FORMATION OF A STAR STEP 1 1. - First Physical Phenomenon Density Increase in the Gas Cloud.- Phenomenon that is produced by increase of electric charge in the gas clusters, because of the transit of particles by the space, the clusters of molecular gas become denser In time (millions of years). The future star is in a gas cloud state and / or molecular nebula with the following chemical elements, hydrogen in greatest quantity, helium, oxygen, dust and other elements in small amount, the images represent gas clusters in space. Cumulus of molecular gas and / or molecular nebula 2.-Second Physical Phenomenon the cloud suffers a Gravitational Collapse.- What does Gravitational Collapse mean? A gas cluster attracts the gas around it forming a gas ball or gas sphere. This event at once attracts other clouds of gas that are around it. At the beginning of the life of the star, the magnetic poles appear; South pole south pole N Dimension of the gas cloud from 15 to 20 light years away approximately S


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1. - First Physical Phenomenon Density Increase in the Gas Cloud.- Phenomenon that is produced by increase of electric charge in the gas clusters, because of the transit of particles by the space, the clusters of molecular gas become denser In time (millions of years).

The future star is in a gas cloud state and / or molecular nebula with the following chemical elements, hydrogen in greatest quantity, helium, oxygen, dust and other elements in small amount, the images represent gas clusters in space.

Cumulus of molecular gas and / or molecular nebula

2.-Second Physical Phenomenon the cloud suffers a Gravitational Collapse.- What does Gravitational Collapse mean? A gas cluster attracts the gas around it forming a gas ball or gas sphere. This event at once attracts other clouds of gas that are around it.

At the beginning of the life of the star, the magnetic poles appear; South pole south pole


Dimension of the gas cloud from 15 to 20 light years away approximately


3. - Third physical phenomenon Action and Reaction in the core of the gas ball by the presence of gravity converted to Weight, Pressure. - At the moment of happening the Gravitational Collapse and to form the gas ball, the gas weighing more by gravity Is precipitated towards the center of the sphere at high speed until the mass of gas is compressed by pressure in the center of the ball (which we will call nucleus). This nucleus has been compressed by the action of gravity (The weight of the mass). The gas in the center of the sphere is compressed to such an extent that it is in a liquid state, then this compressed gas reacts trying to be released, pushing the gas that compresses it, causing an inflation in the nucleus.

This phenomenon of compression of the mass in the nucleus of the proto star, causes the friction of the hydrogen molecules because they are very close together, that gives rise to the continuous heating of the hydrogen in the nucleus, also this increase of the temperature, increases the counter Pressure increased the reaction force in the core which pushes the mass, with the increase in temperature this phenomenon of action and reaction will occur more frequently; Continues this phenomenon in a recurring and balanced way during the life of the star, inflates and deflates as it is popularly known in the nucleus of the star during its thermo nuclear life.

Let us see in illustrative images the gas ball split from half imaginary.

If we saw the gas ball from the outside; Appears to inflate and deflate consecutively, presses the mass towards the core and the compressed gas in the core reacts and pushes expanding the size of the core, then again the core is compressed and reduced in size, the temperature increases in each action and reaction .

Example: This is how you would see the star's nucleus by action and reaction. This event will occur in the star during its long life.

Action Reaction Action Reaction

The core is compressed

The nucleus is inflated pushing the mass

that compresses it to thousands of

kilometers of distance and in several


Illustration with more detail.- What happens with the nucleus; By being in recurrent form in action and reaction (compressing and pushing) in the nucleus compressed molecules of hydrogen will be rosy between them constantly producing a progressive heating of the gas in the nucleus, what will cause this hot gas to become lighter producing Against pressure until breaking the pressure barrier to address the surface, its place in the core is occupied by colder and heavier gas, also this cold gas will continue with the same process of action and reaction, so on will continue this phenomenon. The phenomenon of action and reaction of the mass in the nucleus is the engine of the future star, it will be the furnace where the transformation of the chemical elements will take place, the thermo nuclear reaction begins, the fuel begins to burn. Observe the illustration:

A.- From this point press the

gas towards the center by the

action of gravity.

B.- From this point towards the

outside the pressure by action

of gravity decreases, is weak,

this part in the future will be

the atmosphere.

The arrow indicates the

direction of the pressure

decrease direction.

The arrow indicates the

direction of increase of

pressure by gravity.

Limit of gas


Limit of the maximum point of

pressure by action of gravity.

The arrow indicates the reaction

of the compressed gas which is

in the liquid state.


The gas in the star's core heats up, expands and becomes less heavy, is produced against pressure from inside to outside until breaking the pressure barrier in the form of a tip or blade, then the hot gas is released With violence and then head towards the surface converted into the first plasma as shown in the image.

At the same time the nucleus is not empty is replaced instantly by another cold and heavy gas, then compressed following the same process of action and reaction, and this in turn on release is released, thus continuous the physical phenomenon of action and reaction .

Action = Pressure of mass by gravity towards the nucleus.

Reaction = Against core pressure outwards by increasing temperature

Image front view, imagine that we split the gas ball in two, from the north pole to the south pole.

The released gas is replaced

immediately by fresh and heavy

gas in the core.

Hot gas freeing from the

core converted into Plasma

4. - Fourth Physical Phenomenon beginning of the Rotation of the Gas Ball. So that they have a better illustration of the mechanism that starts the rotation movement of the gas ball nucleus, let's see the image.

The gas ball is split by the equator and the view is from the North Pole.

The hot plasma, is able to release itself with force of the nucleus and at great speed. This violent escape phenomenon from hot plasma; Serves as a propellant to cause the core to begin to have a turning motion. Plasma loses force once the nucleus is abandoned by gravity and pressure. The remaining mass of the gas ball which still presses the plasma, forces the plasma to take a turn of curvature as seen in the picture, the plasma is directed to the surface in the form of a curvature.

The arrow indicates the

direction of rotation of the

nucleus opposite the direction of

the plasma.

The first plasma and the

continuation of plasmas will

be able to be released of

the nucleus in violent form

and at great speed taking

the form of curvature, in

the form of snail that will

serve like propellant so that

the mass that is located in

the nucleus of replacement

begins to rotate

The arrow indicates the pressure

still exerted by the mass which is

close to the surface on the


When escaping the plasma of

the nucleus propulses the mass

in the nucleus giving him

spinning movement.

With the movement of the core and the movement of the upper layers, in short the gas ball will rotate, the ball will have rotational movement, this rotating movement will cause the ball to be flattened at the poles and expanded at the equator , Also facilitates the escape of plasmas by the part of the equator because this part is found under less pressure, this phenomenon at the same time will give rise to the formation of the magnetic field (ionosphere) another physical phenomenon.

The arrow indicates the

direction of rotation.

The gas layer surrounding the

moving core will begin to rotate

along with the core at less

speed. With successive plasmas, the

upper layers of the nucleus will

begin to spin by drag but less


Total Heating of the Gas Ball.- The plasma reaches the surface and is located forming an outer layer of hot gas as shown in the image. This induction gas crown heats the surrounding layers, including the atmosphere.

The following plasmas are located below each other according to the arrival to the surface with variation of temperature, the plasma cooling a bit when leaving the nucleus and in the transit towards the surface.


The gas ball is heated to hundreds of degrees Celsius temperature, continuous temperature increase, the proto star expands in volume by expansion due to the increase in temperature, continuous action and reaction in the core at higher and higher temperature speed.

5. - Fifth Physical Phenomenon Atomic State of the Ball of Gas. - The molecules in this physical state disappeared by the increase of heat in the whole sphere. As the molecules are spread apart into atoms, it is now recognized that the gas ball is atomized. In this state the atoms are rubbed and stirred at high speed in the nucleus by the increase of heat, the pressure in the nucleus of the ball is constant. The action and reaction in this atomic state, occurs at a faster rate; The higher the reaction and the higher the temperature, the more continuous the plasmas increased in frequency and the less time, the pressure, the temperature and the reaction to varied.

Illustrative picture, the heat is already thousands of degrees Celsius, the movement of rotation is greater.

6. - Sixth Physical Phenomenon Nuclear Fission. - In this state by the temperature increase the atom decomposes in protons and neutrons, ie the nucleus of the atom that is formed by proton and neutron is separated. The proton and neutron are fired at the speed of light squarely, releasing heat, increasing the temperature from 500,000 to 1,000,000 degrees Celsius, I give you a better example so that you can understand,

Example of the hydrogen atom that is fissioned in proton and neutron.

Where does that come from the speed of light squared ?, leaves from the theory of special relativity, of the teacher Albert Einstein, of this formula E = mc2

E = Energy

M = mass

C = Speed of light (The speed of light is 300,000 kilometers per second)

It reads energy is equal to mass by the speed of light squared, applies here in nuclear fission. Matter is transformed into energy. Therefore in transforming matter (mass) is consumed to convert into energy.

At the beginning of the formation of the gas ball the hydrogen molecules were together as seen in the image, they rub against a certain speed between them.

Then the molecules were separated by the increase in temperature, as shown in the image. In this state the molecules rub at a high speed.

By the increase of heat to thousands of degrees Celsius in the nucleus of the gas ball, the hydrogen becomes atomic state; Which means that the molecules are separated into atoms, as shown in the images. Here the molecules rub together, they rub together at incredible speed.

By the increase of heat to thousands of degrees Celsius in the nucleus of the gas ball, the hydrogen becomes atomic state; Which means that the molecules are separated into atoms, as shown in the images. Here the molecules rub together, they rub together at incredible speed.

In the nuclear fission of the atom (fission means to break) the proton and the neutron are fired in opposite directions at short distance then return to the same speed trying to join again that is prevented by the temperature to million degrees, then approach, Away at the speed of light squared, the electron disappears at that moment because it is an electric charge. Look at the pictures and the example.

In nuclear fission the neutron and proton separate in opposite directions only at close range.

Then they return attracted at the same speed.

When they return they approach but are not united by the impediment of the temperature to

million of degrees Celsius.

Once nuclear fission is produced, the proton and neutron change their name now the two are called ions

Thus they continue in this dance approaching from side to side until the nuclear fusion occurs that will be explained later.



Proton Neutron

Proton ion Neutron ion


Image of the gas ball. - It begins to glow the nucleus intensely, when nuclear fission occurs, at the moment of breaking the proton and the neutron there is an increase in temperature from 500,000 degrees to 1'000,000 degrees Celsius.

7. - Seventh Physical Phenomenon, Ionic State of the Gas Ball and / or Proto Star. - In this phenomenon, the whole mass is in ionic state.

8.- Another Physical Phenomenon Appears the Electric Magnetic Barrier.- It is located in the limit of the nucleus, this magnetic barrier, will now prevent the ions pressed in the nucleus to escape; Before the action and reaction produced molecular mass with molecular mass, now the proto star enters another phenomenon. Ions are prevented from escaping the core by the electric magnetic barrier.

9. - Ninth Physical Phenomenon Nuclear Fusion. - What happens in nuclear fusion when there

is an increase in heat in the nucleus? The ions that go from one side to the other without

separating their pair, are going to distance themselves more by the increase of temperature,

producing impacts with the neighboring ions, when impacting the hydrogen ions, are

transformed into ions of helium.

Example: When the temperature increase occurs, these two hydrogen protons impact by

losing 1/3 of their mass each, which together would be 2/3, this lost mass becomes heat

(energy) and the impacted protons together become a Only helium proton, which is lighter

than the hydrogen proton and at the same time more magnetic. Why is it more magnetic?,

because it tries to recover the lost mass.

2/3 of released heat increases the temperature to hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius in

the nucleus; Each impact of ions will produce an explosion equivalent to 10,000 gallons of

gasoline. This physical phenomenon of nuclear fusion is the chemical transformer of the

elements, in the nucleus and not only produces physical phenomena, also chemical


Location of the electric

magnetic barrier.

To differentiate this proton from helium which is slightly larger than the hydrogen proton, we change its color

To further expand the subject's content, I will return to the phenomenon of nuclear fission.

In nuclear fission the neutron and proton separate in opposite directions only at close range.

Then they return attracted at the same speed.

On returning they approach but do not join by the temperature to million degrees Celsius that prevents it.

Once nuclear fission is produced, the proton and neutron change their name now the two are called ions

Now let's see the sample of all the atoms together fissionados. - I particularly imagine myself two forms; A disordered form and another orderly form of the atoms fissioned in ions.

I will give the first example the disordered form. If this were the case protons would collide with protons, proton with neutron, neutron with neutron, which would result in helium and two other chemical elements, perhaps more elements if they would occur when impacting two or three ions at a time.

In the orderly form that lasts an instant, I imagine the following way:

Because I imagine in this orderly, aligned way, by the presence of the magnetism of the north and south poles, by the repulsion of protons between protons and neutrons between neutrons. This figure is represented in the plane you see but here everything is three-dimensional, in three dimensions; Long width and height. And what happens if at the same time impact all occurs a chain explosion or chain reaction and is released from the core a single element in this case helium. It should be noted that this dance of protons and neutrons only lasts for a few seconds, then the helium ions break the barrier moving in plasma towards the surface to produce an ejection. When this phenomenon of nuclear fusion occurs the star is born, from this phenomenon of nuclear fusion is called star. It is blue as seen in the picture.

In this image note the flattened shape that is observed towards the poles and to the broader equator; This is caused by the increase in the rotational motion of the star at a higher velocity; Which is produced by plasmas that act as propellants at higher speed with more power when the phenomenon of nuclear fusion occurs.


The star in nuclear fusion will last for many billions of years, it will shine, it will change colors in each phase first of blue, then of celestial color, then of white, then of yellow, then of orange, of red color and finally of color Brown.


Once the consumption of hydrogen in the star (In billions of years) is concluded, the star is now converted into helium. Here in the helium phase the ions will become more magnetic and will be grouped as the helium cools in 2 protons and 2 neutrons and two electrons will appear.


This is the furnace where

the chemical elements

are produced

Imaginary line of the


Phase. - Transformation of hydrogen to helium, from helium to boron, from boron to lithium, from lithium to neon, from neon to oxygen, and so on.

At each phase of each gaseous chemical element, the impact of ions on nuclear fusion will always be on par.

The temperature will decrease in each phase the fusions will still be given to tens of millions of degrees centigrade which will decrease with each phase; When cooling the increasingly magnetic ions will be grouped in several protons and neutrons, according to the atomic number of each chemical element that we already know in the periodic table of the chemical elements. This way we will get to the metallic and non-metallic chemical elements.


Once the nuclear fusion is in the phase of the metallic and the non-metallic, the ions will become lighter and much more magnetic; Leaving the nucleus will quickly become unstressed and as they approach the surface in molecules, they will no longer reach the surface; Liquid and solids are formed; Silicon, calcium and carbon will be formed here, another process will emerge.

It will produce different chemical elements or their variants with different characteristics by the presence of temperature and pressure, the mantles appear.

In the atmosphere were all the gases in different proportions, appear combinations of gases that give rise to the liquid like the water. In the nucleus nuclear fusion continues. The flattening of the poles receded to their less flattened anterior shape by slowing the rotation speed, due to the decrease in plasmas and less force, another cause is the effect of gravity.

In the atmosphere

there is enough

hydrogen that never

went to the nucleus.

Thus will be in each

phase helium,

boron, lithium,

neon, oxygen and


When the outer layer that is now called bark solidifies, the volcanoes appear; Every time there is a reaction of the nucleus, repulsion to the pressure of the mass, the nucleus that produces lava vomits in the volcanoes is inflated. They appear the continents, the tectonic plates, that overlap between them when moving by effect of the movement of rotation; Between the points of encounter there will be a friction that will give rise to the tectonic faults, where the magma that is being repulsed by the nucleus will also escape.

Vista major

The nucleus is in the

ionic state

The lower mantle is in

an atomic state.

When the nucleus inflates, the

plasma escapes, it is directed

towards the inferior mantle, that is

the cause of the earthquakes in

the crust.

The nucleus is in reaction,

inflated. Due to a nuclear fusion,

it presses the outside making

vomit lava by the volcanoes

The upper mantle

is in the molecular

state, magma.

Point of friction of

the plates through

which magma



The pressure decreasing as the outer layer thickens in solid rocks, the mantles are already cooling, the pressure towards the core decreases, the mass is condensed, in the core, the temperature has dropped, nuclear fusion can no longer occur, It cools the core along with the mantles are compressed because there is no repulsion, the spin of the core is diminishing, the magnetic barrier disappears, the magnetosphere and finally the core no longer moves, it becomes solid rock along with the mantles. Here ends the formation of a star converted much of its mass into energy that went through space in the form of particles,

Now our star is condensed, transformed its elements into heavy elements, reduced and converted into a small planet, or a large planet, depending on the size of the star.

The atmosphere is rarefied

with all kinds of gases.

Core off, solid,


The oven

went off.

The melting stopped in the

formation of heavy metals

here are iron, gold, silver

copper, heavy minerals,

radioactive and others,

there is also heavy rock,

transformed into emerald


After nuclear fusion the heat and

pressure continued for thousands

of years in the core forming

precious metals, quartz, coal,

diamonds, emeralds and others.

I want to remind you that the transit of each step, every phenomenon, every phase, occurs in billions of years, only here we have represented almost instantly to explain the formation of a star.

Bibliographic references

Many books

many videos

Many internet websites

Too much analysis; years

I say goodbye with a hug and much appreciation to you, Mrs., Miss, Mr., Young. Reader, hoping that the work he has done has been to his liking and hoping that he has contributed to increase his knowledge somewhat.



