How To Train Clients To Get Better Results Using WordPress WPTrainMe.com © WPTrainMe.com. All Rights Reserved. 1 How To Train Clients To Get Better Results Using WordPress! Learn How To Effectively Train Your Clients To Grow Their Business Using Your WordPress Services! By Martin Aranovitch WPTrainMe.com

Teach Your Clients How To Use WordPress

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"Learn How To Train Clients To Get Results With WordPress!" By WPTrainMe.com Learn how to train your clients to use WordPress more effectively using a unique approach that teaches new WordPress users how to get results! No doubt, you've probably heard the old adage "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime". Most methods used to train clients how to use WordPress leave clients neither "fed for a day", nor taught "how to fish for a lifetime". Clients are mostly given information about how to operate a "fishing rod" and learn next to nothing about how to "catch fish". With the WPTrainMe WordPress training system, you will learn how to "teach your clients to fish" using an approach that not only trains them how to use WordPress more effectively, but that also empowers them to get the results they want from their websites ... and gets you clients for life! For more details, visit the original post on our blog here: http://wptrainme.com/wordpress-training/how-to-train-clients-to-use-wordpress

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How To Train Clients To Get Better Results Using WordPress!

Learn How To Effectively Train Your Clients To Grow Their Business Using Your WordPress Services!

By Martin Aranovitch – WPTrainMe.com

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Table Of Contents

Training Notes For WordPress Consultants ......................................................................................... 3

How To Help Your Clients Get Better Results Using WordPress And WPTrainMe ........................... 6

How To Design An Effective WordPress Training Session For Your Clients ................................. 6

Training Session – Opening Section ......................................................................................... 7

Training Session – Main Section ............................................................................................... 7

Training Session – Closing Section ........................................................................................... 9

Initial WordPress Client Training Session Duration ....................................................................... 9

WordPress Client Training Presentation Script .................................................................................. 10

Part 1 – Opening ............................................................................................................................ 10

Part 2 – How To Log Into Your Administration Area ....................................................................... 11

Part 3 – Accessing WordPress Tutorials Using WPTrainMe ........................................................... 14

Additional Tutorial Help Sections ................................................................................................ 21

Part 4 - Basic WordPress “How-To” Training .................................................................................. 26

Part 5 - How To Get Results And Grow Your Business Online Using WordPress .......................... 28

Part 6 – Getting Help & Additional Services ................................................................................... 29

Part 7 – Q & A ................................................................................................................................ 30

Part 8 – Scheduling The Next Appointment .................................................................................... 30

Training Notes – Additional Information & Resources ........................................................................ 31

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Training Notes For WordPress Consultants

You've probably heard the old adage "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him how to

fish and you feed him for a lifetime".

How can we apply this concept when it comes to training clients how to use WordPress?

Let’s say, for example, that you build WordPress sites for businesses and that your services includes

training your clients how to use WordPress.

How do you teach your clients “how to fish” so they can “feed” themselves using WordPress?

Let’s start by trying to understand what businesses want from their websites.

Businesses invest in websites because they want better results in their business.

Teaching your clients how to use WordPress, then, should be all about empowering them to get better

results in their business using their WordPress website.

So … what kind of results do businesses want from their website?

If you do a little research (e.g. ask your clients, or look at various surveys and polls that ask

businesses what they want from their websites), you will see that businesses want their websites to

deliver results like:

More / new targeted visitors

Higher search engine rankings

Greater visibility online on social media sites

More leads, more sales, and/or more opt-in subscribers

Better conversion rates

More profitable returns from their online marketing strategies

Etc …

A WordPress website can deliver all of these results and more to your clients!

All of the above results and more can be achieved without technical knowledge, simply by learning

how to configure various WordPress settings, installing various WordPress plugins, applying various

marketing strategies and following various processes.

It is possible, then, to teach a non-technical user how to get better results from their WordPress site.

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In other words, there is no reason why we cannot teach clients “how to fish” for themselves.

Most clients, however, don’t get taught “how to fish” using WordPress, because most WordPress

training methods focus on explaining to clients "how their fishing rod works", instead of how to use

their fishing rod to actually "catch fish.”

Consider, for example, the outline of a typical 60-90 minute “1-on-1” training session used and

recommended by many website developers to train new clients how to use WordPress:

Show client how to log into their WP admin area

Give client a tour of the WordPress dashboard

Explain what some of the basic features of WordPress are - posts vs pages, widgets, plugins,

themes, etc.

Show client how to create a post and add content to it

Show client how to use categories, tags, custom posts, etc.

Show client how to install plugins

Show client how to manage users, edit comments, perform updates, etc.

End training with WordPress Q & A

Leave client with a PDF guide and/or some training videos on how to use additional

WordPress features

If you study the above carefully, you will see that it is all about “the fishing rod” (i.e. explaining

WordPress features) and none about “catching fish” (i.e. showing clients the benefits of using


In terms of actually showing clients how to get better business results from their new website,

therefore, using a WordPress training format like the one shown above to train clients how to use

WordPress leaves clients neither "fed for a day", nor taught "how to fish for a lifetime". Clients are

mostly just being overwhelmed with information about how to operate a "fishing rod" and learn almost

nothing about how to "catch fish" using their tool.

The problem is that most WordPress client training sessions, which follow a similar structure as the

example above, simply don’t go far enough to help clients understand how to "connect all the dots"

they need to connect in order to learn how WordPress can actually help them get the results they

want from their websites.

Instead of spending 60-90 minutes showing clients how their fishing rod works, you could be spending

the same amount of time showing them how they can learn about all the features of their fishing rod,

PLUS how to work out where the fish are jumping, what kind of bait the fish like, how to bait the hook,

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how to cast the rod, how to reel the fish in, how to clean the fish, cook the fish, serve the fish and eat

the fish.

Now … you’re probably wondering how you can show your clients how to do all of the above in one

60-90 minute session without leaving them feeling completely overwhelmed and burned out with

information overload.

The answer is … you need an effective WordPress training system, not just a WordPress

training method.

An effective WordPress training system can employ one or more training methods, but it is much

more than that. It is a carefully structured presentation designed to help both your client and your

business achieve specific goals by progressing through defined benchmarks using a presentation

script and tools that ultimately aim to empower users to learn “how to fish” for themselves.

WPTrainMe helps your clients get results because it is a WordPress training system, not just a

WordPress training method.

WPTrainMe is a comprehensive and effective WordPress training system that teaches your clients

“how to fish” so they can continue learning how to "feed" themselves.

It does this by combining an effective step-by-step WordPress training method that is easy for users

to follow, an effective training tool that gives your clients instant access to all the information they

need, and an effective training presentation script that helps both you and your client achieve specific

goals and reach desired benchmarks.

WordPress Training Method

WPTrainMe provides users with a complete “A-Z” library that includes hundreds of detailed step-by-

step screenshot tutorials organized in logical sequence. The comprehensive tutorials in WPTrainMe

are easy to follow, include downloadable resources like checklists, templates and accompanying

videos and help your clients "connect all the dots” they need to understand in order to use WordPress

to get the results they want in their business from their websites.

WordPress Training Tool

WPTrainMe delivers all tutorials via a simple-to-use plugin that helps non-technical users instantly find

all the answers and information they need from their own WP dashboard.

WordPress Presentation Script

This component of the system is fully explained in the remaining sections of this guide.

As you will see shortly, you can create a “win-win” outcome for your clients and your business that is

completely sustainable. You will do this by helping your clients save a great deal of money and time,

and in return, earn your clients’ loyalty and trust, allowing you to sell them ongoing and/or additional

WordPress services.

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How To Help Your Clients Get Better Results Using WordPress And WPTrainMe

All you need to effectively train your clients how to get better results from their website and help them

grow their business online using WordPress with the WPTrainMe system is:

1. Install the WPTrainMe plugin on your client sites,

2. Schedule an initial training session with your clients (i.e. a one-on-one or group training on-

site, or over the telephone, skype, etc.) and follow the WordPress training presentation

script provided in this document.

3. Schedule regular follow-up meetings with your clients (e.g. every 90 days) to touch base

with them and see if they need your support, assistance or additional services.

You can use any of the WPTrainMe plugin editions for training your clients, including the FREE

edition. We recommend installing the BASIC or BUSINESS editions of the plugin, however, as the

tutorials contained in these will cover most of your clients’ training needs.

How To Design An Effective WordPress Training Session For Your Clients

Using the WPTrainMe plugin to train your clients with the presentation script provided in the next

section will allow you to effectively train clients and achieve all of the benchmarks listed below … all

within a 60-90 minute one-on-one or group training session, using either a face-to-face or remote

presentation method (e.g. phone, web conference, voip, etc.),:

Teach your clients how to use WordPress without overwhelming them with information overload.

Show your clients how they can achieve the results they want from their websites and grow their

business online using WordPress.

Empower your clients to learn “how to fish” for themselves.

Presell additional services by showing clients what they can achieve with WordPress and offering

to help them if they require your assistance implementing the strategies discussed.

Develop an ongoing relationship with your client that helps them grow their business while freeing

you up to continue growing your own business.

Let me show you, then, how to structure an effective WordPress training session that focuses on

teaching website owners how to get results using WordPress and that helps you achieve all of the

above benchmarks.

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Training Session – Opening Section

After greeting your client, ask them to open their new website on their web browser. Briefly point out

the site’s external features, including any sections your client specifically requested for their site, and

then explain to your client that their website was built using WordPress, a powerful application that

can help them do just about anything they can imagine doing online with a website.

Let your client know that you will not only show them how to use their new website during their initial

training session, but that you will also show them how they can achieve results like automatically

driving more targeted visitors to their site, higher search engine rankings, greater visibility online on

social media sites, more leads, more sales, more opt-in subscribers, higher conversion rates, more

profitable outcomes from their online marketing strategies, etc ...

After explaining what they can expect to learn during their 60-90 minute training session, you then

provide an overview of how you will structure the session and reassure the client that you will not

overwhelm them with information, because you are going to show them a smart way to get all the

answers and help they need whenever they need it, all from within their own site’s administration area

… with just a click of their mouse button.

Training Session – Main Section

After outlining the structure of your training session, you then begin the hands-on part of the training

by showing your clients how to log into their WP admin area.

Once your client has logged into their admin area, you will then depart from the way that most

WordPress training methods are conducted.

Instead of overwhelming your client with information about WordPress features, you will focus on

creating the right context for helping them learn “how to fish” for themselves.

This is done by showing clients how to access and use the WPTrainMe tutorials inside their own

dashboard. This way, your empower your clients to learn how to find all the answers and help they

need whenever they need to know what to do next, instead of overwhelming them with information

that they can easily get from the detailed step-by-step screenshot tutorials provided by the

WPTrainMe plugin.

You don’t need to do anything more during this part of the training than just click on a few tutorial links

so your clients can see how comprehensive and detailed the training content is, and spend a couple

of minutes showing them how the tutorials are accessed, structured, organized and interlinked,

allowing your client to quickly and easily find all the information they need.

After showing clients how to access the tutorials from their own dashboard and giving them a brief

tour and overview of how the plugin works, you then guide your client through some very basic

WordPress “how tos” to help them get started (e.g. how to create a post, add simple content and

publish), plus how to use any custom features that your clients specifically requested. You can

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structure this part of the training session to suit your needs.

The important thing to remember during this section of the training, is that there is no need to

overwhelm your client with information about how to use all the WordPress features found inside their

dashboard. You have just shown them how they can easily access detailed step-by-step tutorials in

their own time that will explain everything they need to know to use WordPress, so doing anything

more at this stage than just showing your client how simple it is to create a new post and publish

content on their site is unnecessary and can even be counter-productive.

Once you have taken your client through the basic steps of creating and publishing a new post,

remind them of the promise you made earlier to show them how they can achieve all of the results

they want using their new WordPress site, and then give them a brief tour of the other training

modules in the WPTrainMe plugin (note: the modules you will show your clients depend on the plugin

edition you have installed on their site).

This is where you show clients "how to fish” so they can feed themselves, and it’s as simple as

pointing them to a few tutorials that will teach them how to get the results they want … e.g. traffic

generation, SEO, how to integrate WordPress with social media, how to increase sales, leads and

opt-in conversions, etc.

After this, preselling clients your additional services is easy.

All you need to do is present them with the choice of saving money vs saving time:

Save Money - Point out to your client that if they want to save money doing everything themselves,

they can. All they need to do is follow the step-by-step tutorials inside their own WP dashboard.

Vs - Then …

Save Time – Get your client to acknowledge that the tutorials are indeed quite comprehensive, and

then offer to help them if they find that they are simply too busy to implement or manage any of the

strategies that you have just shown them, or if they would like to use your expertize and assistance to

get results faster online.

By highlighting the choice between saving money doing things themselves, or saving time using your

services, you create a ‘win-win’ situation that helps you build trust with your clients as an ethical

service provider who has their best interest in mind.

This also creates long-term loyalty and new opportunities for your business, especially since most

clients will generally find that they are just “too busy” to take on the additional responsibilities of

managing technical aspects of their website and/or implementing web marketing strategies.

The more you show your clients what WordPress can help them achieve in their business and

the more you empower and encourage them to do things themselves, the more work they will

realize they have to do to get things done, and so … the more your clients will probably need

your help and your services to get the results they want!

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Training Session – Closing Section

At the end of your client training session, you will answer any questions they have and schedule a

follow-up meeting. The purpose of the follow-up meeting is to see how your client is progressing with

their site, and to build an ongoing relationship that will allow you to regularly “touch base” with your

client (e.g. every 90 days) and see if there are any opportunities to provide them with additional

services, e.g. help, support or expert assistance.

Now that you know how to structure an effective WordPress training session for your clients, let’s take

a look at a training presentation script you can use to effectively communicate all of the above to your

client during a 60-90 minute training session, and achieve all of the benchmarks and outcomes

described earlier.

Initial WordPress Client Training Session Duration

Below are recommended times for structuring and completing each section of your initial WordPress

client training session:

Training Section Training Presentation Benchmarks Suggested Time

Part 1 Opening 3 - 5 mins

Part 2 How To Log Into The WP Admin 2 - 3 mins

Part 3 Accessing The WPTrainMe Tutorials 5 - 10 mins

Part 4 Basic WordPress “How Tos” 25 - 35 mins

Part 5 How To Get Results Using WordPress & Grow Your Business Online

10 - 15 mins

Part 6 Getting Help - Additional Services 5 - 10 mins

Part 7 Q & A 5 - 10 mins

Part 8 Scheduling The Next Appointment & Close

2 - 3 mins

Total Duration 60 - 90 mins

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WordPress Client Training Presentation Script

Below is a suggested presentation script you can use to effectively train your clients how to use

WordPress using the WPTrainMe system described earlier. Edit and customize the script to suit your

own needs.

Part 1 – Opening

[Ask client to bring up website in their browser]

Ok then … let’s take a look at your new website!

[Briefly show client the main features of their site. Point out any custom or important features your

client requested and explain that you will cover these in more detail later]

Now … before I show you how to use your new website, let me tell you a little bit about the software

that we used to build your site with and why this is important.

Your website is built using a very powerful software application called WordPress …

WordPress is not just great for building websites and helping you easily manage your web content …

WordPress also lets you do just about anything you can imagine online with little to no

technical skills required!

You can do a lot with WordPress … In this training I’m not only going to show you how to use your

new website, but also how to save a ton of money and time with WordPress, how to get better results

for your business with your new site, and how to grow your business online to whatever level you


Does that sound good to you? Would you like to learn how to do all of this?

Ok then, we’ve got a lot of ground to cover so let’s get started …

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Part 2 – How To Log Into Your Administration Area

[provide your client with the login URL, username and password for their site]

Ok … the first thing we need to do is learn how to log into the site’s administration area.

1. To access your website’s admin area, go to the Admin Login screen, located at

http://yoursite.com/wp-login.php or http://yoursite.com/wp-admin (if WordPress is installed in a

subdirectory of the domain, the login screen should be located at


2. Enter your username and password

3. Click the Login button

You are now logged into your site’s administration area.

This area is called the WordPress dashboard, or the WP dashboard for short …

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You can manage every aspect of your website from your administration dashboard.

Now … as I said earlier, WordPress is really powerful and there are so many possibilities to what you

can do with WordPress, that it’s quite easy to get information overload.

So … instead of overwhelming you with loads of information about all the features of your new site,

I’m going to take a different approach in this training session and focus on showing you how to get the

results you want.

Here’s what we are going to do, then:

First, I’m going to show you how you can easily find all the help and answers you need right here

inside your own dashboard by yourself and in your own time. This will save you a lot of time if you

need help, or if you have any questions about using your site, or if you get stuck while trying to do

something and don’t know what to do next.

Next, we’re going to do some “hands-on” training together where I’ll take you through some of the

basic things you need to know to help you get started, like publishing content on your site [and go

over the features you specifically requested.]

[Business & PRO Edition Only] After going over the basics to help you get started, I’m then going

to show you how you can learn to implement a number of strategies that will help you get better

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results from your website and grow your business online. We’ll cover things like:

How to easily add all kinds of functionality to your site using things called plugins.

how to make simple customizations to your site that will help you save money on web design

costs [PRO Edition]

how to manage and keep your site up-to-date and free of errors and problems [PRO Edition]

how to optimize your site to give our site visitors a better experience [PRO Edition]

how to keep your site secure and protected from attacks by hackers and malicious software

[PRO Edition]

how to identify new opportunities in your niche market to grow your business online … we can

even discuss using strategies like creating new information products you can sell to your target

audience to generate additional sources of revenue if you are interested.

how to get your site’s pages ranking higher in search engines like Google, Bing, etc …

how to automatically drive more visitors to your site from a number of other “traffic-getting”

websites, including social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc. and

many other online directories.

how to improve your site’s conversions to get more leads, sales and subscribers from your site


how to generate additional revenue from your site using different marketing and monetization


how to add e-commerce, private membership areas, and …

I’ll even show you how you can learn to outsource areas of your website operations smartly

and cost-effectively.

Are you interested in learning how you can do all of this from your website easily and with no

technical skills required?

Great! I’ll talk more about this later in the training session.

After showing you how to publish content on your site and how to get results using the strategies

I’ve just outlined, I’ll then talk a little bit about how we can help you implement any of these

strategies if you find that you’re too busy to do it yourself and need some assistance.

Towards the end of our training session I’ll then go over any questions you have, and we’ll then

schedule a time to touch base in a few weeks and see how you’re going with your new site.

Does all of this sound ok to you? Great! Then let’s move on …

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Part 3 – Accessing WordPress Tutorials Using WPTrainMe

As I promised earlier, even though there’s a lot of ground to cover during our initial training session, I

want to avoid overloading you with too information. So … as part of our client training and support

system, I’ve installed a powerful training tool on your website that will give you all the answers you

need whenever you need help.

This tool is called WPTrainMe, and it gives you instant access to detailed step-by-step tutorials right

inside your own dashboard. These tutorials are very easy to follow and cover everything you need to

know. Let me show you …

If you look down the menu in your WordPress dashboard, you will see a menu entry called

“WPTrainMe” …

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Click on WPTrainMe > View Tutorials to access detailed WordPress step-by-step tutorials …

This brings up the Tutorials screen with all of the main WordPress training modules …

Based on your needs, we have installed the [FREE|BASIC|BUSINESS|PRO] edition of the plugin on

your site. This gives you access to [dozens/hundreds of tutorials/all the tutorials we think you will


Click on a module title to expand the tutorial list. For this example, go ahead and click on the “How To

Use WordPress” link …

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This displays all of the tutorials listed for that training module …

The tutorials are listed in logical order and are organized to take you through every step of any

process you want to learn more about.

Large tutorials are broken down into smaller sections, and displayed as nested entries.

So for example, in the “How To Use WordPress” training module, you can see that the “How To Never

Be Stuck For Great Content Ideas” tutorials has been broken down into a number of smaller sections

(i.e. Content Writing Tips, Guidelines For Writing Effective WordPress Posts, Content Creation Ideas,

etc.) …

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Depending on the plugin edition we’ve installed, some of the tutorials are “greyed out” and unavailable

[note: if PRO edition is installed, then your client will have access to all of the tutorials] …

If you decide you’d like to upgrade your training level to access the “greyed out” tutorials just let us

know [and we’ll organize it for you/we’ll discuss options to upgrade your training level].

To view any tutorial, just click on the tutorial link …

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This will instantly open up the tutorial in a separate browser window, allowing you to continue working

on your site while you go through the training information …

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You can see that these tutorials are really quite detailed. Let me show you how you can quickly and

easily find all the information you need whenever you need it:

The training modules and tutorials are logically structured so you can complete each process

before moving onto the next step.

The tutorials include detailed screenshots and step-by-step instructions that help to ensure

that no steps are missed in any of the processes.

Many tutorials contain additional information or resources like downloadable guides,

checklists, templates, accompanying videos, etc.

The content links to other topic-related tutorials, so you can keep learning more about a

specific process even if the information ends up branching out to other topics.

Once you’re inside the tutorials section, you can access other tutorials either by clicking on a link

inside the tutorial itself …

Or by clicking on a link in the “Tutorials” tab inside your dashboard …

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As new tutorials get added to the plugin, the tutorial list automatically updates inside your dashboard.

[If you find that any of the tutorials contain outdated information, let us know and we’ll get the plugin

developer to update the information.]

Additional Tutorial Help Sections

As well as accessing the tutorials from the main menu or the tabs section, the WPTrainMe plugin also

provides a built-in context-based “Help” section, giving you access to tutorials that relate specifically to

the section you are working on inside your admin area.

For example, WPTrainMe displays a list of suggested tutorials in the main Dashboard …

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You can also access context-sensitive tutorials wherever you are in your administration area by

clicking on the “Help” tab …

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This will display a list of WordPress tutorials related to the section you are currently working on …

Different tutorials will display in the ‘Help’ tab, depending on where you are inside your WP admin

area …

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You can also get help with WordPress when adding or editing content in your posts and pages section

via a built-in sidebar widget …

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As you can see, we’ve given you access to a very comprehensive training resource that can give you

all the answers you need whenever you need help, or whenever you feel stuck and need to know

what to do next.

This is great, if, for example, you’re working on your website late at night and you need help getting

something done. You don’t have to waste any time searching online or wait around for someone to

get back to you the next day and help you. Just go to the tutorials and you will probably find the

answer you need.

I recommend that after our training session, just start going through the tutorials. Also, whenever you

feel stuck, or have questions, or need help, this is the first place you should come to for answers.

If you can’t find a solution in these tutorials, then contact us and we’ll help you.

[if the answers are in the tutorials, simply direct the client back to the tutorials, or get them to bring up

the tutorials on their screen and walk them through the process – ALWAYS TRY TO REFER


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Part 4 - Basic WordPress “How-To” Training

Now that you know how to access the tutorials inside your dashboard, let’s go over some basic steps

together to help get you started.

Let me show you:

1. How to navigate inside your WordPress site’s Administration area

2. How to access different sections of your site

3. How to create, edit, and publish content on your site

4. [insert additional topic you want to cover during initial client training session]

5. [insert additional topic you want to cover during initial client training session]

Okay, then, let’s begin …

Click on WPTrainMe > View Tutorials …

Click on the “How To Use WordPress” link …

Click on “Your WordPress Site Administration Area” link ……

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As you can see, this tutorial covers everything you need to know about your WordPress dashboard. I

suggest you go through this tutorial in more detail after our training to really understand how

everything works inside your dashboard …

For now, let me just point out some of the main features of the dashboard to get you started:

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[Use the tutorial as reference when explaining the Administration area to client.]

Repeat the same process to explain to your client how to access the main features of their site, how

to create, edit and publish content, and anything else you’d like to cover in your initial training session.

Don’t overwhelm your client by trying to cover too many things in your training session, and always

refer to the tutorials when explaining things to your clients. This teaches your clients how to find the

information they need on their own and helps keep your training session simple and concise.]

Part 5 - How To Get Results And Grow Your Business Online Using WordPress

Now that we’ve covered some of the basics and that you know how to find all the information you

need, let me take you through a very simple plan that will help you get better results in your business

and help you take your business online to whatever level you want.

First, I recommend that you go through all of the tutorials in the “How To Use WordPress” training

module. Start at the top and work your way down the list and you will learn exactly how to use all of

the main features of your new site.

As you work through the tutorials, write down any questions you have. If you can’t find the answers in

the tutorials themselves, then we’ll go over your questions next time we get together [email these to

me and we’ll schedule a time to work through your questions together].

Once you have gone through the “How To Use WordPress” tutorials and mastered the basics of using

WordPress, I then recommend that you start going through the tutorials in the other training modules,

as these will then show you how to start getting the results you want using WordPress.

For example, you can add almost any new type of functionality you can imagine to your site using

WordPress “plugins”. Plugins are add-ons that easily install on your site to give you any kind of

functionality you want. The great thing about WordPress plugins is that you don’t need technical skills

to install and use most plugins.

There are thousands of plugins available for WordPress, and these will easily let you add things to

your site like polls, forms, surveys and other interactive features, advertising banners, e-commerce

features, membership sites, seo reports, social media sharing buttons, make your pages printable and

so much more.

[Optional - pick a simple plugin and show your client how to install it using the tutorials]

Let’s bring up the tutorial on how to install a plugin, and learn how to quickly install a plugin. You can

then just follow the step-by-step tutorial on how to install and use plugins whenever you want to add

something new to your site.

[Install a plugin]

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Now … if you go back to the WPTrainMe tutorials on your dashboard menu and click on “WordPress

Plugins” [Business and PRO edition only], you will find loads of tutorials on how to add almost any

kind of function or feature you want to your WordPress site using plugins.

The tutorials in this section show you how to install, configure and use dozens of really useful plugins

covering everything from ways to engage better with your visitors, manage aspects of your site,

improve your site’s visibility on search engines and social media sites, monetize your site, and so

much more! You will also find that new tutorials are continually being added to this section.

[Repeat the above process for giving clients a tour of other training modules – e.g. WordPress

Customization, WordPress Management, etc …]

Once you are ready to grow your business online, go to the “WordPress Strategies” training module

[Business and PRO edition only]. This section contains detailed, step-by-step tutorials that show you

how to do things like:

How to drive more new targeted visitors to your website automatically

How to get better search engines results

How to get more visibility on social media sites

How to get more leads, more sales, and/or more opt-in subscribers,

How to increase your conversion rates

How to generate additional revenue from your site

How to create and/or sell products online

How to start a membership site

And much, much more …

[Find 2-3 areas that your client is interested in getting better results in, then briefly show them some of

the tutorials in the “WordPress Strategies” and/or other training modules that they can refer to for help

with those areas]

Part 6 – Getting Help & Additional Services

Now … as you can see these tutorials are quite comprehensive and will show you how to do

everything you want or need to get better results and grow your business online.

I recommend that you learn how to do as much as you can by yourself, expecially if you want to save

money, or if you just want to learn how to get things done on your site using WordPress.

If you find that you are just too busy to learn how to implement these strategies yourself, however, or

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if you want to save time and get things done faster, then just let us know and we will be happy to help

you. We can help you set up and manage any of the strategies you want.

[Briefly discuss your services, support and fees]

Part 7 – Q & A

[Client Name], so far, we’ve covered the following:

How To Log Into Your Site’s Administration Area

How To Access The Training Tutorials

Some Basic WordPress How-Tos – Please review the tutorials for detailed step-by-step

instructions on how to use all of the features on your site.

How To Get The Results You Want And Grow Your Business Online

How We Can Help You If You Need Assistance Or Additional Support

Are there any questions you have about anything we have or haven’t covered today?

[Answer client questions – refer your client to tutorials as much as possible, especially if they relate to

using WordPress or marketing their business online using the plugins or strategies listed in the


Part 8 – Scheduling The Next Appointment

Great … we’ve covered a lot of information today! The last thing I’d like to do before we end our

training session today is to leave you with a summary of everything we’ve covered today and this

checklist I’ve prepared for you so you can review what the information and know what to do next

[leave Training Summary PDF and checklist – see additional notes section below] and schedule

another [live 1-on-1, phone, skype, etc …] meeting in [30/60/90] days from now to touch base and

see how you’re going with your site, and if you have any questions or need any help.

[schedule next meeting]

Great! I hope you found today’s training session enjoyable and valuable. My goal was to teach you

how to get the information you need to create better results for your business with your new site

instead of filling your head with information overload! I appreciate any feedback you have on how you

think today’s training session went.

I wish you great success and I’ll be in touch with you again in [30/60/90] days for a [live 1-on-1,

phone, skype, etc …] meeting to see how you are doing. In the meantime, if you have any questions,

or need help with anything at all, just let me know.

[end of training]

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Training Notes – Additional Information & Resources

The above presentation script allows you to deliver a complete 60-90 minute training session.

Customize the training script and presentation to suit your needs.

Note: We provide training documentation about using the WPTrainMe plugin that you can modify (e.g.

add your own logo and details) and leave with your clients after your initial training session. This

documentation is provided at no cost to all of our multiple-user license holders.

For more information about the WPTrainMe plugin, go here:


For details about multiple-user licensing options and pricing go here:


You may also want to consider becoming an affiliate partner and adding your affiliate ID to the plugin

settings section when installing the plugin on your client sites. This allows you to earn affiliate

commissions if your clients decide to upgrade their plugin edition later.

For details about our affiliate program go here:


Benefits Of Using The WPTrainMe Training System

We strongly recommend not overwhelming clients by focusing your training on how to use WordPress

features. Instead, continually refer your clients to the tutorials in the WPTrainMe plugin.

Below are just some of the benefits of using the system described in this document:

WPTrainMe gives you an effective training system that you can easily duplicate with all new


Your clients are empowered to learn how to find the answers themselves, reducing your

support costs.

It keeps the time you invest into training new and existing clients to an absolute minimum,

allowing to focus on other areas of your business.

It allows you to provide a consistently high quality level of training.

It allows you to cover more ground in 60-90 minutes than any other WordPress training


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It ensures you achieve all of the benchmarks specified in this document.

It keeps clients engaging with you, builds trust and loyalty for your business and helps you sell

additional services.

It helps prevent clients from looking elsewhere for answers or buying similar services than the

ones you can provide.

To read more about the benefits of using WPTrainMe to train your clients, go here:


If you have any questions about WPTrainMe and would like to contact us, please go here:


I hope you have found this guide on how to structure an effective WordPress client training session

useful and I wish you the very best of success training your clients how to get results and grow their

business online using WordPress.

Martin Aranovitch - WPTrainMe.com

To learn more about WPTrainMe go here:




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