Never Give up on hope Because miracles do happen

Male Infertility Treatment In Madurai | Best Fertility Clinic In Tamil Nadu

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Male Infertility

Treatment Never Give up on hope

Because miracles do happen


What is male infertility?

It is a common problem in which  a

male is unable to make a fertile

female pregnant  even after

unprotected intercourse for a year.


20% of infertility couples -

Male infertility is the cause

40-50% of cases ,

Male infertility is the 

contributing factor.


Diagnosis of male infertility

General Physical Examination

Semen Analysis

Examine medical history

Hormonal and blood testing

Scrotal and trans- rectal ultrasound

Testicular Biopsy

Antisperm antibody test

Sperm function test


Treatments for Male infertility

1. Surgery : In cases where there is no sperm

present for ejaculation like in Varicocele

problem, doctors often use sperm retrieval

techniques to retrieve sperm directly from the

epididymis or testicles.



2. Medications and hormone treatments

: When infertility is due to high or low

levels of certain hormones or issues,

doctors often recommend hormone

medications and replacements.


3. ART ( Assistive Reproductive

Technology )

 In these treatments sperm are retrieved

via normal ejaculation or extracted

surgically and then prepared to insert

into the genital tract of female or to

perform IVF or ICSI procedures.


Guru Multispecialty Hospital at Madurai is a leading infertility &

women care center in Tamil Nadu that offers sophisticated and

high-end technologies to solve any sort of infertility issues.



visit our website to know more

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