Why uncontrolled diabetes is scary and deadly?| Indus Health Plus Pvt. Ltd. 1

Why uncontrolled diabetes is scary and deadly?

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Page 1: Why uncontrolled diabetes is scary and deadly?

Why uncontrolled diabetes is scary and deadly?| Indus Health Plus Pvt. Ltd.


Page 2: Why uncontrolled diabetes is scary and deadly?

Why uncontrolled diabetes is scary and deadly?| Indus Health Plus Pvt. Ltd.


Are your bowels and bladder not working properly? Are you losing hearing power? Do your gums bleed? Is your vision changing? Are you sweating differently?

If you have been nodding a yes to the above questions, it is time to see your doctor for ‘health checkup’ as it could be that you have diabetes. The major danger with type 2 diabetes is that - it is slow and silent, thus goes undiagnosed and uncontrolled in many people. Therefore, if you notice any of the above signs, take action right away!

Uncontrolled diabetes: Quick bites

World Health Organization (WHO) figures say that around 346 million people suffer from diabetic condition, across the globe.

Death toll due to high blood sugar was 3.4 million in 2004 and it is expected to double between 2005 and 2030, as per WHO projections.

If your sugar level is 100 mg/dl or higher, it is known as uncontrolled diabetes which can have serious consequences in the long run and is fatal.

The good news? With the right treatment and lifestyle changes, you can prevent or delay the onset of complications.

Page 3: Why uncontrolled diabetes is scary and deadly?

Why uncontrolled diabetes is scary and deadly?| Indus Health Plus Pvt. Ltd.


Uncontrolled diabetes: Impact Uncontrolled diabetes renders complications to almost each and every organ of the body, which includes heart, kidneys, nerves, eyes, gums and teeth. Here are a few of the long-term effects of uncontrolled diabetes mellitus and what leads to them:

Damage to blood vessel and heart Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus makes the walls of the blood vessels as rigid and inelastic, restricting the blood flow to the affected areas. Furthermore, the damaged blood vessel or nerves may lead to foot problems which in turn can lead to amputations, of which over 60% are associated with uncontrolled diabetes.

“With uncontrolled diabetes, chances of heart problems or stroke becomes twice as compared to people without the condition.”

Page 4: Why uncontrolled diabetes is scary and deadly?

Why uncontrolled diabetes is scary and deadly?| Indus Health Plus Pvt. Ltd.


Eye problems

Uncontrolled diabetes is the root cause of several eye problems and one of the prime reasons of blindness. Some of the eye disorders are Glaucoma, Cataracts and Diabetic Retinopathy.

Kidney Problems It can prove fatal for kidneys in terms of complications including kidney failure.

Effect on Nerves Uncontrolled diabetes, in other terms – high sugar levels cause severe damage to the nerves, which includes sensation loss beginning from toes and burning of the feet. Furthermore, it can also lead to pain in legs, arms and hands.

Effects on Teeth and Gums Uncontrolled diabetes puts you at a higher risk for gum diseases.

Diabetes prevention should be the motto: Take control Just a simple change in your lifestyle can be your big step toward diabetes prevention. So take control with these tips:

Get active: Regular physical exercise helps to lose weight, lower the blood sugar level and boosts your sensitivity to insulin.

Eat healthy: A simple diabetic diet chart should include plenty of fruits, vegetables, fibers and whole grains, while avoiding fad diets.

Take Action Today With proper medication and a healthy lifestyle, it is very easy to manage diabetes and keep it in control. Similarly, for uncontrolled diabetes, early treatment to keep the blood sugar levels within a safe range can prevent you from serious damage. Some minor lifestyle changes are the key to prevent the dreaded consequences of uncontrolled diabetes. To sum things up, simple blood tests are what it takes to determine whether you have diabetes or not, therefore go for regular medical checkup to be safe than sorry. Remember, uncontrolled diabetes leads to serious health problems. So don't wait, take action today. Once your diabetes is in control, you’ll feel better and live a long and healthy life with fewer complications.

Indus Health Plus Pvt. Ltd.

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