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Way to Strong & Healthy Hair

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Page 4: Way to Strong & Healthy Hair

Just as the healthy, glowing skin on our face makes one look beautiful and attractive, so do bouncy, shinny and healthy hair on our head. In fact hair is far more attractive than any other part of the body. Nice hair cut and neatly styled hair enhance a person’s personality, whether male or female. Someone with nice hair will give a well-kept impression. However they are dressed, neat and stylish hairdo will lift up their appearance. Like everything else our hair also seeks attention. Below are a few tips that can avoid bad hair days.

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Daily Hair Care (step 1)

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Hygiene is the key to beauty. Hair care or body care, keeping clean is the most important thing. A daily bath is mostly sufficient for daily cleanse but using the wrong products or using the right product, the wrong way can make a negative impact. Skin and hair both retain moisture; if the natural moisture is lost they look dull and rough. Shampoo and conditioner should be selected based on your hair type. Use cold water to shampoo and do it as fast as you can. Standing under the shower for too long can dry up your hair. After a wash the hair are very brittle, dry them up as lightly as you can and avoid using heat on daily basis.

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Nourish from the inside (step 2)

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Just like other organs and parts of the body our hair need vitamins and nutrients to grow. External application of any product cannot help much in healthy hair growth. Essential nutrients for hair are vitamin B, protein, iron and omega-3. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, beef, chicken, spinach, salmon and walnut are good sources of these nutrients. Sweet potatoes, eggs, yogurt, honey and blueberries are also known to be super heroes for hair.

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Too Much Hair Treatment (step 3)

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Hair style and hair color are the latest fashion trend these days. Sometime back hair styles were just limited to celebrities and models but now we see every one carrying their hair as they see on the media. The quality of hair has largely decreased as compared to what our grannies had. The reason being too many trips to the beauty parlor for the latest fashion trend. Hair is quite delicate if not taken well care of. Dyeing, straitening, keratin treatment, blow dry, and so many other treatments that use heat, lead to drying and dullness of hair. Leave them natural as much as u can and keep a regular habit to oil your hair. Coconut, almond and olive oil have proven to be the best for hair care.

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Avoid baldness (step 4)

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Hair loss is a most common in all hair related problems. It is not necessarily caused due to lack of nutrition or negligence on hair care but could be in the genes or an age factor or a hormonal factor in the body. It is normal to lose 100 hairs a day but if you feel you are losing a lot more than usual consult a doctor. Hair loss is mostly irreversible. But if taken care of at the right time can be prevented.

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Relax (step 5)

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Stress is like a virus that eats up everything from the inside. Hormones released in the body while in stress disturb all the systems in the body, which affect our hair too. Follicles of the hair are attacked and weaken the hair, thus eventually resulting in hair loss. Hair loss due to stress could be temporary but it does have very negative impact on our overall health of scalp hair.

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