We are showing you several illustrations which, in no way are to be construed as a guarantee of income or that these examples will happen for you. Shown here are just examples of what could possibly happen, and is not a directive by Genesis on how you should handle your individual situation. There is no perfect way that fits everyone. Once you have seen the illustrations here, please do your own math… work with where you are starting and run your own illustrations to see what might happen for you. We have not taken into account you being a “Pro-Sumer”, buying products and Services for your own use, or SALES you make to customers… all of which earns you more GC.

How to earn in Genesis Global Network

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Genesis Global Network,you get what you want and generate some great cash for yourself.. NO NEED TO RECRUIT TO MAKE MONEY. Just by doing some simple task daily and monthly.... The System has 2 ways to rewards. First to Perform daily and monthly task. Second to buy Product Units and allow Genesis Global to sell it for you and pay you up to 40% every 3 months plus cash back.. Genesis Global Network generate revenues from these products below: *Auction which is called Play2save *Fun Deal *Health Products *GGN Mobile Wireless *Other Products. In GGN,you have the option to recruit or NOT and still make your cash. GGN has 4 ambassador Ranks which is a monthly subscription. Pearl - $12 per month Ruby - $40 per month Sapphire - $70 per month Emerald- $120 per month. JOIN HERE https://backoffice.genesisglobal.bz/Enroll/wealthteam In GGN,you must keep your Product Volume active every month by purchase just $10 worth of Product.... It is better for you to start from the pearl which is $12 per month plus $10 worth of product to keep your PV active..So you need about $25 to get started and earn $260 or more every month into your pocket... This is wonderful and awesome....You can always pay your next monthly subscription and Product Volume from your earnings so you don't have to pay anything from your own pocket again....LOVELY.. This is the SIMPLE TASK TO PERFORM DAILY AND MONTHLY to earn 100 Genesis Coins....Genesis Coins is GGN internal reward and it is sold for just 10 cent. That means when you earn 100 Genesis Coins per day which is equal to $10 per day for YOU.....for 26 days that is about $260 per month or more for you....So imagine you have about 10,000 Genesis Coins,that is alot of money for you... So means the more Genesis Coins you have,the more money you earn and cash out... The NEXT WAY to earn in GGN is to purchase $100 worth of Products from Genesis and you have 2 options. If you want Genesis to ship your products to you so you can sell it yourself and earn the profits..That is fine..Genesis will ship your products to you.. But if you cannot sell and want Genesis to SELL IT FOR YOU,then Genesis Global Network will sell it for you and pay you up to 40% every 3 months...So for Example,if you purchase $100 worth of products and ask genesis to sell it for you...Means every 3 months,you earn $40 ,the next 3 months,you earn another $40,the next 3 months,you earn another $40 and the last 3 months,you earn the last $40 which is a total of $160 plus your $100 cash back which is $260 in total for you...So you can always buy more Products Units and earn every 3 months...THIS IS THE SECOND WAY TO EARN IN GENESIS GLOBAL NETWORK.. So therefore,you are earnings in 2 ways automatically in GGN... If you need more information on how to get started,kindly email to - [email protected] Add me on facebook https://www.facebook.com/wealth4all.net

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Page 1: How to earn in Genesis Global Network

We are showing you several illustrations which, in no way are to be construed

as a guarantee of income or that these examples will happen for you.

Shown here are just examples of what could possibly happen, and is not a

directive by Genesis on how you should handle your individual situation.

There is no perfect way that fits everyone.

Once you have seen the illustrations here, please do your own math… work

with where you are starting and run your own illustrations to see what might

happen for you.

We have not taken into account you being a “Pro-Sumer”, buying products

and Services for your own use, or SALES you make to customers… all of

which earns you more GC.

Page 2: How to earn in Genesis Global Network

Genesis is starting a new PARADIGM SHIFT in our industry with a new

comp plan that other companies will be attempting to copy.

Unfortunately for them, we are copyrighting our Genesis coins and

Product Unit programs, so that we will have an exclusive plan and

YOU will be an ambassador representing a company with a UNIQUE

and totally exclusive compensation.

Page 3: How to earn in Genesis Global Network

Let’s take a look at just one aspect of our new compensation plan….

THE GENESIS COINS - And assume that you are a PEARL Ambassador…

and want to redeem a maximum amount each payday, without any BOOST.

On October 1st, you start with $12.00 and 10 PV ($22.00 for the 1st month)

We are going to show you how to earn 100 GC per day 6 days per week…

Each pay period has 13 days on the average (26 DAYS per month)

Let’s take a look at what could happen:

You perform your tasks including 25 ads per day and earn 100 GC x 13 days = 1300 GC….

You decide to redeem the maximum of 30% on Oct. 15th = 390 GC x $0.10 = $39.00 - $2.00 Fee = $37.00 - $22.00 leaves $15.00 net profit. (1300 GC – 390 GC = 910 GC balance)

Page 4: How to earn in Genesis Global Network

Now you have 910 GC to start the next Pay Period on Oct. 16th

You perform your tasks for another 13 days earning 100 GC each day = 1300 more GC + 910

1300 + the 910 = 2210

You decide to redeem the maximum of 30% of 2210 = 663 x $0.10 = 66.30 -$2.00 + $15.00 = $79.30 Profit 1st month

AND 2210 – 663 = 1547 to start your 2nd month

Page 5: How to earn in Genesis Global Network

Nov. 1st start with 1547 + 100 GC x 13 more days = 1300 + 1547 = 2847 on Nov. 15th

Nov. 15th You decide to redeem the maximum of 30% of 2847 = 854 x $0.10 = $85.40

Nov. 16th you start with 1993 (2847 – 854) + 1300 = 3293 x 30% = 983 x $0.10 = $98.30

$98.30 + $85.40 = $183.70 profit in the 2nd month…. + 81.00 from 1st month = $264.70 profit for 1st 2 months

You now have 2310 GC to start month 3…..

Now YOU…. Continue these figures to see where you would be in 3 months… 4 months…. 6 months…. 12 months, ETC.

Page 6: How to earn in Genesis Global Network

NOW…. Assume withdrawals and ZERO “BOOSTS” – Pearl to Emerald in 4 months

Oct. 1st 100 x 13 days = 1300 x 30% = 390 x $.010 = $39.00 - $2.00 = 37.00 - $22.00 = 15 Profit (1300 – 390 = 910)

Oct. 15th 100 x 13 days = 1300 + 910 = 2210 x 30% = 630 x $.010 = $63.00 (Upgrade to Ruby with $40.00) (2210 - 630 = 1580)

Nov. 1st 100 x 13 days = 1300 + 1580 = 2880 x 20 % = 576 = 57.60 (2880-576 =2288)

Nov. 15th 100 x 13 days = 1300 + 2288 = 3588 x 20% = 717.60 x $0.10 = 71.76 (3580 – 717 = 2863)

Dec. 1st 2863 + 1300 + 4163 x 20% = 828 x $0.10 = $82.80 (4163 – 828 = 3335)

Dec. 15th 3335 + 1300 4635 x 20% = 927 x $0.10 = 92.70 (4635 – 927= 3708)

Upgrade to Emerald 3880 + 1300 x 20 = 5180 x 20% = 103.60 (5180-1036= 4144)

Begin by viewing 50 ads per day and selling or buying 40 PV ($40.00) + $120.00 = $160.00

Page 7: How to earn in Genesis Global Network

Start 4th month with 4144 GC

Redeem 1000 x $0.10 = $100.00 Cash out

Earn 100 GC per day for 13 days = 1300 GC + 4144 = 5444

PLUS: 20 % BOOST = 1088 + 5444 = 6532 GC__________________________________________________________________________________________________

NOW….. Continue these examples and see where you could

be in 6 months, 8 months, 10 months, 12 months….

As you run your numbers, remember to add in sales or

purchases of products and services….

Page 8: How to earn in Genesis Global Network

Now let’s look at some numbers for our major players

Assume 50 personally sponsored Ambassadors who each average JUST 2 EACHWho average just 2 each


Level 1 50 Each of them earn their 100 GC each month and YOU receive 10 GC Override = 500 GC per day

Level 2 100 Each of them earn their 100 GC each month and YOU receive 5 GC Override = 500 GC per day

Level 3 200 Each of them earn their 100 GC each month and YOU receive 5 GC Override = 1000 GC per day

TOTAL 2,000 GC PER DAY X 26 DAYS = 52,000 GC PER MONTH – PLUS sales or purchases of products and services from them all…. PLUS YOUR 2600!

Page 9: How to earn in Genesis Global Network

Now what if you only sponsored 25 PSA and each of them are good team

builders who sponsored an average of just 5 each

First Level = 25 100 GC each x 10% = 10 GC each x 25 = 250

Second Level = 125 100 GC each x 5% = 5 GC each x 125 = 625

Third Level = 625 100 GC each x 5% = 5 GC each x 625 = 3,125

Total per day = 4000 x 26 days = 104,000 GC per month (not included yourself)

PLUS sales or purchases of products and services…. From all of them …..

Page 10: How to earn in Genesis Global Network

NOW: Let’s assume you now have 100,000 GC

• Now imagine a 20% Boost = 20,000 + 100,000 = 120,000 GC

• Now imagine a 30% redemption = 36,000 x $0.10 = $3,600

• Now imagine you could do that twice a month = $7,200 per month

• NOW: Let’s imagine you now have 400,000 GC

• Now imagine you redeem 25% = 100,000 x $.010 = $10,000

• Now imagine you receive that amount Twice a month = $20,000 per month

Those of you who started with us from the beginning during our BETA test phase are going

to have a great start since you already have a Genesis Coins balance to get you on your way.

Page 11: How to earn in Genesis Global Network

NOW… Remember …

Whatever your GC balance is on Oct. 1st, you receive a 25% Bonus

AND… you are still receive the 5 to 1 Bonus through Sept. 30th

And GC overrides to the sponsor


Page 12: How to earn in Genesis Global Network

Boost your SALES

Boost your COINS

Boost your INCOME!!!