme offers an opportunity for businesses and NGOs to engage in mutually beneficial economic activities that would result in the upliftment of livelihoods of communities in marginalized communal areas.

Other schemes around the country that had suffered from low productivity in all the provinces should also be considered for any upliftment programs.

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Contact Details:Tineyi Matenga (Consultant)

Zamlim Investments P/L

1 Roseberry Place

Corner Aberdeen/Beveridge Roads



Tel: +263(0)4-2918056

Cell: +263(0)912713670

Email: [email protected]

www.zamlim.co.zw Research/Consultancy/Investment Promotion