International SEO and Content Silos Enterprise Ireland eMarketing Event Using the Internet to Compete in International Markets John Caldwell [email protected] 061 513267 086 2410295

International SEO and Content Silos | John Caldwell | CreatorSEO

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International SEO and

Content Silos

Enterprise Ireland eMarketing Event

Using the Internet to Compete in International Markets

John Caldwell

[email protected] 513267086 2410295

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• Physicist

• Headed up Global Marketing and

Intelligence Teams

• Founded CreatorSEO, Intelligence

Market and Research and Experts

• Head office in Smithstown, Shannon

•Specialise in helping businesses grow


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Some of our customers ........

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We don’t just consult ........

We are not just experts in SEO ........

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• Introduction

• The Search Landscape and how Search Engines Work

• Silos

• International SEO

• Duplicate Content

• Tips

Areas covered:

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Search Engine Optimisation - Introduction

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It All Starts With Strategy

• Which market?

• Which country or countries?

• Focussing on a region?

• Emphasising particular products?

Reach Act Convert Engage

Digital strategy:

Customer analysis

Competitor benchmarking

On-line partner analysis


Marker-place analysis:

Vision and mission

Goal setting AnalyticsManaging digital


Goals and KPI’s:

Segmentation and targeting

Brand position and value proposition

Engagement and content strategy

Integrated communication



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search engines and social media

are the gatekeepers of your

Content visibility

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If your not on page 1

of search results

you don’t exist!

Perception is reality

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Best channels for revenue

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Search engines – How they work?

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What a Search Engine Sees

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Artificial Intelligence – Machine Learning


Is Google’s name for a machine-learning artificial intelligence system used to help ranking

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The Golden triangle

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Which? - search engines!

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… but it is usually enough to focus on the main Search Engines

• Ranking

= 2a+0.7b+12c+9d+2(a-b+d)-1.5e+2f …………..

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… and let’s not forget

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Search Pyramid


Link Building

Keyword Research & Targeting

Accessible Quality Content

Bring all this together with intelligence

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The search demand curve

Source: SEOMoz

1 2 3-4 4+

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What is Google looking for?

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You need to think like Google:Keyword relationships and

usage – close bonds between keywords on each page

Date can be important –most recent content

– if applicable

Predict what you are looking for!

Phrases are unique

The intent of your search – information open queries

- location matters

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Unique content

Google likes unique content

Does your content on a PAGE meet all the searcher’s


Are you better at giving the searcher the information they


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Content Silos

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A content silo is the grouping of related content around key terms.

These key terms are topical grouped on areas or themes.

These are implemented on your website / digital needs

Content Silos

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Make it easy for the search engines -content silos

Google in particular want to have a good understanding of your website’s content.

- what your promoting- how it is structured- layout of content

Content organisation!Traffic

SEO / User Experience

Content Silos

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Key term relevancy is based on a page’s content as well as the relevance of the entire website.

Content silos help provide relevance!

If you want to rank think of sections rather than just a page.

Relevant ContentTraffic

SEO / User Experience

Content Silos

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• Silos • Relevancy• Consistency

• Amplify your content

Target the right audience with the right content

– as per your digital strategy– planned in your roadmap

Content Amplification

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Content Example – Google.co.uk ranking

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5

Ranking before process >500 201 306 432 >500

Implemented Silos & taxonomy 145 61 114 92 345

Relevancy - meta / content 86 39 51 44 74

LinkedIn engagement 52 30 64 37 49

Consistency – links / language 48 27 31 33 37

New relevant content (daily) 3 4 2 5 11

Get feed for your site:[email protected]

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Think like Google!

Content - Authority - Authenticity - Trust

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Marketing - Google Alerts & Google News & Google Publisher

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Normally a MARKETER works

side by side with a

CODER2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

We All Want!

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Try things till it


What really happens

20112012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

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Marketing incl. SEO



Growth Hacking Analytics


Create a dashboard

Perform AB Testing

Create interventions

Make changes

One Metric That Matters?

Talk to customers

Make more changes



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Google.ie, Google.co.uk, Google.de, Google.fr……

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Trading internationally

• Common situations:

• one country, several languages

• one language, several countries

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Trading internationally

• What can be done?

• domains by country?

• main domain and subdirectories per language?

• sub domains?

• Geo targeting on Google

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Trading internationally

• Best option domains by country

• creatorseo.com

• creatorseo.fr

• creatorseo.de

• but

• complicated to manage and coordinate

• one CMS for all or one per domain?

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Trading internationally

• Sub-domains or Domain name alias

• us.creatorseo.com

• fr.creatorseo.com

• de.creatorseo.com

• Directories by country/language

• creatorseo.com/us/

• creatorseo.com/fr/

• creatorseo.com/de/

• One language, several countries

• creatorseo.com/es/

• mycompany.com/es-pu/ (Peru)

• mycompany.com/es-mx/ (Mexico)

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Trading internationally

• Subdomains by country

• Search Engines consider subdomains almost a completely different entity than their domain

• they don’t inherit most of the domain's relevancy

• Example of a sub domain

• http://spanish.creatorseo.com

• … but are a more integrated approach than having a number of unrelated domain names


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Trading internationally

A new domain starts with

ZERO domain authority

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Trading internationally

• Directories by country/language

• Cheaper

• Less technical resources required

• Easier to manage and coordinate

• Directories contribute to increase the general relevancy of a domain

• Domain authority is consolidated

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Trading internationally

• You don’t need multiple websites to rank internationally

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Before internationalising your site

• Market research

• Site performance

• SEO implementation

• Speed of site

• Number of pages on your site – CPU and Memory

• Language or Country targeting

• Localisation costs

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Competition ---- Perception is Reality

• On-line competition may not be your traditional competition

• Different competitors in different regions

SEO is about beating your competition in the targeted geographies

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• Know your audience

• Cultural

• In Mediterranean counties - Internet use is driven more by social factors rather than anything else,

• where Nordic countries rely on the internet for more pragmatic, functional purposes.

• Language

• What are they searching for?

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Avg. Monthly Searches World

wide(exact match only)

Avg. Monthly Searches US (exact

match only)

Avg. Monthly Searches UK (exact

match only)

Avg. Monthly Searches Canada

(exact match only)

Avg. Monthly Searches Germany (exact match only)

Avg. Monthly Searches France

(exact match only)

Avg. Monthly Searches China

(exact match only)

Avg. Monthly Searches India

(exact match only)

hotels in dublin 49,500 1,900 18,100 390 590 110 10 90

dublin hotels 33,100 3,600 18,100 880 480 140 10 70

hotels dublin 18,100 590 6,600 170 1,000 390 10 10

hotel dublin 14,800 260 2,400 110 2,400 3,600 10 10

And that’s just English!

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Local content

• Use local addresses and contact information

• Add local case studies/ testimonials

• with names and images

• Customise content for each country or market

• More relevant, increases local link building opportunities, and decreases duplicate content

• Currency

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Design and usability

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Basic requirements for any website

A web site is a bit like an advert!

• Clear purpose

• Easy to use / intuitive

• High impact- you have only 4 seconds to impress!

• Optimised for visitors

• Target audience

• Easily found by the target audience

• Content must be dynamic and interesting

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Design and usability

• Different countries prefer different design aesthetics

• Recreating your website in a different language may not be enough

• Get feedback on your site from locals in your target country

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Duplicate Content

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Duplicate Content and Languages

• Google and Bing have clearly said to keep one language on one URL. - Proxied content- Content served by a cookie - Side-by-side translations

Can be very problematic for search engines to index a page in more than one language.

You want

1 URL = 1 language

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Duplicate Content and Language Flags

• Hreflang tags are intended to ensure the correct localised page is seen by Google

• You can have multi-country targeted content in the same language. - You need to combine hreflang tags + some localisation!

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Ways to avoid Duplicate Content

• Use Hreflang tags

• Localised keyword optimisation

• Have local content … maybe testimonials

• Name, Address, Phone, Currencies, Google Business profile

• Localised HTML sitemaps

• Localised navigation and home page features that cater to specific audiences

• Localised images that resonate with the audience

• Obtain links from local links

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Some Final Tips

• Create useful page titles

• Use informative URLs

• Provide relevant page descriptions

• Add your business to Google +

• Manage your site links

• Get a local mailing address

• Use a translator!

• Value proposition

• Call to action

• Speed

• User experience

• Relevant and most recent unique content

Google shows search results based on

what's best for the user

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[email protected]

John Caldwell

[email protected] 513267/ 01 5313061

086 2410295