Terrible Code or Cyber Terrorism - PHP Version

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  1. 1. Cyber Terrorisim or Terrible Code 20 Years of PHP - @sydphp Aimee Maree Forsstrom @aimee_maree
  2. 2. Software will EAT the WORLD Marc Andreessen Wall Stree Journal, August 2011
  3. 3. In our HyperConnected Modern World What is more of a threat? CyberTerrorism Or Terrible Code
  4. 4. Now lets take a look at some historic Software Bugs
  5. 5. For nine hours in January 1990 no AT&T customer could make a long-distance call. The problem was the software that controlled the company's long-distance relay switches software that had just been updated.
  6. 6. The Pentium chip's math error (1993): Thanks to a programming error, Intel's famous Pentium chip turned out to be pretty bad at math.
  7. 7. NASA $655-million Mars Climate Orbiter disintegrates in space (1998): Thrusters' output was calculated in the wrong units (pound seconds instead of newtonseconds)
  8. 8. For 19 hours on August 24, 2007, anyone who tried to install Windows was told, by Microsoft's own antipiracy software (called Windows Genuine Advantage) that they were installing illegal copies.
  9. 9. Now for some Sofwtare Bugs from the more recent archives
  10. 10. We are recovering from a network connectivity issue this morning and restoring regular flight operations. United Airlines 8th of July 2015 400,000 passengers grounded
  11. 11. NASA Pluto-bound New Horizons spacecraft software anomaly caused the probe to stop communicating on 14th of June 2015
  12. 12. NASAs Dawn spacecraft orbiting above dwarf planet Ceres suffered an anomaly in its system on June 30th 2015
  13. 13. Theres nobody in outer space to push that reset button, says Nye. No one that weve gotten to volunteer for that job, Plante replies. But its open."
  14. 14. The NYSE suspended trading due to an internal "technical issue" involving computers only at the stock exchange. Four hour Outage July 8th 2015
  15. 15. Earlier in the day Wednesday, about 200 NYSE stock symbols halted trading due to a technology glitch
  16. 16. Nielsen admits a software glitch has been screwing up recent TV ratings October 10th 2014
  17. 17. As Software EATS the WORLD Quality of Code becomes not just important but a nessecity Its not just a website going down there are human lifes at stake
  18. 18. In the olden days Infrastructure was built to have 99.9999999% uptime Modern Containers and MicroServices architecture allows us to design for failure
  19. 19. We need to code for failure we need to accommodate for failures without it taken down a system Its not just a website going down there are human lifes at stake
  20. 20. Education is Key Admitting we dont know everything Asking for HELP Learning from Each Other Test Driven Development Continous Quality Control Build Checks into Release Cycles