How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar How to Turn Your Hub Into an SEO Rockstar Sam Brennand Customer Success Lead

How to Turn Your Hub Into an SEO Rockstar

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How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar

How to Turn Your Hub Into an

SEO Rockstar

Sam Brennand Customer Success Lead

How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar 7 Tips to Conquer Content Curation @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar


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How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar New to SEO? Start Here - https://moz.com/beginners-guide-to-seo



How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar New to SEO? Start Here - https://moz.com/beginners-guide-to-seo

SEO (def’n) –

“How to help Google find my stuff and rank it higher on search results.”

How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar

Keyword Stuffing

Link Building

URL Structure

5 years ago…


How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar

Keyword Stuffing

Link Building

URL Structure

5 years ago…



How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar

YOAV SCHWARTZ UBERFLIP “Google (and other search engines) didn’t intend to make SEO a game. They were simply looking to provide their audience with the most relevant results.”

How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar


How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar

RAND FISHKIN MOZ “Tell a story. Make it true. Make it compelling. And make it relevant.”

How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar



How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar



How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar


How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar


Google loves, loves, loves user engagement, and that starts with having great content to put into your Hub. Check! But your Hub is also designed to maximize end-user engagement by creating a great content experience. And very importantly, your Hub is optimized for mobile devices, which is now more important than ever based on Google’s latest algorithm changes.

It all starts with a great user experience.

How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar


How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar


All URLs to content (Streams or Items) are automatically formatted to include that content’s title as the “slug”. All meta tags, such as <meta name=”description”> are automatically populated. All structural tags, such as <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <article>, which search engines use to better understand the context of a particular page, are automatically applied in a very logical way.

In a world of engagement, structure still matters.

How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar


Use the No Robots Meta Tag to completely hide your entire Hub from search engine robots. Use the No Robots Meta Tag to completely hide Streams from search engine robots. Use the Canonical Meta Tag to point search engines back to the original source of content you’ve imported to your Hub. Use 301 redirects, where applicable.

Control what gets indexed and where.

How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar

SEO - The Basics

What can be indexed? What won’t be?

Latest Content Feed/Home

Hub Streams

Hub Items

X Hidden Hubs

X Hidden Hub Streams

X Canonical’d Streams*

X Hidden Hub Items

How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar

Hub No Robots Meta Tag

Hide everything in a Hub from search engines

How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar

Hub Description

Hub Descriptions are shown as the meta descriptions for your Hub’s Latest Content/Home page

A Hub description introduces your Hub to search engines

How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar

Hub Stream Descriptions

Stream descriptions are what Google sees when it crawls and indexes your Stream-level pages

Stream descriptions add context to Stream-level pages

How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar

Hub Stream Options

Canonical Meta Tag

Tells search engines where the original source of an article is (i.e. your website’s blog). The Canonical Meta Tag is automatically turned on for all new Blog Stream imports as well as for all new Custom Streams that are created. Use the Canonical Meta Tag if you’ve imported blogs that live outside of your Hub.

How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar

Hub Stream Options

No Robots Meta Tag

Prevent search engines from indexing a Stream. The No Robots Meta Tag is great for private Streams or for source Streams you wish for search engines to ignore (i.e. a blog Stream). Use the No Robots Meta Tag if you do not want search engines to index a Stream of content in your Hub.

How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar

The Lay of the Land

“Crawlable”, “Crawlable (Canonical)”, “No-Index/No-Follow”

How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar

Hub Item SEO


Use lots of images and rich media. Longer content tends to perform better in search results. According to research from serpIQ, the top 10 results in Google searches tend to have in excess of 2,000 words. Use <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, etc. tags to break up your content into human-friendly, bite-sized chunks. Google will reward you for it!

How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar

Hub Item SEO

Meta Descriptions

Meta Descriptions give search engines a concise understanding of a particular piece of Hub content. Meta Descriptions don’t influence SERPs, but dramatically influence CTRs. Meta Descriptions must be less than 200 characters, but the optimum length for a meta description is approximately 155 characters.

How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar

Hub Item SEO

Item meta descriptions are what Google displays to users who find your pages via search . Make them eye catching and click worthy!

How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar

Hub Sitemaps

Make it easy for search engines to index everything

A sitemap is a list of pages in a Hub. Submitting a Sitemap to Google by integrating your Hub with Google Webmaster Tools can speed up indexing and ensure your whole Hub is found. To find your Hub’s sitemap, just add /h/sitemap.xml to the end of your Hub’s domain name. Voila!

How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

Are 301 redirects required?

Are you migrating your old blog over to your new Uberflip Hub? A 301 redirect tells search engines that a page has permanently moved to a new location on the web. 301s are the best way to migrate online content. The Hub’s URL Mapping (for 301 redirects) tool makes it easy to generate a list of URLs to redirect.



How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

Which version do you want search engines to find?

Version A: Blog Stream Version B: Custom Stream

How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar

Version A: Blog Stream Version B: Custom Stream

Stream Options: • Crawlable • Crawlable (Canonical)

Stream Options: • No Robots Meta Tag • Canonical Meta Tag

How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar

Version A: Blog Stream Version B: Custom Stream

Stream Options: • Hide Stream • No Robots Meta Tag • Canonical Meta Tag

Stream Options: • Crawlable

How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar


SEO and your Hub:

Create a Hub Description

Create Stream Descriptions for each and every Stream

Configure Stream Options (Canonical Meta Tag and No Robots Meta Tag)

Create Meta Descriptions for every Hub Item

Ensure Hub Item content is optimized (rich media, structure, etc.)

Access and utilize your Hub’s Sitemap

How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar



How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar

How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar

How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar

Flipbook Folder SEO

Tell search engines about your Flipbook Folders

Enter a Folder Description to tell search engines about the Flipbooks that live within it. This description will show as the Flipbook’s meta description in search results. The description should be less than 250 characters. Add Keywords that describe your Folder to search engines. Use a maximum of 10-15 keywords.


How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar

Flipbook SEO

Control what search engines see inside your Flipbooks

When you upload a PDF as a Flipbook, any embedded fonts are extracted and stored as page text, which search engines can crawl. This is how your Flipbook pages get indexed. Using the Flipbook Text Tool, you can optimize the pages of your Flipbook to ensure Google knows what it’s looking for.

Text Tool

How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar


SEO and your Flipbooks:

Create descriptive titles for all Flipbook Folders

Create descriptive Folder Descriptions for all Flipbook Folders

Optimize Flipbook content using the Flipbook Text Tool

How to Turn Your Hub Into An SEO Rockstar @uberflip @sambrennand #uberwebinar

Things to Think About

Who’s in charge of your Hub’s SEO?

Which pieces of your content should not be indexed?

Which version of my content do I want indexed?

Do I need to set up 301 redirects to my Hub content?



@uberflip @sambrennand [email protected] hub.uberflip.com
