Amazon Kindle Publishing for Fame and Fortune The Fastest Way To Publish Your Books and Sell To Millions Globally

Amazon Kindle Publishing for Fame and Fortune

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Amazon Kindle Publishing for Fame and Fortune The Fastest Way To Publish Your Books and Sell To Millions Globally Attention Friends, Are you weighed down by internet business because you just can’t seem to “break through” to that next height? Does it seem like fabulous income online is reserved for only a select group of marketers who know something that you do not? Well this is not the time to give up...instead: In This Wealth Creation Manual You Will Learn: How to Publish Your Books on Amazon Kindle in Less Than 30 Minutes How to Shamelessly Promote Your Book Making Money From Your Book Without Selling a Single Copy How to Make Money from Your Books on Amazon with without Selling a Single Copy Learn the secrets and Tricks to make the most from Your Time and to Really Make a Fantastic Living from the Internet 5 Simple Ways to Determine Your Book Title The Kind of E-books That Will Always Sell 5 Simple Ways to Become a Bestselling Author Without Writing a Single Word 5 Simple Ways to Determine Your Book Title And May More!

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Amazon Kindle Publishing for Fame and Fortune The Fastest Way To Publish Your Books and Sell To Millions Globally

Amazon Kindle Publishing for Fame and Fortune

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Copyright © 2011 by: Chinedum Azuh

All rights reserved.

No portion of this Manual may be used without the written permission of the

Copyright owner, with the exception of brief excerpts in magazines, articles,

reviews, etc.

Contact the author on



[email protected]

Mobile: +234 – 8032069925


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About Chinedum Azuh

Highly Recommended Book


Chapter 1:

Publishing Your Book on Kindle

Chapter 2:How to Shamelessly Promote and Sell Your Books

Chapter 3:

Making Money from Your Books without Selling a Single Copy

Chapter 4:

5 Simple Ways to Determine Your Book Title

Chapter 5:

5 Simple Ways to Determine Your Book Title

Chapter 6:

5 Simple Ways to Become a Bestselling Author without Writing a Single Word

About Chinedum Azuh

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Chinedum Azuh is the bestselling author of several books on Amazon Kindle including There is Money in Your House, Unlimited Success, Multiple Streams of Income for Preachers, Relationship Guide for Singles, How to Stir a Man to Marry You, The Ghostwriting Millionaire, Facebook Marketing for Authors and many more.

He is a Business Advisory Coach, Ghostwriter, a Certified Speaking Professional and a Gospel Preacher on High Demand.

He lives in Lagos Nigeria with his Darling Wife.

Highly Recommended Book

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There is Money in Your House (available as e-book and paperback)


During a time when people are enduring economic challenges; reading "There Is Money In Your House" will prove to be an ASSET & ENCOURAGEMENT.

Within the pages of this book, the author has pointed out simple recommendations for looking around your house, to find ways to locate money in which you may not have even thought about.

Don't just get one for yourself, but recommend it to your friends & family.

I highly endorse this book! Review on Amazon By Min, Paula Sanford (USA)

E-book Version: N500

Paperback Version: N1000


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Are you weighed down by internet business because you just can’t seem to “break through” to that next height? Does it seem like fabulous income online is reserved for only a select group of marketers who know something that you do not? Well this is not the time to give up...instead:

This is Your Season for Change!The reality is that you are presently using business models that are keeping you down. Why should you have to spend days on end hoping and praying that you’ll “crack” the first page of Google with your website or blog or other such nonsense?

Focus Instead on Amazon

Yes! That’s the best thing to do. The largest of online retailers is actually one of the liveliest and innovative marketers on the web, and offers dozens of under-the-radar opportunities for regular folks to finally make their hard work pay off. In fact, very few people even know that of these methods exist, that is why I decided to show you how to tap into this goldmine.

What I discovered is that it is not hard to create wealth with Amazon. In fact, it’s a goldmine, because only a handful of people are employing these strategies.

That means you can cash in big – and fast...But only if you know the step-by-step actions to take in order to ensure your success.

That’s what this manual is all about; to show you how to earn fabulous income on amazon with ease and speed.

Chapter 1

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Publishing Your Book on Kindle

There are more publishing options for writers today than ever. Traditional publishing avenues are often hard to come by for beginning writers, and using an alternate publishing option is a good way for new writers to get their work on the market. One of the newest advances on the publishing front is Amazon’s Kindle. Kindle is a reader for electronic books. Amazon has developed a huge library of books available in the Kindle format, and they are continually expanding this library. One of the ways they do this is by allowing authors to self publish Kindle versions of their books and sell them on Amazon for a percentage of the take. Amazon keeps track of all sales and makes payments to the authors on a bi-monthly basis. Learn how you can publish your book on Kindle and get in on the ground floor of this quickly growing publishing venture.

Practical Guide

1. Create an Amazon account. Follow this link if you do not already have an account, you’ll be instructed to create one. If you have an Amazon account, you will already be eligible to publish through Amazon’s Digital Text Platform. It’s not that hard to create a Kindle book. Actually, you probably already have all it takes. You need a customer account at Amazon, and then you login and go to https://kdp.amazon.com/self-publishing/signin to create your self-publishing Kindle account. From there, it’s just a question of following the guide to create your first Kindle book.

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2. Thoroughly edit the book you want to publish through Kindle. They don’t edit, so it’s up to you to make sure the work you publish represents you in the best light. Don’t just run a spell check. Read your work all the way through and look for anything a spell check might not catch. It’[s a good idea to have at least one other person look over your manuscript before you upload it.

3. Format your book. Amazon Kindle allows you to upload your book as an Adobe PDF, Word file, plain text file or HTML document. Avoid using the Adobe format if you can, since PDF is hard to format and might make your book appear different once Amazon formats it for Kindle.

4. Upload your book to the Digital Text Platform. Amazon provides a built-in dashboard that allows writers to easily upload their books and publish them to Amazon. You don’t have to publish right away. You can upload a book and it will remain on your bookshelf in draft form until you are ready to publish. Use Amazon’s template for writing a blurb for your book and other information that might entice Kindle owners to purchase your book. This is also where you will enter author information and book pricing.

5. Publish your book with the click of a button when you’ve uploaded your book and filled out all of the information pertaining to the publication. Your book will appear on Amazon within 12 hours. You’ll be able to use the dashboard to keep track of sales and to add more books as they become available. Amazon will pay your royalties on a bi-monthly basis. You get to keep 70 percent of the profits. Amazon does discount products, but the discount does not affect your share of the profits.

Chapter 3

How to Shamelessly Promote Your Kindle Books

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E-books That Sell Solve Problems

The good news for people interested in making money from e-books is that the ones that sell best are nowhere near 200 pages. In fact, you can often turn a sweet profit from a document that is only 10, 20 and up to 50 pages long, as long as those pages solve a problem that people will pay to have the solution to.

Contrary to what you might think, it doesn’t matter if the solution to a problem can be found by even simple online research. “Normal” people don’t like to do in-depth research online and are often skeptical of free information sources. Do the work for them and demonstrate that you are a credible person (or partner on the e-book with someone who has the necessary credentials), and as long as the problem is real, you’ll make sales.

E-books That Entertain

People love to read Novels that will entertain them. So if you can write books on stories and fairy tales, it will surely sell.

There are so many e-books out there that try to tell you that the key to successful e-book creation is “write what you love” and the money will come. They use that angle because that’s what people want to hear, and it sells a lot of e-books about e-books. But that doesn’t make it true.

There are thousand and one ideas on how to promote your book on kindle but am going to show the ideas that and are easy to implement.

Promoting Your Book on Linledin

If you haven’t figured it out yet, Linkedin.com is one of the most powerful business related social networking sites. It allows you to grow a beneficial network, has more than 100 million professionals worldwide, and gives you a great platform to promote and sell your book.

There is an entire strategy you should follow in order to sell more books using LinkedIn, but for today I want to cover the five main areas you should focus on.

1. Compelling Headline: Your headline is the first thing people see when they go to your profile. Make sure you include “Author of such and such book” in your

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headline as it will automatically give you more credibility, and promote your book when someone first comes to your profile.

2. Custom Website Links: LinkedIn gives you three places to include website links. They usually say “My Website” or “My Company.” Instead, edit that section and create a more compelling headline for those links. Instead of it reading “My Company” change it to say “Read My Book” or “Learn About My Book.” This will serve as a call to action for people, and increase clicks back to your website where you talk about your book.

3. Amazon Application: Almost every author has their books on Amazon.com. LinkedIn has an advanced application that allows you to include the cover and title of two books that you recommend others read on your LinkedIn profile. Make sure you include your own book cover, as this is another way to show people what you have published. When someone clicks on the book from your profile, it takes them to the Amazon.com page where then can purchase your book.

4. Blog Application: If you have a blog that promotes your book then the best way to drive traffic back to that blog is to add the WordPress application on LinkedIn. This will pull the most recent articles from your site and display them on your profile. When someone visits your profile this will give them another option for clicking back to your main blog to learn more about your book.

5. Groups: Start joining groups that reach your target audience related to your book. There are thousands of groups on LinkedIn. If there isn’t one that meets your niche, then make sure you start a group yourself and build your own audience of raving fans.

There are a number of ways you can start utilizing LinkedIn to promote and sell more of your books. Just make sure you take the same approach online as you would offline by adding value to your network so they begin to know, like, and trust you even more. Below is the story of the man that inspired me to start using Linkedin and the results have been awesome.

“I have seven years of experience in internet marketing and my results would be shocking to you. I wasted $3000 in Google ads –result zero conversion. I wasted $2500 in facebook ads –result zero conversion. It is wake up call. And only thing which worked for me was linkedin. I have generated 30000 orders for my new book only through linkedin. Join as many groups as you could and shamelessly promote your book. You will definitely get buyers. Hope this post helps you.”

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Promoting Your Books on Hubpages

Hubpages.com is an ideal platform for publishing articles that promote your books. On HubPages your articles are known as “hubs”. Each hub is built out of a number of boxes, into which you enter your content, called “capsules”.

HubPages’ platform is huge for those general interest articles you’ve created based on the research you’ve done for your books. You can also publish excerpts from your book and at the end indicate that it was culled from the …

Along with your own written content, your hubs can include links to resource and reference sites, pictures, rss feeds, and video clips. Each of these is available as a capsule which you use to publish your content to your page. Use the bio field to promote yourself in relation to your works.

Amazon Kindle

Aside from the basic Text Capsule, the capsule that you will probably want to use on your page if you have a book to promote is the Amazon affiliate feature. This allows you to plug in your Asin and Amazon provides the cover image and link to purchase. The moment you publish a hub, Hubpages will provide a box for you to sign to become an amazon affiliate marketer. Go ahead and sign up. It takes few minute to do and it is very easy. Your major aim is to promote your books but amazon will also pay you some percentage as an affiliate marketer for each book sold.

If you use the Amazon feature to offer your book for sale do make it clear that you wrote this book and how it is related to the topic. Amazon is used extensively across this platform to generate affiliate income, so you want to stand out as the author and not just another affiliate.

The key is to personalize your page as much as possible; allow your readers to connect with you and meet the person behind the book. To see how this works, visit my Hubpage @ prosmentor.hubpages.com. One more important thing about

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this platform is that your article must be original. This is not a place where you can copy and paste.

There other places to promote your book through article writing like article directories. But any article you want to publish first on hubpages.

Simple Ways to Promote Your e-book

The promotional methods used to drive traffic to your sales page on Amazon are similar to that of printed books, but there are some differences in marketing Kindle e-books:

There are fewer competing books in the Kindle store, so you may have a greater chance of your book standing out in search results. The Kindle publishing platform makes it very easy for you to enter appropriate keyword tags for your e-book.

Consumers expect e-book prices to be significantly lower than print books, especially for fiction. You can experiment with different price points, but for fiction books many indie authors report that they sell at lot more books at $2.99 than at higher prices. If you price your e-book between $2.99 and $9.99 (and it’s priced at least 20% less than the printed version) you will to receive a 70% royalty from Amazon, which is much higher than what you’d make on a printed book.

The audience for Kindle e-books is growing rapidly. During the last Christmas, over 4 million people bought the Kindle Device.

What are the best ways for an author to capitalize on Kindle edition sales?

Be sure to prominently state on all of your book marketing materials that your book is also available in Kindle format, and provide links directly to your Kindle page on Amazon.

What are some common mistakes in marketing Kindle e-books?

One common mistake is failing to write compelling sales copy and enter the right keywords. The great thing about the Kindle publishing platform at https://kdp.amazon.com is that it’s easy to make changes. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different sales copy, keywords and price points.

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Other mistakes include pricing e-books too high, failing to promote them as much as printed books, and failing to take advantage of the promotional opportunities available on the Amazon website.

My Biggest Lessons so Far

Readers run from authors who seem angry that people aren’t buying their books, or upset about restrictions that self published authors face, or even bitter about the public not embracing every single author that pens a book. Readers love authors who have spent the time and money to have an attractive, professional cover and book, and know how to politely and positivity represent themselves online. In short, readers enjoy interacting with authors that are happy to be published and feel blessed that we have this awesome opportunity to put a book out into the world and share it. You have to earn readers. Writing a book does not earn readers. Writing the best book you can, and being a good friend to others, earns you readers.

Using one book to promote another

At the beginning of this book, you saw a sample of to use one book to promote another. The truth is that you will buy the other book if you are satisfied with this. So use the same strategy to promote your book and more especially if you enroll into Kdp Select, you will have the opportunity of promoting your book for 5 days in every 90 days. This will give you amazing and your books amazing exposure.

Chapter 4

Making Money from Your Books without Selling a Single Copy

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Reach a new audience - Distribute books through the Kindle Owners' Lending Library and reach the growing number of US Amazon Prime members.

Earn a whole new source of royalties - Earn your share of $500,000 in December and at least $6 million throughout 2012 when readers borrow your books from the Kindle Owners' Lending Library.

Promote your book for free to readers worldwide - The newly launched Promotions Manager tool will allow you to directly control the promotion of free books.

Instant feedback - Check real-time performance of your books in the Kindle Owners' Lending Library.

KDP Select - a new option dedicated to KDP authors and publishers worldwide, featuring a fund of $500,000 in December 2011 and at least $6 million in total for 2012!  KDP Select gives you a new way to earn royalties, reach a broader audience, and use a new set of promotional tools.

Here's how KDP Select works:

When you make any of your titles exclusive to the Kindle Store for at least 90 days, those with US rights will automatically be included in the Kindle Owners' Lending Library and can earn a share of a monthly fund.  The monthly fund for December 2011 is $500,000 and will total at least $6 million in 2012.  If you haven't checked it out already, the Kindle Owners' Lending Library is a collection of books that eligible US Amazon Prime members can borrow for free once a month with no due dates.

You'll also now have access to a new set of promotional tools, starting with the option to promote your KDP Select-enrolled titles for FREE for up to 5 days every 90 days.

How your share of the monthly fund is calculated:

Your share of the monthly fund is based on your enrolled titles' share of the total number of borrows across all participating KDP titles in the Kindle Owners' Lending Library.  For example, if total borrows of all participating KDP titles are

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100,000 in December and your book was borrowed 1,500 times, you will earn $7,500 in additional royalties from KDP Select in December.  Enrolled titles will remain available for sale to any customer in the Kindle Store and you will continue to earn your regular royalties on those sales.

What this means to you:

KDP Select gives you access to a whole new source of royalties and readers- you not only benefit from a new way of making money, but you also get the chance to reach even more readers by getting your book in front of a growing number of US Amazon Prime customers: readers and future fans of your books that you may have not had a chance to reach before! Additionally, the ability to offer your book for free will help expand your worldwide reader base.

How to enroll:

KDP Select is available for titles participating in both the 70% and 35% royalty options.  You can immediately start by enrolling a single title, your whole catalog, or anything in between.

If you're interested in enrolling a title that's already uploaded, simply click "Enroll" next to the book in your Bookshelf. To enroll multiple titles that are already uploaded, select the boxes next to any number of titles, then click "Actions" and choose "Enroll these books in KDP Select." The titles you choose will be enrolled immediately.

If you're interested in enrolling a new title, simply check the "Enroll this book in KDP Select" box while submitting details about your book and proceed to publish the book as you normally would. For new titles, enrollment takes effect once the book is available for sale on our website.

To learn more about KDP Select, visit:


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To learn more about the Kindle Owners' Lending Library, visit:http://www.amazon.com/kindleownerslendinglibrary

Chapter 5

5 Simple Ways to Determine Your Book Title

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You’re ready and willing to write a Kindle book, but you’re wondering what you should write about. Here are a few ideas for how to decide on good topics.

1. Start your research on Amazon.com

The first step should be to do some research. Take a look at the bestseller lists within your broad category, and then take a look at the sub-categories that interest you the most.

Check what is selling well. Chances are that these are hot topics, and so if you write a Kindle book with an intriguing title, it will likely attract an audience.

Obviously, you also want to explore the Kindle store. Again, check out the hot sellers, and see if any of those give you ideas about what you could contribute that’s not quite covered yet but should be.

Even if it is covered, you may still have a viable book, just as long you emphasize an angle that’s not overcrowded.

2. Visit your local bookstore

Sure, browsing online is fast and easy, but sometimes a leisurely afternoon in a local store while browsing the aisles might give you potentially profitable ideas.

One of the biggest advantages of a physical bookstore is that you can look inside the books all you want, and the inspiration might come from a subheading towards the back of the book, something you’d never find when browsing books online.

And because they’re published more frequently than print books, the topics are more current. Magazines also do a fantastic job of writing compelling article titles to pull the reader in.

3. Consider Your own Experience and Interests

In addition, you should make an inventory of the things you know about and enjoy. It’s much easier to write about what you know than doing research from scratch.

You also might have books lying around the house about topics you’re passionate about, and you can use those as a resource to provide you with ideas.

4. Use Google

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There are a number of ways to use Google and other search engines to help you find topics for your Kindle book.

You want to make sure you write about something people are interested in, so you may want to start by going to the keyword tool.

Just type “Google keyword tool” into Google and you’ll find it right at the top.

Then type in potential keywords, for example “scrapbooking” or “guinea pigs,” and you’ll discover how many people have been looking for those words as well as related words.

5. Narrow Down Your Topic in Forums

Once you have the broad overall theme, go visit forums to find out about the topics that people care about most. After all, you need to keep your focus narrow, so you can keep your book short and to the point.

Do the members of the forum ask questions about problems they’re trying to solve? If you write about the solution, you’ll have a readymade topic for a Kindle book that could sell very well.

You can even come back later and add the link to your Kindle book to your forum signature and to your profile.

As you can see, it’s not rocket science to find something to write about. Ideally, you should choose a topic that interests you… and that you can sell to lots of people who are passionate about it too.

Chapter 6:

5 Simple Ways to Become a Bestselling Author without Writing a Single Word

Use Other People’s Articles

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When you visit some article directories like ezinearticles.com or do a google search on the subject you are writing on, you will see thousands of articles on the subject. Take the ones that will be okay for each chapter and do not tamper with the article or the author’s resource box. Recently, I saw a bestselling relationship book on kindle that is just a compilation of other people’s articles.

To make your work more interesting, you can even include these experts’ names inside the book (not on the cover) as co-authors.

Do a Compilation of Quotes

You might have seen books that are just compilation of quotes. Bestselling Authors like John Maxwell, John Mason and a host of others are chunking out products in thousands using this method. You can do a compilation on thousand and one topic but it’s usually on success, inspiration, self help, motivation, purpose and many related topics.

Celebrity Speeches

This is an amazing method you can use to keep creating books the rest of your life. It could a compilation on several celebrity speeches or a particular celebrity. Uju Onyechere has several series on this line. Has books entitled, In The Words of Sunny Obazu, In The Words Pat Utomi, In The Words of David Oyedepo and lots more.

Get Interviews on Celebrities

Someone would have told you to interview a celebrity. It is not as simple as it may sound. So am offering you the simple way. Get interviews on celebrities from media houses, online and from Newspaper Paper clippings. All you need is to edit, compile and at References page you just list your sources.

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Use a Ghostwriter

This is the simplest and the easiest of all. If you think, you don’t have the time to do all of the above you can work with a ghostwriter. I have done this for so many people. There so many journalists out there that can work as ghostwriters. What will a ghostwriter do? He will convert your ideas into book.

I’m sure you can implement any of these to become a bestselling author without writing a single word.

You Will Succeed!!!