Tips for choosing the best heating pads for back pain

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Page 2: Tips for choosing the best heating pads for back pain

Heating pad generate dry heat by default. For many people, dry heat will irritate and dehydrate their skin. Therefore, manufacturers have added moist heat feature to heating pad. In can generate moisture from air or provided water. You should consider if you want a dry heat, moist heat or combined heating pad.

Page 3: Tips for choosing the best heating pads for back pain

Different pain conditions require different heat level and time. Some heating pads provide you multiple temperature settings (3, 4, 5, 6 or even more). Some heating pads, on the other hands, have only 1 temperature setting or temperature can be changed be holding down the controller. In this case, you won’t know the exact temperature the heating pad is generating.

Page 4: Tips for choosing the best heating pads for back pain

Materials of the pad is important since it affects the feeling on your skin and how to clean the pad

Page 5: Tips for choosing the best heating pads for back pain

Size of a heating pad depends on the size of the body and where do you want to use it. A large size pad can apply on both a small and big body, lower back and other parts of the body. If you use a small pad, you will have to move it from area to area or buy more than 1 heating pads.