Web User Experience in 2020

Web User Experience in 2020

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Page 1: Web User Experience in 2020

Web User Experience in 2020

Page 2: Web User Experience in 2020


Drew Gorton

My Perspectives:

● Developer● CEO● Product Owner● Agency & Community Outreach


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3 Minute Version

The world is getting more web-ish

The web is getting less web-ish

There’s a LOT of change coming

Open Source won this last time

Opportunity Abounds

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What we’re covering

Forces changing our medium

● Hardware● Open Web● SAAS● Search / Social

Awareness, Possible Outcomes

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What we’re NOT covering

UI Design Techniques

UX process

UX techniques

Content strategy


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For Each Force

What’s Happening

Analogy / Example


How to Prepare

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Fooling around with alternating current (AC) is just a waste of time. Nobody will use it, ever.

— Thomas Edison, 1889

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Nuclear powered vacuum cleaners will probably be a reality within 10 years.

— Alex Lewyt, 1955

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There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in his home.

— Ken Olson, CEO DEC, 1977

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I predict the Internet will soon go spectacularly supernova and in 1996 catastrophically collapse.

— Robert Metcalfe, Founder 3Com, 1995

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There's no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share.

— Steve Ballmer, CEO Microsoft, 2007

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Something really dumb.

— Drew Gorton, 2016

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On Analogies

Analogies, it is true, decide nothing, but they can make one feel more at home.

— Sigmund Freud

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Hardware in 2020

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Hardware Slows

Moore’s Law is Broken

● Physics● Good Enough


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1930’s: DC-3

1940’s: Stratocruiser

1950’s: 707

1960’s: Moon!

—via Maciej Cegłowski

Analogy: Airplanes

Maciej Cegłowski, Webstock 2014, idlewords.com

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● Ubiquity > Speed● Efficiency● Specialized chips for specialized problems● Specialized devices● Internet of Things accelerates

Prediction: Hardware

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● World gets more web-ish● We know this world● Our web-ish kungfu is strong● Optimism!

What to do: Hardware

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Interfaces in 2020

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● Audible● Overlay (Glass / VR)● APIs● Screens● ...

Interfaces Multiply

Dries Buytaert, 2016 DrupalCon NOLA Driesnote

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● “View Mobile Site”● m.example.com● “Optimized Experience”● #FAIL

Analogy: Mobile Sites

American Airlines ~2014 via wtfmobileweb.com

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● Headless Drupal● Integrations and APIs● Get your content elsewhere● Talk to other systems● Started? Double down! ● Not yet? Get moving!

What to do: Interfaces

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Open Web in 2020

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Too big to lose:

● Google● Apple● Facebook● Amazon● ...

Open Web Wins

Dries Buytaert, 2016 SXSW

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● 1998: Browser Wars● Netscape vs IE● IE pulls ahead● Netscape jumps on


Analogy: Web Standards Project

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● Don’t sweat proprietary formats (AMP, FIA...)

● Help build an Open Web movement

● Support it as it emerges

What to do: Open Web


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Big Data in 2020

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Edward Snowden

2013: US Government Leak

Big Data

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Everyone has the right to the protection of personal data.General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - EU

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2013: Edward Snowden: US Gov’t

????: Facebook

????: Google

????: Amazon

Step Forth!

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● Support data privacy standards● Educate yourself on Security● Protect Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

What to do: Big Data

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Software in 2020

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Software Grows

● SAAS Grows

● Services Commoditized

● Search and Social are Regulated


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Search Example



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● Commoditizable clients, content? Get out or go deep!● Restaurant ‘deep’ example:

○ Forecast demand○ Order supplies○ Mobile ordering○ …

● Specialize. Find a vertical. Understand it deeply.

What to do: SAAS

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Web Design in 2020

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● Widgetization● Micro Formats● Web Components

Web Design


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Analogy: Architecture


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● User Experience belongs to the future user● This too shall pass

Web Design: What to do

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Role of Open Source

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We Know How To Do This

Deeply Understand the Interconnected World Model

Make Ideas Better

Assemble Around Causes (Data, Standards, …)

Push Technology Forward

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In Conclusion

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In Conclusion

The world is getting more web-ish

The web is getting less web-ish

There’s a LOT of change coming

Open Source won this last time

Opportunity Abounds

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