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How to treat sudden cardiac arrest

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How to treat sudden cardiac arrest


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We all are aware of heart attacks and cardiac arrest but we have null idea about How to treat sudden cardiac arrest many Best Cardiologist in Hyderabad gave the below detailed explanation on cardiac arrest.

We all often confuse and sometimes misconception occurs between cardiac arrest and heart attack. We all imagined these both are just synonyms and interchange the words. So, the truth is, cardiac arrest is different from heart attack as said by the best cardiologist in Hyderabad India.

Check out the total detailed information on cardiac arrest and heart attack which are categorized accordingly as per the best cardiologist in Apollo Hyderabad

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Difference between Heart Attack and Cardiac Arrest

Heart Attack: Heart attack generally occurs when blood with oxygen

content stops to flow in one section of the heart and blocks the artery from blood flow. If this artery blockage is not cleared quickly it may lead to death of artery which damages the body. If the treatment is not received in short spam then the circumstances will be worse and may lead to death. Many symptoms will start showing before hours, days or weeks.

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Cardiac Arrest: Usually, cardiac arrest occurs without any warnings. It

happens because of the irregular electrical signals in the heart which leads to irregular heartbeat which is known as arrhythmia. Because of this action heart cannot pump blood to brain and other parts of the body. This leads to unconsciousness and pulse rate breaks down and a person can die in minutes when the treatment is not provided immediately.

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Is there any link between heart attack and cardiac arrest?

According to best pediatric cardiologist in Hyderabad there is a major link between both heart attack and cardiac arrest.

When a person is affected with heart attack there are less chances of getting cardiac arrest or they may not get but when a person is affected with cardiac arrest, it very commonly directs to heart attack.

Cardiac arrest also happens because of heart diseases like arrhythmias, heart failure, heart muscle thickness, etc.

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Can cardiac attack or heart attack leads to death?

Yes, many best cardiologist surgeon in Hyderabad explained that both can lead to death if there is no proper treatment provided within the very short span of time after it occurs. There are even possible chances to recover from cardiac arrest or heart attacks only when the treatment is started within few minutes.

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Signs of cardiac arrest

Does he collapse without any prior warning signs? A person faints and losses his consciousness suddenly. Check whether the person has breathing or not. Is there any response for your words? Check for heart beat and try to know whether the heart rhythm is slow

or fast or normal. Check for response by touching him such as tapping on shoulders or

back. Some people will have little dizziness and light headache before they

faint. People may also suffer with nausea, vomiting before getting cardiac

arrest. Few may also get chest pain seconds before they collapse.

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Chest pain

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Causes of Sudden cardiac arrest

There are many diseases and general causes which lead to cardiac arrest which are specified by the best cardiologist in Kukatpally Hyderabad in which few of them are listed below.

Diseases which are the causes of Cardiac arrest: There are several causes for cardiac arrest because of change in life

style, food and human body variations. These causes are developed from the below listed diseases which are related to heart and others. Few of the important causes are listed below.

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Heart Attack: Person affected with heart attack often may suffer with cardiac arrest. Heart attack occurs due to many reasons.

Coronary Artery Disease: It occurs when the arteries are blocked with bad cholesterol, blood and reduces blood flow. This usually may lead to cardiac arrest.

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Electrical Wiring: The electrical system in the heart causes different issue which ends up with cardiac arrest in many people. This generally causes because of the irregular heart rhythms.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM): One in 500 people are affected with HCM and there are various reasons behind this disease such as high blood pressure, diabetes, sometimes thyroid. This is the common cardiac arrest reason in many young people.

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Pulmonary embolism: This appears due to the sudden blockage of blood in the pulmonary arteries in the lungs. If the blood clot is very heavy it will stop the blood flow from the heart and sudden cardiac arrest occurs.

Aortic aneurysm: A balloon is formed in the arteries which effects blood flow in the heart internally and causes cardiac arrest because of lack of healthy heart functionality.

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Aortic dissection: This occurs when aorta is split in its inner layer and there is rapid raise of blood in inner layer and separates middle layer and inner layer. This is the less common cause of cardiac arrest.

Cardiomyopathy: This occurs when the heart muscles stretch and enlarge in the internal heart walls which may reduce blood flow and damages heart tissues and this leads to cardiac arrest.

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Valvular heart disease: Leakage or narrow of heart valves will damage heart functionality and the heart chambers become week. All these are the reasons for cardiac arrest.

Congenital heart disease: This disease occurs from birth. If a child or adolescent is suffered with cardiac arrest then this congenital heart disease is the major reason behind it. It has higher chances of affecting adults when they had congenital heart surgery.

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General causes of sudden cardiac arrest

Physical Stress: Certain physical stress will cause electrical fail in the heart which leads to cardiac arrest. Few of them are very low blood levels, insufficient oxygen circulation, overdose of physical activities and other forms of physical stress will effects heart.

Inherited disorder: A tendency to have heart diseases because of genital disease structure such as arrhythmias in the family. It inherits from parents or grandparents to child. Members of the heart disease affected family are higher at risk.

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Structural change in the heart: There are many cases where the structure of the heart such sizes of the heart effects heart functionality and is the common cause for cardiac arrest. Enlarged heart will leads to many heart diseases. Heart infections are the major cause structural change.

Demographics: Cardiac arrest occurs irrespective of demographics such as age, sex and race. It affects different group of people irrespective of locations.

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Cardiac Arrest in Children

Pediatric cardiac arrest: This happens very rarely but it comes without any warning signs. Sudden collapse will be result of this type.

Arrhythmia: ventricular fibrillation is the reason behind this cardiac arrest. It comes with warning signs and there are very less chances of recovering life.

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Sudden Cardiac Arrest Treatment

External Defibrillators: It measures the electrical activity in the heart and if necessary it starts shock therapy if the heart rhythm starts very fast. Most of the best Interventional cardiologist in Hyderabad emergency teams takes out this treatment outside the hospital to the needed place for quick therapy.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR):CPR acts as a vital role in providing the continuous flow of oxygen-rich blood in to the important organs of the body until next level treatment care starts.It works very well and The American Heart Association recommended very strongly to everyone.

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Long term Treatments

Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD): This is a very small device implanted under the skin either in abdomen or chest area. It acts same as the external defibrillators but monitors the heart rhythms automatically and provides the treatment at the needed time. This protects from cardiac arrest.

Coronary angioplasty: This process involves clearing the blocked coronary arteries and allows smooth blood flow in the heart. This reduces the risk of arrhythmias. For this process doctors insert a long tube in your leg part and pass through artery in the heart and clear the blockage.

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Coronary bypass surgery: It is also called as bypass surgery or coronary artery bypass grafting. This surgery sews veins and artery at the place of blockage and restores the blood flow in the heart. This helps in proper blood flow within the heart and other body parts and also controls the heart rhythms.

Radiofrequency catheter ablation: It is used to block abnormal electrical supply in the heart and one or many catheters are inserted in the inner heart blood vessels. These help in controlling cardiac arrest and other heart diseases.

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Coronary bypass surgery

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Corrective heart surgery: Heart surgery is performed because of valve faulty, congenital heart, heart muscle tissue disease. This controls regular blood flow in the body and reduces the risk of cardiac arrest and other heart related problems.

Cardiac Rehabilitation: Rehab is the place where you will gain more activeness, healthy life, proper life style, energetic and positive attitude towards life, in short you will change the prospective of seeing life and start working towards the betterment only with the help of their teaching skills. Cardiac rehab makes heart stronger and healthier with their treatment.

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Cardiac arrest treatment in hospital

Medical team will keep you under observation and check your heart functionality time to time.

Meanwhile doctors will try to find out the cause behind cardiac arrest and starts with the initial treatment.

Medication is provided by the hospital staff to control the heart irregular rhythms and try to reduce the risk of getting sudden cardiac arrest.

If a person is diagnosed by coronary artery disease then they have the treatment of angioplasty or coronary artery bypass surgery. All these procedures will help in regulating the proper flow of blood in the body and allows the regular blood flow in the heart.

Generally people diagnosed with Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) get Implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) which contains a small chip and it is placed in the skin by the surgery. The detailed explanation is given above.

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Emergency Treatment of Cardiac Arrest

Check for breathing.

Call for ambulance and do not fear of anything as you are saving a person’s life.

If you have Defibrillators, use it to stabilize heart rhythms and give shock treatment to pump the heart.

If you do not have defibrillators and not a trained professional to handle the situation. Start pushing down hardly with all the force at the center of the chest area at least for 30 times to pump the heart and make the blood flow.

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If there is no breath, give the person minimum of 2 breathings by yourself.

This procedure is to be performed in minutes without any delay or waiting for something to happen.

Always remember you are the life saver of that person, never be too late in taking initiative for such causes.

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Diagnosis Tests of Cardiac Arrest

Echocardiogram: It is also known as Echocardiography or echo. It uses sound waves to make a picture of your heart to know its status. This test shows the proper functionality of heart along with its chambers and valves working status. It also gives the evidence for the exact size and shape of the heart.

Electrocardiogram (ECG): This test checks the heart electrical activity. It shows whether the heart rhythm is regular or irregular and provides the report. It also presents the information about the heart damage because of any heart diseases.

Chest x-ray: This test is conducted to check the chest working functionality. It shows the picture of heart and can be identified any heart damages.

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Cardiac catheterization: This procedure is used to treat and diagnose the certain special conditions of heart.

Electrophysiology Study: This study is done with the help of cardiac catheterization tests. It is used to record certain electrical and heart signals and its response with some medication. It provides the doctors to know where exactly electrical signals are damaged in the heart.

Blood Tests: This test is performed to check the blood levels with the amount of potassium, magnesium, calcium and other minerals and chemicals in the body. These chemical deficiency will leads to heart electrical signal problems.

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Tips to protect from cardiac arrest and reduce its risk

No smoking: Quit smoking. We all know the dangerous diseases caused due to the smoking habit. It affects all internal body system and reduces the longevity.

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Avoid Alcohol: Alcohol consumption leads to damage of healthy body immune system and other organs. Excess consumption of alcohol will affects the body. Not more than 2 drinks per day are recommended by the doctors.

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Eat food: Always eat healthy food. Adopt for organic fresh vegetables, fruits, leafy vegetables which lowers the risk of heart diseases.

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Drink juices: Juices will remove toxins from the body and clears from all the wastes. Always prefer juices which are with no added sugars, no

flavors and with no excess amount of water.

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Do exercise: Exercises will reduce not only heart risks but also keeps health, body and mind fresh and peaceful. Make sure to do regular

exercise every day without fail.

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Reduce Obesity: Obesity is also considered as the main reason behind cardiac arrest. Over weight is the result of unhealthy food. Maintain proper weight and

keep diet balance in your life. Do not over eat.

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Control Diabetes:

Diabetes is the main cause of several heart diseases. The high glucose levels in the blood will decrease the proper blood flow in heart and other organs of the body. It makes a person sick and decreases the longevity of the human. It ruins away a health life. Ones a person affected with diabetes cannot recover completely.

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Avoid sodium: Intake of more quantity of sodium is the root factor of giving birth to many sort of heart and other diseases both for internal and external system. Control the sodium quantity in food and if possible avoid it

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Fruits: Start eating at least one type of fruit every day. Try to include different fruits in your daily meals. If you are undergoing any sort of medication or

treatment eat according to the doctor’s prescription.

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Men or Women, who have a higher risk of cardiac arrest

Women have lesser cardiac arrest risk when compared to men irrespective of age.

According to the research 3:1 ration of men: women in the total population are affected with cardiac arrest because of excess amount of CHD present in the men.

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Latest heart protection technologies

Life Vest Wearable Defibrillator: According to Dr. Vivek Dhruva, Graber’s cardiologist from

the University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Health, Wearable defibrillator protects heart from heart attacks and cardiac arrest. It checks the heart rhythms time-to-time and give shock treatment whenever necessary. If a person is affected with heart attack or cardiac arrest, this Life Vest detects the change in heart rhythm and automatically it gives shock treatment to the person and controls the heart rhythm without any prior notification from anyone.

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Always be healthy and lead healthy life style. Do yoga and other exercises regularly. Keep your body clean by eating healthy food. Maintain proper diet. Do not skip any meals at any time. Drink plenty of water. Stay happy and be positive.

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Do follow the above mentioned information and be prepared for any sort of situation. Be strong! Stay healthy! Live Happily! Keep Smiling!

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