Why? Adam Štipák | @new_POPE | [email protected]

Wordcamp Bratislava 2017 - Docker! Why?

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Adam Štipák | @new_POPE | [email protected]

Why use it?

● Virtual environment● Independence● Clean host machine● Test environment for experiments● Build for project (“works on my machine problem”)

Virtual environment

● docker pull …● docker run …


Hands up who are using linux?


Docker runs everywhere

Clean host machine

Only one dependency

Test environment

● docker pull mysql

● docker pull wordpress:<tag>

○ <4.7 | 4.7.4-fpm | 4.7.4-php7.1-apache | ?latest?>

● docker run -d --name mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password mysql

● docker run --link mysql:mysql -p 9000:80 wordpress

Build for project

● git clone …

● docker build ...

● docker run ...

Build for project - pros & cons

● fast start

● easy to use

● consistent environment for

○ team

○ project

● no need Vagrant

● build for Linux

● new tool

Build for project

Docker compose

- is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications

Run in production

● end of classic hosting services

● Amazon EC2 Container Service● Google Container Service● Digital Ocean● Microsoft Azure● ...

Legacy project

● check requirements (php, mysql, …)● setup image for project● build● run


Recap - why use Docker?

● consistent environment

● runs different project on one server (less costs)

● exotic setup for projects

BTW, we’are using Docker on daily basis

● Catch me to talk about Docker or how to switch your project to Docker

● Come to one of our Docker trainings

rekurzia.sk # docker

Thank youquestions?

Adam Štipák | @new_POPE | [email protected]