Internationalization for Plugin and Theme Developers Sergey Biryukov WordCamp Milano 2016

I18n for Plugin and Theme Developers, WordCamp Milano 2016

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Internationalization forPlugin and Theme Developers

Sergey Biryukov

WordCamp Milano 2016

Sergey Biryukov● WordPress Core Contributor at Yoast

yoast.com● Co-founder of Russian WP community

ru.wordpress.org● Polyglots, Support, and Meta teams


Plugins and Themes for the Whole World

● Internationalization (i18n) — providing the ability to translate● Localization (L10n) — translating to a particular language

Plugins and Themes for the Whole World

● Over 100 languages● More robust code● Feedback● It’s easy

Localized Theme Directories

Localized Plugin Directories

Introduction to gettext

● Text domain– 'my-plugin'

● Preparing the strings– <?php echo 'Title'; ?>→<?php _e( 'Title', 'my-plugin' ); ?>

● Language files– .pot, .po, .mo

Text Domain

● Should match the plugin/theme slug (folder name):– wp-content/plugins/my-plugin→'my-plugin'

– wp-content/themes/my-theme→'my-theme'

● Should be added to plugin/theme headers:– Plugin Name: My Plugin

– Version: 1.0

– Text Domain: my-plugin

Text Domain

● Loading the text domain– load_plugin_textdomain( 'my-plugin', false,

dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/languages' );

– load_theme_textdomain( 'my-theme', get_template_directory() . '/languages' );

Text Domain

● Loading the text domain– load_plugin_textdomain( 'my-plugin', false,

dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/languages' );

– load_theme_textdomain( 'my-theme', get_template_directory() . '/languages' );

● wp-content/languages (WordPress 4.6+)

Preparing the Strings

● Regular strings:– __( 'Hello world!', 'my-plugin' );

– _e( 'Hello world!', 'my-plugin' );

● Strings with context:– _x( 'Hello world!', 'post title', 'my-plugin' );

– _ex( 'Hello world!', 'post title', 'my-plugin' );

Preparing the Strings

● Plural forms:– _n( '%d item', '%d items', $count, 'my-plugin' );

– _nx( '%d item', '%d items', $count, 'comments', 'my-plugin' );

● If the number is not available yet:– _n_noop( '%d item', '%d items', 'my-plugin' );

– _nx_noop('%d item', '%d items', 'comments', 'my-plugin' );

Preparing the Strings

● Escaping HTML tags:– esc_html__( 'Hello <em>world</em>!', 'my-plugin' );

– esc_html_e( 'Hello <em>world</em>!', 'my-plugin' );

– esc_html_x( 'Hello <em>world</em>!', 'post title', 'my-plugin' );

● Escaping HTML attributes:– esc_attr__( 'Hello "world"!', 'my-plugin' );

– esc_attr_e( 'Hello "world"!', 'my-plugin' );

– esc_attr_x( 'Hello "world"!', 'post title', 'my-plugin' );

Preparing the Strings

● Escaping HTML tags and attributes:– <option value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'value', 'my-plugin' ); ?>">

<?php esc_html_e( 'Option label', 'my-plugin' ); ?></option>

● Same, in a longer notation:– <option value="<?php echo esc_attr( __( 'value', 'my-plugin' ) ); ?>">

<?php echo esc_html( __( 'Option label', 'my-plugin' ) ); ?></option>

_e() ≠ echo()

● Don’t use PHP variables, only simple strings:– _e( $string ); — don’t do that.

● Provide the ability to translate whole phrases, not separate words:– echo __( 'Hello' ) . ' ' . __( 'world!' ); — don’t do that either.

● Don’t forget the text domain:– _e( 'Hello world!', 'my-plugin' );

● Remove unnecessary HTML markup from the strings:– _e( '<p>Hello world!</p>', 'my-plugin' );

Context and Comments

● Context — same string, different translations:– _x( 'redirect', 'noun', 'my-plugin' );

– _x( 'redirect', 'verb', 'my-plugin' );

● Comments — to explain placeholders in a string:– /* translators: %s: file name */

__( '%s was deleted.', 'my-plugin' );

Plural Forms

● ???– _e( "You have $count items.", 'my-plugin' );

– _e( 'You have ' . $count . ' items.', 'my-plugin' );

– printf( __( 'You have %d items.', 'my-plugin' ), $count );

– printf( _n( 'You have %d item.', 'You have %d items.', $count ), $count );

Plural Forms

● Incorrect:– _e( "You have $count items.", 'my-plugin' );

– _e( 'You have ' . $count . ' items.', 'my-plugin' );

– printf( __( 'You have %d items.', 'my-plugin' ), $count );

● Almost correct:– printf( _n( 'You have %d item.', 'You have %d items.', $count ),

$count );

Plural Forms

● Correct:– printf( _n( 'You have %d item.', 'You have %d items.', $count ),

number_format_i18n( $count ) );

● number_format_i18n() — for displaying numbers● date_i18n() — for displaying dates

Plural Forms

● If the number is not available:– $items_plural = _n_noop( 'You have %s item.', 'You have %s items',

'my-plugin' );

● ...● After it’s available:

– printf( translate_nooped_plural( $items_plural, $count ), number_format_i18n( $count ) );

● translate_nooped_plural() — for deferred translations of plural strings

Plural Forms

● The first form is not necessarily used for 1 item:– printf( _n( 'Theme deleted.', '%d themes deleted.', $count ),

number_format_i18n( $count ) );

● Better:– if ( 1 === $count ) {

_e( 'Theme deleted.' );– } else {

printf( _n( '%d theme deleted.', '%d themes deleted.', $count ), number_format_i18n( $count ) );

– }

Language Files

● .pot (Portable Object Template)– Translation template, contains English strings only.

● .po (Portable Object)– Language file in a human-readable format.

● .mo (Machine Object)– Compiled language file in a machine-readable format.

Language Files


Plugin Changelog

● Version 1.5.6– Added Russian translation.

– That’s it!

● Version– Fixed a typo in Russian translation.

Language Files





● GTE (General Translation Editor) — locale editors– Can check and approve all translations.

● PTE (Project Translation Editor) — project editors– Can approve translations for a particular project.

● Translators– Can suggest translations.

If Someone Has Sent You Their Translation

● Ask them to create a WordPress.org account– They can be added as a Project Translation Editor.

– They would be able to import the .po file themselves.

– ...and continue translating in the future.

● Ask locale editors to import the files– No guarantee that the plugin will continue to be actively translated.

If Someone Has Sent You Their Translation

● Once the translator has a WordPress.org account:– Go to the Polyglots team blog:


– Find the Polyglots Handbook link:https://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/handbook/

– On “Theme & Plugin Directories” page, find a post template for requesting new translation editors.

– Submit your request to the Polyglots blog and wait for a reply.


Thanks! Questions?