Plastic Surgeon Digital Marketing 101

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The first part of building a solid website that is sure to reflect positively on your practice involves making certain that your layout and design are up to date. There are many reasons for this, but in short, remember that improving patient flow is often about trust. If your site is outdated, it could lead patients to believe that your methods are also outdated. Here are some ways to update your website’s design and build the trust you need.

Easy to Find Necessary Information

The number one thing that you need to consider when it comes to your plastic surgery website is the ease with which visitors can find the information they want. If your site is scattered and difficult to navigate, then chances are good that visitors will simply return to the search page and click a competitor’s link. Clean up the home page of your site, and make it possible for visitors to easily find the information they need from this central hub. Make use of navigational tabs at the top of the page, and categorize things accordingly. Ideally, you don’t want your visitors to have to click more than two or three times to find the info they want.

Simple Consultation and SchedulingPatients who are interested in plastic surgery take their health very seriously. For this reason, they will often want to schedule a consultation long before they agree to any surgery. Your website should be set up in such a way that your patients can easily find the contact page where they will submit their information to schedule a consultation with you. What’s more, you need to make sure that this information goes to someone who is capable of contacting these potential patients in short order; you shouldn’t make these people wait several days before you contact them. By then, they might have already chosen another practice.

The Design Should Sell Your Practice for You If there’s one thing that people associated with the medical industry, it’s cleanliness. You should do everything in your power to make sure that your

website’s design reflects this. Avoid colors that could evoke negative emotions, such as red or black, and instead choose a color palette based on pale blues or greens, which are associated with relaxation and peace. Don’t try to cram too much information into the home page; rather, keep the home page clean and make navigation to other areas of your site simple.

Photos and Videos at a Glance These days, winning over a potential client is all about showing them the evidence. Nothing is truer in the plastic surgery niche; individuals want to see before-and-after photos so that they can get a sense of how you can help them. Be sure that your website incorporates plenty of these photographs, and design them in such a way that they are easy to see. For instance, you might choose to utilize thumbnails for your individual procedures that expand when the visitor hovers his or her mouse pointer over the image.

Up-to-date website design not only helps you build trust with potential patients, but it also makes it simpler for your visitors to find the information they want. Take the time to think about what a patient wants to see on your site, and then design it accordingly.

For more design resources please read:

• http://www.brandignity.com/2015/12/company-rebranding-tips/

• http://www.brandignity.com/2015/11/web-design-blunders-to-be-avoided-for-a-user-friendly-website/

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People in today’s world are always on the go. They search for information while commuting to work, cooking their evening meals, or even walking their dogs. For this reason, you should make sure that your plastic surgery website is intuitive and responsive. This goes for plastic surgery clients as well.

What Is Responsive Design?Before you can make sure that your website is responsive to the needs of your visitors, it is important to understand the different characteristics of a responsive website. Essentially, responsiveness refers to creating the optimal viewing experience for any user on any device. Your site should be easy to read on any size screen. It should require very little resizing, panning, or scrolling to navigate. Most importantly, the site should look very much the same whether a visitor views it on a computer, a tablet, or a smartphone. The developer must ensure that all of the elements of your site – including the photos, the text, audio/video players, and more – resize themselves based upon the size of the screen.

The Mobile Generation Research shows that more and more people continue to utilize their mobile devices to search for information. Gone are the days when people would wait until they got home from work and sat down at their computers to research the best plastic surgeons in the area. Because of this, it is absolutely imperative for you to make sure that your website fits all users, no matter what type of device they choose to access your site.

Adding to the User Experience One of your goals should be to enjoy high search engine rankings. If you can design your website in such a way that it appears on the first page of search results, then you can generate tons of traffic. Once upon a time, search engines like Google relied on the text portion of your website to determine your site’s overall relevancy. While Google still does consider text and SEO an

important metric, user experience is important, too. Without responsive web design, you aren’t doing what you should to improve your user experience, and you won’t make the first page of search results. This alone can have a huge impact on your traffic.

Any Device, Any Time When you can successfully develop a website that is completely responsive, it essentially becomes “agnostic” in terms of devices. This means that it has no preference for one device over another and it will display correctly on any device, whether it is a Windows-based computer, an Apple iPhone, or even a Kindle e-reader tablet. When people can access your site from any device they choose, you can generate more traffic, and more traffic equals a much larger patient load over time.

In today’s technologically advanced day and age, you should design all of your content in such a way that it can be viewed across the entire spectrum of devices. In a nutshell, the less effort that a potential patient has to put in to find and view your site, the better off your practice will be.

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ABOUT THE PROJECTDr. Jeffrey Spiegel is a famous plastic surgeon located in Boston. He was in a position where his practice was only growing through word of mouth. 4 years ago his online presence was next to nothing. The team at Dr. Spiegel’s office reached out to us to

discuss web design and SEO. We came to the conclusion that the website needed an overhaul and an aggressive SEO strategy was very much needed. In August of 2010 we started and today the

The challenge from day one was the fact that 95% of all website pages where going to be brand new pages that never existed before. This caused us to compete against competitors which had internal service pages ranking in Google for a much longer period of time. The other major challenge was that there was a great deal of competition clearly visible in the search space. Cities like Boston usually have a massive amount of medical institutions to compete against.

Our first point of attack was to create a website which housed over 35 new service related pages we could then optimize on a local level specific to the Boston, MA area. We created massive amounts of content and fully optimized all content utilizing a small handful of related keywords for each page. We then incorporated a comprehensive monthly link building, blog writing and social media management campaign in order to create a diverse traffic flow.


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15KMonthly Visitors

5OKMonthly Page Views

2,000%Increase in business

+ 150Leads per/ month

+ 235Page 1 Google Rankings

+ 500 %Generated Leads



Period: 2010 - 2015

Explanation: These are some important stats the business and the website have been able to acheive working with us.

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The purpose of your website is to generate leads for your business, and if there is one thing that can stand in the way of that lead generation, it is your website’s copy. Not only does your copy need to make a connection with your potential patients, but it must also be free from even the slightest errors in order to build trust with your audience.

Copy in the Medical Industry Unlike other industries in which people might merely scan the copy on a web page before placing an order for a product or service, those who come to your plastic surgery website will read every word on the page from top to bottom. After all, if they choose your practice to perform their procedures, they will place the utmost trust in you. They want to know everything there is to know, and it is your job to tell them. Make sure that your copy does just that.

Target the Right Demographic It is always a good idea to come up with a different set of copy for each procedure that your practice offers since different demographics will come to you for different types of surgeries. For example, while women between the ages of 21 and 35 are the most common candidates for breast augmentation surgery, absolutely anyone may request a rhinoplasty. Make sure that you do your research and write your copy in such a way that it appeals to the largest demographic, but do so carefully. You don’t want your copy to incidentally “exclude” anyone.

Cover All of Your Bases When a potential patient researches your practice, he or she will want to know everything, down to the smallest detail. It is up to you to use some discretion here; you can include information about exactly how procedures are done, or you can keep things simple and offer more information during the consult. The best method involves keeping it somewhere in the middle. Give people the basics regarding a procedure – the primary method you use, what to expect the day of the surgery, and

even what to expect during recovery – but save the smaller and more personal details for the consultation.

Immaculate Spelling and Grammar You are a doctor who has spent a decade learning your trade. People believe that doctors and surgeons should be perfect after all of that schooling, so presenting them with a website that has spelling and grammar issues can cause a loss of trust. Make sure that your copy is absolutely flawless from top to bottom. This way, your patients do not have to wonder about your competency when they’re under the knife just because you left out a comma or spelled “rhinoplasty” incorrectly on your website.

Although all of the aforementioned things are important when it comes to your website’s copy, there is one other thing that you should keep in mind. As a surgeon, you likely understand terms and phrases that the average person does not. Make sure that your copy is easy to understand when read from top to bottom. After all, confusing your visitors is not a good way to earn their business.

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SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and without it, your website is like an automobile with no engine. It might look nice, but it certainly can’t take you anywhere. Here, you can learn about the different ways to add and improve your site’s SEO to generate more traffic.

What Is SEO?SEO is an all-encompassing term that describes the way a website is optimized for a particular search engine. SEO includes things like the addition of keywords, proper site development, videos, content marketing, and more. First and foremost, SEO plays a vital role in your site’s search engine

rankings. If your SEO is no good, you might find yourself on the 15th page of search results. On the other hand, if you have excellent SEO, you could find your site on the first page of results – right where it should be to generate the most possible traffic.

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Keywords are important for SEO because they help to rank your site. There are several methods that you can use to come up with the right keywords for your site, and Google provides some of them for you. Above all else, consider the terms that people might type into Google whenever they’re searching for a product or service you offer. Then, incorporate those terms, in the right context, into your website’s copy. Do this for your home page and any other inner pages about the services you offer, and then make use of Google Analytics to see how your keywords fare.

Off-Page Optimization There are several techniques that you can use to improve your off-page SEO, as well. Things like social media, link-building, and social bookmarking can go a long way toward boosting your site’s overall ranking. Off-page SEO is much like an indicator of how the online world (users as well as other websites) view your website. If your site is useful, it will likely have references from other sites and mentions on social media outlets like Facebook or Twitter. Thus, off-page optimization involves making sure that you keep your social media accounts and backlinks up to date at all times.

Local SEO Aside from general search engine optimization, any type of business that provides a relatively localized service should focus on local SEO, too. In short, local SEO helps a search engine like Google provide better results to searchers based on their location at the time the search was performed. For example, if you go to Google right now on your computer and type, “buy a new car”, the first results you will see will be dealerships in your local area. You want the same for your plastic surgery practice, so make sure that you incorporate local SEO alongside your organic SEO in order to achieve these results. Ultimately, SEO is like the engine that drives your website toward the finish line. Without this optimization, Google and other search engines will

not index your site highly enough for average users to find it through organic web searches. Take the time to consider all of the various elements of SEO and incorporate them into your site, your blog, and even your social media accounts. *Remember, Google is a reader so if it can read it, it can’t rank it.

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The list of reasons why you need to maintain a blog for your plastic surgery practice is endless. Not only does a blog help to provide information to patients on a regular basis, but it also provides you with new opportunities to incorporate the latest keywords for SEO. What’s more, a blog is one of the best ways to incorporate backlinks to other parts of your site that users might find valuable.

Blogs Generate Instant Traffic Your website needs one thing above all else to truly push your practice forward – traffic, and lots of it. There is no better way to generate traffic to your website than with a regularly updated and maintained blog. Think about it like this: how often are you going to update your actual website? Not very often if your copy is well-written. Blogs give you the perfect chance to add new information as it comes. What’s more, Google absolutely loves blogs, and it will index blogs much more quickly than anything else. When you add the right keywords at just the right density, and when you add just the right number of links to your site and others, you can literally improve your search engine ranking overnight.

Create a Sense of Authority with Your Visitors In the medical industry, and particularly when it comes to plastic surgery, people want to feel as if they can relate to you before they go under the knife. These people need to know that they can trust you, that you know your stuff, and that you utilize the latest and best techniques in your practice. Your blog gives you the perfect place to provide all of this information to your readers. For instance, imagine someone who is interested in a facelift. Perhaps he or she wants to gather and learn as much as possible before scheduling the surgery. If you can provide this patient with the information he or she wants via a blog, and if you can link to your practice within that blog, the odds of generating patients are high.

The Perfect Marketing Platform Today’s internet marketing is about much more than a few delicately-placed keywords and search engine rankings. In fact, if you want your website to truly be successful, then you have to cover all of your bases – including self-marketing. Your blog is a great way to market your company in a variety of ways. For example, you can update your social media status each time you put up a new blog. Simply create a post, link to the blog, and let your followers like and share to their hearts’ content. This gives you better visibility, and over time, people will begin to remember your name. When they want a breast augmentation or even filler injections, they will turn to you because they remember you.

Above all else, blogs show your visitors that you are truly dedicated to your industry and the overall well-being of your patients. These things play vital roles in generating new patients, and that is why your blog should always be a top priority for your site.

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Although being an authority on surgical techniques and building excellent rapport with your website visitors is certainly important, for the majority of your prospective patients, plastic surgery is all about the results. For this reason, you should include before and after galleries throughout your website so that your visitors can get a glimpse of your work.

What People Want As a plastic surgeon, you know that people seek you out because they want to improve themselves aesthetically. Perhaps they want a facelift to look younger, a tummy tuck after losing a significant amount of weight, or rhinoplasty surgery to get the cute button nose they’ve always wanted. People want to feel confident that you can provide them with the finished product they crave, and there is no better way to do this than with photographs. Chances are good that you have many, many success stories; take photos of them and use them to your advantage.

A Real-Life Illustration If you were selling a pair of pants to someone on the internet, how would you do it? Would you create a long text describing their size, color, shape, cut, and feel, or would you simply take a photo of the pants and include a text description? The latter is the best way to sell a product, and this is true even of plastic surgery. Rather than tooting your own horn, so to speak, show people the evidence that you know what you are doing and that you can provide them with the results they want.

Tug at Their Heartstrings For many people out there, plastic surgery is a huge self-esteem booster. People may have issues with parts of their bodies, and changing those parts may completely change their lives. Incorporate personal stories into your before and after galleries whenever possible, and ask the patients who agree to these photos to tell the stories. This builds a sense of community with your site visitors, and the truth is that they are much more likely to relate to someone who has a similar self-esteem issue than

with a surgeon. You can even incorporate this into a separate website section and update it once a month or so as you see fit.

The Ability to Compare Plastic surgery is a scary endeavor for many people. Although some are worried about the actual surgery, pain, and recovery time, others are more concerned with spending all of that money to get less-than-optimal results. When you provide excellent before and after photos on your website, your visitors can easily see the transformations. They will feel more confident in the results that you can provide them, which means that they are more likely to choose your practice when they ultimately decide to go through with their surgery. In short, these photos can alleviate a lot of the anxiety that patients feel regarding the results of their surgeries.

Before and after photos serve several very important purposes on your website, and if you can utilize them correctly, you can convert your visitors to patients. These photos not only build confidence in your visitors, but they also showcase your work.

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Your website can provide all of the information in the world to a visitor, but if it doesn’t have a solid call to action on every single page, you may end up losing more patients than you gain. Here are some tips and tricks for converting your visitors into consultations and actual surgical patients using smart calls to action.

What Is a Call to Action? Suppose you want to buy a new refrigerator, so you head over to Google and start doing your research. You come across a promising website that offers the type of refrigerator you want, and you take some time to read about that refrigerator. Once you make up your mind, and you decide that this appliance might be the right one for you, you start to scan the page for an email address or telephone number that you can call for more information. If you don’t find it within a few seconds’ time, you are likely to go back to Google and search for that exact refrigerator model until you find a more user-friendly site that offers it.

The very same thing can be said for your plastic surgery site. You can provide people with detailed information about every single procedure you offer. You can write the perfect blog and update it once per week. Your SEO could be immaculate, and you could have the most beautiful surgical website in the country, but if people cannot figure out a way to contact you to get the process going, all of that is for naught.

How to Incorporate a Call to Action The very best way to incorporate a call to action into your website is to make sure it appears on every single page, no matter where your visitor goes. You might have a static link at the top or bottom of the page that does just that. The goal here is to offer an easy-to-find solution that your visitors can click to set up a consultation with you,

and as long as your visitors can find it no matter where they navigate, it will serve its purpose.

Of course, simply putting up a link that says, “Click Here for Your Consultation” will not likely generate the results you want. A true call to action will give that visitor a good reason to schedule a consultation with your practice. For instance, if you provide visitors with an informative page all about liposuction, don’t leave them hanging at the end. Make sure that you include a statement that drives your visitors to schedule their consultations today. If the consult is free and your visitor is under no obligation, be sure to include this information.

Calls to action are some of the most important statements that you can include in your plastic surgery website. Without them, visitors may view your site as a mere reference guide. Be sure that you encourage your readers to contact you if they have questions, and make sure that this call to action is present on every single page for the best possible conversion rates.

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As a plastic surgeon, chances are good that you offer a variety of services to your patients. Some may be invasive surgical procedures; others may be as simple as Botox injections or even microdermabrasion. When you offer a multitude of services to your patients, it is important that you showcase them in such a way that your visitors can find them in a snap.

Don’t Let Visitors Get Lost A website for plastic surgery will likely contain a lot of information. After all, you will want to include sections for the procedures you offer, your office hours, your practice itself, your blog, and much, much more. This is all great because the more information you can provide, the better. However, unless you have an excellent navigation system to help your visitors find their way around, all of this information can backfire. The goal is to allow your visitors to utilize a menu of sorts to find the information they want rather than having to click their browser’s “back” button. The more plainly your site is labeled, the better off you’ll be.

The Importance of CategorizationTake a minute to think about all of the information that you want your website to provide to potential patients. You probably want to describe the different procedures you offer and the techniques you use. Rather than creating a menu item that lists every single procedure – which could get quite long – consider breaking them down into procedure types. For example, you could have a main menu item for “Procedures”, then subcategories for “Surgical”, “Minimally-Invasive” or “Outpatient”, and “In-Office Procedures”. Then, list each procedure under its respective category. This will make it simple for your visitors to find the information they want within seconds.

Contact and Company InformationBefore someone decides to schedule a consult with you, they’re going to want to know more about you. You need to create an in-depth profile for your practice that includes your level of education, the number of years you have been practicing, and even some information about your nursing staff. Then, you want to make sure that your visitors can find this information no matter where they are on your website. After all, people are all about instant gratification, so make sure that you provide it.

Get It Right from the Home Page When someone comes to your website for the first time, the very first thing they will do is scan your page for relevant information. Then, they will try to find the information that is most important to them. If they can’t find it within the first few seconds of landing on your page, they will “bounce”. This simply means that they will exit your site without viewing any other page other than the homepage. You want your navigation to be very clear from the home page, and you want to maintain that navigation menu from page to page.

Navigation is important to the overall user experience, so make sure that you keep things organized and consistent from the very first page. This helps users find their way around without getting lost, and it gives them clear blueprints on where to go next.

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Assume for a second that it is 100 sweltering degrees outside and your air conditioner decides to stop working. You need a solution, and you need it fast. Would you hire a company that can come out right away, or would you hire one that cannot make it until next week? The answer is obvious, and the same principle applies to your website. It needs to perform well across all platforms, and it needs to load quickly. Instant gratification is everything.

What Visitors Expect

Today’s consumers rely on the information found in websites to make choices about everything. They search the web for everything from automobile reviews to recipes and even to the best plastic surgeon for a particular procedure. The last thing you want to do is draw people to your website with outstanding keyword optimization and local advertising, only to expect them to wait for 30 seconds while your site loads completely. Odds are, people will not be willing to wait that long, and if they can’t get the information they want immediately, they’ll move to the next website. That’s why speed should always be a consideration.

PageSpeed Insights Fortunately, Google provides you with a free-to-use tool that can help you improve the overall speed of your website.

PageSpeed Insights analyzes several different aspects of your website’s design and development that can have in impact on the speed at which your site loads on a user’s device, and it issues your site a number from 1 to 100 with higher numbers being better than lower numbers. Some of the factors it considers include:

• JavaScript and CSS rendering• Visible content • Images

• Landing page redirects• Browser caching• Compression• Server response time

If PageSpeed Insights finds any issues with these factors, it will notify you and even provide you with some detailed solutions. What’s more, this tool has a separate insight for overall user experience, so you won’t have to sacrifice one to gain the other.

Boosting Your Speed If you are struggling to boost your website’s overall speed and performance, there are several unique plugins that can help.

W3 Total Cache – W3 Total Cache works alongside WordPress to improve the speed at which pages load and improve the overall user experience. It improves overall server performance and reduces the time it takes content to download to a user’s screen.

GZip Compression – GZip Compression is a feature that you can turn on to help save bandwidth and make your site faster. With it, you can choose to return zipped content to any browser that supports it.

Speed Booster Pack – This is yet another WordPress plugin that offers tons of ways to make your site faster. For instance, it defers the parsing of JavaScript files so that your pages load faster initially, and it loads the JavaScript files directly from Google rather than your own WordPress install at first. This puts information on the visitors screen more quickly and improves caching at the same time.

Today’s world is all about instant gratification, and it is up to you to make sure you provide it to your website visitors. A poor speed and performance rating can hurt your website’s search results ranking, too, so it is certainly worth your time to run an analysis and apply recommended fixes.

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When it comes to the medical field, creating an online personality can be quite difficult. After all, you do not want to focus your entire website on humor, but you don’t want to depress people, either. Here are some tips for creating the perfect personality that will make you seem relatable. This can help generate more action on the user’s part and help you add more patients to your practice.

What’s Your Concept? By the time someone decides to click the link to visit your website, they already know you’re a plastic surgeon. Adding personality is all about deciding what kind of plastic surgeon you are. Decide on a concept – something that is important to you – and make this your overall theme. For instance, if your practice is all about making your patients feel at home, then create that sort of personal online atmosphere. Rather, if you want to focus on the fact that you constantly search for the latest and greatest innovations, give your site a futuristic feel. Remember that fonts, images, text, and even layout can all create emotions in your patients, so be sure that you link those emotions to your chosen concept.

Prove Your Social Responsibility In today’s world, health is a big deal. People are more concerned than ever with what they eat and how they look. You need to show your visitors that you are socially responsible, and your website is a great way to do it. If you prove that your practice is ethical, then visitors are more likely to seek your services both now and in the future. If you support charities or community projects, or if your staff takes on several “pro bono” cases each year for those who are born with certain medical conditions such as a cleft lip or palate, be sure to highlight these things. Your patients will

feel that it is best to spend their money with you because you will use that money to help others in the end.

Associate Your Face with Your Website All too often, people feel as if they are interacting with technology or paid representatives of a company rather than that company itself. To help alleviate some of this anxiety, make sure you make it personal. One idea is to take a snapshot of your smiling face wearing your surgical garb and put it on your homepage along with a powerful quote that can help people relate to you. “Changing lives one patient at a time” is a great example since it summarizes your goals and what you hope to accomplish. Then, give users the ability to read a short autobiography if they choose. It’ll make you more relatable, and that’s always a good thing.

Plastic surgery does not have to be a dry and boring subject. There are times to incorporate some humor, such as in your blog posts, and there are times to incorporate a little bit of shock value, such as when celebrities take their surgeries a little too far. Deciding on your personality and incorporating it into your website makes your practice seem more human, which generates more traffic – and more patients.

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If you have any questions regarding what you read or you would like to learn a bit more about our services please don’t hesitate to contact us below. Thanks again!