www.csiro.au | www.nicta.com.au Building the Foundations of the Geo-semantic Web: FSDF spatial semantic products and a spatial linked data platform Paul Box, Simon Cox, Bruce Simons, CSIRO Locate14 DIGITAL PRODUCTIVITY AND SERVICES FLAGSHIP Canberra, 8-9 April 2014

Building the Foundations of the Geo-semantic Web. Locate 14

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www.csiro.au | www.nicta.com.au

Building the Foundations of the Geo-semantic Web:FSDF spatial semantic products and a spatial linked data platform

Paul Box, Simon Cox, Bruce Simons, CSIRO



Canberra, 8-9 April 2014


• The future • Where are we now and what are some of the issues?• What are some of the steps we are taking in the geo-semantic

direction?• FSDF – Admin Boundary Topology Product• SIRF – Spatial Identifier Reference Framework

Thinking Outside the Polygon – Geo-semantics and Spatial Infrastructures | Box2 |

• Australia’s geographic entities in the web of linked data• Stable identifiers for spatial objects• Authoritative data - else people will use non-authoritative sources –

Geonames, OpenStreetMap• Direct access to individual features

• Not acquiring complete datasets• Minimise cost/licensing barriers

The future

Thinking Outside the Polygon – Geo-semantics and Spatial Infrastructures | Box3 |

The present - information silos

System 1

System 2

System 3

System 5 System


System n

System 7



$ $

Discover Access Understand Extract, Transform, Load


Time and effort

Everything Happens Somewhere

Thinking Outside the Polygon – Geo-semantics and Spatial Infrastructures | Box4 |

The present – representing location

• Represent spatial objects using geographic data• We use:

• Identity (name) • Type• Geometry • Topology

• Human users integrate and use in GIS• Enterprise silos • Duplication• Heterogeneity – structure, semantics



Thinking Outside the Polygon – Geo-semantics and Spatial Infrastructures | Box5 |


Thinking Outside the Polygon – Geo-semantics and Spatial Infrastructures | Box6 |

What’s in a name?

Thinking Outside the Polygon – Geo-semantics and Spatial Infrastructures | Box7 |

Tell me about ‘Leichhardt’Which Leichhardt? • Geonames - Australia 22 - Germany 1

Leichhardt in Australia (NSW +QLD)• 4 (52) Australian Gazetteer (GA) NSW, QLD• 14 ASGS (ABS) NSW, VIC, QLD

Leichhardt in NSW2 (9) in NSW Place Names search (GNB NSW)

Feature types• National Gazetteer• Suburb • Parish • Homestead

•ASGS • SA2 (NSW, QLD)• SA3 (NSW)• CED (QLD)• IARE (NSW) • State Suburb (VIC, NSW &

QLD)• Gazetted locality

Leichhardt (Sub) NSW

•GNB• Suburb• Parish

One spatial object - multiple identities and representations

Multiple - names, identifiers, geometries, versions

Geospatial information Statistical information (geospatial dimension)

GNB NSW 32679

Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI)

Thinking Outside the Polygon – Geo-semantics and Spatial Infrastructures | Box8 |

Geonames 2160386


GA Aus Gaz NSW3267

Geometry & topology

Thinking Outside the Polygon – Geo-semantics and Spatial Infrastructures | Box9 |

Separating geometry and topology

• Geometric representations – visualization and analysis• Most use cases need topology not geometry -

• Traversing hierarchies - Which Jurisdictions contains Leichhardt LGA• Find connected features - Which rivers are upstream of the Hawkesbury? • Geometry is:

• unreliable for representing topology • inefficient - each user needs to infer topology from geometry • Tool affordance - dependent on GIS software

Thinking Outside the Polygon – Geo-semantics and Spatial Infrastructures | Box10 |

Edge matching between Jurisdictions

LGA boundaries are disjoint

Thinking Outside the Polygon – Geo-semantics and Spatial Infrastructures | Box11 |

Vertical alignment

State > LGA geometries do not align

Thinking Outside the Polygon – Geo-semantics and Spatial Infrastructures | Box12 |



2Two separate polygons for City of Freemantle (LGA) separated by Swan River

Thinking Outside the Polygon – Geo-semantics and Spatial Infrastructures | Box13 |

Representation ≠ intention

State Upper House Electoral Boundary State Lower House Electoral Boundary

Upper house electorate polygons are contained within lower house electorate polygons

Thinking Outside the Polygon – Geo-semantics and Spatial Infrastructures | Box14 |

What do we need? A web of spatial data

• Unambiguously identify spatial features - URIs • Link spatial features to

• each other • statistics information

• Within spatial information products• encode topological relationships ‘adjacent’, ‘touches’, ‘contains’• Link multiple representation to the same spatial object

• Across spatial information products• Link different identities/geometries representing the same real world feature

– Gazetteer view authoriative State view , ABS statistical view– Same as

• Encode topological relationships across datasets

• Reliably link geometric representation to stats/obs• Enable spatial analysis outside GIS

Thinking Outside the Polygon – Geo-semantics and Spatial Infrastructures | Box15 |

FSDF - Admin Boundary Topology product

Core modelling team Admin Boundary Topology Product development development support

Paul Box (CSIRO) Marcus Blake (ABS)Rob Atkinson (CSIRO) Bruce Cotton (GA)Bruce Simons (CSIRO)Simon Cox (CSIRO)Marcus Roy (NICTA)

Thinking Outside the Polygon – Geo-semantics and Spatial Infrastructures | Box16 |

Presentation title | Presenter name17 |

ANZ Foundation Spatial Data Framework

Making Common Foundation Spatial Data Ubiquitous Across Australia and New Zealand

1. Geocoded Addressing 2. Administrative Boundaries 3. Positioning 4. Place Names 5. Land Parcel and Property 6. Imagery 7. Transport 8. Water 9. Elevation and Depth 10. Land Cover

Modelling process

Data Product Specification

Supply (current state)What data sets are available?

S/T Aggregated

Conceptual Model- Concepts - Relationships


Use cases+

Supply data+

Future needs

Link statistical


DemandWhat products are required?

Boundary cookie cutter

Traverse spatial hierarchy across

S/T boundary

Product model

What can be done now?

Thinking Outside the Polygon – Geo-semantics and Spatial Infrastructures | Box18 |

Admin Boundary Model – all about identity




A Feature exists and has identity

A feature is topologically

related to other features

A feature has versions as it changes over


A feature has metadata

A version has geometric


Thinking Outside the Polygon – Geo-semantics and Spatial Infrastructures | Box19 |

Admin Boundary Product Model




A Feature exists and has identity

A feature is topologically

related to other features

A feature has versions as it changes over


A feature has metadata

A version has geometric


Thinking Outside the Polygon – Geo-semantics and Spatial Infrastructures | Box20 |

• What • Government governance admin units• Identity and Topological relationships - contained/contains, adjacent) (geosparq spatial

relations) • Position in hierarchy• Representative location

• NSW – Leichhardt (LGA) – Albury (LGA)

– Version• Geometry• Relationships

• Spatial • Adjacent to• Contains

• Governance

Admin Boundaries Topology Product

Thinking Outside the Polygon – Geo-semantics and Spatial Infrastructures | Box21 |

• Process• Build topology from geometry• ‘intention filter’ to clean up geometry • Data source

• Developed using PSMA then switched to ABS data• Delivered in standardised formats

• GML (WFS) - geometry• RDF (SIRF API) –identity and relationship

Admin Boundaries Topology Product

Thinking Outside the Polygon – Geo-semantics and Spatial Infrastructures | Box22 |

SDMG - FSDF AB Topology Product - Box23 |

• Al

NSW > Albury City Council

Thinking Outside the Polygon – Geo-semantics and Spatial Infrastructures | Box24 |

NSW > Albury City Council > Springdale Heights

SDMG - FSDF AB Topology Product - Box25 |

NSW > Albury City Council

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VIC > Towong Shire

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VIC > Southern Metropolitan (Electoral Region)

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Presentation title | Presenter name

Spatial Identifier Reference Framework - a linked spatial data platform

30 |

Geospatial information Statistical information (Implicitly geospatial)

GNB NSW 32679

Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI)

Thinking Outside the Polygon – Geo-semantics and Spatial Infrastructures | Box31 |

Geonames 2160386


GA Aus Gaz NSW3267

Geo-semantics used to bridge existing gaps

Spatial IdentifierReference Framework

How SIRF works



StatisticalInformation User

Linked Data Web

National Spatial Data


Index identifiers

Agency BTreasury


Agency C Welfare


Agency AStatistics


http://id.data.gov.au/id/AusGaz2010/ NSW56500 Same as

http://linkedgeodata.org/triplify/node26469586 Contains isWithin NSW

Publish URIs

Thinking Outside the Polygon – Geo-semantics and Spatial Infrastructures | Box32 |

Build data network in SIRF

Thinking Outside the Polygon – Geo-semantics and Spatial Infrastructures | Box33 |

Standardised based ISO 19109 Application Schema for conceptual -

modelling UMLISO 19112 – Spatial referencing


ISO19150-2 - OWL for online resource format

Spatial - Model driven ETL linked data delivery

34 | Spatial Information Modelling Workshop | Paul Box

Presentation title | Presenter name35 |

Presentation title | Presenter name

SIRF Data Network

• metadata describing the relationships between Spatial Identifier Sets and related data (RDF)• VOID to describe:

• the available online resources for each dataset• cross-references between spatial sets

36 |

LinksetLinksetSISetSISet SISetSISet

Described using:• SIRF metamodel

Dublin Core• Can be extended with

other description vocabulary as required

Two flavors of links • Identity• links between different identities for the same spatial object • OWL sameAS (could use other predicates)

• Spatial relations:• relationships between different spatial objects• Described using:

• “native” – i.e. lossless, “as declared” in information sources• “geoSPARQL” spatial relations vocabulary (Simple Features subset)• Can be extended to include any relation language e.g. GeoNames

ontology• ad-hoc, but a de facto standard may emerge

A registered Spatial Identifier Set

Description of how two spatial objects are related

Australian National Gazetteer

FSDF Admin Boundary

‘Cross-walks’ between SISets

A registered Spatial Identifier Set



Online resourceOnline

resourceDescribed using:•VoiD:TechnicalFeature (linked to IEEE URI templating)• RDF-Data cube planned

An online resource using an SISet to geo-reference information

Described using:• Dublin Core • VoiD• others as needed

Linking statistics to spatial

LinksetLinksetSISetSISet SISetSISetAustralian National Gazetteer

FSDF Admin Boundary

ABS Stats

Census Quickstats

A dataset using an SISet as spatial reference



• Is it the end of the line for geometry?• New way of thinking about how we create • Identity – model important• Suites of smarter products • Implications

• SIRF - a key component of NSDI in Australia - used to register and link graphs together and spatial to data • Critical role of modelling - multiple KR UML OWL • URI patterns – FSDF requirements to ALDWG

Thinking Outside the Polygon – Geo-semantics and Spatial Infrastructures | Box39 |

More information

• FSDF Admin Boundaries prototype product description – Geospatial services - WFS

https://github.com/NICTA/fsdf-hackfest/wiki/Data-Sets-and-Services– SIRF API https://

github.com/NICTA/fsdf-hackfest/wiki/FSDF-Admin-Boundary-Linked-Data• SIRF

• SIRF goals, research, projects, http://www.sirf.net/about-sirf• APIs http://portal.sirf.net/discover-sirf-technologies/sirf-apis

Thinking Outside the Polygon – Geo-semantics and Spatial Infrastructures | Box40 |

Paul Box

t: +61 2 93253122e: [email protected]: www.csiro.au


Thank youCSIRO Digital Productivity and Services Flagship