How to live with facial redness

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How to Live with Facial Redness

Facial redness can literally be a pain in the neck. Living with facial redness is hard for both men and women who suffer from the infliction. It could start out with flushed cheeks and then escalate into burning skin. With facial redness there is no way to know which way it will turn next, the condition is so fickle. But by learning more about facial redness men and women can give themselves a better chance of living comfortably with the trait.

Understanding the Causes

Getting down to the root of the issue is how people can start to understand the redness of their face a little more. There are several different causes including

● extreme temperature changes ● too much sun ● cheap cosmetics ● drinking too much alcohol ● a heavy load of stress and exhaustion Keeping a journal is a good way to get down to the

core. When your face flares up write down when it happened, where it happened, and what was going on before and after it happened. By having a journal, men and women have something to take to their doctors to show them any patterns that may be forming.

Hot Temperatures

The sun can play havoc with our skin. If a person is prone to facial redness they should be extra cautious out in the sun. This means wearing plenty of sun screen, using an umbrella, limiting the time out in the sun tremendously, and maybe even wearing a big hat. These may all sound extreme, but it’s worth it to be cautious so there aren’t sun blisters and irritated skin.

Certain Cosmetics

Cosmetics can irritate the skin causing facial redness. This isn’t something that can just be washed away however. The skin has had a nervous reaction to the makeup. In most cases the makeup in question is always cheap - cheaply made and cheaply priced. To avoid this happening to you ask your doctor what he or she recommends. In some situations it may be best to leave makeup out of the equation altogether.

Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol dries the skin out leaving it ripe to turning red. There is a fine line between the right amount of alcohol and too much alcohol. This is where keeping a journal really helps. Maybe it only happens when you have white wine or mimosas on a Sunday. Writing down and keeping track of what you are doing and consuming will help doctors rule out factors that can cause your face to turn red.

Skin Conditions

One of the bad things about facial redness is that it can be caused by serious skin conditions. Again, here is where keeping a journal can really help the doctors determine what exactly is causing the facial redness. It could be from too much stress or it could be from a severe skin condition, even lupus.

Treating Facial Redness

Facial redness may not always be treatable but it can be made to be manageable. All you have to do is track the flare ups, use anti redness creams that are approved by a doctor, and avoid doing things you know will turn your face red.