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Sports Activities for Retirement Home Residents

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A retirement home, sometimes referred to as old people’shome, is a housing facility that is made for our grandmas andgrandpas. A typical retirement home will include anapartment-style room with additional facilities for meals,recreation, gatherings, and especially health care. Althoughnot exactly the same, retirement homes are oftentimesinterchangeably used with nursing homes.

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Retirement homes have continuously strived to provide thebest services for their senior citizen residents. They havestruggled to come up with various strategies to ensure theygive them complete and holistic services for not just ahealthy but a happy life as well.

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One of the best ways to do this is via regularexercise. Physical activity can come in variousforms. Even gardening or grocery-shopping isone. But in today’s time, retirement homes arelooking for new ways to make their residentsmaintain a healthy, active lifestyle as this willtend to reduce physical and health-relatedeffects of aging.

Here are a few fun and healthy sports activitiesthat can be integrated into the daily lives ofretirement home residents:

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Pickle ball is a racquet sportthat integrates the rules ofbadminton, tennis, and pingpong. First started in 1965,Pickle ball is probably themost ideal sport for activeadults as it doesn’t put a lot ofpressure on those aging bonesplus it requires a small courtwhich is perfect for adults whocan’t move around as muchanymore.

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Nintendo have always beentrying to reach out to everypossible market, gamers andnon-gamers alike. With its WiiSports console, Nintendo ismaking huge success even in thepeaceful lives of retirementhome residents. The video gamesports are perfect for agingadults since it doesn’t requirethem to go out anymore. Theycan be active in the place they’remost comfortable in!

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Both water sports, swimming and aqua aerobics aregreat to train those tired, aging joints. Swimming isknown to be a great all around exercise. Aqua aerobics,on the other hand, is a group exercise class that isactually very famous with senior citizens.

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Often seen as a manly activity, weight training is greatfor both male and female older adults. Weight training isa great exercise that helps in keeping the bones as wellas the muscles in top shape, which is good news foradults wanting to stretch out those bones every nowand again.

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Tai Chi is a famous martialarts exercise that involves agentle physical workout andrelaxation. Tai Chi is an idealsport for older adults as wellsince it doesn’t tend to be sorough on them but justenough to help them stayhealthy and fit.

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Regular playing of golf, although sometimesdeemed as a rich-people sport, is actually thebest for stamina and leg strength.

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Retirement homes have long looked forways to encourage their residents to trysports and these are a few of the sportsthat are ideal for older people that they’resure to love and enjoy.

To more about the sports activities beingencouraged in retirement homes, you canvisit thorncliffeplace.com for more details.

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