Research on Career: Physical Therapy DANIELLE LASHLEE

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Research on Career:


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Physical therapy is an occupation where the professional has

direct contact and works one on one with patients to

rehabilitate back to healthy and active lifestyles. This

occupation is an excellent fit for well-educated, hard driven,

sociable people who dedicate their lives to helping others get

healthier. They do this by educating the patients on what is

going on and how they are going to fix it, creating personalized

rehab programs that promote strength, flexibility, and range of

motion while monitoring and managing pain and discomfort.

Because of the aging baby-boomer generation, there is an

increasing demand for physical therapist.

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What does a physical therapist do?

Design patient-specific exercise programs for

rehabilitation and prevention

Teach and help patients perform the exercises safely

and correctly

Help the patients regain movement and function

Help ill or injured patients manage pain

Actively help patients restore, maintain, and promote

their overall fitness and wellness for healthier and more

active lifestyles (explorehealthcareers.org)

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History of Physical Therapy

Dates back to Greek culture – Hippocrates

Europe 1500-1700s Progression for treating muscle and bone


By 1800s exercise and muscle therapy used for orthopedic diseases and injuries

Polio epidemic in US (1916) – this became very important

1917 WWI – US Army needed to rehabilitate injured soldiers

Army Medical Department, the Division of Special Hospitals and Physical Reconstruction developed 15 “reconstruction aide” programs with help from medical workers who specialized in rehabilitation

Later termed Physical Therapy

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History of Physical Therapy (contd.)

1920s physical therapists partnered with surgical sectors and the

public started to recognize the profession

WWII continued the high demand for rehabilitation

APTA American Physical Therapy Association (founded in 1921)

1954 first national examination for licensure

1959 state regulations for PT in 45 states

1967 addition of outpatient PT in Medicare

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Quick Facts

Entry-level Education: Doctoral or professional degree

Time in school: 6-7 years

In 2014, Physical Therapy was named a “Top Job” (2014)

In Forbes magazine, PTs are 5th strongest-growth professionals

(ahead of web developers and petroleum engineers)

Estimated 200,000 jobs

Employment of PTs is projected to grow 36% from 2012-2022

Services coming from aging baby boomers as well as treating people with

mobility issues coming from chronic illnesses arising today (ex: diabetes and obesity)

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Median pay (2013): $81,030 per year

Starting salary average: $57,220 per year

Peaking salary (top 10%): $113,340 per year

Best paid locations: metropolitan areas of

Laredo (TX), Las Vegas (NV), Brownsville (TX)

Highest paying states: 1. California, 2. New

Jersey, 3. Maryland

Lowest paying states: 1. Hawaii, 2.

Montana, 3. Vermont

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Practice Settings

Acute Care

Rehab/Subacute Rehab

Extended Care Facility/Nursing Home/Skilled Nursing Facility

Outpatient Clinic (Private Practice)



Home Health


Industrial, Workplace, or Other Occupational Environments

Local, State, and Federal Government

Research Center

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Qualities of a Good Physical Therapist






Fit/Health Conscious







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Potential Graduate Programs (DPT)

University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

George Washington University

U.S. Army-Baylor University

Texas Women’s University

Virginia Commonwealth University

Old Dominion University

Duke University

Georgetown University

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Why I am a good candidate?

Academically prepared for the demanding educational program

Show interest in community involvement

Knowledgeable of the field and have experience in different types of practices

Exhibit exceptional communication skills


Intrigued in teaching others

Live a healthy driven lifestyle

Can follow strict rules and laws (HIPPA, etc.)

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Why am I a good candidate? (O*NET


Top 3 categories:

1. Social – like working with others to help them learn and grow

Like teaching, giving advice, good communication skills, helping and being of service to people

PT is a very hands-on and face-to-face job with patients so good communication skills are needed to perform the tasks and explain exercises

2. Enterprising – like work that has to do with starting up and carrying out business projects

Persuading and leading people, making decision, taking risks for profits

I want to eventually work in my own private practice so these skills are needed in order to be able to do so

3. Conventional – like work that follows set procedures and routines

Working with clear rules

There are many rules and laws that have to be followed in the health profession as well as certain guidelines to get patients back to living healthy and active lifestyles

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Relevant Academics to Physical


Classes I have already taken Biology


Anatomy & Physiology


Abnormal Psychology


Public Health

Health Care Systems

Health Behavior

Athletic Injuries

Human Communications

Classes I plan on taking

Exercise Physiology

Health Promotion of the Aged

Research & Evaluation Strategies for

Public Health

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With the increasing demand of physical therapists today, people are

becoming more and more educated about this profession. It makes a great

impact on those who are ill and injured, and has become more important

with the progression of chronic illnesses and increasing numbers of injuries. This

profession is perfect for people who have excellent communication skills and

are willing to put every effort into helping people get better and back to a

more fit and healthy lifestyle.

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