TYPO3 for universities - T3CON14

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TYPO3 for universities

Hi, welcome to our talk about TYPO3 for universities

About me:Martin Huber

# Webdeveloper # TYPO3 Integrator# UX lover# freerider# proud father# loves his job at www.in2code.de


I'm working for in2code, a company located south of munich. Today we'ld like to talk about using typo3 at universities. We would like to give you a short overview of the typo3 marketshare and a look into the future of universities using typo3.

About us:

# 20 experts one location# focused on TYPO3# TYPO3 Platinum Member# many TYPO3 projects for universities

A few words about the company im working for: we are a young team working only with typo3. We have a mix of clients, e.g. small and medium business, but also enterprise companies and of course universities.

About me:Doris Leonhardt

# TYPO3 team leader at Technische Universitt Mnchen # web based application development

Hi i'm working for TU in Mnchen. I would like to show you how we use typo3 in a large enviroment with a tiny team.

I'm working in a central departement called IT Service Center an in the service center is a TYPO3 team

Before i continue:

It's good to know, that TYPO3 is forcing UTF-8 now and in the future.

TUM. some facts:

# founded 1868 by King Ludwig II# 13 departments (faculties)# 3 Integrative Research Centers# 6 Corporate Research Centers# 501 Professors# 9,869 staff members# 35,979 Students 33% Female Students 20% Internatl Students# 411 buildings

Some facts about the university:

Founded: King Ludwig II was the bavarian king who build Schloss Neuschwanstein

He was very interessted in technology actually he was a nerd- his castle were steel constructions with central heating, electric power station (the first in the world), elevators and some more technical stuff.

now the university hast 13 departements....

TUM. Campus

Here is a glance at the three campus of the university.

- Campus Weihenstephan (TUM school of life sciences) in the north of munich (with the oldest brewery in the world) the focus on this campus is research in the life sciences (maybe we should call this campus science of good life).

- Campus Garching in the north of munich (constitutes the center of natural science and technology at TUM; it is the largest of all TUM locations)

- Campus Munich City is devided among three important sites: downtown campus, Olympic Park (the olympic park from 1972) and the university hospitals

FactsSome facts about Universities in general and TYPO3 in Germany

425 universities

about 2.5 mio. students overall

Universities in GermanyGermany has round about 425 universities with about two-point-five million students overall

Let's have a look at how the different content mangement systems are spread over the university landscape.

180 biggest universities have
2.3 mio students

58% of these universities use TYPO3

CMS marketshareHere are the results of our own research regarding typo3 at german universities

We selected 180 of the biggest universities because there are more than 90% of all students in germany

As you can see, more than half of these universities are using typo3!

Another interesting point is that if you count the marketshare of the cms positioned on nr. two, three and four the amount is only 15% usage.For other 15% of the universities we couldn't find out what system they are using.As you can see, TYPO3 is spread in the university landscape. Now lets have a look at the use case of typo3 at TUM.

Use case of TU Mnchen:Managing many
TYPO3 websites

A few words about our service we provide for departments, chairs and research center:

- we started with this service about five years ago with one person show.

- the aim was to support the different organisation units with their websites providing and administrating a website and their job should be taking care of content.

- the first try was with Joomla! But we realized very soon, that this CMS is not the right system to handle the requirements

- the next try was TYPO3 and we still use TYPO3 now

- in order to be able to handle an unknown amount of websites we decided to implement a scaleable solution which we call Satellite-System

TYPO3 WebsiteTYPO3 (multidomain) Websites..TYPO3 WebsitesTYPO3
(multitree) Websites332 Satellites
(virt. Server)

409 Websites

Virt. Server:TYPO3-core


Extensions (as global extensions)


symlinkto the latest core

symlink to the templates

On the left is a virtual machine (LAMP) with the TYPO3 Core, the templates and all the stuff we need for the website layout and the TYPO3 extensions we offer (as global extensions).

On the right: we have virtual machines providing a lot of TYPO3 websites as single sites, multidomain sites and multitree sites these are the so called satellites.

With this setup we are able to generate a complete new website within 30 minutes which meets the TUM requirements, regarding for e.g. corporate design

Any layout changes, extension or core-updates can be handled by working on only one machine and on one fileset.

Until now we have round about 400 websites on more than 330 TYPO3 installations handled with this system. And only with 3 people in the T3 team.

But: i didn't say anything about the virtual machines and the administration of these machines.

Our Provider: The Leibniz Supercomputing Centre

LRZ (Leibniz Rechenzentrum) provides the following services to the scientific and academic communities in Munich:general IT services for more than 100,000 university customers in Munich and for the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BAdW),

a powerful communications infrastructure called the Munich Scientific Network (Mnchner Wissenschaftsnetz, MWN), and a competence centre for data communication networks,

archiving and backup of large amounts of data on extensive disk and automated magnetic tape storage,

a technical and scientific high performance Supercomputing Centre for all German universities

We have a provider for all our websites, which is the LRZ the university has no own computing centre.

The LRZ is the computing centre for all universities in Munich (there are three of them).

They are supporting us by providing the virtual machines and doing all the work around the servers. Backup, database, system updates, server security

berleitung:What are the needs of the universities regarding TYPO3?

Which needs of universities
does TYPO3 satisfyUniversities have various requirements.

Lets see for what needs TYPO3 is the best choice.

Support for Internet / Intranet / ExtranetLarge scalable rights and role management

Multilanguage support with several options

Usable as multitree system with different domains and access rights

Accessibility with full markup control (a distribution is also available)

Universities would like to publish websites for internet, intranet and extranetRegarding the different usage universities needs a large scaleable rights and role management system. They need to provide many sites with many editors and different access rights. Typo3 is able to provide this with ACL, Permissions and Visibility by configuration. All these settings could be combined and used in different cases on different parts of the pagetree.Also important is the support for multilanguage websites. Due to the high flexiblity of TYPO3, the universities are able to meet their own needs. Different languages could be solved with an multi- or one-tree system. In addition settings for default language and the language overlays gives more possibilities find the perfect solution.The advantage of this continous concept is that it works for different elements. For pages, content elements and also Extensions. You can configure a TYPO3 website as an multiple tree website, as an single tree website, multiple domain website and also combining these possibilities. In addition to that, you can also set up different access rights.Accessibility is an important requirement! With TYPO3 you are able to control the full HTML markup. Also many extensions are supporting accessibility. German universities have to follow the rules of accessibility by law. Accesibility is a voluntary extra task for agencies and also for the editors. Editors should be trained to do this right.

Support for
centralized user managementTYPO3 is able to connect directly to an LDAP server

Authentification with Shibboleth

both for backend and frontend user login!

Universities often use more than one system!

T3 uses a authentification service, which can be extend with own services. With this service it is possible to use a centralized user management, it is possible to connect to an LDAP server or authentificate the users with Shibboleth.For those who do not know Shibboleth: its an open-source project that provides Single Sing-on

In our opinion it would be usefull that typo3 serves an API, for example REST, which helps third-party-applications to integrate TYPO3 services.

capabilities and allows sites to make informed authorization decisions for individual access of protected online resources in a privacy-preserving manner source: shibboleth.net).

It's possible to use these authentification methods for the editors, called Backend-users, but also for the website-users, called frontend users.

Cost controlFree software no licence fees

TYPO3 only needs LAMP

Long Term Support for minimized migration and update costs

Einsatz minimaler Anzahl an Extensions sparen Kosten

Universities as well as companies - would like to have an overview over their budget.

One advantage of TYPO3 is, that is for free. You don't have to pay any licence fees. TYPO3 is open source software.

TYPO3 does not need expensive hosting! A simple LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL PHP) server is enough.

Another advantage for cost control is the Long Term Support Version. Over a period of three years you have a low cost support regarding TYPO3: only little updates and no migrations to newer versions

To safe costs you only should use the extensions you're REALLY need. Extensions are useful only to show or safe structured content. And: take care on quality of the used extensions. Some hints to detect good extensions: modern technology used (eg Fluid/Extbase), an existing manual, also an extension-icon (shows love from the programmer), check Code-Quality from TER, an existing Forge-Page and for sure the number of downloads

Support for a
great deal of contentMultiple ways to structure content

Ultra flexible menues possible

Many editors with different access rights

Reusability for content

Content is king! And universities have in general a lot of content!

TYPO3 gives the possibility to structure content in different ways. E.g. as normal content elements or data sets to publish these contents on more sites with different settings or layouts.

TYPO3 makes it possible to publish content very flexible: with start- and/or endtime; visible for certain users or groups and different layouts; Even regarding the menus, TYPO3 is a very flexible system and makes it very interesting for universities.

Support for permanent availabilityTYPO3 has a own Security Team less hacks means less downtime

Fast core updates for security issues

Caretaker is an explicit and flexible tool for TYPO3 monitoring

Other monitoring tools (e.g. Icinga, Monit) are also supported

One of the most important features is security! Not only for administrators or developers, also for editors and of course for the website users!

As far as I know TYPO3 is the only cms with an own security team! The security team is taking care for the core of TYPO3 CMS but also for third-party extensions in the repository.

A helpful tool is Caretaker. This is a tool espacially for monitoring TYPO3 and it's features.

Based on the architecture of TYPO3 it's also possible to use other well known monitoring tools like Icinga or Monit.

Large knowledge
and support baseKnowlegde sharing between universities due to big market share

Many well known professional agencies in Europe

Big and helpful community

Huge amount of extensions available to extend TYPO3

The high marketshare of TYPO3 at universities makes it possible to share knowlegde. Universities can work together and learn from each other. For example the new powermail university package is a project of 9 universities who initiated and sponsored some additional features.

External help is also provided. There are many well known professionals in Europe already working with universities.

Another possibility to get help and support is the big community behind TYPO3. There are many events and user groups everyone could join.

Also extending TYPO3 is easy: many extensions for different usages are available for free in the typo3-repository at www.typo3.org

So, lets take a look into the future of universities.

A look into the futureRequirements for universities are changing. Lets take a look at the challanges for universities.

Challanges to accept for universitiesSmaller budget good cost control with TYPO3

More services over web scalable with extensions

Informationsarchitektur permanent verbessern CMS oder auch Neos

Contents should easily maintain by editors

Universities may reduce the budget for the web a good cost control with typo3 could be helpful

Today many services have to be webbased TYPO3 offers the possibility to create own extensions for a bunch of requirements. So TYPO3 is a very interesting system for universities. For example the Technical University in Munich has own TYPO3 Extensions connecting and grabbing data from other non-TYPO3 systems.

With all of these features and possibilities of TYPO3 universities could get more students as a result of providing better content and services.

Thank you!

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Technische Universitt Mnchen