Plot Blocking

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Page 2: Plot Blocking

The first block is when the group of teenagers/young adults are in a modern day house, it’s late evening so outside is dark but not pitch black. The group of teens/young adults are quite loud and rowdy, there’s also some alcohol to connote they’ve been drinking, all things which are stereotypical of a group of teens. After some discussion, hesitation and also some protest, they begin to play a Ouija Board.

Page 3: Plot Blocking

In the second block the group of teens/young adults are sat in a circle with their hands on the Ouija Board but become freaked out, scared and worried by the experience they’re having with it and decide they don’t want to continue any further so they leave the board in the correct way the rules tell them however, unknowing to the group they have already released what was contained in the Ouija Board.

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The thing released from the Ouija Board is revealed to be a spirit/someone the group of teens had known but had died roughly over a year ago, their clothes are black and they seem to be cloaked in dirt with a mist like blackness around them. At first the scene connotes no danger for the teens until the spirit/dead friend begins to lash out at them and ultimately kill them beginning a course of chaos and blood.

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The forth block and the third block go together slightly as this would also occur during the third block. As the Antagonist begins to kill/murder the teens there will be sudden and quick flashbacks to what they did to the antagonist which did unknowing to the characters, lead to this spirits death. During these scenes there will also be subtle amounts of symbolism also related to what the teens past actions towards the antagonist but also to connote what this spirit/antagonist is feeling as they won’t have any dialogue just expressions and these symbols.

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The fifth block is when most of the teens have been killed by this spirit/dead friend acting as the Antagonist however, introducing ‘the final girl theory’ one of the female teens defeats the antagonist by escaping their grasp and they seem to be safe however, while running away she either tries to leave the house but finds she re-enters it or she is running and trips over a body laying on the floor that when she looks at it, is revealed to be hers. This is where both the character and the audience will see that this girl had actually died in the beginning and not escaped.