My Media Pitch Rebecca Davies

My media pitch

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My Media PitchRebecca Davies

Page 2: My media pitch

Plot.The plot for my horror trailer sticks to most common conventions. A woman leaves her childhood home to live with her partner in their brand new home. Things start going wrong, what they don’t realise is the haunting individual that lurks within the neighbourhood. Just after the young couple have settled in to what they believe is their dream home; the film turns into what the audience believe is a documentary, but from the antagonist’s point of view. The antagonist is a psychotic male who terrorises them until his goal is complete, which is to murder them.

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Mise-en-scene, Setting.As already stated, the setting for this horror film will take place in a house in which the couple think is a nice, small neighbourhood.

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Mise-en-scene, Characters and costumes.Protagonist – The woman who moves in with her partnerAntagonist – The man stalking the house with a camera

The protagonist will wear causal everyday clothing, so that the audience feel as if it could be them that this is happening to.Whereas the antagonist will be dressed completely in black, so that he blends in with the darkness. To make the audience feel even more uncomfortable the antagonist will wear a mask, which he will take off to reveal his face at the end of the trailer.

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Mise-en-scene, Lighting.While filming my project I will stick to dark lighting, therefore it is easier to edit in post production. When doing my research on different trailers, I found that the majority of horror films have a blue tinge effect added on top. This makes everything seem darker and makes the audience feel more vulnerable. I aim to do this at the end of my project.

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Mise-en-scene, props.Props are very important in horror films, whether it’s a phone or knife. In my horror trailer the main props are going to be the mask on the antagonist’s face, which makes the audience feel endangered; and the hand held camera in which the antagonist will record his documentary of the couple on. There will also be other props included such as weapons, everyday house objects and many more.

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SoundSound is crucial in a trailer, it is the thing that puts it all together. I will use both diegetic and non. I think it is a good idea to have non-diegetic at the beginning of the trailer but more cheerful than it would be towards the end. When the antagonist is viewing the couple for the first time I think it would be important to have dramatic non-diegetic sound. However at some points of the trailer I would like to have nothing but diegetic sound and sometimes even silence, as it is just as effective.Below are some of the sounds I have been looking at:https://youtu.be/OZK7rAyzGi4 https://youtu.be/36uutyEKt4o