Scale out using open source

HAProxy scale out using open source

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Scaling out on the cloud is easy. Especially, if you have a software provisioning system that helps you to deploy your environment wherever you want. This session will give you an overview of the fantastic new features of HAProxy V 1.5, and how you can integrate it into your environment to build a high available environment, using open source software. Starting with a single-webserver + mysql setup provisioned via chef, we will deploy an HA Proxy Cluster in front and scale out your nginx and mysql database backend.

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Scale out using open source

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HAProxy - Scale out using open source | by Ingo Walz


Why HAProxy?

High availability

Powerful loadbalancer for websites due to its proxy nature

Open Source

Enterprise ready

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Enterprise options

ALOHA HAProxy Loadbalancer Appliance

HAProxy Enterprise Edition - HAPEE


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Who's using it?


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Content switching / filtering Asymetric load balancing Priority activation SSL offloading HTTP compression TCP buffering Priority queue / rate shaping Direct server return (DSR)


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Looks familiar?

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Fix your Single-Server Environment

Congratulation, your whole environment is one Single Point Of Failure!

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Fix your Single-Server Environment

Always try to follow the principle:

One function per component

Not anymore because it scales the best, more because it's the cleanest way to manage them.

Configure Services, not Servers

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Make your application cluster capable

You need to deploy to a various number of different machines

Do not use something like NFS to workaround

A CI will help you

Session clustering

Avoid to work on the filesystem to save data / user input

Use central technologies to save your data (e.g. databases)

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Known procedure

$ wget http://www.haproxy.org/download/1.5/src/haproxy-1.5.6.tar.gz

$ tar xvzf haproxy-1.5.6.tar.gz

$ cd haproxy-1.5.6

$ ./configure USE_OPENSSL=1 USE_PCRE=1

$ make

$ sudo make install


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Configuration sections

global# process wide and eventually OS specific

# some have CLI equivalents

[ .. ]

defaults# set default parameters for all following sections

[ .. ]

frontend# describes a set of listening sockets accepting client connections

[ .. ]

backend# describes a set of servers to which the proxy will connect

# to forward incoming connections

[ .. ]

listen# defines a complete proxy with its frontend and backend parts combined in one section.

# It is generally useful for TCP-only traffic

[ .. ]


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TCP vs HTTP loadbalancing


mode tcp # Can balance everything, the default


mode http # But you want that!

Layer 7 loadbalancing advantages● Request inspection● Content switching● Header manipulation● Cookie persistence● Advanced health checks


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Loadbalance your nginx

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Loadbalance your nginx


maxconn 4096



mode http

timeout connect 5000

timeout client 50000

timeout server 50000

frontend www_fe

bind :80

# Close connection to server but keep open for client

option http-server-close

default_backend www

backend www_be

server nginx1 check

server nginx2 check


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Still a single point of failure

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HA with HAProxy & keepalived

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HA with HAProxy & keepalived

vrrp_script chk_haproxy {

script "killall -0 haproxy"

interval 2

weight 2


vrrp_instance VIRTUAL {

interface eth0

virtual_router_id 10

state MASTER #state BACKUP

priority 100 #priority 101

advert_int 1

virtual_ipaddress {


track_script {





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HA with public IPs

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HA with public IPs - failover

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The final step

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Loadbalance MySQL - TCP

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Loadbalance MySQL - TCP

frontend mysql_fe

bind :3306

mode tcp

default_backend mysql_be

backend mysql_be

mode tcp

option mysql-check user haproxy

server mysql1 check

server mysql2 check backup

mysql~> INSERT INTO mysql.user (Host,USER) VALUES ('','haproxy'); FLUSH PRIVILEGES;

mysql~> INSERT INTO mysql.user (Host,USER) VALUES ('','haproxy'); FLUSH PRIVILEGES;


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Loadbalance MySQL - TCP

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Loadbalance MySQL - TCP

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All about SSL

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Setup SSL Pass-Through

frontend www_fe

bind :80

bind :443

mode tcp

default_backend www_be

backend www_be

mode tcp

server nginx1 check

server nginx2 check

No HTTP mode possible – how to inspect encrypted headers?


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SSL Termination – why you should offload

Single configuration point for all certificates

Certificates not widely spread across the infrastructure

Offload the decryption load

Typically, your HAProxy will have a bit of CPU left

You need to decrypt to inspect the request information

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Setup SSL offloading

frontend www_fe

bind :80

bind :443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/sample.pem

# Close connection to server but keep open for client

option http-server-close

default_backend www_be

backend www_be

server nginx1 check

server nginx2 check

$ openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout \

ssl/sample.key -out ssl/sample.crt

$ cat ssl/sample.key ssl/sample.crt > ssl/sample.pem


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SNI – How it works

● Multiple certificates per IP / frontend profile● Client and server need to support it

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Setup SNI

frontend www_fe

bind :80

# sample.pem as default, other pem's based on host header

bind :443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/sample.pem crt /etc/haproxy/certs/

# Content switch based on certificate (and based on host)

use_backend sample1 if { ssl_fc_sni sample1 }

use_backend sample2 if { ssl_fc_sni sample2 }

default_backend www_be

backend sample1

server nginx1 check

backend sample2

server nginx2 check

backend www_be

server nginx1 check

server nginx2 check


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Secure your entry point

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Protect against syn flooding

# Consider this amount of clients as valid

$ sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=”4096”

# Once net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog is reached, enable syn cookies

$ sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies=1

# Enable reverse path filtering, is the source routable through the incoming interface?

$ sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=1

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Basic iptables

$ cat iptables.sh


iptables -F # Drop current table

# Drop incoming traffic (eth0 is the public available interface)

iptables -i eth0 -P INPUT DROP

iptables -i eth0 -P FORWARD DROP

# Allow outgoing traffic


# Allow ping

iptables -i eth0 -A INPUT -p ICMP -j ACCEPT

# Allow SSH (this should be avoided, SSH to haproxy via internal interface / through VPN)

iptables -i eth0 -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -p tcp --dport 22

# Allow HTTP

iptables -i eth0 -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -p tcp --dport 80

# Allow HTTPS

iptables -i eth0 -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -p tcp --dport 443

# Allow connections from localhost on every port

iptables -i eth0 -A INPUT -j ACCEPT -s

# Already opened connections are accepted on every port (required for some daemons)

iptables -i eth0 -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

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Use HAProxy to secure your environment

frontend www_fe

bind :80

bind :443 ssl crt /usr/local/etc/haproxy/sample.pem

option http-server-close

#detect and reject shellshock requests

reqdeny ^[^:]+:\s*\(\s*\)\s+\{

reqdeny ^[^:]+:\s+.*?(<<[^<;]+){5,}

#This rule to display SSLv3 error message

acl sslv3 ssl_fc_protocol SSLv3

http-request allow if sslv3

use_backend backend_sslv3 if sslv3

default_backend www_be

backend backend_sslv3

mode http

errorfile 503 /usr/local/etc/haproxy/pages/poodle.http


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Check SSLv3 error message

$ openssl s_client -connect -ssl3

[ … ]


Protocol : SSLv3



[ … ]



<title>SSLv3 detected</title>


[ … ]


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Persistent HTTP loadbalancing

backend www_be

cookie PHPSESSID prefix

server nginx1 cookie nginx1 minconn 10 maxconn 20 check

server nginx2 cookie nginx2 minconn 10 maxconn 20 check

# Set-Cookie:PHPSESSID=nginx1~7cmjd41klupaderap0q7tve357; path=/

Persistence only if PHPSESSID cookie is set!

backend www_be

cookie server insert indirect nocache

server nginx1 cookie nginx1 minconn 10 maxconn 20 check

server nginx2 cookie nginx2 minconn 10 maxconn 20 check

# Set-Cookie:server=nginx1; path=/


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Extract data from request / response stream

Perform content switching

Conditional request handling

Can help you to secure your environment

E.g. display an error message for SSLv3

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Loadbalancing algorithms (most useful)



Suggested if you have very long sessions


Only useful in TCP environments

Other methods availablehttp://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/configuration-1.5.html#4-balance

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“Reverse proxy” usage

frontend www_fe

bind :80

bind :443

[ … ]

use_backend nginx1_backend if { path_beg /nginx1 }

use_backend nginx2_backend if { path_beg /nginx2 }

backend nginx1_backend

reqrep ^([^\ :]*)\ /nginx1(/.*) \1\ /\2

server nginx1 cookie nginx1 check

backend nginx2_backend

reqrep ^([^\ :]*)\ /nginx2(/.*) \1\ /\2

server nginx2 cookie nginx1 check

You need to cut nginx1/2 from the request


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Run the example

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Used technologies

Vagrant >= 1.5.2

ChefDK >= 0.2.0


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Project structure

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$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf

Omnibus for chef solo support

Berkshelf to manage cookbook dependencies

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Vagrant up

$ git clone https://github.com/iwalz/zendcon-haproxy

$ cd zendcon-haproxy

$ vagrant up haproxy1

$ vagrant up haproxy2

$ vagrant up nginx1

$ vagrant up nginx2

$ vagrant up mysql1

$ vagrant up mysql2

Don't simply use `vagrant up`, the Berkshelf

Dependencies will be messed up

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How to continue

Architecture documentation (outdated, but still useful)


Official documentation


Haproxy.com Blog


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