Key Trends in Alternative Approaches to Monitoring and Evaluating Social and Behavior Change Janine Schooley, MPH Senior Vice President, Programs CORE Fall Meeting, October 9, 2015

Key Trends in Alternative Approaches to Monitoring and Evaluating SBC SCHOOLEY

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Page 1: Key Trends in Alternative Approaches to Monitoring and Evaluating SBC SCHOOLEY

Key Trends in Alternative Approaches to Monitoring and

Evaluating Social and Behavior Change

Janine Schooley, MPH

Senior Vice President, Programs

CORE Fall Meeting, October 9, 2015

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W W W . P C I G L O B A L . O R G

PCI’s experience in pushing the SBC

M&E envelope:

• Less donor-driven

• Less proving and more improving

• Learning from other disciplines

• Embracing the messiness

• Learning about measuring the hard to



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W W W . P C I G L O B A L . O R G

The Transformometer Idea


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The Transformometer Idea cont’d


Counting Beneficiaries by Probability of Transformation


Any of these results indicate a high

probability of transformation,

particularly when service intensity is


Any of these results indicate a

moderate probability of

transformation, particularly when

service intensity is medium to low

Any of these results indicate a

low probability of

transformation, particularly

when service intensity is low

PCI interventions that… PCI interventions that… PCI interventions that…

Result in beneficiary being provider

of “new” services or information or

motivation to others that will likely

be sustained over time

Result in beneficiary being

provided with a service or process

that leads to attitude and/or

behavior change

Result in beneficiary being

a passive recipient of

information, education or

communication messages

Result in beneficiary engaging in

collective action or social advocacy

for his/herself, family or community

Reach an indirect beneficiary

through a direct beneficiary in the

moderate or high category of


Provide beneficiaries with

workshops or training with

minimal participation or


Result in beneficiary applying new

knowledge or skills outside of the

original area of intervention

Result in new or improved

services that meet a particular

beneficiary need

Serve beneficiaries very

minimally, eg. via one

exposure to mass media


Result in a significant improvement

in health, hunger and/or hardship

outcomes with likelihood of being


Result in an improvement in

health, hunger and/or hardship

outcomes but that have an

uncertain likelihood of being


Result in an unknown or

unclear benefit with

unlikely potential for

lasting attitude or behavior


High service intensity

(4 or more interventions)

Moderate service intensity (2-3


Low service intensity

(1 intervention)

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W W W . P C I G L O B A L . O R G

Measuring Sustainable Impact

Post project sustainability studies to understand,

learn from and improve the sustainability of our


• Bolivia DAP

• Bolivia USDA Food for Education

• South Africa Prevention in Action

• Indonesia Child Survival

• Planned: Ethiopia Women Empowered

• Planned: Botswana Building Bridges (local

capacity strengthening)


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W W W . P C I G L O B A L . O R G

Measuring Social Change

Measuring social change through the Women

Empowered Initiative, BMGF-funded Parivartan

Program in India, Border Healthy Start, etc.:

• Individual and collective agency, efficacy

• Collective action

• Voice and social advocacy

• Social and human capital enhancement

• Cross generational outcomes


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W W W . P C I G L O B A L . O R G 9

Lives Changed Indices (LCI)

A unique set of tools to measure the life-changing

impact of integrated programming:

• Application throughout the Women Empowered


• Across a wide spectrum of economic, social

and behavioral characteristics – 7 modules

• Administered as a pre/post test and also with

case/control methodology

• Cellular-enabled data collection

• Moving from LCI 1.0 to 1.5 and now 2.0 and


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W W W . P C I G L O B A L . O R G